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Messages - Cassandra Blair

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Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Happy birthday Patti!
« on: March 18, 2005, 11:20:58 PM »
It's a day late, but the sentiment's the same!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PATTI![/color]  [cheerleader] [flower] [happy10] [crowdhappy] [hello] [92c5]

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Dark Shadows and Beyond
« on: March 18, 2005, 11:12:50 PM »
Amy Jennings Fan - I've seen Charles Delaware Troll's continuation of Dark Shadows and have read the first few (though it's been awhile).  What I read was pretty good, it was definitely in the spirit of the original show.  You've piqued my curiousity - I'll have to go back and take a look at them again, if I can find the site on the net.  Do you have the link handy?

And to Gothick - do you know where I might find M. F. Miozza's version of the events of 1971?


Alix (CassandraBlair)

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Characters you care about.
« on: March 18, 2005, 06:32:10 PM »
Well, as others have already said, Chris Jennings and Joe Haskell, definitely I cared for them.  And I also felt really badly for Maggie during her imprisonment and brainwashing at the hands of Barnabas.  I so wanted her to get away.  And when Maggie and Joe broke up, it was truly a moment that I cared about the characters, and wanted better for them.

Bad as he was, I cared about David, esp. in the early days.  Look at all the crap he had to deal with:   scary monster for a mother, and an emotionally detached and likely uncaring father.

Although she isn't a fan favorite, I cared for Rachel Drummond [spoiler]and felt terribly sad for her when she died.[/spoiler]

Even watching this show as a kid, I never wanted Barnabas to be exposed as a vampire, so I guess I cared for him too.

And of course, Dr. Julia Hoffman is my favorite character, so I definitely care for her.

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Character Make-Overs
« on: March 18, 2005, 06:21:36 PM »
Glad I could be of service (curtsy).   ;)

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Things to Hate About DS
« on: March 17, 2005, 12:11:09 AM »
Never thought I'd see the day when Raineypark cut Barnabas some slack.  Surprise is too mild a word...shock, maybe?   ;)

Let's see, hate may be taking things too far, however I strongly dislike the characters of Jeff Clark, Ned Stuart and Hallie Stokes.

Although Jerry Lacy does a fabulous job with the part, I really hate the character of Lamar Trask.  He just icks me out.   Sorta love to hate the other Trasks.  Does that count?

Makes me sad that Joel Crothers left the show - he was excellent.  Would have really liked to see him play another bad guy on DS - he was so good at it.

Also dislike that they didn't do more with some of the minor and secondary characters, actors.  Would have loved to have seen more of Elizabeth Eis, Jane Draper, the Powell "siblings" (both Addison and Lovelady), whoever that chick was that played the most eeeeeeeeeeeevil woman of the 18th century (Danielle Roget), and some others.

Really don't like the 1841PT storyline.  I've tried and tried, but it just leaves me kinda blah!

Oh, I have one.  I hate that Tony Peterson and Sky Rumson never took their shirts off!

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Character Make-Overs
« on: March 16, 2005, 10:48:36 PM »
Angelique in 1840 was badly in need of a makeover - what was up with that Swiss miss hair and that blue dress that she seemed to wear over and over?

Maggie, during her wisecracking waitress/bad blond wig days needed (and got) a makeover, and benefitted greatly from it.

Dr. Woodard apparently got a couple of 'Extreme Makeovers' (tm), since his face seemed to keep changing. ::)

The skeleton that used to show up in some of the character's dreams during the Dream Curse storyline REALLY needed a makeover, including a better wig and maybe a proper burial.  Or would that be a make-under? 

Current Talk '05 I / Re: The "Gak" Factor Of Roger Davis
« on: March 16, 2005, 10:15:53 PM »
Truth be told, I actually kind of like Roger Davis as Peter Bradford in the 1795 storyline.  Dare I say that he seemed to me the best match for Vicki of any of the men they paired her with on the show?   Once they brought the character to 1968 as "Jeff Clark," he is annoying as hell, and the hair touching becomes out of control!  :o

I think he does kind of a good job with Dirk Wilkins too.  I'm not fond of the character, but then, he's not really supposed to be likeable, is he?  [spoiler]It's fun seeing him slave for mean old Laura the Phoenix.[/spoiler]

Nate (?) or whatever he's called when he plays Sabrina's brother is pretty assy character, like Jeff.  But as Penny Dreadful mentioned, Charles Delaware Tate is a decent character, despite the fact that he functions as a kind of plot contrivance.  There was a weird undercurrent to his relationship with Petofi that he and Thayer David played nicely, IMO.

Not having ever been to the fests or met him under any other circumstances, I don't have any opinion about Roger Davis himself.

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Will the REAL Angelique please stand up!
« on: March 15, 2005, 10:33:13 PM »
That's an interesting assessment, PennyDreadful, and it's believable, given the circumstances.  Despite what awful things Angelique did to Barnabas, perhaps he did still have feelings towards her.  They never could leave each other alone, could they?  And given the fact that Barnabas managed to do some pretty horrible things himself, perhaps he felt empathy towards Angelique, and found it easier to forgive her than others might have done.  She gave her life to save him (and others), so certainly she was deserving of some tenderness at the end.  It is a very moving scene.

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Will the REAL Angelique please stand up!
« on: March 15, 2005, 07:07:19 PM »
Actually when Barnabas first sees Angelique in 1840, he is horrified to see her when he shouldn't have been. The last time they dealt with each other they were in a cordial relationship.  he should have been happy that she was there so she could help him fight Judah Zachary.  Though there is also the fact that she doesn't remember anything chronologically post 1840, which is another discrepancy. 

When Barnabas meets up with Angelique in 1840, I think it's at least implied that she hasn't experienced the events of 1897 and the late 1960's early 70's.  He's encountering an Angelique that hasn't seen him since he was chained in the coffin in 1795/96.  The writers kind of goofed with this, because so much of what the characters had been through in earlier storylines had involved the witch, and now they were essentially rewriting the history of the main timeline of the show (if you follow).

I for one never really bought into the idea that Barnabas really loved Angelique in the 1840 storyline.    And it was a real slap in the face to viewers who knew the whole tragic story.  Some have theorized that maybe Barnabas told her he loved her so that in death (this time anyway) her spirit would find rest and not trouble the folks at Collinwood any longer.

My guess is that the writers pulled the Angelique redemption story out of their hats in order to make the paring of Jonathan Frid and Lara Parker more palatable to viewers in the upcoming Bramwell/Catherine story, and just didn't care to think about the ramifications of Barnabas and Angelique actually being together as lovers, 'cos it would likely never have happened.  Remember, JF allegedly refused to play Barnabas any longer. 

Polls Archive / Re: Three Most Favorite Joan Bennett Characterizations
« on: January 18, 2005, 07:20:31 PM »
1. Judith
2. Elizabeth (early days)
3. Naomi

Judith is just so multi-layered, and finally gave Bennett the chance to go all out with a character, when she'd been kept reined in by the lack of story for her characters in the previous storylines.  She does an especially convincing job of playing a woman who's been held back for too long and wants to show everybody who's really the boss.  I can think of no better character in the series to give a Trask his comeuppance!  Grandmama would have been proud in spite of herself!

Particularly love the early Elizabeth, right up to the 1795 flashback, but esp. pre-Barnabas.  She was so regal and authoritative, yet really showed a fragile, neurotic side too.  The writing for this character just wasn't up to much after they returned from the first flashback - though she had some nice moments as the vengeful Leviathanized Liz.

Naomi was truly a wonderful 'lady' - in the best sense of the word.  You really feel sorry for the tragic life this character had, and that's totally to the credit of Joan Bennett.  And Flora almost needs to tie with Naomi here, she was a hoot!

Even though I love so many characters on this show, it just would not have been the same without Joan Bennett.  What a class act!

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Rarity of the Name "Angelique" - O.T.
« on: January 18, 2005, 07:08:11 PM »
I went to college (back in the late 80's/early 90's) with a girl named Angelique who was also named after the character on Dark Shadows.   She was a sorta butch punk rock chick, and didn't know anything about her ficitional namesake except that she was a witch.

And there's also a singer who's called Angelique Kidjo, she's originally from Benin, and is rather well-known on the world music scene; she has a great voice.

oh, hooraaaaaaaaay!  It was too much fun having a gander at some of Julia's outfits, thanks guys!

My favorite is definitely #13 (and that's my lucky number too - go figure).  Can anyone tell me the episode in which the attractive, brainy and resolute doctor wore that fantastic shimmery grey ensemble?

Thanks again,

Cassandra Blair

Polls Archive / Re: Three Most Favorite Lara Parker Characterizations
« on: January 14, 2005, 05:58:47 PM »
If I could have voted, it would definitely have been for Lara as Cassangelique, which I guess is not a huge surprise, given my avatar.  Of course, I just loved her as Angelexis in 1970PT, too - [spoiler]esp. when she was Angelique posing as Alexis.[/spoiler]She was so bitchy and insincere, it's amazing nobody figured out her true identity earlier.

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Bored...jaded
« on: November 22, 2004, 07:26:25 PM »
Sometimes I've gotten bored with DS too.  It tends to happen more in the summer, when I've lots of things going on and am running non-stop.

Always seems to help to just take a break and come back when I feel like it.  Once I've gone awhile without watching, when I come back to the show it's like *wow*.

Taking a break seems to help me see the show in a whole new light.  Until recently, I hadn't been watching DS at all.  Now I've just started with the early Barnabas episodes, and I'm in love all over again.

Oh, and I'm with Dom, btw.   I so wish those earliest episodes were available on dvd.  I really covet Biblical of me!    :o

Current Talk '04 II / Re: (Dirty Subject)
« on: November 17, 2004, 03:53:34 PM »
Seems to me that Barnabas always had to get back to his coffin by sunrise, and so did every other vampire on Dark Shadows.  Weren't there even a couple (Tom Jennings, Roxanne) who were destroyed by being kept out of their coffins and exposed to sunlight?  I don't remember Barnabas ever having to take a dirt nap, except for the time Julia and Willie thought he had died from the Dream Curse and buried him in the woods near the Old House.  And of course he was originally buried in the secret room of the mausoleum, maybe below ground level, but certainly not in any dirt.

Yeah, Patti - it really does seem as if vampires in literature (and on film) are changing with the times and evolving.  I always find it interesting when new authors (and filmmakers) put a new spin or create a new mythos for their particular version of that most fascinating of night creatures, the vampire.

I wonder where the idea came from that a vampire had to sleep in the earth in which s/he was originally buried?  Does anybody know?  Maybe it's from Dracula or some eastern European legend.  You hardly ever see this in anything made recently.  The last time I remember seeing anything about dirt in a vampire movie was the Dracula made by Francis Ford Coppola in the early '90s.

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