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Messages - Countess

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Current Talk '05 I / Re: Colllinsport Raceway
« on: March 25, 2005, 07:30:57 AM »
It's time for the annual "Collinsman 500" Race.

Collins-MAN?  I envision a certain redheaded doctor mercilessly  driving a sleek, jet-black racecar which she affectionately calls "Barnabas" >:D


Current Talk '05 I / Re: most annoying d s character
« on: March 25, 2005, 07:08:39 AM »
What happened to the cool-headed and cynical doctor who would have made a fantastic Vickie replacement as the casual (but, in this case, more intelligent) observer to the Collins family madness. Victoria Winters wasn't the only character they ruined.

The cool-headed, cynical doctor was supposed to be killed off, remember?  I think the logic behind the character was that the audience dislike her so it wouldn't be TOO terrible when Barnabas killed her.  However, when Julia proved to be a hit with fans, they softened the character a bit to make her more 'likable' (?).  But she still had more guts than most of the men on the show IMO.  Granted, much as I love Julia, there were times when her doormat behavior had me fuming.  But then Barnabas would go and say something nice and...well, you know. 8)

I'm really enjoying reading all these wonderful replies to this topic.  Keep 'em coming cousins!


Barnabas:  Uh...oh, this is sooo embarrassing.  I seem to have gotten my pee-pee stuck in my zipper! :-[


Current Talk '05 I / Stranded on an Island
« on: March 24, 2005, 06:53:56 AM »
Hi cousins!

Here's something a couple of us were joking around about recently and I thought it might apply nicely to DS:  If you were to be stranded on an island which DS character would you like to be stranded with and why?  Oh, I just KNOW all you Jennings fans are gonna leap on this one ;D 

I have two scenarios.  I'd like to be stranded with Barnabas and I'd make him forget about Josette every chance I could!  >:D

Second, I'd like to be stranded with Julia because she would find a way for us to be rescued.


Current Talk '05 I / Re: most annoying d s character
« on: March 24, 2005, 06:41:14 AM »
Geez, I'd forgotten how truly annoying some characters were.  Yep, I remember the Leviathan kid with the Brooklyn accent.
Aristede and Bruno Hess - scuzzballs in different centuries
Harry Johnson
John Yeager - I'd groan whenever he came on the screen.  Although I couldn't take my eyes off his
                    fake nose
Any Chris Pennock character but mostly Cyrus Longworth - what a BORE!
Abigail Collins
The entire Collinsport police department - these guys couldn't find their arses with their own hands!
Amanda Harris/Olivia Corey - amazing that she could even see beyond those spidery fake eyelashes.
Angelique in every incarnation - just plain rotten to the core.  I was happy whenever she was killed off
                    in a storyline and furious whenever she reappeared.  I don't get this sympathy for her. 
                    It smacks of "don't hate me coz I'm beautiful...even if I murdered half your family!"
                    Apparently, looks weren't enough to attract a hubby coz she had to threaten and blackmail
                    men to marry her.  What a prize.
Jeff Clark/Peter Bradford - too vanilla!
Vicki - just so out of it
And a nod to Dan Curtis for ending DS in 1840PT >:(


Current Talk '05 I / Re: Magazine-Character Association
« on: March 24, 2005, 06:19:48 AM »
You're quite welcome, Dylan.  Congrats on your accomplishments.  Looks like life is looking brighter for you again.  I quite enjoy your posts and this particular subject just tickled me.  So, thanks for making my evening! :)


Current Talk '05 I / Re: Favorite Couples/Would-Be Couples
« on: March 23, 2005, 08:47:31 AM »
As for would-be. .well this is out there but watch the last 2 episodes Countess DuPres appears in while she and Joshua are trying to help Barnabas and tell me you don't see chemistry (after the initial I hate you-you're country is dull/I hate you-you're an arrogant overthrown gentry ) chemistry between Joshua and Natalie-- [cya]

Yep, I sensed definite chemistry between Natalie and Joshua.  Thought I was the only one who did.  But my favorite couple has to be Barnaba and Julia.  Okay, they weren't lovers (yet - a minor technicality that would be resolved in due time ;)).  Those two were TIGHT!  True, they had issues :o but nothing they couldn't overcome.  They had each others backs.  Besides, everyone knows the most lasting relationships begin as friendship... ;)


Current Talk '05 I / Re: Magazine-Character Association
« on: March 23, 2005, 08:30:33 AM »
Fun topic, Dylan! :)

Carolyn - Cosmopolitan
Julia - Psychochology Today ( guiltily concealing the latest Vogue!)
Maggie - Glamour
Roger - GQ
Quentin - Playboy
Vicki - Victoria (a mag featuring VIctorian interior design)
Willie - Hustler
David - Mad magazine
Joe - Field and Stream
Sam Evans - The Artist's Magazine
Amy - not a magazine, but I could imagine her engrossed in the Nancy Drew series like I was at her age
Mrs. Johnson - Good Housekeeping
Barnabas - Ms. (at least he's attempting to understand the opposite sex)

Okay, Dylan and all you other cousins, what are your fave characters favorite television shows?!


Current Talk '05 I / Re: Characters you care about.
« on: March 19, 2005, 06:04:25 AM »
Of course, Barnabas.  Not just for his vampirism (though that's enough, don't you think?), but because he was obsessed with Josette and couldn't move on with his life.  I cared about Julia because she pretty much abandoned her career to tend to Barnabas and the Collins clan almost exclusively.  Ever notice that a good scare sent any other woman on DS to bed in an elegant nightgown, pleasantly sedated while good ol' Dr. Hoffman trudged on with no sleep, her life constantly in danger and hopelessly in love with an emotionally unavailable man.  >:( I came to care for Willie because I always felt he'd had a hard life before coming to Collinsport, became Barnabas' victim and, eventuallly, his contemporary.  I cared about David ( although he could be a pain in the a$$ sometimes) because his family was so dysfunctional.  Really, too many to mention.


Current Talk '05 I / Re: Characters you care about.
« on: March 19, 2005, 05:50:57 AM »
First of all there was Sarah. [ghosty]  She was a baby. An  innocence, baby.  These things that happened to her, should not have happened to her.  And I've always held "these things" against the Collins'. They should have looked out for her, protect her, stand in front of her against the world.  To the Collins' and those that are intertwined  "Shame on you. You cared more for yourself then Sarah."

Next, and I know this is going to get some replies, Angelique.   She gave herself to Barnabas, and it was pretty darn good for Barnabas, until her met another girl and then he "ran" off, back to America, sends for Josette and here comes Angelique with her, because she is the maid, and Barnabas, him and Josette will get married and forget Angelique.......I don't think so.  Go get him Angelique.  The only thing that she did wrong was with Sarah.

Terry...the only thing Angelique did wrong was with Sarah? ???  But you blame the Collins family for not protecting Sarah.  :o  From Angelique, I might add.  Sarah's blood is all over Angelique's hands.  Hardly a trivial matter.  I don't see how Angelique loving Barnabas before Josette fell in love with him makes any difference where the life of an innocent child is concerned.  I have as much compassion for Angelique as she does for others - unless, of course, it serves her purpose at the time.  A couple of charitable acts in a life full of destruction does not a Girl Scout make.


Current Talk '05 I / Re: Hottest Kisses on DS
« on: March 19, 2005, 05:29:03 AM »
And as Countess said. . i always wonder. .well Sam was the writer, Grayson was known for her off-b'way sexual antics. 

Whoa!  Did I miss a dicsussion along the way Julia99?  What sexual antics are you speaking about? >:D  Details!  I need details!  Glad you're back from Seattle to shed some light on this subject. ;)


Current Talk '05 I / Re: Will the REAL Angelique please stand up!
« on: March 15, 2005, 07:16:09 AM »
Wow, cousins, you really surprised me!  I thought I was going to get crucified for this topic. ;D.  Lots of interesting points expressed though.  Yeah, enemies becoming lovers is an old soap opera ploy, but doesn't exactly fit the bill when one of the pair practically annihilates your entire family.   :'(  I don't question that Barnabas loved Josette but used Angelique for sex.  Back then, men wanted their future brides 'virginal' and went elsewhere for sex.  As for Angelique wanting to better her station - couldn't she have done that for herself using her witchcraft?  And I was always amused that in every incarnation, this admittedly beautiful creature had to blackmail, threaten or enslave some poor schmuck into marrying her.  Except Sky - but he knew what she was and used HER!  I mean, what's wrong with this picture?  Does this not show a pattern of obsession, of needing to control people?  So I still suspect that the 'redemption' of Angelique was a plot device to prepare the audience for the Bramwell/Catherine story.  Otherwise, what a shock to the system that would have  been.  Even so, the storyline, IMHO, bombed.  Great feedback on this topic, cousins. Thanks! ;D


Current Talk '05 I / Will the REAL Angelique please stand up!
« on: March 14, 2005, 07:47:37 AM »
I've always been bugged by that scene in 1840 when [spoiler]Barnabas declares his love to a dying Angelique.[/spoiler]  Seemed to me that the "redemption" of Angelique during that time period was intended to make the future relationship between Catherine and Bramwell more palatable to viewers who had come to loathe what the witch had done to Barnabas.  Even so, I didn't buy it as a kid and I still don't.  Anyone else feel manipulated by that scene?


Current Talk '05 I / Frustrating Shadows!
« on: March 10, 2005, 07:13:43 AM »
Hi cousins!

One of the most frustrating moments on DS was when [spoiler]Angelique had locked "Hoffman" in the basement of Collinwood and left her there to die.  As hope for ever finding Julia faded, and Barnabas was clearly grieving, I thought surely this would be "the big moment".  So what happens?  When Barnabas finally finds Julia they cut to the next scene in the drawing room of the Old House with Julia looking little worse for her ordeal.  Grrrrrrr!  No touching reunion.  No anything.  :'( [8311][/spoiler]My other big gripe was that DS ended in 1840PT and not the present.  That really ticked me off! >:(  Thanks for letting me vent.


Current Talk '05 I / Re: Magic Mirror
« on: March 10, 2005, 07:02:07 AM »
Hi Dylan!

Barnabas would see nothing.

Julia would see herself smiling while, over her shoulder, she sees a naked, grinning Barnabas lying in bed waiting for her. ;)

Vicki would see herself looking confused and utter "I don't understand!"

Tom Jennings would see Chris Jennings...or is it the other way around?

Jeff Clark would see himself and immediately begin to run his hand through his hair.

Elizabeth would see that she needed another coat of lipstick.

Olivia Corey would see her reflection and become so transfixed that she can't take her eyes off herself.


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