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Messages - Ben

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Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Review of DS Reunion DVD
« on: August 03, 2004, 01:54:32 AM »
While we are on the subject of DS commercials, does anyone else remember Lara Parker for "Wink, the sassy one...from Canada Dry!" or Don Briscoe showering with Dial soap, during the "Aren't you glad you use Dial? Don't you wish everone did?" era. I know I didn't dream these. And they still sell Wink here in VA.
Still creaking in the recesses of my mind (and I can't vouch for its accuracy) is Roger Davis hawking The Dry Look hairspray.  Does anyone else remember that?

It calls to mind the days when it was square for guys to use the "greasy kids' stuff" and hip to "poof" our hair with blowdryers and hairspray.

(now trying to decide whether it's time for Grecian Formula)

Current Talk '04 I / Re:DS & Musical Score
« on: May 13, 2004, 12:18:38 AM »
I can't point to an exact source, but I recall several years ago reading or hearing that the use of a full orchestral score was an innovation that DS introduced to daytime dramas.  The haunting quality of the score was one of the things that initially got me hooked on the series in 1969, and those familiar musical strains have continued to reverberate in my mind through the decades.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:DS run on SciFi to end Dec. 30
« on: October 28, 2003, 05:09:09 AM »
:'(I'm devastated to read that DS will be ending----especially as it is ending incomplete.
In some ways, I felt that the original ending aired on April 2, 1971 was itself incomplete.  I always considered the end of the 1841 storyline to have more of a poignant, misty feeling that I usually associate with endings -- not unlike the emotional farewells between Dorothy and her new friends in Oz before she left to return to Kansas.

To continue the parallel, the 1841 ending was followed by the fleeting glimpse back into the present.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:DS run on SciFi to end Dec. 30
« on: October 27, 2003, 04:12:53 AM »
Here's a brief list of the classic science fiction/horror television shows that the cerebral cretins (in their "infinite" wisdom) over there at the Sci-Fi Channel have pulled the plug on, over the years:

1. Lost In Space
2. Sightings
3. The Time Tunnel
4. Beauty And The Beast
5. Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea
6. Land Of The Giants
7. The Invaders
8. Star Trek (The original one ...)
Wow, BtB, that's right.  Many of those shows, along with DS and "The Twilight Zone," were among the reasons Sci-Fi was once my favorite cable channel.  When its programming became infiltrated by the likes of John Edward, perhaps the handwriting was on the wall.

I can identify with Mark Rainey and the others who felt a sense of comfort, just knowing that DS was somewhere on the air, even if they couldn't catch it all the time.  I felt the same way about my old grammar school and high school -- it was as if a piece of your childhood still existed, untouched by time, and it felt good just knowing that you could return to it, if you ever wanted.  It was so cool rediscovering "Land of the Giants," which I hadn't seen since I was in fourth grade.

My grammar school closed in 1978.  Then my high school closed in 1999.

And now DS.  But who knows what lies ahead?


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Happy Birthday to John_in_SC!
« on: October 19, 2003, 08:10:55 PM »
We miss ya here, John!  Hope you welcomed your new year in style.  :)



When I turned 36, I decided that middle-age would always begin two years after my actual age.  So here I am, ten years later, still trying to get away with this approach!

Happy birthday,

(crooning to myself, "When I was 36 ... it was a very good year ...")

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:OT - NOT SO GOOD NEWS - OT
« on: September 27, 2003, 07:51:35 PM »
Annie, you have many friends on this Forum, and we're all rooting for you.  There's much wisdom and good advice offered in the preceding posts that I hope will help you.

Wishing you good results.  Please keep us posted.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:DS memories and the power of music
« on: September 27, 2003, 07:26:30 PM »
I, too, can relate, Murph.  I got the DS soundtrack for Christmas in 1969 and ever since, the haunting themes have been ingrained both in my consciousness and in my heart.

During DS' original run, I would watch the show with a lady who was like a second mother to me (in fact, it was she who had given me the DS LP).  I'd run home from school, while she'd run home from the nursing home where she worked.   Our shared enjoyment of the show was a time of innocence for both of us.  It would become a treasured memory for me, for she had to leave the country in 1973.  In the last 30 years, I was able to see her only once (for an entire month in 1980).  Through a series of unfortunate circumstances, she was never able to realize her dream of returning to the U.S. We continued to stay in touch, and I remember writing her about attending the 2001 and 2002 Fests.  After years of failing health, she passed away earlier this year.

Around the same time that we were watching DS, I discovered Simon & Garfunkel and was moved by the melancholy of "Old Friends/Bookends" -- only to discover that Paul Simon's lyrics ring even more deeply with every passing decade.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Today's Montage / Bye Davey
« on: September 10, 2003, 04:15:01 PM »
He would have made a fine actor by today's standards.  He was such a natural at it.
I vehemently maintain that Henesy was one of the most talented child actors of any generation.  Seldom are children given more than a few lines at a time, and rarely are they at the apex of an emotionally demanding storyline.  The DS writers gave Henesy's David Collins both.  However improbable the storyline, his performances were always sincere, believable, and gripping -- occasionally eclipsing the acting limits of some of the adults surrounding him.

I'm forever touched by the wrenching scene in which David and Maggie (or was it Vicki -- how embarrassing for my memory to fail me when I'm trying to make a point) were battling the hold that the ghost of Quentin exerted over David.  Maggie/Vicki was on the stairs in the Collinwood foyer, imploring David to run to her safe, waiting arms.  The long scene ends in a payoff embrace between the two.  This would have flopped, but for the fact that Henesy effectively created and sustained the high level of tension and conflict that the scene demanded.


Current Talk '03 II / There's something about David ...
« on: September 09, 2003, 11:55:12 PM »
As I was watching David and Carrie during the last few eps, something about David looked strangely familiar.  Suddenly, it hit me: David was wearing the exact same shirt that I wore the following year as a high school freshman: bright red with white stripes, long point collar, and -- this is way cool -- double-button cuffs!

But then, later on, it hit me: WHAT WAS I THINKING?


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Happy Birthday deron!
« on: September 08, 2003, 09:14:32 PM »
Hey Deron:

Anybody with a birthday near mine has gotta be cool.  :)

Happy Birthday!

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:More Fest Pics
« on: September 08, 2003, 09:09:35 PM »
Thanks for sharing your pics, Gerard!  It was nice to finally see the face behind the name.  Funny how, from your many humble and self-effacing posts, I had expected to see someone older, frail, pale, and kind of bookish.  Instead, you look younger, robust, tan, and cool!

I still remember my disbelief at the 2001 Fest upon  discovering that ProfStokes was not the bespectacled older man I had envisioned but instead was this lovely, smart, and funloving young lady.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN!!!
« on: September 08, 2003, 02:24:37 AM »
Dear Friends,

Thanks so much for the b-day wishes!  I hadn't been on the board the last few days, and it was Bobubas who phoned this afternoon and nudged me to check out all your nice greetings.

Yeah, I wish I could have attended the Fest and be piano man for another night, but I just started the new school year with all my precious first-year law students.  For the first time, two of my sections are scheduled on Fridays -- including Friday night (not my idea).

But I'm enjoying all the pics you've been posting and can only imagine how ProfStokes as Maggie had to have brought the house down.  I do hope to get together with you all at a future event.

Thanks again, everybody!


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Isn't it Conveenient??
« on: July 29, 2003, 03:20:27 AM »
They shoulda mixed it up some. . . like Hoffman had black hair and then Julia shows up .. "oh I decided to try something different .. " explaining the firey red locks. . .
What some of us would give just to hear Angie exclaim, "Hoffman!  In all these years, I've never seen you light up a cigarette!"  We then see Julia's lit cigarette fly out of her hand.  [CUE OMINOUS MUSIC AND CUT TO COMMERCIAL]

Ben  8)

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Oh no! the Green Suit!!!
« on: July 25, 2003, 03:18:48 PM »
:D Julia's legendary green suit is on the scene .. worn today, tomorrow and tomorrow and next week and next month . . ..that suit sees a lotta road and many days. .

LOL, Julia99!  I vaguely recall a scene in a much earlier storyline -- I think it was when Barnabas will still terrorizing Julia -- where someone (Barnabas?) broke into her room at Collinwood and opened her armoire.  It was at that point that we got a peek at her pitifully meager wardrobe.  I somehow recall seeing multiple copies of the same suit hanging on a little rack.  As for the multiple copies, maybe my imagination was having a little too much fun -- but we are definitely led to believe that Julia's wardrobe was spartan.  Does anyone else have a better memory?

Of course, at that time, she was still posing as historian "Miss" Hoffman, so maybe she was dressing modestly to avoid arousing suspicion.  But even after she became established as "Dr." Hoffman, her wardrobe remained rather limited, and not at the fashion forefront.  I always felt sorry for her whenever I'd see her next to the effortlessly elegant Liz Stoddard.

I can almost hear some of the production meetings: "Joan, here are some new outfits and a new hairstyle for the upcoming storyline -- don't you just love them?  Oh, and Grayson, be sure to get your green suit drycleaned!"

But then came the ultimate indignity: PT, where Julia was stripped of both her "Dr." and "Miss" titles, became simply "Hoffman," and was sentenced to wearing the same housekeeper's uniform with the mousey collar for every single episode.  :'(


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