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Messages - Lydia

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Willie: No, Barnabas, I did not put that “Kick Me” sign on your backside.  If you ask me it was ________, because (he/she)'s had it in for you ever since you _________!

Elizabeth was the one who had the last word, and I find it very easy to imagine a friendship developing between Elizabeth and Julia.  I haven't specifically looked for that friendship when I've been watching, but they had a lot in common.  They were both intelligent women with experience running a business in a world in which the businesses were usually run by men, and I think each of them had spent much of their adult lives with very few - if any - women friends.  I suppose the sedatives were convenient, but Elizabeth had some little pink pills or some such thing before Julia come along - I think I remember remarking on them in a Watching Project post once.  So I think the deciding factor for Elizabeth was that she just liked having Julia around.  But I haven't any specific scenes to back that up.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0572
« on: June 25, 2008, 06:03:03 AM »
Naturally I thought of poor, suffering Midnite as we saw Julia's low-heeled shoes walking down the stairs.  It must be torture for Midnite to watch - though perhaps she has learned to avert her eyes.
When Julia got cold feet at Nicholas Blair's house and Barnabas told her to go wait in the car, suddenly I was positive that we would get a look at Julia in the car, fiddling with her gloves, tapping the steering wheel, smoking cigarette after cigarette, looking in the back seat for an old medical journal to read or at least doodle on.  Never mind that I know that not once in the whole series do we get to see Julia's car.  I just knew it was going to happen anyway.
Now that Joe's the vampire victim, Maggie's not giving Joe as much support as he gave her when she was a vampire victim.  I've been thinking about the possible reasons.  I've come up with:

a) Gender difference: Joe's supposed to be a macho man who doesn't need anybody's help.
b) Maggie's father was around at the time of her victimization, so that an atmosphere was created of Maggie being somebody to be protected.  If Joe's parents had been around now, would they have started taking action when Joe kept being AWOL at work?
c) Maggie has more of a sense of self - to use Nicholas's phrase - than Joe.
d) Joe's behavior as a victim appears to be slightly different from Maggie's.  When Maggie was a victim, it was obvious to all concerned that she was not well.  In the case of Joe, however, up until today's episode, I think all that Maggie knew was that Joe was not keeping his appointments.  The fact that it was completely unlike him didn't start her wondering if there was something wrong with him.

But I can't make it gel.

Liz became horrified once she noticed invisible pink unicorns on one of the basement walls at the Old House!!

Current Talk '24 I / Re: A New Slideshow Is Coming
« on: June 25, 2008, 04:29:16 AM »
Yeah, I'll miss the slideshow too.  A lot.

And now I have to go searching to find out which episodes some of my favorite quotes were in.

No, Magnus, you didn't steal it from me.  I checked my inventory of jokes, and they're all present and accounted for.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Where'd SHE Come From?
« on: June 24, 2008, 04:56:25 PM »
Originally, Dr. Hoffman was supposed to be a man, but it was changed when Grayson Hall was hired to play the doctor.
I believe Dr. Hoffman became female first, and then Grayson Hall was asked if she was interested in the part...but I am having fun imagining Dan Curtis deciding to add some class to Dark Shadows by hiring Oscar nominee Grayson Hall to play Dr. Julian Hoffman, and then being very surprised, on Mr. Hall's first day, to discover that Grayson was a woman.


Nicholas: I've had a most interesting letter from my sister, Roger.  In it she claims to possess a prenuptial agreement that you signed, in which you promised that, if your marriage to her did not work out, you would _______!

Current Talk '08 I / Re: What happened to Willie's "fiance"?
« on: June 24, 2008, 10:00:02 AM »
The way I see it, Dark Shadows' timeline is a living thing, constantly changing.
If only Dark Shadows had lasted a little while longer, we could have had a storyline about the Dark Shadows timeline finally getting fed up with all the shenanigans it had been put through, and threatening to kill off the whole Collins family if Barnabas and Julia didn't just leave it alone!


Barnabas (off-camera):  Now, Willie, you must not be surprised if, when I pierce the vampire's heart with this stake, what comes out is not blood, but ________!
Willie: E-e-w!


Barnabas: Willie, I suspect that this bill is an attempt to defraud me, but you are more familiar than I am with the intricacies of the 20th century.  Tell me, am I really expected to pay for _______?

Well, now, that' nice.  I'm sure the birthday boy is looking forward to it.

If you think about it, I'm sure it will come to you as the concept of ascension is a part of several of the world's religions/mythologies.
Well, I've thought about it, and I've even googled on "ascension religion" but I haven't achieved enlightenment.  Story of my life.  Are we to assume that Magnus is about to ascend into heaven (rapturously, I hope) and we'll never see him again?

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0571
« on: June 24, 2008, 02:36:15 AM »
From what I could see, Tom had the upper hand in his fight with Barnabas, and he could have bitten him, but he just stood there looking at Barnabas.  Very silly.  All I could figure was that Tom's fangs went soft at the thought of biting another male.

Very nice makeup job on Julia today.  She looked awful.  Usually I can't see it when somebody says, "You look pale!" but today nobody said it and I noticed it.

Louis Edmonds and Joan Bennett were very Joshua-and-Naomi-ish today.  It bothered me.  It's OK for Elizabeth to seem like Naomi, because she's not right in the head at the moment, but Roger shouldn't seem like Joshua.  I like it when Elizabeth hides behind the chair, by the way.  If she had just gone out the other door of the living room and stood where she couldn't be seen, nobody would think twice about it, but hiding behind the chair like a child gives a completely different impression.

I think we saw the first clear physical evidence of Nicholas's unhumanness today, when he snuffed out the candles.  People do snuff out candles with their fingers, but they do it quickly.  Nicholas sort of rubbed his fingers in the fire.  Did Humbert Allen Astredo have asbestos painted on his fingers?

I was thinking today about how correctly Nicholas always behaves.  Always a pleasant smile and a compliment, and flowers for an ailing acquaintance.  If I had a son I would tell him, "Look at Mr. Blair, sonny boy.  That's what I want you to be like when you grow up."

Happy birthday, MagnusTrask!  And when did you become a NEW ASCENDANT?  And do you know what that means any more than I do?

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