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Messages - Lydia

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It finally became too much for Roger and one night he angrily lashed out at Barnabas over Barnabas' all too frequent habit of asking what exactly Roger did at the Cannery!

B: "Can we keep the madness going long enough for me to go back to last Saturday night and watch My Three Sons because I missed it because I had to watch Carolyn polish her toenails?"

Barnabas's attempt at a psychic link with the spirit in the painting of Old-What's-His-Name Collins was not going well.   First, he had no psychic powers, he had just assumed he did.  Second, Old-What’s-His-Name didn't have any psychic powers either!

David was totally shocked by what he discovered in the family photo album from 1925: his father was not a natural blond!!!


After Maggie didn't work out, David was intrigued when his Aunt Elizabeth hired a ghost to be his governess, and he wondered if his next governess after Beth would be...


Barnabas was quite vexed to hear that while he had been staying at Collinwood, down at the Old House Willie had...

David was totally shocked by what he discovered in the family photo album from 1795: there were no photos!!!

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #10
« on: December 03, 2008, 07:59:03 AM »
I also seem to be one of the few who enjoyed Jim Fyfe as Willie/Ben.
No, barnabasjr, you're not the only one.  The Loomis boys seem to be the only ones with their feet on the ground sometimes.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0687
« on: December 03, 2008, 07:51:12 AM »
Sandor, as I remember it, Carolyn was the initiator.

We got a closing bookend today.  When Carolyn first met Chris several weeks ago, she went and looked at herself in the mirror by the front door, and seemed ready to initiate kissing immediately.  Tonight after Chris left, she again went and looked in the mirror by the front door, and I thought to myself: "Drat! Ned Stuart must be about to appear."  And sure enough he did, with no explanation for his resemblance to Jeff Clark.  It's very unsatisfactory.  There is no attempt whatsoever to make him look different from Jeff.  I guess Dan and Norma Curtis thought he was so perfect that they didn't want to touch a hair on his head.  Couldn't Ned at least have said that his Great-Grandmother Stuart's stepmother's maiden name was Clark?
I like Chris's 1am transformation.  I had been wondering why Chris never transformed during the day when the moon was full.  I'm unversed in astronomy, but I know I've seen the moon during the day on occasion, and I think it was full.  Or have I been dreaming?  Anyway, it didn't make sense for the transformation to be always a sunset to sunrise thing.

Happy birthday, jf!

He's heading towards the 175-year old mark .
He's nearly halfway there - approaching the point of no return.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0686
« on: December 02, 2008, 10:06:35 AM »
I liked the thunder during the voiceover.  Joan Bennett said there was a storm going on, and I thought, "Yup, knew that already."
Roger's great.  He goes to London for weeks, is completely unavailable when anybody tries to call him, and then comes home and is sure he knows better than everybody what is going on.  And nobody's asking him why he never answered all the messages that I assume they left for him at the hotel.  Maybe Elizabeth did in the car, but I don't have that impression.  On the other hand, Julia backed Barnabas up in public when they were talking with Elizabeth but argued with Barnabas in private, and Roger backed up David in public but felt snubbed by him in private, so maybe Elizabeth did rake Roger over the coals in the car for neglecting his family, and maybe Barnabas and Julia discussed in private Roger's London silence, and maybe we missed a conversation between Maggie and Mrs. Johnson on the same subject.
How many messily abandoned rooms are there at Collinwood?  Those people need to hold a yard sale.  And aren't there any big rooms?  The place is a rabbit warren   I'd like to see a ballroom.  I suppose the size of the studio didn't allow for such a thing, but I still would like to see one huge room.  The revival series has a plethora of huge rooms, with completely level floors too, and I don't like that because it just seems unnatural (it may be real, but it's unnatural), but a house the size of Collinwood should have a ballroom.  Oh, well, maybe Joshua thought balls were a waste of time and Abigail thought they were the devil's work.  Poor Naomi.

Note: reading the Preview of this note, I keep seeing "bathroom" for "ballroom" and "bath" for "ball".  Either will do.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0685
« on: December 02, 2008, 09:56:49 AM »
It's a pity that Barnabas didn't happen to ask Ezra Braithwaite in yesterday's episode if Ezra remembered Quentin Collins.  But maybe there are some other people who remember Quentin.

Wasn't the point of Quentin intercepting Ezra to stop him from telling Barnabas about him?  I'm probably misunderstanding what you're saying, but is Barnabas at all aware of Quentin's existence in the 19th century so that he can make inquiries about him?
You're right, Midnite, my mind got muddled and distracted by the enchanting thought of somebody actually remembering the live Quentin and seeing him unchanged seventy years later.[spoiler]I know that happens after 1897, but that's different.[/spoiler]I've got AE Housman's To An Athlete Dying Young running through my head.  And there was a conversation a while back between David and Amy about the pre-ghost Quentin that I managed to transfer to Barnabas and Julia.

Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - 1897 / Episode #0857
« on: December 02, 2008, 06:44:39 AM »
Please finish Aristede’s Christmas letter for him:

Seasons Greetings from our happy home, with hopes that 1898 will be as good for you as 1897 was for us!  As you can see from the enclosed picture....

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0685
« on: November 29, 2008, 11:07:09 AM »
It's nice to see that Abe Vigoda got his name spelled right for his second and last episode.
What a sweet smile Amy put on when she saw Quentin!  And then behind his back (or or so she hoped) she said she wished that she and David had never discovered Quentin's room.
I always think it sounds wrong when Amy, talking to Barnabas about the dear old days at Windcliff, says, "We confided in each other."  That's not how a kid Amy's age talks.  But maybe she's parroting back what Barnabas said to her once.  Today I was thinking that I could imagine what Amy told Barnabas: Tom's dead (except when he's not), her parents are dead (I keep wondering what exactly happened to them), and Chris can't be bothered to come see her.  But what did Barnabas tell Amy?  When he talked to Elizabeth on the phone (I think it was on the phone, anyway) he said he wanted to come home.  Did he tell Amy that Julia was cruelly refusing to let him go home?  Whatever it was, he was probably just as clumsy about it as he was when he tried to help Amy today.  For heaven's sake: "I'll be able to help you better if you tell me who you're afraid of."  Yeah, right, Amy's going to come out and tell him all of a sudden.  Sure.
It's a pity that Barnabas didn't happen to ask Ezra Braithwaite in yesterday's episode if Ezra remembered Quentin Collins.  But maybe there are some other people who remember Quentin.  Ezra seems to be 86 or 87 years old now, and there are probably a few other octogenarians who are native to Collinsport.  I daresay Bob the Bartender could recommend a few to Barnabas.  How old is the caretaker at Eagle Hill Cemetery?

Doublemint Monsters!
Oh, dear, that's how I'll think of Chris and Tom from now on.

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