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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0888
« on: February 20, 2015, 09:07:29 PM »
My first viewing started with the arrival of Barnabas, so I knew about Paul, but was completely surprised to learn that this was him--although of course I was amused at his resemblance to the late, unlamented Jason McGuire.  [snow_smiley]

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0888
« on: February 20, 2015, 05:57:51 PM »
Joey, it still would have been interesting if they had. But DC somehow got his hands on H. P. Lovecraft's Leviathan stories, and the rest is history. *sigh* But as always, I do like how the writers set up the story for us.

Welcome back, Dennis Patrick and Marie Wallace! And welcome, Christopher Bernau!

Poor Julia has been waiting patiently for Barn to re-materialize. Carolyn tells her that sometimes Chris Jennings seems like two different people. Julia makes a noncommittal reply, then Carolyn takes her to the "divine" antique shop in town, where she introduces Julia to the proprietors, Megan and Philip Todd. (Unfortunately, Philip is wearing a maroon self-belted turtleneck sweater and gray windowpane plaid trousers, but after all it was 1969.)

Julia is amazed to find that one of the Todds' new items is a landscape by Charles Delaware Tate, painted 20 years ago. Julia’s amazement increases at the thought that Charles Delaware Tate, in his late twenties in 1897, went on painting for another fifty years. (Presumably Petofi had no chance to withdraw his gift of talent before Garth Blackwood attacked him and started the fire.) Philip draws her attention to the lack of age crackling in the glaze; the subject is modern, but the canvas is not. Since Tate would be about a hundred years old if he is still alive, he was in control of his faculties in his eighties, Philip comments. It’s not inconceivable that he could still be alive, Julia observes. Philip says he found the painting at the Anderson auction house in Rockport, and will sell it to Julia for three hundred dollars. Julia promptly fishes out her checkbook while Carolyn watches in surprise. Once they leave, Megan and Philip have Champagne to celebrate their first big sale. (In 1969 dollars, it would have been a significant one.)

Julia phones the Anderson auction house. They tell her the painting was part of the estate of Matthew Smith. There were no other Tate paintings, but someone else tried to buy hers. She asks who, but we don’t know what answer she gets. After she hangs up, she thinks to herself. I must find out if Tate is still alive. Somehow the portrait of Quentin saved him from the werewolf curse. If Tate is still alive, he may be able to help Chris Jennings.

Walking through the woods, Carolyn comes on the cairn-altar with its snake-carved stele. What is it? she asks herself, Where did it come from? No one could have built it without the family’s knowledge. The stranger steps into the clearing, startling her. We can now see that he has gray hair and a gray mustache. He is somewhere in his fifties, trim, and still fine looking. Courteously he takes off his hat to speak to her and promises not to harm her. Carolyn is frightened, more so when she recognizes him as the stranger from the Old House. He moves to the opposite end of the altar and promises to stay there. What do you want? Carolyn asks. I’m not sure, he replies. Haughtily, Carolyn tells him, You’re trespassing on Collins property. I advise you to leave. Are you a Collins? he asks, and she introduces herself as Carolyn Collins Stoddard. The heiress of Collinwood, she has almost unlimited wealth and power at her command. Her assured, regal bearing is very like her mother’s; her golden hair cascades down her shoulders and back in a long, shining fall. The stranger stares at this lovely young woman, speechless, even when Carolyn addresses him once or twice. Gazing at her with a strange fondness, he recovers and tells her, You’re a very beautiful woman. Carolyn refuses to be flattered and orders him to leave. Not the least offended, he replies, And I like your attitude. You know what is yours. I would be willing to wager that you would be willing to fight to keep it. You’ve read me well, she admits. I hope we will meet again, the stranger says politely. Don’t count on it, she says rudely. The stranger replies mildly, Yes, well, you don't know me. I am counting on it. He walks past Carolyn to leave, but she moves to keep the altar between them.

Megan and Philip are still jubilant over the success of their day, but suddenly all the happiness seems to drain away from Megan’s face. She pulls down the door and window shades and locks the door as Philip watches in surprise. She is agitated, and at first he misreads her mood. Then he realizes that something is troubling her. I’ve had a premonition, she tells him. Something terrible is going to happen to us if we stay. We should sell the shop and leave Collinsport. But we just bought the shop, Philip reminds her. He holds her close as he tells her, Don’t let one fleeting thought spoil everything. I’m sure we’ll be a big success. But even in his arms, Megan still seems frightened.

The stranger returns to the clearing with the altar. He stares at it for a moment, touches it, then hurries away. A moment later, the altar splits down the middle, and the two halves separate......

[The identity of the mysterious stranger is revealed in the closing credits, spoiling the surprise that awaits Carolyn and others at Collinwood.]

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0886
« on: February 19, 2015, 09:39:45 PM »
Women walked around with a vial of poison?

Well, yes, if they were in Dark Shadows.  [snow_cheesy]

Welcome, Patti!

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0887
« on: February 19, 2015, 05:44:45 PM »
I also like the fact that the writers are telling us that we're back in 1969 just by showing us Julia's very modern coat.

Lots of talk about "Chosen Ones," then Barn shuts himself up in the coffin, and the cairn vanishes from 1795.

I do like Julia's rather poetic voiceover. Doctor Julia Hoffman, in a long-sleeved, close-fitting dark green dress that suits her complexion and figure perfectly, is in the drawing room of the Old House, going over her diary entry for November 18, 1969. By the light of a single candle, she reads to herself: It has been a month since I returned from the past, and I have waited here every night for some sign from Barnabas. I frequently heard voices from the past that frightened me. Now I haven’t heard them in some days. I’m afraid that Barnabas is trapped in the past and lost to me forever. Outside the Old House, someone is peering in through the window at Julia--a man (played by the uncredited Mart or Mark Aldre) wearing a fedora, a dark blue raincoat, and black leather gloves.

Julia concludes her diary entry: I refuse to give up hope, even though there seems to be so little left now. She blows out the candle and retrieves her purse and coat. Seeing these signals of departure, the man conceals himself, then follows Julia as she walks back to Collinwood. She thinks for a moment that she hears something behind her, then hurries on her way. The stranger follows her.

Julia finds Carolyn wrapping a present for her mother: jewelry from a brand-new, "divine" antique shop. After Carolyn leaves, Julia paces restlessly, then shivers in a sudden draft. She hears a door closing and moves toward the foyer, but stops, electrified, at the sound of Magda’s voice. She listens with all her might as Magda and Charity/Pansy talk. C/P says, Mr. Edward wants to ask you some questions about the disappearance of Barnabas and Lady Hampshire. [She should say Mr. Collins, since Edward is the only adult male left at Collinwood!] Julia sees flashing glimpses of the portraits of Barnabas and Josette as C/P tells Magda, Mr. Edward following Barnabas and Kitty to the Old House--but they never came out. As Charity’s and Magda’s last appearances (as it were) on the show end, Julia calls to Charity. Carolyn hears and comes running out of the servants’ door. Greatly upset, Julia tells Carolyn, I’m sure Barnabas is dead! [I guess we can assume that Magda also found a home at Collinwood.]

Somewhere in the woods, the strange man reaches a clearing in the forest. The stone altar with its carved stele materializes in 1969 to the accompaniment of thunder and lightning. The man gazes at the scene for a moment, then slowly makes his way back to the Old House. He is gray haired under his hat, but we can’t see his face. He enters the house and lights one candle with his gloved hands. He sets it on the tall writing desk, finds pen and paper, and writes a note.

Carolyn serves Julia from the silver tea service. Julia explains about hearing voices from the past and what they said about Barnabas disappearing from the Old House. Julia suddenly realizes, I was wrong in thinking that meant Barnabas was dead! He must actually be on his way back to 1969! She leaves for the Old House, despite Carolyn’s attempts to stop her.

The man at the Old House searches behind Willie’s louvered door (to the left of the fireplace), then gazes at Barnabas’s 1967 portrait for a moment before moving toward the bookshelves to the right of the fireplace. Julia arrives and sees the man, then dashes out of sight as she realizes he isn’t Barnabas but a complete stranger. He blows out the candle and leaves the house--but is caught in the bright beam of Julia’s flashlight. She asks him, Who are you?........

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0886
« on: February 19, 2015, 05:39:27 PM »
A reticule was a small, drawstring bag, usually made of fabric, where a woman could carry a handkerchief and a small bottle of perfume--or poison, if she's on Dark Shadows. Of course, a gentlewoman was not expected to have to handle something so vulgar as money.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0886
« on: February 18, 2015, 05:25:07 PM »
MT and Joey, what interesting ideas--thanks for posting!

This episode marks the only time Barnabas bites a character played by Grayson Hall! Afterward, Natalie uncharacteristically weeps and seemingly gives up the effort to protect Josette. However, our last sight of Millicent is when she goes out to look for Josette. We can only suppose she found Josette dead in her room at the Old House--maybe this is another scene in the parallel DS story.

Welcome (I guess) Oberon & Haza. For me, the most interesting part of this scene is JF's well-done interior monologue when Barn is surprised to find himself lost at Collinwood.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0884
« on: February 18, 2015, 05:07:36 PM »
Thanks, MT, for your kind words, and thanks too for updating the story. I like the idea of a whole different DS continuing on another screen scomewhere--maybe in a parallel universe?  [snow_grin]

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0885
« on: February 16, 2015, 08:23:46 PM »
And let's not forget that Rachel is dead because Judith shot her.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0885
« on: February 16, 2015, 03:39:02 PM »
Since we've more or less officially left 1897, this is as good a spot as any for my guesses as to what happened to at least some of the characters.

Judith has made Tim an accessory to murder. She also knows that he murdered Minerva, however unwittingly. And of course Tim was all too happy to help Judith murder Gregory Trask. Each has a huge something on the other but their deeds have bound them together. No doubt Judith has ample means to reward Tim for helping her and to keep him quiet. She also invited Pansity to live at Collinwood as her guest; maybe even then she was planning to get rid of Charity's father but hadn't yet figured out how. If Judith merely gave Tim a stack of money, he could just leave at any time and she would live in fear of exposure. BUT if she gave him a gentle nudge toward Pansity--who, as we've seen, is a far nicer person that Charity--and gave Pansity a gentle nudge toward Tim....

Anyway, I suspect that she suggested Tim marry Pansity and added the sweetener of a handsome marriage settlement on them. Perhaps Tim grew fond of Pansity, and perhaps she helped him recover the gentleness that he lost when Rachel died. [spoiler]Perhaps they had a son who inherited the Shaw name and his mother's gift. And perhaps he in turn passed both on to a son of his own, who turned out to be Sebastian Shaw, the gifted but tormented psychic in thrall to Roxanne Drew in 1970. [/spoiler]

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0885
« on: February 16, 2015, 03:25:00 PM »
Congratulations, MT!!!

This makes the third iteration of 1795/6, since Barnabas went back once already to save Vicki. It's nice to have GH back as Countess Natalie. I've always thought that Ben was Thayer's best role, and my favorite scenes in 1795 were those with Ben and Barnabas (and a wonderful one with Ben and young Daniel).

Maybe Barn doesn't want to tell Angelique that he travels in time for fear she'll find some way to come after him. Actually, at this point, Barnabas has already strangled Angelique--he did it the night he awoke as a vampire--so she is her own ghost. The first time, Barn fully intended to make Josette a vampire and share eternity with her. This time it's different. He tells Angelique, I have no intention of making Josette what I am. Please, do nothing. In return, I promise not to use the coffins. You can even destroy them because I only want to save Josette’s life. You really love her, don’t you? Angelique says. Too much to have her join me in that way, Barnabas answers fervently. I believe you, Angelique replies. How often I have wanted to hear you say that one word--love--and mean me. Please leave Josette alone, Barnabas pleads. Stay with her until midnight--you will see that I am going to do nothing. No, she laughs. You will see that I am going to do nothing. I don’t like your bargain. Barnabas pleads one more time. You will lure Josette to Widows Hill and torment her with fears of what will happen to her if she goes with me. But suddenly feeling futile, he says, It won’t make any difference. Josette will throw herself from Widows Hill anyway. Don’t expect me to stop her, Angelique says. See if you can. With that, she disappears. Barnabas decides to go to Widows Hill.
Josette ignores all of the countess's pleading and runs off to Widows Hill.

As before, Josette stands on the crest of Widows Hill. The surf crashes on the rocks below. She calls to Barnabas, but hears only Angelique’s laughter. Angelique tells her, You “precious” Barnabas will come soon. Angelique has broken her promise and is following Barnabas’s unwitting instructions to the letter. I am here to warn you not to go away with Barnabas, she says. He is evil. He is going to kill you, then bring you back to life as a bloodthirsty animal. Then she shows Josette an image of what she will become. Josette sees herself--as a hideous, ravening, fanged creature, savage and despairing. She screams in horror. Take it away! she begs Angelique. Keep looking at it, Angelique taunts her, and see what Barnabas will do to you! As Josette pleads for her life, we hear someone approaching through the underbrush. Angelique tells Josette, Your lover--your kind, gentle Barnabas--is coming to help you! Terrified, Josette backs as far as she can toward the edge of the cliff as the footsteps draw closer and closer......

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0883
« on: February 16, 2015, 03:16:21 PM »
Thanks for all your comments, MT. Great one about that bodyswap business! I guess those forehead-slapping moments are why shows need script editors to keep the writers in line.

I'm so intrigued that you were a drawing/painting major. I only heard about gesso because a coworker did paintings and if one didn't turn out to her liking, she would cover it up with gesso and try again.

Years before I ever saw an episode of DS, I read the very, very scary original Dracula by Bram Stoker, and I guess it became my authoritative source for vampire behavior. When the narrator arrives at the count's castle after a strange and frightening journey, the count very hospitably serves him a delicious dinner--but neither eats nor drinks any of it himself. The narrator also quickly discovers that the count (1) never appears during the day and in fact can't abide sunlight; (2) has no reflection in the mirror; (3) can take the form of a monstrous bat or even a cloud of dust; (4) sleeps in a coffin filled with his native earth; and (5) can't cross running water--although he solves that problem by traveling to England in a coffin aboard ship.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: The Cannery
« on: February 16, 2015, 03:04:07 PM »
Thanks Gerard and Patti--and you too, MT! Gerard, if you do any research, please let us know what you find out.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0884
« on: February 15, 2015, 08:00:38 PM »
LOL, MB!!! And also Uncle Roger!!!

This one of the most dreamlike and nightmarish episodes ever, of course by Violet Welles.

At the burned-out studio, Barnabas finds a length of Blackwood's chain and Petofi's blue-tinted glasses, but no other trace of them. Charles tells him to come back later for Quentin's portrait.

In Quentin’s former room, Gregory Trask shuts the door to his prison to hide the bricks from his terrified eyes. He is haggard and very cold, and he is down to his last candle. When it goes, he realizes, there will be everlasting darkness. Is it day or night? I wish I could see. He recalls, I used to punish students by putting them in a dark closet. Some of them were afraid of the dark and would scream. Now he screams, Let me out! Please, let me out! I’ll be good, I promise! As if in answer to his plea, the phone rings. He grabs it and begs Judith, Please don’t hang up! You can’t commit murder! It’s evil! Smiling serenely, she replies, It was wrong for you to kill Minerva and Mrs. Curry. I didn’t kill them! he insists, unable to face his misdeeds even now. I’m not going to kill you either, or even come near you, Judith replies. Please let me out! he cries. Whatever I did to you wasn’t bad enough for you to do this to me! Thoroughly enjoying herself, she agrees and adds, Since you’re always right, I’ve left a surprise for you in the alcove behind the drapes, something that will brighten up your dark room. Then she hangs up. Trask checks the alcove--and finds the portrait of Amanda Harris. With an enraged scream, he smashes it to bits and stomps on it (though [spoiler]it will be whole again when Gerard Stiles’s zombies destroy Collinwood in 1970[/spoiler]).

I think that without actually having the portrait, Quentin has no way of knowing whether he might werewolf out at the next full moon. So he does have to look for it, and since the last place he saw it was in Collinsport, he does have to go back. So the only reason he goes to NYC is to say goodbye to Amanda in person. But I guess he has the money to make quick trips like that.

Judith's note to Tim--and her satisfaction in writing it--are equally chilling: At 4:20 p.m., Judith is in her room writing a note: Dear Tim Shaw: The plan I have been working on is coming along most satisfactorily and should be completed soon. Tomorrow I want you to come here, take down the bricks, and panel the anteroom so that it is completely cut off from prying eyes forever. She smiles with satisfaction.

Barnabas finds Kitty in Josette's room and tells her to stay there, promising that no harm will come to her. Oh yeah.

Trask’s final candle is just a stub. Soon it will be dark, he says. I don’t want to be alone in the dark. Minerva! Please come to me! I can’t come to you--I have no gun, no rope, no knife. _She_ took everything from me. When the phone rings again, he gasps, Minerva! Is that you? Let me come to you! Judith doesn’t bother to correct him. She says, You can come to me. All you have to do is go to the desk. Open the top right-hand drawer. There is something in it that is very valuable for you. Go find it, Gregory. Do what every you want with it. It is all yours. She hangs up. Nearly mad, Trask opens the drawer and finds a revolver. He takes it out and stares at it.

Judith is surprised but takes it in stride when Barn announces that he's going to marry Kitty, who is struggling not to let Josette take hold of her.

Barnabas has kept his ten o’clock appointment with Charles--but Charles has not. As Barnabas searches the ruins of the studio, he finds Charles has left a note: By the time you read this, Barnabas, I will be far from Collinsport. My work has not been going well here, and I suppose it is time to move on, to find new scenes and subjects. Sorry about Quentin's portrait. I know you will understand. I do understand, Barnabas mutters angrily as he crumples the note and throws it to the floor: You hated Quentin, and this is your revenge.

Judith makes one last phone call, but the phone in Quentin’s room rings and rings. Trask is slumped in the chair at the desk, the gun still clutched in his hand. At last he has made Judith a widow. No living eyes will see him again until 1969, when David and Amy find his skeleton. (Perhaps the ghostly Quentin only wanted them to clear away the clutter.)

Josette’s music box continues to play as Kitty paces around the room. [The last view of Josette's music box reveals that it is not the same as the music box we’ve seen before.] In Josette mode, she thinks of Barnabas as a stranger she’s about to marry. Why isn’t he back? she wonders. I must find a more suitable dress. She opens the trunk at the foot of the bed and takes out Josette’s wedding gown. She holds it up to herself, then becomes Kitty again. No! she screams. If I put this on, it will make me Josette duPres forever. Practically in tears, she calls to Barnabas once more. Walking in the woods toward the Old House, Barnabas hears Josette’s voice in his mind and hurries. We see that Kitty is now wearing Josette’s dress, but she is still fighting. As she tries to concentrate, she steps closer to the portrait, unaware of the danger. What’s happening? she asks, but it’s too late. Before she can say or do anything more, she is floating up and back, fading into the portrait. Barnabas hurries into the room, calling, Kitty! Kitty! He reaches up to take her hand, but she is already dissolving into the portrait. She reaches down to him, but he cannot stop her. He watches as she fades until only Josette’s portrait remains........

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0883
« on: February 15, 2015, 06:19:13 PM »
I don't think Pansity is supposed to know about the power of Quentin's portrait either, but the writers have decided to hurry the 1897 story to its conclusion. I guess that's also the reason that they've dropped the pretense that Barnabas isn't the same former vampire Barnabas.

Petofi uses the Hand to force Pansity to reveal how she, Barnabas, and Angelique have helped Quentin get away safely. But she isn’t completely under Petofi’s spell. We have all beat you, she exults, and now Quentin is safely out of your grasp forever and ever! Petofi sends Charles to check her story.

The drawing-room fire is out again as Barnabas tells Charles that Quentin is out too--that is, he's left Collinsport. Barnabas decides to see Petofi.

While they’re waiting, Petofi torments C/P by telling her, Quentin doesn’t even care enough about your to risk his safety. Your sacrifice will be meaningless. She has almost started to believe him when Barnabas and Charles arrive. I’m here with Quentin’s regrets, Barnabas announces--he has left. C/P exults in her hero’s safe escape. Let her go, Barnabas says sternly, and deal with me. Petofi tells Charles to untie her, but makes no move toward pursuing Quentin. Barnabas doesn’t understand, so Petofi explains: I won’t see Quentin again until I arrive in 1969--in _your_ [now all-too-human] body. Barnabas is horrified. You will get used to being nearsighted, Petofi assures him--you will have to. And since you are here, I don’t have to wait for you to fall asleep--I’ll put you to sleep now. C/P jumps up to stop him, but Petofi orders Charles to hold her. Petofi gloats, I look forward to going to the future as Barnabas Collins and seeing all of your friends: Julia, David, Elizabeth, Roger. This is almost more than Barnabas can endure, and he shouts, Petofi, you can’t do this! Don’t bother to resist, Petofi says smugly. There’s no hope left. He puts the Hand on the side of Barnabas’s head. Barnabas falls to the floor.

Charles dashes out the door when Blackwood returns yet again! But Barnabas and Pansity are only too happy to testify against Petofi in Blackwood's parody of a trial. Their testimony is plenty for Blackwood, who tells them to leave: What happens now is between the prisoner and me.

Blackwood starts to retrieve his chain, then spots a can of paint thinner and decides that arson-murder would be a better idea. He closes the heavy red velvet drapes and liberally douses everything with the paint thinner. What are you doing? Petofi asks. I am carrying out the sentence, Blackwood replies. But I haven’t been sentenced yet, Petofi argues. Oh, but you have, Blackwood says. This room will be your execution chamber. You must listen to me! Petofi shouts. There is nothing for you to say, Blackwood replies implacably. You are going to die! And this room will be your funeral pyre! He sets the seascape on fire as Petofi screams, No!

Safe at Collinwood, C/P and Barnabas are sharing a drink and congratulating themselves on Quentin’s clean getaway. Blackwood is a creature from hell! C/P exclaims, still a little shaken. Yes, Barnabas agrees. And I am sure we will have to deal with him after he deals with Petofi. A more appropriate executioner would be hard to find, he opines as he sips (yes!) his drink. Suddenly C/P is puzzled as her second sight kicks in again. She tells Barnabas and we see that the studio is burning, and Blackwood and Petofi are fighting amid the flames. As she watches, the portrait of Quentin reappears as the gesso that covered it is burned away. Quentin! C/P screams. He’s burning! It’s burning, burning!.........

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0882
« on: February 14, 2015, 07:42:15 PM »
Pansity is wearing the pretty yellow dress she wore in her happy dream of dancing with Quentin. Using all her wits and strength, she manages to keep him awake until Barnabas arrives, and then Angelique.

I suppose the Devil is betting that Angelique will never get any man to fall in love with her--at least not until, um, say, hell freezes over.  [snow_cheesy]

Angelique tells Quentin, It must be wonderful to be loved the way you love Amanda. It happens only once in a lifetime, Quentin agrees. (Beth who?) To ordinary people, yes, Angelique says, but I imagine you will fall in love again. We both have a very long life ahead. But I won’t have any lifetime unless you help me, Quentin points out. Angelique says, Suppose I don't ask you to pay the price now. Suppose I agree to wait. And then someday... somewhere... long after Amanda Harris has ceased to exist, you and I would meet again. You could pay your debt to me then. [As far as I know, Angelique never collects the debt.]

After shooing Pansity out, Angelique sits by the now-lit fire and tries to put a spell on Petofi. C/P starts to go upstairs but returns to listen at the doors just when Angelique tells Barnabas that Petofi is at Charles Delaware Tate’s studio. Count Petofi, she orders, turn your thoughts away from Quentin and scatter them as the wind scatters the ashes of the dead! But Barnabas senses that something is wrong. Angelique says, My powers don’t seem to be affecting Petofi at all--his trance is so deep that I can’t reach his mind. C/P listens as they wake Quentin up again. Is there any way to reach Petofi? Barnabas asks in frustration. Angelique recalls, Petofi captured me at the mill by forcing me to fight two enemies at once--his Hand and fire. If I can divert his thoughts while doing him some personal harm, I could break his concentration. You’ll need some personal item, Barnabas points out. Angelique agrees, but it would be impossible to get one. Outside the doors, C/P sniffs, Nothing is impossible if you want it badly enough. Angelique decides, instead of waiting for the train at Collinsport, we must get Quentin to Bangor and put him on a train to Boston and from there to New York. I will get the carriage, Barnabas says, and I’ll bring Charity back to help with Quentin. Angelique shakes Quentin awake yet again. Barnabas goes out, sees that the foyer is empty, and thinks C/P must be in her room--but C/P has already sacrificed her chance to say goodbye to Quentin. Angelique runs out to get the carriage. I’ll never make it to New York, Quentin says in despair. Go to New York and search for Amanda, Barnabas tells him. I’ll stay and search for the portrait. They arrange to meet in New York at the Enfield Hotel (where Amanda told Quentin she stayed when she met Tim). Barnabas swears that all of them will do everything they can to make sure that it is all right.

In the woods near Charles’s studio, C/P carries on an internal argument, then reminds herself sternly, Pansy Faye never missed a show in her life! She opens the door and finds Petofi still in his trance. She moves toward him quietly, thinking to undo his tie. But he wakes up instantly and grabs her hands. You have interfered in my plans once too often, Miss Trask, he tells her. This time you will be sorry for it!....