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Messages - Angelique Wins

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Games / Re: Live by OUR Rules -START the LIST!
« on: April 13, 2008, 07:23:23 AM »
62.  If you want to hear what’s being said behind closed doors, throw open the door(s) to the room and say, “WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?”

63.  If you want to do the ‘mirror test’ to find out if someone is a vampire, always use a mirror that’s in a compact.  Vampires may occasionally show up in other bigger mirrors, but never in a compact. 

64.  If you have discovered that a supernatural being is responsible for the latest turn of events, take NO safety precautions whatsoever but confront them immediately (and preferably alone) and say, “I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!!”

     64a.  The above 'no safety precaution' rule can only be broken if you are engaged in fighting a bad vampire.  In that case, you may demonstrate your preparedness by showing the tools you have gathered:  wooden stake & hammer, anything with silver on it, or a large cross.  It is possible to show especially the last item to any resident ‘good’ vampire who happens to be on your side.  Rest assured this will not make your vampire recoil or cringe, but smile and nod at your cleverness. 



Current Talk '08 I / Re: Collinsport Idol
« on: April 13, 2008, 06:38:14 AM »
Barnabas Collins---Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind?  Lovin’ Spoonful
Angelique---Hopelessy Devoted-–Olivia Newton-John in Grease
Nicholas Blair—Those Were The Good Old Days-- Ray Walston in Damn Yankees
Jeb Hawkes---“Me and My Shadow”

How about a duet? 
Silent Bob the Bartender and his daughter, Silent Susy the Waitress---The Sounds of Silence.


How many who are going to the fest will also be at the banquet?
I never miss them rubber chicken and all!

I'm with LdyAnne!  I NEVER miss the banquet!  I've only been to the last three Fests but it's a GREAT way to end the weekend.  You can get out your hankies for the big goodbye scenes on Monday, but Sunday night is BANQUET TIME!!!!  And for dessert, there's CHEESECAKE!  (Down, Adamsgirl!  You don't even know if Rodan is GOING to the banquet!) 

The last three years we've had CHEESECAKE!!!  And of course, there's also the obligatory Staking of the Cheesecake!!!

Oh!  Wait!  Maybe that was only at OUR table.  LOL!!!!!  Can't wait to see you there!!!!


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Collinsport Idol
« on: April 02, 2008, 06:50:54 AM »
Dr. Julia Hoffman---"Lime in the Coconut"  (Harry Nilsson--and my friend Stephanie  [wavey])


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0508 (Carolyn's Age)
« on: March 31, 2008, 09:13:10 AM »
Carolyn's tombstone said "Dec. 8, 1948" in an episode I've completely lost track of, but have the picture.  Then again, it was just a dream...


Thank you for checking, AngelqueWins!  [ghost_smiley]

You're very welcome!   (Tombstones, I can do, and buttons! [9391] Just don't ask me to figure out that 'Quick Reply' thingy tonight, [a2a3] and I'm fine!  LOL!)


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Discuss - Ep #0508
« on: March 31, 2008, 08:49:48 AM »
The feature is completely turned off in your Profile (set to "show, not at all"), so I suspect that we're not talking about the same thing.  To use the feature, you'll need to select one of the other 2 options available in the Look and Layout Preferences area of your Profile next to use quick reply on topic display:  "show, off by default" or "show, on by default."  Select either and click Change Profile.  With either of these options set, you'll only see Quick Reply at the bottom of the page when a topic is open.  If the feature is set to "show, on...," you can post directly from it, and when it's set to "show, off...," you only need to click the Quick Reply link or the arrow next to it to avail yourself of it.  If you start using Quick Reply but realize you need more options, simply click Preview to bring up a regular window.  [But please don't try that after quoting MB's post because, like I said before, spoilers are still associated with a permission.]

[ghost_wub]  Um...yeah...sure.      [bnghd]

I'll come back and read this some other time.  I've been fighting with the Blue Screen of Death, Hard Drive extraction, a 'diskette drive 0 seek failure' [confused_ani] and system failing at checkpoint [WAKE] all weekend, [-forgottosave-]   so I'm not running on all thrusters. 


Everyone from should wear a pin on their cuff or something so we all know each other, lol...

I always tell everybody "you can't miss me!  I'm the rather large person wearing the Hawaiian shirt and a button which declares 'Angelique Wins.'"  Several people now have the same pin, so not EVERYBODY wearing one is me.  I'M the one with the sparkling personality and great sense of humor...oh, and EXTREME humbleness.  Yeah.  That's the ticket!  ("NO TICKET!!!"--Indiana Jones)

And if you still can't find me, I'm planning on being on stage Saturday Night at the GALA with a few of my closest friends (say 2-25) singing the DS Anthem I wrote for the 40th.   [sing2]

Hope to see you there!!!!


Wasn't it Jonah?

Yes, it was.  Having salvaged my "DS TRIVIA" from my other computer, I can see that you are correct.  The tombstone says
"Jonah Collins
 d. June 15th, 1863
Age 23"


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Discuss - Ep #0508
« on: March 30, 2008, 07:02:26 PM »

It came out blank in the Quick Reply window-- the feature that's at the bottom of the topic pages?

Yes.  [ghost_blink]


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Discuss - Ep #0508
« on: March 29, 2008, 06:17:53 PM »
I wasn't logged in as an administrator when I opened the topic using Explorer, but now I see that it's a permissions thing.  So I'll start over again-- for some reason, spoilers can only be viewed in posts by moderators or higher, but all groups can see them by quoting the post using the Quick Reply option, where you'll see this:

Code: [Select]
[quote author=Mysterious Benefactor link=topic=13557.msg121443#msg121443 date=1206650152][/quote]

...unless you got here through AOL (see above).  I was on AOL the other day and visited and saw the blank note and that's just what I tried.  Didn't work.  The quote came out blank.  So I figured maybe MB wrote the post in parallel time and it was currently out of phase.  Either that, or a private note to Claude Rains...anyway, AOL won't read it.


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0508
« on: March 28, 2008, 05:09:30 AM »
It's established in Ep #5 that Carolyn is 17. Several topics on the forum discuss this.  [ghost_smiley]

I know they changed different parts of the story back and forth, but I thought I remembered her being 18 and how her father left right after she was born.  I know that's not what they said later...

On the recap for the beginning of the Barney episodes, DVD #1, the narrator/voiceover says Carolyn is 18.


When Liz had her fear of being buried alive, she and Roger were in the cemetary by the grave of a
"Jonas Collins", whose birth year is given as 1841 I think and year of death is in the 1860's or 1870's.

Thanks, Joeytrom!  I knew it was SOMEBODY Collins!!!!   [ghost_grin]


Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: March 26, 2008, 05:49:24 PM »
OK, I waited til the next day to post this, but I have a "C" too! 

C is for Chauffeured Cars.  That's the third way Burke told Vicki in answer to her question, "How do they expect you to get into town from here?"

"Broomsticks, unicorns..."  he told her, "and chauffeured cars."


Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: March 26, 2008, 07:55:47 AM »
I haven't been here in ages.  Can I play twice in a row? 

BUZZ!!!!  I don't see BUZZ on the list!  So "B" must be for BUZZ Hackett!  (Was that his dad that Liz sold some property to when she was trying to raise money to fight Burke?)


("B" is also for BED which is where I should be instead of in front of my computer!  LOL!) [ghost_cheesy]

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