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Messages - johnpeternyc

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: Fave Character?
« on: September 22, 2006, 01:41:07 AM »
That black actress who played the nurse.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: The Salem Branch - Your thoughts
« on: September 22, 2006, 12:54:36 AM »
I completely disagree with the take that Lara isn't a talented writer who engages us in a deep way through her latest novel.  Quite the contrary.  I not having seen the show until I met Peter am a late adopter to all things DS.  I found her writing fresh and exciting.  This book would make an excellent movie. 

I find the people who take issue with it mostly fall into the category of preservationist.  They want the old DS back.  They quite simply can't embrace that Jonathan Frid isn't the only person in the world who can play Barnabas.  He isn't and I am sure he wont be...wheter it is on CD, screen, or on the pages of a book like Lara's.

If Lara had written Barnabas approaches his victim while she screams for help and then the chapter ends (or we go to commercial) without a further descriptive of the way he bit her, the color and aesthetic of the attack, etc... this book would not hold up to others of its kind.  That isn't flowery it is called exposition.  It is what every good writer does.  Lara happens to excel at this.

By the way i just read in ShadowGram Grayson Hall is still dead.  :(

Though I am lucky to have read RJ's captivating book.   RJ thanks for bringing her back to life for me.  You are an excellent writer who it is clear took the time to document and chronicle one exceptional woman.


Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Craig Hamrick - prayer request
« on: September 22, 2006, 12:26:39 AM »
Let me second Janet (Phoebe)'s emotion.  I to can attest that these are deeply connected souls.  They have treate Peter and I with dignity, respect, and compassion.  I know that Joe is aware of each of the comments and actions on this Board and the love and prayers we are sending his way.  I am so glad to now say that Janet is in my life.  Through tragedy we have now connected.  I am glad to call you friend!  You are a very dear person.

DS has introduced some very exceptional people into my life.  Nancy and Kay...the stories we could tell about our times together!  My beloved Helen...who walked us out of the fire after "The Golden Girls: LIVE!" closed, and every day is there for us in so MANY ways.  I could go on and on.  But one pretty amazing story is a woman named Diane.  She posts on here but I am so confused by people's aliases.  She has known me since I was 5 years old and we did many a community theater show together.  In fact I consider her my fist vocal coach.  Life takes on different paths and we hadn't seen each other since I was a teenager.  Though we always asked about the other through family and friends.  At the Tarrytown fest I was in the elevator going up to my room to grab something for a skit.  I looked over and read the woman's name tage standing next to me.  She looked familar...Believe it or not that woman was Diane...almost 20 years later...she recently played Blanche in our GG skit at the fest.  So this show has amazing power to bring people togther,

I would ask that we maintain the positive energy and please don't contact Joe or Craig directly at this time.  The websites being discussed here include some contact information.  As you can imagine Joe is being inundated with emails and since that is his work email listed I want to make sure we are cognizant of that fact.

Janet is closest to the boys.  She will make sure to let everyone know the best way to make contact and at what point.  Janet, Peter, and I are spending some time together on Saturday.  We will make sure to coordinate a communication plan at that time.

Thanks for being there everyone.


You mean the world to us.  We are so lucky to have you in our lives.


Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / OT - Q Guide to the Golden Girls
« on: September 19, 2006, 07:52:55 AM »
Q Guide to the Golden Girls

Ok so tonight I devoured the new "Q Guide to The Golden Girls" written by Jim Colucci.  It is available on Amazon, or at Borders and Barnes & Noble.  Author Jim Colucci follows up his "Will & Grace" book and gloriously reports on what many people consider the best TV show of the 1980s.... and perhaps of all time. The Golden Girls. This paean to the silver haired denizens of Miami is told through lavender glasses and I don't plan on leaving the house without them on ever again!

Jim covers why we are infatuated with this show. So much so that four gay guys got together in 2003 and did it for a charity run in the West Village called "The Golden Girls: LIVE!". Yes I was one of those guys¢â‚¬¦and yes my life partner was as well¢â‚¬¦and we are interviewed for the book¢â‚¬¦.It is a four page section of the book that shouldn't be missed!   However, I am not biased and never have been about my deep affection for these four women. As such we have been wary the many other times that people have approached us about being involved in any kind of GG project.  You may know us best as two of the leads in the DS Collinsport Players skits.  We have a successful cabaret career here in NYC.

Anything we would do is a loving tribute. This is precisely the kind of work Jim has written. Jim promised integrity and humor in his approach to this project. He delivers both with aplomb.

Each one of the women who is able to speak did so with Jim in detail. Many staffers, and actors, and even actors who didn't get cast agreed to sit down with Jim. His dedication to this project (which took nearly three years to come to fruition) speaks further to his integrity and dedication.

Jim also has the rare ability to balance the thoughtful and profound of the facts surrounding the show and ancillary events. However, he also does this with a great deal of humor, candid and otherwise. The inclusion of several GG survey responses to some of the hottest celebrities of our time really plays off well. To think Ted Casablanca loves Rose¢â‚¬¦I would have thought he is more Blanche! J I have a lot in common with Judy Gold's response about why she prefers Dorothy! But you will have to buy the book to find out.

This is a loving tribute that any true GGer should have in their Christmas stocking this year. This book is a must have for any gay man, flame dame (aka Fag Hag), Mother, and/or little sister infatuated with Lifetime's "The Golden Girls". After all Lifetime is Television for Women (and homosexuals!). So by the book this month for your Mom¢â‚¬¦sit her down and watch a couple of episodes¢â‚¬¦and come out. Step into the lavender light. Isn't national coming out day next month? I can think of a better time.

Jim thank you from the bottom of our hearts for writing this book.!


Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Craig Hamrick - prayer request
« on: September 18, 2006, 12:45:35 AM »

My first reaction here is one of anger...when I need to keep the love and positive energy flowing.

The least of any of our concerns right now is the maintenance of the website or the book re-release.

After taking a couple of deep breaths here...I am going to soften the blow.

CHARLES LOOK PAST DS for a moment and see that there is a human being here.  One who has touched our lives through DS...perhaps that is the only way for you.  However, he is much more than that.  He is funny and talented and loving and compassionate.

Craig's legacy will live on and there are many people to make sure of that.  So if you are concerned about these projects...get over it.

I have rewritten this email so many times as I want to keep the positive energy moving for Craig.

Janet and Anna I am sure you are feelling this is completley inappropriate a post for this prayer circle as Peter and I do.  Please ask the moderator to move it to a new thread...but at least off this one here.

Charles I wish you the best in dealing with this.  I know you are human as well.  But really please think before you type.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Craig Hamrick - prayer request
« on: September 17, 2006, 06:48:15 PM »
David I am glad you are on the road to wellness.

I find my mind wandering the last few days and have been trying to keep creative.  Which is another thing I learned from Craig.  He was able to channel energy even when he couldn;t get off th work on the  So I am updating our website, You Tube, etc...  However, I just can't shake this and Peter is trying to get me out of my funk.

Janet, Peter, and I will all pass on the words of comfort to Craig and/or Joe when we see them next week.



Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Craig Hamrick - prayer request
« on: September 15, 2006, 05:45:17 AM »
Joe was there albeit briefly this past festival in Brooklyn.  I wish we had gotten to spend some more time together with both he and Craig.  We were in a hurry to get to rehearsal for the skit.  However, Joe and Peter did get some alone time to catch up.  I will make sure (as will Janet I am sure) will forward the outpouring of love to Joe, Craig, and there family as soon as we can.  You guys have really been an amazing support.  Just to type this right now has given me some comfort.

Thanks for that.


Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Craig Hamrick - prayer request
« on: September 15, 2006, 04:41:42 AM »

Craig and Joe are both lucky to have you in their lives.  You are a dear and genuine person.  Thank you for everything today it meant a lot to share in the affection and admiration we have for Craig and Craig and Joe collectively.  EVERYTHING you say here is 100% true.

Know Peter and I are here for you if you need anything.


Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Craig Hamrick - prayer request
« on: September 14, 2006, 04:16:48 PM »
Folks I believe in the power of prayer.  Our friend Craig Hamrick is
not doing so well.  Those of us who saw him at the festival a couple
of weeks ago will be shocked I am sure.  Craig of course has kept the
torch alive by writing books and maintaining Dark Shadows online.

Craig is a dear friend who has taught me strength.  He has been there
on so many occasions the last couple of years for Peter and I both
professionally and personally.

Earlier this morning I received this email from Craig's lover and our
friend Joe:

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Salvatore
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 1:57 AM
To: Joe Salvatore
Subject: craig hamrick's condition

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

I wanted to let you know that Craig's health has deteriorated
significantly over the past three days, and this afternoon he
a hospice facility here in NYC.  His mother, stepfather, and brother
arrived today, and the doctor has said that Craig is entering the
final stage of his battle with colon cancer.  No one is sure how
the battle will continue.  The doctor was talking in weeks on
but Craig's condition got worse pretty quickly on Tuesday.  We will
need to wait and see.

Craig is comfortable, fairly alert, but dealing with confusion and
disorientation.  His liver is failing, and this is causing the
to build up in his bloodstream.  Hence the confusion.  He is not in
pain at this point, which is helpful.

I'm sorry that this is coming to some of you in an email, but as you
can imagine, the last few days have been overwhelming and a
struggle.  Not sure what to say about visitors.  I will try to get a
sense tomorrow and see what he thinks.

My ability to access email during the day is limited, as I will be
balancing time at the hospice and my work schedule.  I will do my
best to keep you informed.

As always, thank you for all of your support.  It holds us up as we
move through these moments.

With much thanks,



May we all send a word to the higher power and ask to provide
comfort for both Joe and Craig.

Warmth and friendship to each one of you today.


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