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Messages - AllenCollins

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: Jewelry Part of the Plot
« on: April 03, 2002, 03:17:17 AM »
Of course there is the case full of jewlery which was sealed in the basement wall, (Naomi's I think).


Current Talk '02 I / Re: What Episode ??
« on: April 03, 2002, 03:10:03 AM »
This actually happens in the Dan Ross Novel Barnabas, Quentin and the Body Satchers. As far as it happening on the show, not to the best of my recollection.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Angelique
« on: April 03, 2002, 03:06:23 AM »
I remember when I was a teenager watching the show that I wished Angelique would work her spells on me to make me want her, (which will give you an idea how sick I was)!


Current Talk '02 I / Re: The Odd Couple
« on: April 03, 2002, 03:02:01 AM »
The last I heard Harry Johnson and Adam joined a caravan and went from town to town selling snake oil remedys. They now currently reside with Jim Morrison somewhere deep in the Ozark Mountains.

Seriously I thought Noah was a very cool looking pirate. It was unfortunate that he was Nathan's patsy, because if the two of them appeared on celebrity boxing, my bet would be on Noah.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Governess of the Year Award
« on: April 03, 2002, 02:54:08 AM »
Vicki Winters hands down. She was so cool with, "the little monster" even when he was at his worst.

Now from the construction workers perspective, she was the kind of lady that makes me wish I could go back to school and learn all those things that I couldnt appreciate then!

I'll let it go there.


« on: April 03, 2002, 02:47:12 AM »
What about what I call, "The Trauma Chair"? Located in the foyer under the picture of Barnabas, this seat is used constantly by someone who is having an ordeal or trauma. Although the chair isnt always in this location, but when it is someone is usually in it saying, "What does it mean" or "I cant believe this is happening".

Watch closely and see.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: OT Belated Intro
« on: April 03, 2002, 02:39:57 AM »
Thanks all of you for the warm welcome. Since I am still working on highlighting text from other posts, ( I really need to go play in the 1-2-3 area),  please bear with me while I answer some of the questions each of you raised.

To Steve/Gothick: My handle on Dominion was AllenCollins. I began posting there around May 1998. In fact my first post was to acknowledge Preakness Weekend, (toasting mint juleps to all!).

I know Havre de Grace well, (Cal Ripken's hometown). I worked on a school up in Chesapeake City so I traveled past there every day. It is a very unusual little town. Like most places on the water in Maryland it has become a tourist attraction. Isnt Stange Paradise the Canadian show which was similar to DS? I remember seeing someone selling tapes of episodes at one of the many DS Festivals I have attended, (NYC '95 I think). I still remember this sinister looking bald character who I assume was one of the villians of the show.

Yes both Linda and I are into The Avengers, (great stuff). We have been purchasing the DVD's as they are being released. We are still himming and hawing over getting the Linda Thornson eps but will probably breakdown and buy them to complete the collection.

To Teresa: Not sure what they call those graduate hats either, (one of our more educated readers can shed some light on that), Freebird is definately appropriate for graduation. Lara Parker is also a Springsteen Fan. In the audio tape version of, "Dark Shadows Companion" she recalls how she went to one of his concerts, ('85 tour I think) and Springsteen heard she was in the audience. Springsteen had here come up onstage after a very flattering introduction. Apparently he too was a DS fan.
Everyone who enjoys rock-n-roll should have a soft spot for AC/DC, they're great, (as Tony would say) Rock-N-Roll is Sweet Pollution! [wink]

To VAM: Thanks for making me feel welcome. Your very sweet. Keep on postin'.

To Josette: I do remember you from the Dominion boards! I am Glad to see your still here. I remember you always have something insightful or kind to say.

To Cassandra: Unfortunately Allen Collins passed away in 1990, (please remove hats in honor). You are correct that his wife died in a car accident, (Allen was driving) and he was paralyzed from the hips down in the accident. He lived more than five years in that tragic condition. When I saw Skynyrd in 1987, Allen attended some of the shows and introduced the band who, "played from the heart". He was truly an amazing guitarist in his day.

To Birdie: Thank you for the welcome.

To Midnite: Yes, I was in the process of moving into the house when I lost my computer access at work. It has been a long strange journey but Its nice to be back among friends. Keep up the good work on the Forum. You and MB really have something happening here.

It really amazes me that there are so many fans that follow DS now. I guess the Internet has brought alot of us closer by making the world more accessable. I really am curious about going to a DS Festival now, (the last one I attended was in 1996) to see how many people are in attendence. I remember in 1986 when the first 500 people showed up at that Festival, the buzz was this is the biggest one yet. I know we have surpassed that amount three fold at least. Unfortunately due to financial restrictions, We will not be able to make this years fest. However the Halloween Party is within budget so we are aiming for that.

By the way any old timers who collected TWODS may want to check Vol. 49/50, ( or 48/47 I think?) As I was listed in the fan questionaire w/ picture. This was back in the day when I had my long hair. This would have been around 1987.

Thanks again for welcoming the prodigal back!


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Worst Liars on DS
« on: April 02, 2002, 12:06:38 AM »
Judith with the trembling lip would have to rank up there.


Current Talk '02 I / Re:  What's in Julia's Bag?
« on: April 02, 2002, 12:04:34 AM »
To elaborate on VAM's original post has anyone ever noticed that when Julia gives someone a tranquilizer on the show that you dont see that character for a couple of episodes?!?!

Julia ALWAYS has the good stuff.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / OT Belated Intro
« on: April 01, 2002, 11:57:08 PM »
I was reading the warm greeting that our new member Dark Shadows has received from alot of you and was saying to myself, "Why didnt I get such a greeting from the group?". It dawned on me that the reasoning for this may be because I didnt introduce myself properly.

For what its worth I felt that perhaps I should share some information about myself so some of you arent saying, "Who is the wierdo from Baltimore???". My name is Byron Arnold and I have been involved with DS fandom since 1985. I have been a fan of our favorite show for about twenty years and as I posted earlier I have attended various festivals and parties since 1986.

I used to post on the Dominion board until I lost my work computer in 1999. Then I stumbled on the old vantagenet site around October 2000 and my computer crashed shortly after that. I finally got my own computer at home and I am back in action. My handle AllenCollins was one of the lead guitar players from Lynyrd Skynyrd, (music is also a passion of mine).

I look forward to reading, posting (or just cutting up) here with the rest of you. I like what I have seen so far and feel I probably will fit in perfectly.

Anyway sorry for the introduction oversight on my part and let the good times roll!



Thanks everyone for your responses. I have the laser discs but would like to upgrade. Also the DVD issues tend to have extras, (a restored uncoat copy of NODS would be great).

We'll just keep our fingers crossed that this happens oneday.


Does anyone know if the movies have made it to DVD yet or if there are plans to issue them in the near future???

Inquiring minds want to know.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Original vs Revival
« on: March 30, 2002, 09:24:52 PM »
I find comparing the original DS with the revival series very Apples & Oranges,. Its like comparing the original show with the MGM movies. They were all made under very different environments and formats. The movie and revival lack character and scene development, they are both vert fast pace. Through the Original show we learn who each character is and motivates them. There is also more time to provide more details to the scenes.  

There is also the difference of how each show was made. The original had a very theatrical feel to it while the revival and movies have the Hollywood Motion Picture feel. I remember reading a post here from Julia99 about when she saw the HODS movie on TV and the scene where Barnabas attacks Carolyn got her attention. The scene was very intense fast paced and brutally graphic. The revival also has a number of very graphic and sesual scenes while the original show never had anything like that. However I always felt that the acting in the original show had to be stronger to compensate for lack of effects and the character development.

The revival also had a Dynasty feel to it, (who's screwing who) which the original show manged to avoid.

While I like all three versions, (the original being my favorite), I find comparing them difficult.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Notification of Removal!! SORRY!!!!
« on: March 30, 2002, 08:39:13 PM »
Cool Avatar. Isnt that pict from the episode when SPOILER...

When Barnabas and Julia are preparing to kill Eve? Great conspiring as always.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Tell me a story......
« on: March 30, 2002, 04:23:11 PM »
My fondest mamory of a DS Festival would have to be the first one I attended, (Newark 10/86 the twenty year anniversary). The whole pilgrimage was absolutley Biblical. I was 19 at the time and was going to the fest to see my favorite TV actress of all time, the beautiful and talented, (sorry Ring I couldnt resist). Lara Parker. This was the first fest that both Lara and TLATKLS attended.

Rather than be extremely long winded I will cut to the chase, I was standing in the autograph line with my best friend Paul.just overwhelmed with what we had seen in the few short hours that had passed. As we got closer to the table I got my first glimpse of Jonathan Frid, Wow its Barnabas himself! Although Ive always been one to make a concious attempt to keep fact and fiction apart, I actually found myself thinking there he is, Barnabas. Before I met Jonathan, Terry Crawford was first in line at the table. While I had only seen one episode with Terry, (you long time followers will remember that in syndication the Pansy Faye intro episode was shown out of sequence in the second syndicated year which was currently showing in Baltimore back then) but she was very gracious. Terry asked where I was from & age, (even back then the celebs were suprised to see younger people following the show twenty years later) she told me to have a nice time and wished me well. Next was Jonathan the knees began to get weak at this one, I dont recall what I said to him, but again some pleasantries were exchanged. Now is where it starts getting dream like, somewhere in the mix Diana Millay made some comment about being the same age or younger then her son and then I met TLATKLS, she too was a real charmer.

Finally the climax of the night, Lara. I think she saw it in my face because as I approached her she had the warmest knowing smile. I gushed something to the effect that she was my favorite and the only reason I watch the show. I had very long hair and a Fumanchu mustache at the time and Lara commented that She thought I was cute, a real renassiance man as she put it . At this time Byron melts like butter in the microwave! I asked if I could get a picture with her and she said yes. I walked behind the table and crouched down. Just before the picture was taken TLATKLS asked if I wanted her in the picture too. Ring dont kill me for this but the blushing and starstruck Byron said No. After we walked away from the table Paul said, "You idiot. I cant believe you told Kathryn Leigh Scott that you didnt want her in the picture". All of the sudden it dawned on me what I had done so the next time I met Kathryn I made things right.

A second favorite moment would have been LA fest in '96. I roomed with my good buddy Bobubas and met lots of cool fans at this fest. By this time I was actually getting more out of meeting other fans than celebrties. I made many DS fans that year who I am still friendly with today.

Many wonderful things can happen at these events if you just let them.

I said I wouldnt be longwinded so here is another $2.00 worth from Chatty Allen.

I hope you enjoy my account Raineypark!


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