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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Plotlines that ended up going nowhere
« on: March 17, 2015, 10:07:10 PM »
Too bad. They even could have made a few-seconds-long clip and reused it when needed. Sheesh.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Plotlines that ended up going nowhere
« on: March 17, 2015, 07:10:44 PM »
Frederick Thorne preserves his life by very wisely staying off screen. I knew that Quentin had run afoul of someone at the Hi-Hat Lounge but didn't remember the name.

I love love love (did I say love?) the novel The Woman in White, a real melodrama by Wilkie Collins. So when people started seeing the woman in white as a sign that a Collins was about to die (absolutely not the case in the novel), I got my hopes up, only to have them smashed to bits. That was the most disappointing dangler for me, but when you consider the death toll in 1840PT, she would have been in almost every episode.  [snow_cheesy]

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0904
« on: March 16, 2015, 10:06:33 PM »
I just don't get the dream. What were they thinking? It isn't even a prophetic dream except that everything at Collinwood is about to be distorted, but how is that news?

It is extremely unusual for the normally very busy ECS to drop everything and take a nap in the middle of the day, even though she's very astute about the nature of the book.

Yes, we can practically see the wheels turning in Barnabas's brain when Carolyn says that the Unknown Man is returning to the antique shop at 10:00 p.m. And we know what a terrible driver he is. The Todds are lucky he didn't crash through their front window after all.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0903
« on: March 16, 2015, 10:01:48 PM »
Grayson's bandage was covered with makeup. You can see it in one of the frame grabs on DS Wiki, if that's available to you.

In a way it's lucky that Stokes is also a handwriting expert--maybe from reading Ben's journal. But at least it's one way Julia can distract him from trying to find out the truth about Barnabas.

Also, now that we're back to evil Barnabas, he's back to wearing industrial-strength eyeliner.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0902
« on: March 16, 2015, 09:55:01 PM »
We find out in the next episode or two what David bought at Brewster's. Unfortunately it wasn't an inhaler, but that's pretty funny, MT.   [snow_laugh]

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0904
« on: March 16, 2015, 06:22:09 PM »
JF reads what is only his second voiceover to one of the weirdest episodes ever!

Note to Wardrobe: David's shirt looks like a Star Trek costume reject. Luckily we see it only in this episode.

At the antique shop, Carolyn gives her mother an excuse for David's strange behavior. Then the Unknown Man wanders into the shop, and Carolyn strikes up a conversation with him. Evidently he is very tall.

Later, Elizabeth catches David with the book and confiscates it.

Barnabas enters the antique shop and finds Carolyn dreaming over some poetry: I did but see him passing by, she murmurs, and yet I’ll love him till I die. I’ve just met the most fascinating, fantastic man, she tells Barnabas enthusiastically. We talked for fifteen minutes, but it seemed we had known each other all our lives. Do you remember your prediction that I would meet someone unexpectedly and really find out what love was? I thought it was pleasant but improbable until now. I’m surprised that it has happened so quickly, Barnabas murmurs. Carolyn isn’t sure the Unknown Man was as taken with her as she was with him, but he is planning to return at ten tonight. I hope you aren’t disappointed, Barnabas says politely.

Barnabas finds Elizabeth with the book, and she comments that from what she can make out, it seems to be of a devotional nature. Barnabas offers to take it back to the antique shop, so Elizabeth offers him a sherry. The normally abstemious matriarch admits she seems to need one lately to help her relax. Barnabas suggests, Why don’t you try to relax without it. You should go lie down, force your troubles out of your mind and think only pleasant thoughts. You will have a pleasant sleep if you do that--tonight, you should think of Elizabeth only. Elizabeth promises to give it a try and leaves. After she goes upstairs, Barnabas picks up the book and repeats David’s verse: And the enemies shall be overcome one by one. He smiles and hugs the book to himself.

Since it was written by Violet Welles, of course it has a dream sequence, one of the strangest ever on TV. Elizabeth has a strange dream of a kaleidoscope of mirrors that turns out to be a funhouse, with a cacophony of carnival-type music in the background and two clown marionettes that nod and bob, seemingly laughing, throughout. Wearing a miniature fat suit, David beckons to her. Come on in, he says, so you can have fun like everybody else. She looks into the mirrors and sees the clowns watching her and doesn’t like it. David urges her to laugh as she tries one set of mirrors after another. She is surprised into a small scream when the last mirrors show her Barnabas, but then she starts laughing. Barnabas laughs too. Suddenly she wakes up, startled. [Actually this sequence is longer and far more tedious than described.]

In front of the antique shop, the Unknown Man checks the time as he watches Carolyn through the window. Suddenly we hear the sound of a motor, and a car races toward him at high speed. The lights fill the screen and we hear the brakes screech as the Unknown Man is struck by the car. Carolyn runs out and finds the Man lying unconscious on the sidewalk. The driver gets out--it was Barnabas. The man walked in front of me without warning, he says. Greatly upset, Carolyn turns away as she asks Barnabas to check if the Man is alive. As Barnabas kneels down, Carolyn turns to watch--and realizes it is the man who was coming to meet her. Now we can see the Unknown Man’s face for the first time....

[Unfortunately, the closing credits feature the two clown marionettes. Once again, the credits reveal the identity of the mysterious stranger.]

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Today in Soap Opera History (March 15)
« on: March 16, 2015, 05:34:01 PM »
That's fab, MB! Thanks for the link!

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Plotlines that ended up going nowhere
« on: March 16, 2015, 05:24:52 PM »
I loved Portia Fitzsimmons, the woman from "the city" who wanted to buy Sam's art. I was always sorry that nothing more happened with her.

I didn't realize that there was supposed to be more of Claude North. I always thought that once we saw that he was Roxanne's Svengali figure, there was nowhere else for that plot line to go.

And then there's always 1840PT's Gerard Stiles, whom Kendrick Young hires to find his sister. Well, he did, but that was the end of him. And here I was expecting him to start blackmailing all the Collinses--he would have made a mint off them too.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0903
« on: March 16, 2015, 02:05:49 AM »
Little Baby Leviathan may breathe like a leaky radiator, but it already has super powers! Just as Elizabeth is about to open the door to the chosen room, she and Megan hear a crash downstairs. They go downstairs too, giving David a chance to escape.

Olivia Corey (who is wearing a bright red pants suit with a long scarf) has rented a suite at the Collins Port Inn and has decorated the sitting room with not one but two photos of herself. (The fireplace features blue and white pseudo-Delft tiles, last seen in Victoria Winters’s bedroom at the Old House in 1795.) She tells Julia (who is wearing an inexplicable bandage, covered with makeup, on her chin), I want to mount a show of painting by Charles Delaware Tate. I would like to find the portrait he painted of my grandmother. Olivia seems moved by his “tragedy,” commenting,  I'm talking about a handsome young man with a great talent, admired, adored--then suddenly out of style and forgotten. No one knows whether he's dead or alive. Olivia decides he must have grown more bitter as the years passed and his gifts faded away. Julia acquiesces: I will allow you to have my Tate photographed. I’ll send Mrs. Stoddard’s chauffeur with the painting.

Of course the "chauffeur" is Chris, and Julia wants him to get a sample of Olivia's handwriting to prove that she's actually Amanda Harris. Mr. Nakamura is late bringing Julia's painting back from supposedly photographing it--but we will soon find out why. "Jennings" the "chauffeur" asks Amanda for her autograph as a souvenir with a special inscription: To Chris Jennings, in memory of our meeting at the Collinwood Inn. She agrees and writes it out (in pencil, strangely). He thanks her and leaves. Olivia tells Mr. Nakamura, He could be very useful to us. How long it will take to get what you went for? One hour, he replies.

Julia is pleased to have her painting back, undamaged after its adventure. Chris is sure something was going on, and Julia decides they will check tomorrow to see if Mr. Nakamura really did go to a photographer. Chris triumphantly gives Julia Olivia’s autograph, and she compares it with the 1897 letter. They are very similar, she notes, but are they the same? (Surely eighty years would change anyone’s handwriting!) Julia decides to consult Professor Stokes, who is an expert at handwriting analysis (as he seems to be at everything else!). But Chris is preoccupied and admits he found Olivia Corey very attractive. Men found Amanda Harris attractive too, Julia replies dryly.

At 10:35 p.m., Mr. Nakamura returns to Olivia’s suite with a large, brown envelope. I got the best technician in Collinsport to do the work, Mr. Nakamura says, adding, and he will be silent. She takes an x-ray out of the envelope and holds it up for Mr. Nakamura to examine. There is definitely another painting underneath the landscape, he says. It’s a portrait, Olivia says, but whose? You know what to do next, she tells Mr. Nakamura. He nods and smiles.....

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0903
« on: March 15, 2015, 11:55:00 PM »
Hail and farewell to Sho Onodera, who plays Mr. Nakamura, the only Asian character ever to appear on the show.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0902
« on: March 13, 2015, 08:21:01 PM »
Yup, DP voiceover, possibly the only one he ever did--?

Welcome, Unknown Man! You won't stay that way for long.

And welcome, heavy-breathing baby Leviathan!

Here's why David needed all that cash: As Elizabeth leaves the Inn, she spots David, with a flat box under his arm, quietly entering the antique shop. She hurries after him and tells Megan she saw him come in. The box from Brewster’s is on the desk, but Megan says, David isn’t here, and the box is mine. Elizabeth wants to look around the shop for David, but Megan insists he isn’t here. You don’t mind if I look for him, do you? Elizabeth asks. I’m sure I would have heard him, Megan replies and dashes around to block Elizabeth’s path to the stairs. In full Mistress of Collinwood mode, Elizabeth says imperiously, Mrs. Todd, I'm sorry. I realize that this is an imposition. Surely you understand that a child cannot go running around Collinsport at all hours! Shall we look for him now? Megan gives in and leads the way upstairs.

The baby’s room is filled with the sound of heavy breathing as David walks over to the cradle. It's all right, he tells the cradle’s unseen occupant. I brought you what you need. I will always look out for you. You know that. It is my duty. You will like what I brought you. I know you will. His aunt hears his voice and calls to him, I know you’re here! The breathing stops as David, now frightened, presses his ear to the door as Elizabeth continues to call to him........

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0901
« on: March 13, 2015, 08:17:43 PM »
Barnabas is never scarier than when he smiles his terrible smile, IMHO.

Nice to see the tenderness between Carolyn and Paul. Good work by NB and DP.

I don't remember ever paying that much attention to Megan's wardrobe except when she actually wore PANTS. But I guess I wasn't the target market for those tight sweaters, lol.

I actually liked it that we never saw the actual creature. Later on we will get some well-done scary hints about what it's like.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0901
« on: March 12, 2015, 03:03:05 PM »
For the first time, a special leading closing credit reads, "Starring Jonathan Frid as Barnabas Collins."

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0900
« on: March 11, 2015, 07:45:43 PM »
That's right, Uncle Roger! (I've only seen it once, and that was the chopped-up version.)

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0900
« on: March 11, 2015, 04:19:28 PM »
I've always wondered whether Strak is an anagram of Trask. 

I guess the big reveal of this episode is the story of Paul's bad bargain with the Leviathans. Episode 901, however, will have two new features.