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Messages - Lydia

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When Maggie's beloved afghan was destroyed during a particularly rowdy night at the Tool Shed Bar & Grille, Sam and Joe didn't know how they could keep Maggie from finding out – but finally they decided...

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: Happy Birthday to Julia99!
« on: September 30, 2009, 06:16:18 PM »
Happy birthday, Julia99!

Current Talk '09 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0819
« on: September 30, 2009, 06:06:18 PM »
I'm sure Abe Howell wishes you were right, Sally!

Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - 1897 / Re: Episode #0746
« on: September 30, 2009, 07:30:36 AM »
"There's no place like home."
"See that my wig gets a nice home through the local animal shelter."
LOL, Magnus!

Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - 1897 / Re: Episode #0746
« on: September 30, 2009, 07:27:20 AM »

Magda was doubtful, but Jenny proved to her that the coffin was big enough to hold Sandor's ________

Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - 1897 / Re: Episode #0746
« on: September 30, 2009, 06:36:05 AM »
Magda burst into tears when Barnabas insisted he didn't want her to read a coffintime story to him!!

Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - 1897 / Re: Episode #0746
« on: September 30, 2009, 06:28:48 AM »
M: (singing) "The Hill is alive, with the sound of widows!!  With wails that have been wailed, for a hundred years!!!"
Widows: "A hundred years?  Speak for yourself!  The oldest of us no more than ninety-seven and a half!!!"

Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - 1897 / Re: Episode #0746
« on: September 30, 2009, 06:24:54 AM »

As Sandor and Magda conducted a full rehearsal of Sandor's knife-throwing act, Magda said to herself over and over again: _______

Current Talk '09 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0820
« on: September 29, 2009, 04:39:00 PM »
Wasn't the reason Rachel turned up in Dirk's hideout that she was bringing aid and sustenance to escaped murder suspect Tim?  So if Trask hadn't had Evan make Tim kill Minerva, Rachel would have been home sleeping safely in her bed...although it's debatable how safe her bed was with Trask in the vicinity.  At any rate, it's a stretch to blame Rachel's death on Trask, but it can be done.

When Petofi gave Abraham Howell's hand to Tate for the touch-up, I was suddenly reminded of Jeff Clark bringing the arm to Dr. Lang.  Petofi said something about how he might be better advised to take to take the hand to an undertaker, and I think he was right.  Why should an artist (especially one like Tate) know how to preserve human remains?

I wondered why she didn't hide or escape when she had the chance using one of the secret passageways or panels.
I imagine that Magda felt there was simply no escape from the wrath of King Johnny once Petofi wouldn't help her, so there was no point in trying.  Why Magda thought Petofi might help her, however, is beyond me.  And I notice that Quentin was nowhere to be found in this episode, even though he knew Magda was scared to death.

Tim said the hand was essential for his plan of revenge to be carried out.  Was Amanda supposed to hold onto Trask by the short hairs while Tim placed the hand on his chest?  And where was Evan Hanley supposed to come into this?

Current Talk '09 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0819
« on: September 29, 2009, 12:38:53 PM »
Let's see-- the attempt to show Barnabas his death turned into a glimpse at David's death, the death shown to Beth was phoney, and Charity's fate was nowhere to be seen.  Hmm, Petofi is 0 for 3.
We don't know yet whether or not the death shown to Beth was phoney.  Maybe it would if been real if Petofi had not freed her from Barnabas's spell.  But Petofi was right to say that not even he fully understood the powers of his hand.  Does he ever ask it to show anybody something other than their death?  Maybe the hand is bored.

I was surprised when Charity called the executioner's implement a scimitar, but I guess she noticed the curve in it where I didn't.  Me, if I wasn't going to called it a sword, I'd have a called it a snickersnee - but that probably would have been incorrect.

3. Petofi had Aristede dig up and take the hand of Alexander Markham (1846-1897). The poor man was only 50 or 51 (depending on what day was his birthday) when he died!
No, no!  Abraham Howell!  And Petofi said Abram, not Abraham, but I've never heard of the "h" being elided in Abraham.  Does anybody say Abram Lincoln?

I loved the way Quentin brushed off Charity in his haste to go see Magda.  I know it's not Charity anymore, but it still pleased me to see it happen.  What an interesting decision on the part of the writers, to ditch Charity!  Maybe they too just couldn't stand her anymore.

Current Talk '09 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0818
« on: September 29, 2009, 02:14:02 AM »
Charity's trying to walk a fine line between not telling on Quentin lest he kill her (or whatever) and warning people about him.  And, being the same Charity who was so obvious about her crush on Quentin, she's doing a lousy job of it.  Poor thing, I'd like to feel sorry for her - she really could use a stay at the Rushmore Sanitarium - but I just don't like her enough.  What on earth did Barnabas ever see in her?

Tate thinks the portrait he has painted is Quentin Collins, but I disagree.  There are no sharp edges in it.  Petofi seems satisfied with it, but I'm not sure what Petofi requires of it.  Anyway, I was thinking today: Petofi gave Tate his talent, but he didn't necessarily give him any accompanying artistic appreciation.

I was surprised when Charity reacted so strongly to the sight of Petofi.  I can't for the life of me remember what she had against him.  When Victor Fenn-Gibbons left Collinwood, he was still an honored guest.  What am I forgetting here?

Current Talk '09 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0817
« on: September 28, 2009, 11:19:21 PM »
What Quentin did not spill the beans to Petofi about was that David Collins believed that Quentin was dead.  I imagine that Quentin felt it was immaterial, but Petofi, with his interest in going to the future, would be assuming that David saw Quentin alive, and wondering how Quentin made it to 1969 still looking young.

When Barnabas told Quentin that he didn't know how to get back to the future, I felt that we were watching The Wizard of Oz, when he left Oz without Dorothy.  "I can't go back! I don't know how it works!"

Is that cabinet TV a one-trick pony?  All it ever purports to show is people's death.  As for why Petofi showed Beth the vampire-induced death - maybe he did it just to throw dust in people's eyes, and make Beth, Barnabas, and Quentin believe that it was by Beth's own choice that she was freed from the vampire's thrall.  I hope word gets to Trask about it; I'm sure he'd like to know that victimization by vampire is a choice.  By the way, as EmeraldRose noted, Beth has been told that she would die by suicide and that she would die by vampire bite - but we've also seen Quentin seeing a pentagram over her face.  But that's life at Collinwood: you've got your choice of nasty deaths.

Current Talk '09 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0816
« on: September 28, 2009, 07:46:30 PM »
I know, I know... It's proper English. But I still find it weird to hear Tim say, "I shan't be happy..." instead of, "I won't be happy..." However, it is rather neat, too. It illustrates how differently people spoke in 1897.
Actually some people still talk that way - myself, for instance.  But then, I've got an ultra-finicky mother.

It was amusing to see Tim looking for the hand when we knew he would not be able to get it back, unless he was able to cut it off of Count Petofi.  If he did that, would the hand still have any power?

What does Petofi want?  I know he wants to go the future and be 70 years ahead of the gypsies - although I don't think it works that way: I daresay that in 1969 the gypsies will still be on the lookout for the hand.  But assuming Petofi ever gets free of the gypsies - what does he want?  He merrily throws away opportunities to make friends and has no objection to making people hate him.  I've thrown away zillions of opportunities to make friends, but even if I had Count Petofi's power, I'd think twice about making people hate me.

Current Talk '09 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0815
« on: September 28, 2009, 12:50:50 PM »
Hmm, how was Aristede able to fetch chilled champagne from deep inside an old abandoned mill?
A mill should have a stream nearby, which could chill the champagne.

How interesting that Petofi, instead of showing Barnabas his own destruction, unwittingly showed him Julia and David!  I'm figuring that the command to the hand was to show Barnabas "the end" and Barnabas was so committed to saving David that for him "the end" meant David's death.  And that's backed up by Barnabas's saying that trusting Aristede and Petofi was the greatest mistake of his life.  If Barnabas now had to choose between a) having nothing to do with Angelique in 1795 and therefore living out a blissful life with Josette and b) becoming a vampire with all the attendant miseries but having the chance to save David's life and thus ensure the future of the Collins family - which would he choose?

I didn't realize until today how much I like Sam Evans's portrait of Barnabas.  Every other time I've looked at it, I've thought, "Big ears," but today it was just good to see it.

Petofi to Barnabas:  "You will be no longer able to indulge in your favorite trick."
The Count made it pretty clear that he was referring to the power to disappear, but I wonder if he also took away Barn's ability to turn into a bat.
Now my mind is boggled.  If Barnabas cannot disappear but he can turn into a bat, what happens to his body when he turns into a bat?  Do we see the metamorphosis from human shape to bat - body shrinking, bangs disappearing, big ears turning into bat ears?  That would be sort of cool.

Current Talk '09 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0814
« on: September 28, 2009, 12:06:18 AM »
It was surprising to see Barnabas get something right for once.  I remember all those weeks when he and Julia couldn't grasp the connection between him and Adam ("Julia...Julia..."), but today he figured out the connection between Petofi and Jamison in the wink of an eye.

Jamison's life was dependent on Petofi's, and David's life is dependent on Quentin's.  It's a pity that Barnabas couldn't go back to 1797 - to the time when Petofi's hand was cut off - and find another vital connection to add to the pile.  Granted, Petofi's hand was cut off in the Forest of Ozhdun (out come the fake trees and the green mat) but I'm sure the writers could have managed to make it all contingent on something that happened at Collinwood.

Aristede mentioned that the hand had touched the Sphinx.  Was that when it acquired its power?  And why do I keep wondering what part of the Sphinx the hand touched?

It was very poignant when Quentin showed how much he loved Jamison. Quentin was willing Jamison to live. Yes, indeed, Quentin would have been a great father to his son.
I don't think we can assume that Quentin would have been a good father.  Quentin's too easily distracted.  And anyway, even though Quentin loved Jamison (it's interesting, by the way, that he forgets about Beth, and even says that Jamison's the only one he ever cared about, let alone loved) he still put him through some nasty Satanic ceremonies.

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