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Messages - Brandon Collins

22 years. Man, it has been a while. Longer than I thought originally. Such a shame too, because I could just see her and JF on stage next week, hamming it up.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: August 05, 2007, 06:05:45 AM »
Interesting article, thanks for posting is Lori!

I agree with much of what he's said except that whoever plays Vicki will be crucial too, especially if the story is written from her point of view entering Collinwood, much like all three series have begun. If it isn't, and Vicki is mostly a secondary character or worse, only seen a few times, who gives a hoot who plays her. But I think that she'll probably be important to the plot if they do it in the present.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: August 02, 2007, 07:55:31 PM »
I, for one, DEFINITELY DO NOT want Cauron directing the DS movie. I HATED the 3rd HP movie. I thought it was completely boring, visually unappealing (mostly because he changed the set around so much to shove that big clock into the side of Hogwarts, and moved Hagrids hut halfway around the mountain), and overall the WORST movie of the 5 released so far. I mean, I kind of liked the book, but the movie was awful. I tried and tried to like it, but I just can't. Boo.

Del Torro would work for me, but I'm still joansing for Burton.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Can Watching DS Improve Someone's Vocabulary?
« on: August 02, 2007, 04:29:56 AM »
This is a great question!

Personally, watching anything can improve your vocabulary in some fashion. You can learn something from nearly everything. But I'm with mscbryk in that the dialogue is what really catches me. I think that every character that was featured on the show had at least ONE great line of dialogue somewhere throughout their stint on the show. Some of the most memorable are Barnabas' story about Josette's death when he's telling it to Vicki and Carolyn just after he's arrived. Quentin always had a good quip to satisfy a grin. Judith, Namoi, and Elizabeth always had wonderfully awesome "repressed maiden" lines, or quick insults (in Judith and Elizabeth's case) to provide.

One line that I will always remember is one of Quentin's, that goes "Come into the parlor, said the spider to the fly," or something like that. I believe he says it to Judith during her reign of power. Excellent.

The fest organizers probably didn't want the fuss of going through all the trouble to cash the check and then send the extra money back in another check to the person who was trying to apply. I mean, when I first sent in my registration, I forgot to fill out the form, and I just wrote on a piece of paper what I was paying for and how many people were coming. I got the entire contents of my first envelope back with a sticky note asking me to fill out the registration form. I'm sure it's all a matter of organization and such. Besides, I wouldn't want someone accusing me of shorting them money if I did the whole refund thing.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: August 01, 2007, 01:05:58 AM »

I love Dame Judi as Elizabeth, even though she is in her 70s, which is why I suggested Kate Hudson as Carolyn, because she's could believably play a 25-30 year old woman. I don't know her actual age, however. For me, I like to think of Elizabeth as the shuttered, lord-of-the-manner, aristocratic type, that isn't overly welcoming, but isn't completely insensitive and rude either. She's got secrets to keep, a family to protect, so from an outsiders POV, she's going to give a little shiver while being motherly at the same time. So I think Dame Judi or Helen Mirren would probably be able to convey this.

Angelique needs to stay a blonde, and I have to give a resounding NO to the idea of Angelique Jolie. She could play seductive, but we need someone who can be seductive, challenging, vindictive, bitchy, and smarmy all at once. After seeing Cate Blanchett in "Notes on a Scandal", I'd simply die to get her and Dame Judi in the same scene together again!

As for Julia, I think Moore or Janney could pull it off. Either one could be calculating, productive, lustful, and piercing all rolled up into one.

I'm afraid that I want and hope that the producers/casting directors shy heavily away from the younger Hollywood crowd--Hayden Panetierre, Lindsay Lohan, etc--because I just don't think any of them have the credentials or acting ability that would blow me away.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: July 30, 2007, 05:30:19 AM »
I do kind of like Anne Hathaway as Vicki. That's a pretty good choice. Loved her in The Devil Wears Prada.

And Alison Janney as Julia would be perfect.

As for SMG as Carolyn, I don't think so. I'd be like "Where's your stake at Buffy? There's a vampire on the loose!"

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: July 29, 2007, 05:52:58 PM »
I think casting an unknown for Vicki would be preferable for me, because it would be more believable, I think. Also, I hope that when the movie goes through that we don't have one of those all-star casts where everyone who is big in Hollywood plays someone in the movie. I think that would take heavily away from the atmosphere and it wouldn't do justice to the film or the legacy of DS.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: July 29, 2007, 05:36:31 AM »
All I've come up with so far is:

Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins (already a given)
Cate Blanchett as Angelique
Kate Hudson as Carolyn

and I'm tossing between Helen Mirren, Diane Keaton, and Judi Dench as Elizabeth, though I'm leaning heavily towards Judi Dench.

Damn, is this topic ever popular! I wonder what it is.....?

I too am hoping for a fresh take on things. But honestly, we can't expect it to be too fresh. I mean, there's only so many ways you can tell the basic story of Barnabas without completely mucking it up in some fashion or another. Because personally, I would be heavily offended if whoever was writing this dropped everything that we hold dear about our Barny, and went with something completely new.

As for Burton, I love him. I think that the issue of him bringing his "sillyness" or whatever it was called to the project is largely dependant on the producers involved and the state of the script they are using. Because, if you think about it, the director only takes the script and portrays his or her vision of it onto the screen. Basically they interpret the thing. So as long as the script is written well, I don't think Burton will be able to infuse his signature style into it too much. I'd love to see him direct. I think he's one of the few out there who could do justice to this project.

I have no doubt that Depp can play this part. I've loved every movie I've seen him in, and I believe he can play anything he sets his mind to. I mean, I completely abhor the Pirates movies, save for Depp's Captain Jack. And to think, Depp has said that he modeled Sparrow off of Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones. Man, that guy can act.

Speaking of the script, is there any information about who's writing the damn thing? I wonder if they've even commissioned a script of it at all?

Damn, it's finally happening! DS is going to be brought to a new audience! I can't believe it! Please God, let this thing get off the ground and happen in the next couple of years (and by that I mean that its in theaters by 2010, God that'd be great).

As far as storylines, the choices are endless. But I think, perhaps what would work best, would be coming up with a new twist on the classic story that was showcased in HODS. We need something simple, forboding, and without much backstory so that newbie's don't have a hard time getting engrossed in the world. I don't want a remake of HODS, by any means, but there is a way that this could be made to happen.

Games / Re: Name that Character!!
« on: July 24, 2007, 01:11:41 AM »


Josette, you guessed correctly! So now I pass the torch on to you! Have at it!

Games / Re: Name that Character!!
« on: July 23, 2007, 01:02:37 AM »
She lived at Collinwood for a time.
She is not a ghost.
She resided at Collinwood proper.
She is a historical character.
She is not a member of the household staff.
She is not employed by the family.
She is a she.
She is not an in-law of the Collinses.
She is not the Countess Dupres.
She is between the ages of 20 and 30.
She is not Roxanne Drew.
She is not Lady Kitty.
She is not at Collinwood during 1795.
She is not Carrie Stokes.
She did not die on the show.
She is in regular time (i.e. not PT).
She is in the 1897 storyline.
She is not a member of the family.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Barnabas Collins: My Life on the V-List
« on: July 21, 2007, 03:30:50 AM »
OMG!!! I about DIED laughing when I saw that Judah's head was going to be the immunity idol! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Games / Re: Name that Character!!
« on: July 21, 2007, 03:24:29 AM »
I just want to say thanks to MB for those kind words about the game! I've seen it around on other DS groups, so I thought here would be a great place to transplant it!

Also, I was going to point this out when someone guessed what character I was thinking of correctly, but I suppose I'll just do it now. In the future of this game, if you don't want to think of a character for the game, you can use a place, an object, an actor, etc. Just make sure that you specify what it is. Like if you were going to use an object, you'd say "This object can be found in the Collinwood drawing room". Same for the other things.

**Pay close attention to the clues!