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Messages - Heather

Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0788
« on: July 08, 2005, 09:10:40 AM »
Edward: I've always wondered what was lurking beneath that gaudy getup you wear...

Magda: Oh, you impossible...BEAST. {purr, grrrowl}

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: Thayer David on Kojak
« on: July 08, 2005, 09:03:43 AM »
Love the screen caps, Midnite - many thanks for posting these!   8)   :-*

Current Talk '05 II / Re: The July 6th Episodes (Spoilers!)
« on: July 07, 2005, 06:17:51 AM »
Loving the screen caps and daily history/summaries, MB!  ;D  Makes the priviledge of visiting this wonderful site that much more special...   :-*

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: Another bit of frivolity
« on: July 07, 2005, 06:15:01 AM »
I'm laughing hysterically here! Love Chipmunkalique! and Pepe's incantation... who know that Jombi was in "the family"??

Wow - many Thanks MB and're both too kind!  :-*

And G. - you're one of a few who picked up on the Jombi reference...chuckle...Ms. Pepe knows everyone, I guess. Maybe she got him started in the business, or vice-versa, or whatnot??  LOL   ;)  :-*

-Heather xo

Oooo...nice caps, Midnite!  8)   Haven't seen this episode before either...Looking forward to more!   :-*

Polls Archive / Re: Dark Shadows Poll
« on: July 07, 2005, 06:06:51 AM »
I like both...couldn't imagine DS without either one of them. There are moments in both the B&W and COLOR episodes that tickle my fancy to no end...   8)

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Another bit of frivolity
« on: July 05, 2005, 10:01:30 PM »

Instead of concocting a regular composition for a story, I grouped together some of the captures I've done (from DS and Grayson's infamous role in "Satan In High Heels"), a couple of photo manips., and created a little story on a webpage. This was done for a story challenge on another list. I kinda hesitated to post it here but...I think I've posted my attempts at this sort of thing before so...what the hey.  >:D 

Disclaimer: The following is intended for mine and my fellow cohorts amusement only. I will never, in a million parallel dimensional years, make money on this. All characters belong to DCP, etc. No infringement is intended whatsoever...!

Warning: This is rated TV-14 for adult situations, naughty language, suggestive innuendo, oddball cultural references, and general wackiness. If those kinda things make you nauseus, turn away, stat!  This is a mixture of the "Julia Slaps Cassandra moment," a satire, parody, and cross-over rolled into one...if taken too seriously, your brain will self-destruct in 30 seconds!  ;)  *note: The links to each section are at the top of the page.


P.S. For those grammar nuts we love: *Just Deserts* is the proper spelling for that phrase. The noun "desert" (accent on the first syllable) is generally used to refer to an arid, barren expanse of land; the noun "dessert" (accent on the second syllable) is a sweet course or dish usually served at the end of a meal. However, the word "desert" -- when spelled like the former but pronounced like the latter -- also refers to a deserved reward or punishment. Therefore, someone who does wrong and is punished in a suitable manner has received his "just deserts."

It's misspelled in the link, but its correct everywhere else. Sorry for that and any other grammar misdeeds. Just thought I'd mention that so I don't confuse people (like I haven't already, huh?)  {evil giggle}  xo

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0671
« on: June 30, 2005, 01:00:41 AM »
Chris {gasp}: Geeze Maggie, what is it with the swinging-door policy around here? Can't you give a guy 5 minutes...5 minutes?!

Maggie: :o  I-I just wanted to borrow a cup of...sugar...

Current Talk '05 I / Re: The June 28th Episodes (Spoilers!)
« on: June 28, 2005, 11:27:51 PM »
Is anybody else besides me (perv that I am) cracking up over "Jeff has a very strange reaction to Joe" and "Jeff has a dream about Nathan"?

Me, me!  ;)

Fabulous work again, MB! Love the snap of mess-in-a-dress Carolyn falling apart surrounded by studs at the Blue Whale in Episode Two. "Mother! WHY do I have to CHOOSE??"

Ditto...nice job with those slideshows, MB! I also love the moment when Strake, Burke's private dick {grin}, observes the dancing Carolyn and says: "I wish my wife would wiggle like that"  >:D

I LUV DS!  :-*

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0672
« on: June 28, 2005, 09:14:19 PM »
BARNABAS (voiceover): Dear God! When Julia said she wanted to give Tom a *final* farewell, I had no idea that THIS is what she meant!

LMAO, THAT made my day.... :-*  xo

Games / Re: The Signs That You Might Be Addicted To DS
« on: June 27, 2005, 09:59:20 PM »
94. You have more screen captures of the show than photos of your own family...   :-[   :P    ;D 

Current Talk '05 I / Re: happy birthday to our show!
« on: June 27, 2005, 09:51:49 PM »
Happy B-Day my beloved Dark Shadows! :-*  MB, you rock...thanks again for everything you and the other fabulous mods do for this board!!     :-*

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Leviathans *POSSIBLE SPOILERS*
« on: June 26, 2005, 09:32:22 PM »
When I lived in Pittsburgh, I loved going to the mall where they filmed the first sequel, Dawn of the Dead. Of course, by the time I was living there the mall had changed greatly from when they made that movie (I think the ice rink was already gone)

Hiya Gerard.  [wave]  Me too (I still go there actually - lol.) My mom remembers that ice rink...  :D

Anyway back to the Leviathans. This story line also had Zombies in it. Being from Pittsburgh, I always love a good Zombie. They just "liven" up the place.

LOL - Ditto...n'at. [for non-pittsburghers, N'at = And so forth; Used for emphasis.] ;)

-Heather (born and raised in da 'Burgh. Yeah, Pittsburghese was my first language... (just kidding...sorta) ::))

p.s. Nice thread! Yunz guys summed it up quite nicely. It's not the most treasured time period by each his/her own, and whatnot, but that doesn't mean it isn't uniquely divine in its own way.  ;) And Sandor (you adorable wench - chortle)...couldn't have said it better myself. JUlia and Co. shined during this time period, with Jules playing master detective and multitasker extraordinaire while the rest of the town was being threated by that *unseen terror*. Actually, I adore pretty much all of DS - you can always find some juicy tidbits in almost every storyline (in my humble opinion, of course...cough), no matter what your initial reaction to it might be.  ;)  :-*


Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0672
« on: June 26, 2005, 01:15:55 AM »
They are at Elizabeth's coffin because they heard the bells which Liz insisted be installed. Julia is checking Liz for a heartbeat. It's all part of the Chris as vampire, Liz is dead and buried, but not really dead plotline.

That'd be Chris is a werewolf... ;)

Thanks for that concise summary, Bette.  :-*  I owe ya one. ;)

Forgive me for not answering this sooner Connie...shuffling too many things at the same time today...glad you liked it.  :-* And nice captions, folks - you guys crack me up!   ;D

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Episode #0672
« on: June 24, 2005, 05:24:10 AM »