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Messages - Lydia

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...why it was necessary to hold a seance right now to contact the spirit of somebody named Suki Forbes.

...why she would not be joining Julia for an intimate, candlelit dinner at the Tool Shed Bar & Grille.

...where babies come from.

...why she had had Mrs. Johnson lock all of Julia's gloves up in the Tower room.

...the rules for playing naked Twister.


Quentin: I'll never forget the day I shaved off my muttonchops.  It gave me such a feeling of...


Quentin: Entirely aside from the werewolf problem, I feel there is some great-grandfatherly advice I should give you, Chris: ________

....rudely interrupt him with an off-key and off-color rendition of “What Do You Do With A Drunken Sailor?”


Bruno: You know, you bear an remarkable resemblance to a certain relative of mine.  The only difference is that...

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Prop Project: The Skeleton
« on: March 30, 2010, 06:50:31 AM »
The skeleton shows up twice in episode 966 – or anyway, it may show up twice.  The first time, it's sitting in a chair, and you can clearly see the shiny little what’s-it’s at the the top of the head that's used to hang it up.  The second time, it's lying on the ground.  We see it as if we were standing at its head, rather than at its side, and its ribcage looked quite fake to me.  I was wondering if they'd brought in an auxiliary skeleton, especially since the second appearance came rather soon after the first appearance.  But it may just have been that the angle from which we were looking at the ribcage was not one with which I'm familiar.

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0966
« on: March 30, 2010, 06:33:33 AM »
Nick should have actually hung around and done stuff, if he wanted the cause to succeed.
We don't know what limitations Diabolos may have imposed on Nicholas's participation.  It is reasonable to suspect that Diabolos has a diabolical sense of humor.  Meanwhile, I was wondering why Diabolos didn't yank Nicholas Blair back to Hell as soon as Jeb broke the box, but maybe Diabolos wanted to rub Nicholas’s nose in his failure.

I'm sorry we've seen the last of Leviathan Liz.  It would have been fun to see if she would have remained true to the Leviathan cause.

Bruno didn't lose his memory of the Leviathan cause when the box was destroyed.  Maybe the fact that he was recruited by Mr. Strack indicates that he never looked in the box, or maybe he never really believed in the Leviathan cause, but instead just thought of it as an avenue to success.  I'm liking Bruno a lot in this round of watching.  He's so wonderfully tawdry!


Megan had learned that if she pressed the lefthand button on Barnabas’s jacket, he would bite her, but if she pressed the righthand button, he would...


Chris: No, Sabrina!  Anything but that!  Even if it will remove the werewolf curse from me, I refuse to let Ned...

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0460
« on: March 30, 2010, 04:37:36 AM »
Today's Quote is from this episode: the hangman saying to Vicky, "May God have mercy on your unrepentant soul."  I see that I didn't comment on it before, so I'm commenting now.  How does the hangman know that Vicky's soul is unrepentant?  Yes, I know, it's a silly question, because it's that whole mindset of "We know whether or not you're repentant" that leads to Vicky being tried as a witch in the first place - but it still bugs me.  He could have simply said, "May God have mercy on your soul," but he just had to be mean.  Oh, well, maybe it was a job requirement.

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0952
« on: March 29, 2010, 11:19:56 AM »
who knows if, by the time Philip offered his confession, they had found some poor innocent to fill the shoes of Patterson and Davenport?

In #950, Carolyn was speaking to the new sheriff on the phone.
Ah, so we had a new sheriff eager to impress the Collinsport folks with his blazing efficiency.  Philip is doomed.

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0965
« on: March 29, 2010, 11:08:01 AM »
Zombie Role:
Did you have any luck finding work today, Jim?
Why, yes. I got a part playing a one-eyed zombie at ABC. Put away the Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, darling. We are eating out in style tonight.
The guy threw in a limp as well, out of gratitude I guess.  That kept distracting me.

Maggie is psychic.  Oh, it was the Ang spell.  Alright, I'll give them that one.
You're more charitable than I.  Angelique's spell didn't make Josette psychic, so why should it make Maggie psychic?

I was thinking most of the way through the episode that the whole Quentin-buried-alive business was terribly lame - he was dug up again before you could say Jack Robinson - but then when we had the ceremony at the Leviathan altar it became clear that they just were looking for a reason to disable Quentin temporarily so that Barnabas could play the hero.  I'm sure that when the Leviathan storyline was planned, Barnabas was to have played the part that Nicholas Blair played today, and once the altar collapsed, we would have seen him sitting on the ground rubbing his head saying he had to go to the Old House because Josette was waiting for him.  I wish we could have seen Julia giving the box a good whack with the sceptre, but I suppose that was never in anybody's plans.

Back to the lameness of the Quentin-buried alive business - yesterday there was a headstone where Quentin was buried.  I tried to read it, but couldn't.  Today it was gone, and Maggie noted that there was no headstone for the freshly dug grave.  And wasn't it convenient that the zombies left their shovel by the grave for Barnabas to use?  It sort of bugs me that the guy is always expected to do the digging.  Back in 1966, I'll bet Maggie was pretty good at physical labor.  But now she's the ingenue, so Barnabas has to do it.  Where was Willie? 

Hey, there wasn't any dry ice when Julia was experimenting in Jeb's room!  Bunch of cheapskates.

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0964
« on: March 28, 2010, 09:49:08 PM »
Why is there a coffin in Jeb's room? What did I miss THIS time?
Yes, that was surprising, wasn't it?

I still have trouble with the idea of Quentin and Roger being friends.  Every time I see them being friendly together, it just seems wrong to me.  It doesn't happen to me with any other pair of actors on Dark Shadows, I think.

When somebody (Roger, for example) says, "We'll have to be very clever," you know that no cleverness will be forthcoming.  Suddenly I was transported into Gilbert and Sullivan.  (No big surprise there.)  "With wily brain upon the spot a private plot we'll plan - the most ingenious private plot since private plots began!"

I think Julia's out of her depth in the matter of keeping Jeb from turning into the monster.  It just can't be simply a chemical thing.  And even if it is, she hasn't managed to figure out how to keep Chris from turning into a werewolf, so I don't think she'll have any better luck with Jeb - unless she figures a massive dose of sedatives will do the job.


Bruno: You'll be pleased to hear that I'm planning to make you into my next fur coat, Mr. Jennings.  I've got to get rid of the one that I'm wearing because...


David: If Maggie weren't away, I'd swear she had hung that man up there to teach me...

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