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Messages - Gerard

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Blowing It
« on: June 27, 2003, 10:21:25 PM »
All the talk about JY's nose and who he resembles takes me back to the last time this storyline aired.  I still think he looks like Clyde Crashcup!

Oh, my goodness, CB!  Clyde Crashcup!  Did that ever bring back childhood memories.  Now that's when they knew how to make cartoons.


Polls Archive / Re:Favorite 1970PT Nose
« on: June 25, 2003, 11:21:01 PM »
I guess I've decided that Buffy is my favorite PT character.  She's just so good.  Of course, then, her cute little nose would make the biggest impression upon me.


Current Talk '03 I / PT's Superior Technological Advantage
« on: June 25, 2003, 11:18:14 PM »
We may not know much about the general world of Parallel Time, but we do know that they are far more advanced in technology than Normal Time, at least Normal Time in Dark Shadows world.  I noticed something in Buffy Harrington's apartment, something I don't think I've seen in NT DS:  an electronic box with a glass screen.  I've heard tell that it's called a television.  And can you believe what it does?  It actually picks up transmissions of sound and pictures.  What other wonders could they have in that other time that do not exist in NT - at least not in DS NT?


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Dark Shadows Day
« on: June 25, 2003, 06:54:13 PM »
The real question is....How are we supposed to celebrate it?  Shall we all hop on the nearest trains and pretend to be orphans on our way to somewhere spooky?  :D 

I...I...don't understand!


Current Talk '03 I / Blowing It
« on: June 25, 2003, 12:00:01 PM »
In honor of MB's wonderful one-pic montage of the schnozz, I want to wish everyone a Happy Nose Day.  I will celebrate it in style, as I am afflicted with summer allergies, and I don't even need the putty to make mine look like that.  But I will use my special nasal spray (which I will now call Yaeger's Antihistamine) just for this occasion, along with lotion-enriched tissue for when I need to vacate it.


Bob, wondering whatever happened to Tom Jennings is an absolutely brilliant question.  Why haven't we thought of that before?  Not even a single mention of him.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:PT Characters
« on: June 24, 2003, 12:47:37 PM »
Hey gang,

If there had been a PT counterpart of Phillip Todd, do you think that old Phil would still be sporting that groovy hairdo, Mr. Rogers cardigan sweater, and those absolutely God awful, ugly #ss gray plaid pants of his?

Bob the Bartender, who does all of his clothes shopping via the internet with the fine folks from Habands.

Surely, Bob, you had a pair of pants just like those back then - I did!  I mean, wearing them made one the envy of the fashion-conscious at Washington Junior High School.  Of course, they were not always worn - one did not want to run the risk of wearing them out.  It took a great deal of work, and pleading with one's mom when out clothes shopping, to get that oh-so-important groovy look.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Bad Hair Day At Bruno's Bungalow!
« on: June 24, 2003, 12:41:49 PM »
Didn't we all have an Auntie Hannah growing up?  Some might've been more tempered, sorta like a cross between her and the Ruth Gordon character from Rosemary's Baby, but it seems most families had one.  In ours, it was Auntie Theresa, married to my Uncle Mike.  He was the most quiet, shy man in the world, and she just consumed all the energy out of a room.  Same look, same hair (how do they do that? - what's in there? - a skeletal support designed by Gustav Eiffel?), same clothes, a never-ending ability to keep talking without hardly taking a breath.  It was Auntie Hannah down to the bone.

In the scene where Alexis and Auntie Hannah first met, I was waiting for her to do what all Hannahesque aunties do:  squeeze her cheeks.  But then, Auntie Hannah has enough evil within her by her indulging in the black things; having her cheek-squeeze would've been right over the edge of diabolical displays on early 70's television.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:OT - LEFT KNEE
« on: June 22, 2003, 07:25:46 PM »
Owwee, Annie!  Now that's enough of that stuff, you hear!  We don't want you having any more problems like that, or else we're gonna hafta fish Adam out of the water at the bottom of Widow's Hill and pull some of his parts out to fix it!  You be careful with that knee, and I'm sure the doctor will fix it to rights for you.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:Nightmare at 43 Hillcrest
« on: June 21, 2003, 02:52:30 PM »
Ain't it though, Patti?  You'd think with a title like that it would be about some family moving into a ghost-and-demon filled abode, battling for their lives as one by one they're sucked into the plumbing to spend an eternity living as zombies or something.

I'm pretty sure now that I did see the made-for-the-boob-tube movie many, many years, ago (actually, decades) but only vaguely.


can the montages be downloaded?

Not yet. :( But once the Members' Archive comes back online, I plan to make all the montages that I have copies of available for download. ;)

I have an entire zipdisc filled with them.

Hmmm - if I ask really nicely, do you think that maybe I could get copies of some of the early montages? [smlyg] I lost my copies of montages #1 through #159 when the hard drive I had them stored on crashed  a few years ago and I foolishly hadn't backed them up.  [6184]

Sure, MB - and you don't even hafta ask!  I'll start hunting through my stuff and see which one they're on.  I'm one of those who never marks his discs, thinking, "oh, I know now what's on it and I'll mark it later".  Of course, I never do, so I end up looking at each one 'til I find what I want.  Naturally, it's always on the last one.  I do the same thing with stuff I record on video-tapes.  Some people never learn.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:Nightmare at 43 Hillcrest
« on: June 21, 2003, 02:30:11 AM »
It does ring a bell to me, especially after reading a short synopsis I found on a website:  "The true story of a family who became the the victims of yet another drug war excess as police mistook their house as the location for a raid. In order to cover-up their tragic fumble, the cops plant heroin in the house."

It also lists Jim Hutton and Mariette Hartley as being in it (along with Lela Swift as director).


Talk about scary, I saw a grave stone in the cemetary with my name on it.  I believe it was from the 1800s?  It gave me chills.

No kidding. It's a Sicilian tradition (in my family anyway) to name the first two boys and girls in your family after your Father's and Mother's parents, respectively. So when you end up attending their funerals you end up seeing your name on their tombstones. A very "weird" experience...

I have so many Joeys in my family it's not funny! LOL. (Oops, I guess it *is* funny) ;D


That reminds me of the episode on Cheers where Carla was suppose to follow a similar Italian tradition (well, according to the show) regarding one of her sons.  She didn't want to do it because one name was Benito.  And the other name was Mussolini.  Carla's mom (played hysterically by Sada Thompson) tried to fake dying to trick Carla into doing it.  The whole thing was a riot, one of the funniest episodes of the series.


I like the montage too but the pop up to download whatever it is that wants to download is so annoying.

Hmmm-there's nothing else to download. :-  I have absolutely no idea what sort of pop-up you might be getting, [idontknow] but I swear it's not coming from the forum. :(

I imagine my question belongs on the testing board, but since the topic is here, I'll just go ahead and inquire:  can the montages be downloaded?  I use to do it all the time because they're so marvelous.  I have an entire zipdisc filled with them.  But I can't download them anymore, whether I'm using AOL, internet explorer or netscape.  Is there a way to download them?  It's been so long since I've been able to do it, that I don't remember anymore the last one I copied.


Ya, Vlad, you found it!  Neat!  I remember seeing a publicity photo in a book taken from the play, but don't ask me who the actresses were, 'cause I don't remember.  Once you get your copy, you should really see about the possibility of having it performed.  If a bunch of 20-year-old college kids using lumber (constructing the staircase was the hardest, but we got our dads with their tools and electric saws to come and do that), cardboard, borrowed furniture, and costumes which consisted of Good Will finds altered into Victorian garb by our mothers and their magical sewing machines, could produce a rendition that left the audiences stunned and creeped, it can be done!

I also enjoyed what I call the "One Day At a Time" (because of Valerie Bertinelli) version of The Turn of the Screw - hardly a classic, but very enjoyable, and it still pops up on the Lifetime Network.  I wonder if they changed the governess from being British to being an American (and a widow to boot, I believe from my faulty memory) because Valerie couldn't do a good British accent.
