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Messages - Maggie Evans

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Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Very sad news... not OT
« on: October 14, 2002, 11:06:14 PM »
Terrible thing to happen to such a sweet guy :(
seems like we are losing one DS actor every other year..

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Carolyn's Green Sweater
« on: October 03, 2002, 06:46:21 PM »
Looks like that color of green was pretty popular back then..Lordy,just think....trends have a way of repeating...YIKES :o

Current Talk '02 II / Carolyn's Green Sweater
« on: October 02, 2002, 08:11:59 PM »
Anyone notice Carolyn's sweater today?..It looked exactly like the one she gave to Adam as a present.. :P

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Biggest Pet Peeves
« on: September 14, 2002, 04:35:30 PM »
I'd have to say the sound effects are my biggest pet when someone is screaming but the scream actually starts a few seconds later (Maggie did that once) kind of takes something away from the moment if the sounds aren't it sync with the action ....what a whiner I am ~ ::)

The B Man did love members of his family: Naomi, Sarah & Jeremiah--up until Jeremiah eloped with Josette and Barnabas killed him for it, of course.

He obviously saw Josette as the shining example of womanhood, for better or worse, and Angelique's unique brand of love surely warped his mind: the destruction of his family, having Josette ripped away from him, being cursed by his affliction...well, we all know that Barnabas has issues. And being chained up in that coffin for 170 years didn't do much for his mental health.

I think when Barnabas was freed from his tomb, he saw an opportunity to make the world that he wanted in 1795, and he didn't care how he did it. He was a victim of a psychotic, evil supernatural social climber; Angelique not only ruined his life--she ruined any chance he had of finding peace in death.

Maggie's resemblance to Josette drove him even more batty--no pun intended--that he already was; but, eventually, Barnabas learned that kidnapping a girl and jacking hard with her mind was no way to find true love. If Barnabas did indeed ever exhibit emotional growth, it was when he finally fell in love with Vicki for who she was, abandoning that dopey plan of re-creating Josette.

And while I dearly love Julia, she was as calulating and sociopathic as Barnabas was early on; she didn't care about helping Maggie, and while she was squeamish about putting the needle to Dr. Woodard, she did it anyway--because by that time she was truly Barnabas' co-conspirator, her own free will putting her in that horrible position.

If she really wanted to help Barnabas, she would've blown off the cure and helped put the horrors of the past behind him...

You make a great psychologist :)
That's the best description of Barnabas I've heard yet ..

I am adding my own little footnote here..but I think Barnabas & Roxanne..just were an awful couple together..I just could never see the magic there.Total mismatch.. They don't look right together to me..:-/

I am surprised at how many chose Angelique.I thought about that scenario and even though I do think they could make a go of it for awhile..I just can't see Angelique behaving herself long enough to make it last..she's too jealous.
I just can't forget how happy Barnabas was with Josette..I can remember the first time I saw him in that time period on the show..and I thought how cool it was to see him sooooooo happy and matter who he was with after her..he just didn't seem to be as happy.So I think I have to go with Josette.....Although she would have had to do some time traveling and be bought back to life  :P..She's the one I would have like to see him wind up with in the end ..

A write-in vote--Willie!

Seriously. . .

This has become a more difficult question for me as I grow older.

Should it be Josette, the long-lost love Barnabas tried so hard to re-create?

The loyal, loving, generous Julia, who stood beside him, a staunch friend to the end?

Angelique, his one legal witch-wife, the woman from his own century, who blackmailed him into marrying her, yet seemed to have a strong tie to him in spite of it all?  

Actually, I think if Barnabas had had some serious therapy, the right mate for him would have been Vicki Winters, a modern girl with old-fashioned values and a love of the past.  I believe they were well-suited to each other, and once he got over trying to replace Josette and accepted Vicki as a separate soul who loved him, they could have been very happy.

But I still think Willie might have been best of all!    ;) won't believe this but I was going to include a man in the choices for barnabas... :P
Decided against doing that because I just can't picture him with a man myself..not even willie ;)

This seems ideally suited for the new poll feature. . .wonder if i can get it to work??

Originally..that's what I thought I was posting this as..and the choices went like this:
5.Buffy Harrington
6.Roxanne Drew
7.Megan Todd
10.a new woman altogether

Just curious what everyone has to say... :-*

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Julia's Hands & other habits
« on: August 29, 2002, 01:52:02 AM »
aaaaaaaaaaaaand....Ever notice Roger davis can't seem to make it through a scene without a snicker popping on his face?....he does this alot..almost as if he's going to break out in laughter.. ;D

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Angelique:appetite for destruction
« on: August 29, 2002, 01:47:12 AM »
I guess maybe I shouldn't feel sorry for Ang?... :-/

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Angelique:appetite for destruction
« on: August 29, 2002, 01:43:36 AM »

**Holding Julia hostage so Roxanne could 'feed' off of her .. . :o

oh yessssssssssssss..that's right...I forgot about that :P

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Angelique:appetite for destruction
« on: August 28, 2002, 06:01:15 AM »
I have always considered PT Angelique and RT Angelique completely different characters. Therefore, there are certain things only PT Angelique did that RT Angelique didn't do. I, for one, didn't like PT Angelique at all, but I love RT Angelique. She didn't even have a reason to do the things she did, while RT Angelique truly believed she was doing the right thing.

Does everyone else consider these separate characters or both "Angelique"?

Hmmmmm..good point..guess I always did  :-/

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Angelique:appetite for destruction
« on: August 28, 2002, 01:47:15 AM »

Right after that marriage fell apart she decided that once again she was still in love with Barnabas, who apparently was getting a bit too friendly with Maggie Evans. When Angelique saw that,  she suddenly decides to put a love spell on Maggie & Quentin, to make them fall in love.

Another time in 1970PT when she found out that Julia wasn't her beloved Hoffman after all,  she locks her up in the Collinwood dungeon and leaves her there. I remember.....lordy she's mean   Thanks~

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