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Messages - Heather

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: New Member
« on: September 11, 2005, 02:50:38 AM »
Sorry this is late   :-[

Just wanted to extend a big Welcome to all the new members!



Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: OT-New Baby
« on: September 11, 2005, 01:30:17 AM »
Congrats, Dvlvan - and good luck with the classes!  :)

Current Talk '05 II / Re: a house for julia
« on: September 11, 2005, 01:21:55 AM »
Well two members of this Board did write a story exploring the true nature of Elizabeth & Julia's relationship . . . >:D

And what an intriguing and..titillating story it was.  >:D :-*



I defy anyone to name another inanimate prop on DS that is so central to the action. You won't be able to because, quite simply, there is no other!! Not even the animated Hand of Count Petofi or the Head of Judah Zachery can hope to compare. They are forever consigned to live in the silver filigree pen's shadow, never to know the awe the silver filigree pen has inspired in generation after generation of DS fans across the world!! guys are crackin' me up with this topic. ;D

Hmm...Barnabas' cane is pretty notable/symbolic too, although I guess it wasn't as possessively manhandled, used and tossed aside like that delicately textured, rock hard, oh so irresistable filigree fountain pen. ;) Makes me want to pop in a tape and watch it again sometime... ^-^

I kinda agree with the others about the afgan though. ;) Its an almost forboding yet comforting symbol for that frenetic clan. Even while our dear Dr. hoffman was under the dangerously seductive power of that...hunk of a man  "Toooooom", only the afgan provided the comfort, warmth and veiled security for her weakened body (too much of a good thing can do that to ya) whist Mr. Barnabas Collins was out fighting that sexy vamp in a cold crypt just a hop skip and jump away...

Well {big cough} if nothing else, the afgan's kinda like the "where's waldo?" of the DS universe...I get a kick out of it when it pops up in fanfic now and then as well. ;D

Anyhoo, I know this probabaly isn't as significant (cough), but what of Julia's trusty medallion? I know I was never the same after I saw that colorful, sparkly, mesmorising prop twirl before the screen...followed by the deep sultry monotonous chant of that divinely unique and talented redhead we know and luv... :-*

By the way, have I mentioned lately how much I adore your cleverly concocted and informative posts MB ...they're tastier than a slice of Mrs. Johnson's piping hot dutch apple pie with just a dollop of sweet, sweet melty whip cream on top...finger licking good...mmm...tasty.

There'll be a special tea service in the Drawing room later today, darling. Liz and Julia will be waiting... ^-^

Wenchily in passing,

Heather   >:D

Today on DARK SHADOWS, Barnabas becomes concerned about Julia when he discovers her attempting to check the vital signs of Josette's bed.

LOL!!   ;D  :-*

J: Time to take your temperature, Barnabas. Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit...

Acting as gentlemanly as he can, Barnabas removes a stubborn piece of lint from Julia's dress...

Bear in mind that Grayson was known for her faculty of exaggeration in storytelling...

Ohh, she just had a lively, dramatic, colorful personality is all..  ;)  :-*

Thanks for the info from me too, dahlings ...  :-*


J: Yes, that's a condom! :o

It's a wonder I didn't think of that...  [smirk] [wiseguy] [emblgh]

Entertaining captions, everyone!    :-*

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: Happy Birthday To Midnite!
« on: August 11, 2005, 01:02:44 AM »
To a great humanitarian, a sweet and helpful mod (er...I mean, DSForumGoddess  ;)) and all around wonderful gal:

[occasion15] Happy Birthday, Midnite! [occasion15]

Hope you had a good one!


Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0963
« on: August 09, 2005, 11:20:59 PM »
[courtesy of a cousin from afar...]
J: I knew that was a stake in your pocket, Barnabas--you've never been that  happy to see me....

Caption This! - Leviathans / Episode #0962
« on: August 09, 2005, 10:02:55 AM »
 [smiley_profileright] [smiley_profileleft]