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Messages - Gerard

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Julia's big boo-boo in HODS
« on: June 02, 2005, 02:37:22 AM »
I always took it that Julia hoped that the overdose would kill Barnabas, not revert him back.


Current Talk '05 I / Re: expecting vic?
« on: May 30, 2005, 03:04:26 PM »
I surmise, too, that they would've hidden it as long as possible, and then do what they always do to a character when the actor/actress needs to take a break:  ship 'em off to a hospital, including a Hoo-Hoo House, for some strange condition, their names popping up in conversation every once in awhile, until they're brought back in some highly dramatic fashion.  For all the times they sent one of Joan Bennett's characters off to a medical establishment for an extended stay, we should've purchased stock in Kaiser.


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: HI EVERYONE/OT
« on: May 28, 2005, 01:10:14 PM »
Hi, Annie!  I've been working, working, working like gangbusters, too!  Two jobs and no time for anything else.  Hopefully, someday we'll win the lottery and no longer have to do this work-for-a-living schtick!


Current Talk '05 I / Re: Re: The ShadowGram Survey
« on: May 23, 2005, 11:12:39 AM »
Even though Sci-Fi unceremoniously dumped the original DS, considering the continuing interest in the show I'm surprised it has not looked into doing a new version.  It did that miniseries remake of Battlestar Gallactica, which proved so popular that it became a hit show for the network, and I'm sure the fan base for BG is not as large as for DS.  Dan Curtis is still a hot commodity, as exemplified by his success with Our Fathers on Showtime.


Current Talk '05 I / Re: Disappearing/Reappearing Objects
« on: May 18, 2005, 11:38:42 AM »
How about the box that in 1897 contained the Hand Of Count Petofi.

Oh, that box!  A keen eye will see it popping up everywhere throughout the series, on end-tables, mantels, shelves, bureau tops, etc.  That box has been to more places than lost luggage on a United Airlines flight.

Speaking of boxes, it always amazed me that the naga box from the Leviathan storyline was rather small, and yet somehow that huge, coffee-table edition of the naga book was crammed into there.


Joan Bennett didn't seem to have any problem utilizing her role as a "scream queen" after the end of DS, ala Bette Davis/Joan Crawford.  She did a couple things, such as Suspiria, and that made-for-TV movie about that computer-runned house which dispatched people it felt threatened its nefarious plans.  As I recall, the house tossed her into a pool of boiling water.


Current Talk '05 I / Re: evening wear in collinsport
« on: May 14, 2005, 01:44:14 PM »
I think they were rather creative in costuming in order to save pennies or time.  I remember the scene in PT1970 where Angelique was wearing a lush evening gown, and in the next scene she had to appear that she just stepped out of bed.  They simply slapped a Sears off-the-wrack housecoat over the fancy fixin's and - voila! - Angelique changed from the evening's glamor girl to rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.


It always irked me that Vicki (and before her arrival, Phyllis) was put on trial for witchcraft, considering that laws regarding that had vanished a hundred years before in light of that nasty business in Salem.  Of course, the writers concocted a thing about prosecutors digging up some long forgotten law.  I always thought it would've made more sense for Vicki to be charged with murder by using witchcraft.  Thus, she would be on trial for murder, but not for witchcraft per see.  After all, it wasn't illegal to use a knife to cut one's cheese (stop giggling; you know what I mean), but it certainly was illegal to use one to cut one's neighbor's throat.  Making the crime murder, and not witchcraft, would've made the story all the more plausible.


Current Talk '05 I / Re: OT: Old House in Belfast, ME
« on: April 26, 2005, 11:24:43 AM »
Arashi, that house is magnificent - truly a grand Old House!  And don't be so quick to dismiss a dream about purchasing it and turning it into a bed-and-breakfast (with DS-themed Halloween parties!).  Maybe, just maybe, there's someway, with a lotta determination, you could make that dream come true.  And we'd all be your first guests!  (I like my coffee black with lotsa caffeine for breakfast in the morning, please.)


Current Talk '05 I / Re: The Best of Angelique/Lara Parker
« on: April 25, 2005, 08:34:03 PM »
how old is Angelique suppose to be in 1795? The voice-overs indicated she is a young girl - like around 21 or 22. One amazing aspect of Lara Parker was that even though I understand she was quite young then she could has easily played someone in her early 30's, she had that much maturity.

Her personification of Angelique in PT1970 was of a woman of at least 30, if not just a tad more, with a twelve-year-old son.  And Lara Parker played it wonderfully.  So she was one of those rare ones who could jump around in age and pull it off with total credibility.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / OT - Re: ** Censoring Words **
« on: April 24, 2005, 03:41:20 PM »
Back in the seventies, a major Milwaukee newspaper employed one of the first primitive computerized systems for editing stories, making sure that no naughty words slipped by accidentally.  And then a problem arose.  In the Sunday edition, there was a column in the entertainment section which listed the top-requested songs in the Milwaukee area.  The name of the column was Milwaukee's Hit Parade.  For some reason, the computer program kept kicking the title out, refusing to have it go to print.  The befuddled editors kept scratching their heads until they finally noticed why.  See if you can find in the name what the computer did, but the editors initially did not.


  I have several worthless degrees, including two useless masters. 

  Gerard, so should I drop out now and save myself the aggravation of two more semesters? ;)  Believe me, I'm tempted.

Depends what you getting 'em in, Penny!  If it's in my areas, save your money!


Well, I'm over 40 and under 50.  I currently work with cognitive disabled children, and have lived all over the good, ol' U. S. of A., like Wisconsin, Nevada, Pennsylvania, California, Arizona and Alaska.  I have several worthless degrees, including two useless masters.  I love to write as a hobby (had always hoped to be that great American author like Mark, but have to be satisfied with doing it just for fun), and my other great, obsessive passion is about ocean liners and other passenger ships.  I've got an extensive private library, plus some very, very valuable historical ocean liner collectibles which, fortunately, I've gotten rather cheaply from flea markets and such (good thing people don't know how valuable this stuff is - one piece I got while in Paris for around $40 American was appraised afterwards at being worth a minimum of five grand).  I love to sail on 'em, too, and last summer, through the graciousness of wonderful friends, I spent a month on board the brand new ocean liner Queen Mary 2.

There are some pics of me (if you want to risk looking) already on our illustrious message board, taken when I attended the 2003 Brooklyn DS Festival on the same day I arrived in New York City from - what else? - a cruise on another passenger ship (to Bermuda and back).  You'll find 'em in the Announcements archives.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: The Forum's New Theme
« on: April 21, 2005, 12:58:05 PM »
Never mind, I just found it.  Do I ever feel dumb!

Gerard (Who Thinks It's Now Very Appropriate To Hate Me For Being So Dumb)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: The Forum's New Theme
« on: April 21, 2005, 12:53:46 PM »

Uh-oh, I think I'm being techno-challenged.  How does one reply on a thread?  I can't find any place to click at the bottom.  I'm doing this by clicking "quote" (and then just not quoting).  I've looked all over the page of a thread, top and bottom, and can't find a "reply" icon!

Gerard (Who's Asking That You Don't Hate Me For Being A New-Message-Board-Format Dunce)