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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1217
« on: May 20, 2011, 08:21:27 PM »
Thanks, MB! If it's Brutus's Secret Room, that would certainly explain his portrait being there. The architectural plans for the Great House must be very interesting indeed.

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1219
« on: May 20, 2011, 03:05:51 PM »
The narration said that after Daphne said she knew that Bramwell would never hurt her, they passionately embraced. What does that mean?

Excellent question! I've always wondered about that too, especially after Bram told Daphne he wouldn't be able to offer her "youthful passion." Did he possibly sleep with her once or twice just for form's sake? If so, I'm sure it was only perfunctory.

Catherine wouldn't necessarily have had to tell Dr. Hamilton to keep quiet forever. She may have been hoping eventually to pass the baby off as Morgan's--and premature. Some (admittedly primitive) birth-control methods were available, but they were unreliable enough that she could have claimed an accidental pregnancy. She also could have expressed a preference for a midwife or another doctor--someone who didn't know the truth about exactly when she became pregnant. Also, Morgan wouldn't have been allowed (or wanted to be) in the room during the labor and almost certainly wouldn't have recognized a preemie--although Flora or the ever-vigilant Julia might have. This leads me to interesting speculations on what might have been if they hadn't had to wrap up the plot so quickly!

I also enjoyed Colin Hamilton's performance as the inspector in 1970 PT, and it is too bad we didn't get to see him in period costume! But even so, I would rather have lost this episode than 1218 or 1220. Unfortunately, I didn't watch the show during its first run, so I don't know if they gave him a wig or an outrageous coat.

It would be a shame if the movie forgets about Sarah. One of my favorite scenes in the original series is when she gives him what for when she stops him from killing Julia. Barnabas pinned by a little girl--and grieving AND conscience stricken--was a wonderful moment.

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1219
« on: May 20, 2011, 10:07:46 AM »
I'm pretty sure doctors (and midwives) could tell that a woman was pregnant--what I wonder is how Catherine could be so very sure that Bramwell was the father.

Nice touch that the Hamilton (I think) family stayed in Collinsport. Maybe Dr. Hamilton and the late Dr. Harridge were colleagues.

And it was funny that LP wore such a huge silver cross--maybe to keep vampires away?

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1218
« on: May 19, 2011, 02:13:35 PM »
 [ghost_embarrassed] Gosh, thanks!

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1218
« on: May 19, 2011, 11:50:21 AM »
What an episode--total nuclear war with mutual assured destruction! Let's see:

Catherine vs. Bramwell
Daphne vs. Catherine
Josette vs. Catherine

I loved how Josette supported Daphne, even though she knows Bramwell is marrying her (D.) for spite. At least we know that PT Josette and Barnabas had a good marriage, even if it was a brief one.

With his back finally at the wall, Bramwell decides to opt for at least partial honesty with Daphne:

"I am older than you, hand I cannot offer you youthful passion." [Sadly, he almost certainly doesn’t want to offer her any other kind either. I suspect this marriage will never be consummated if he can help it.]

"There are many different kinds of love." [Translation: I don't love you but after all, that isn't why I'm marrying you.]

"With what I feel for you now, my love can grow, and we will have a life that others will envy." [Are you listening, Catherine? This one's for you!]

No wonder poor Daphne is desperate enough to consult Carrie, even though it's apparently 2:00 a.m. and Carrie's father is still at work! But all Daphne finds out is that if she marries Bramwell, it could be the death of her.

A wonderfully written episode filled with fully developed characters!

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1217
« on: May 18, 2011, 02:56:43 PM »
The portrait of Brutus looks remarkably like Raphael's portrait of the Renaissance writer Baldassare Castiglione. (Yes, I took the art history survey course!) I know Gabriel is completely insane and murderous (at least some of the time), but thanks to Pennock's loopy portrayal I had to laugh at Gabriel's ranting as he slashes the portrait and sets it on fire. Poor Morgan--not only does he know where all the bodies are buried but now he also has to start a new sideline as a fireman!

JF is wonderful as Bramwell, although I thought it was rather ungallant of him to make Daphne run to him instead of pulling her away from the knife-wielding Gabriel. And poor Daphne, no doubt feeling even more vulnerable after Catherine's tongue-lashing. Really, she has nowhere else to turn but to Bramwell. I agree with you, Lydia, that really she hardly knows anything about him. Maybe she's attracted to the enigma rather than the man--she's so very young.

And yes, Catherine's look at the end says everything. No dialogue needed.

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1216
« on: May 17, 2011, 01:25:26 PM »
Good for Kendrick telling Julia that he can't be bought--at any price!

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1215
« on: May 14, 2011, 09:00:39 PM »
Quote from: Midnite
you remember him from Star Trek as the Ambassador of an overpopulated planet of inhabitants that are immune to disease, so he arranged for his daughter to meet Kirk and become infectious.

OMG, that was HIM??!! Of course I remember that episode!

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1215
« on: May 14, 2011, 05:50:42 PM »
Poor Morgan, withanother body to dispose of. At least he's already had some practice. And to think that the RT Braithwaites were silversmiths and well respected!

Interesting to see the interior of the Locked Room at last--it seems to have been some sort of state bedroom, most likely Brutus's own.

Quote of the day: Flora to Morgan, when they're visiting Justin's tomb at the mausoleum: Nothing can happen to us now.

I suppose we should also say farewell to David Hurst. It's too bad Justin couldn't have lived longer--he was an interesting and complicated character. But the writers had to set the curse in motion, so he couldn't be allowed to live.

I do like Carrie's little bonnet!

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1214
« on: May 13, 2011, 02:26:02 PM »
Episode 1214; or, The Long Night of Practically Everybody

The scene between Bramwell and Catherine is one of the highlights of the entire series. Amazing work by both!

Poor Julia--this night must have been a sad replay for her. And it must have been even worse for Flora, who saw what her husband became and now has to endure waiting for her youngest son.

Ten years isn't a generation--true. But I think the Room doesn't care about how many years it's been, just that whenever the previous Room person dies, the next generation has to go, even though it's been only ten years since Justin's turn. But then again, if the generational thing were strictly the case, then Julia and Flora would be disqualified and it really would be up to Morgan, Quentin and Gabriel--and Catherine too if she got her way. Sometimes it just doesn't pay to try to hold the Collins Universe to any kind of consistency.

And poor Melanie, possession, the plague, and delirium too!

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1213
« on: May 13, 2011, 02:15:16 PM »
Bramwell as a tot:  ROTFLMAO!

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1213
« on: May 11, 2011, 09:53:10 PM »
Interesting thoughts on Quentin, Lydia. He might also have returned home because the family business would be more likely to hire an ex-convict. For such an authoritative woman, Flora does seem to have raised quite a clutch of problematic sons!

The conversation with Bramwell and Daphne is one of my all-time favorite scenes. I love the scorn in his voice when he imagines Catherine's life at the Great House, especially when he says, LET her draw! It was fun to see that Bramwell has forgotten Gerard Stiles, but who knew that young ladies of 1840 went out on dates! And Daphne, with her fledgling feathers ruffled, is so sweet when she reminds Bramwell that she's no longer a child.  My other favorite bit in this scene is how JF registers the abrupt change from warmth and genuine interest with Daphne to subzero when Julia arrives!

Good scene also with Daphne and Catherine, who seems to have forgotten that Josette lives at the Old House too, so Daphne's staying there isn't nearly so improper as Catherine and Morgan would have us believe. No doubt Catherine is thinking of Bramwell's reminiscence of how they met (and how he made her miss church, bad boy!) when she warns Daphne against his charm--which seems to be all the more powerful for being so well hidden.

Morgan and Julia finally manage to get Gabriel into the Locked Room. But what will they find when this long night is over?....

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1212
« on: May 11, 2011, 02:36:18 PM »
That scene with Julia and Catherine is great! I keep expecting the edges of the film/video/whatever to start smoldering with all the anger in that little room. And just because Catherine felt sorry for Gabriel, Morgan has another argument with her--the second one on what is STILL their wedding night! It looked for a moment as if Morgan was about to give his aunt what for for giving Catherine that "little lecture," but her announcement that Quentin has the plague pre-empts him. I don't remember if he ever gets the chance again.

And yes, Quentin has the plague, but he unbuttons only the top button of his shirt!  [ghost_angry]

Pennock is great, especially when Flora tries to give him Justin's "favorite book of meditations." The only thing I can imagine Gabriel meditating on is the location of his nearest stash. It's awful for the family, of course, but I had to laugh when the Tower Room turned out to be empty at the end of this ep.

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1211
« on: May 09, 2011, 10:14:16 PM »
The first time I saw this episode, I was totally bowled over by the final scene. I loved JB's combination of formality and fatalism as she intones the ritual lottery formula.

I always thought Flora came to Collinwood as a bride. If we assume that she too came from money, we can probably assume that her family would have followed the aristocratic tradition whereby women left their families to marry and men brought their wives home. I suppose the obligation to produce an heir (and at least one spare?) would have reinforced her new identity--as would her responsibility for Justin after he went into the Room.

What strikes me about PT is that even though Morgan is clearly of age, Flora is still the head of the family and Mistress of Collinwood--even though Justin has died. In the normal universe, she might even have retired to a cottage on the estate, and Morgan would become the new Master, but she's still very much in charge. I've also always thought that Julia was born a Collins. Once she decided not to marry (there must be a story there too!), the strong-willed Julia probably felt she had to fashion some kind of role for herself that would keep her from being totally eclipsed by Justin and maybe also by Flora. Hence her fanatical and single-minded devotion to the family honor--and its secrets too.

I like the idea of a Pairs Project! But I don't really know the eps. well enough to suggest any other pairs. Maybe a trio or quartet of the various times Barnabas had to insert himself into the family?