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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0966
« on: September 01, 2015, 02:38:32 PM »
The end of the Leviathans, but not of Nick or Bruno. Bruno cuts up the apple very deftly.

Only on DS would characters get all dressed up for a wedding, and then it turns out to be a dream or it never happens. Carolyn's dream gown is lovely.

Now that Elizabeth has been restored to herself, she goes right into full Mistress of Collinwood mode when she realizes that Jeb let himself into the house. How dare you roam around the house at will! she exclaims. I think your behavior is shocking [a word she reserves for the ultimate in bad behavior]! Jeb looks at her in astonishment--without anger, but maybe with some relief. He observes with a smile, You have changed, just as he said you would. You remember who I am but nothing more. He asks politely, May I see Carolyn for just a few minutes. Carolyn pleads for him. Elizabeth okays a quick visit, but gives Jeb a piercing glance as she leaves. Urgently Jeb tells Carolyn, I don’t have much time--if I stay here, my life will end. He can’t conceal his fear as he tells Carolyn, I’ve got to go far away. I want you to come with me. Carolyn is understandably reluctant, but Jeb tells her, We’ll go to Collinsport, get married, then go away. Carolyn hesitates, obviously thinking about the life he would have her leave behind. Finally she says, If I can’t get you to stay, then I’ll go away with you. He holds her tight; she holds him back, but she doesn’t look happy.

I also think that Paul is sending Carolyn all those dreams. In this dream he has Barnabas appear, in perfectly ghoulish makeup, to tell Carolyn that Jeb killed her father.

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0963
« on: August 31, 2015, 02:45:10 PM »
So sorry to hear that, MT! I hope the invasion ends ASAP!

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0964
« on: August 30, 2015, 11:16:22 PM »
MT, it just occurred to me that maybe Jeb was DC's answer to The Wild One.   [ghost_cheesy]  Although this was the era when the term "generation gap" was coined. I wonder what kind of draft exemption a Leviathan would get.

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0965
« on: August 30, 2015, 11:13:00 PM »
Ha, ha, you're right about Quentin! Maybe Julia had just run out of sedatives.

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0965
« on: August 30, 2015, 06:10:02 PM »
According to DS Wiki, Sam Hall wrote this ep. Who knew he could write such a good love scene? Although NB and CP use up their very small stock of chemistry on it.

Nicholas comes back from-- somewhere and tries to force Julia to tell him what she's doing. She uncharacteristically stays silent, but he figures it out anyway and smashes all her stuff.

Barn isn't out looking for Megan but sitting in front of his fireplace when Maggie arrives and says they have to save Quentin. Meanwhile, Quentin wakes up, realizes where he is, and sends a signal to Maggie. She runs out of the Old House, so Barn follows her.

I must have missed Nicholas helping Julia into her coat after warning her to steer clear of the Leviathans--thanks, MT. Jeb arrives, and Julia practically runs out. Nicholas and Jeb argue, but in the end Nicholas lays down the law. And it's never a good sign when he has to repeat a question.

Barn has followed Maggie to a cemetery, where she realizes that Quentin has been buried alive. Unable to delegate the task to Willie--where is he anyway??--Barnabas starts digging with a shovel that one zombie carelessly left behind. Maggie is so desperate that she starts tearing up the dirt with her bare hands.

Carolyn and Jeb are at the carriage house. What was so urgent? she asks. Suddenly shy, he kneels in front of her on the floor (she’s sitting on the stone bench in front of the fire). I can’t say the things I feel, he replies. Stroking his hair, Carolyn encourages him to try. I have never met anyone like you, he starts. This only happens to me when I am with you. Whenever you look at me or touch me, I feel like the way I am meant to be--the way I always want to be. I don’t understand why you should want to be any different, Carolyn says. I am not what I seem, he answers. There is another me, one that you have never seen--one that I don’t want you to see. What are you trying to say? Carolyn asks, mystified. Only that I love you! he answers as she cradles his face in her hands. I always want to be this way. I always want to be this way--no matter what happens. What will happen? Carolyn asks. I shouldn’t have told you, Jeb replies brusquely. Nothing is going to separate us, Carolyn promises. We’ll be together. She kisses him and recalls, When I was little, I wondered what falling in love would be like. I was afraid it would never happen. It happened soon after I met you--and nothing is ever going to change that. They kiss again.

Presumably Barnabas has used his unhuman strength to lift Quentin’s coffin out of the ground. In any event, Maggie is presumably too distracted to wonder how he did it. He pries open the lid while she practically dances with impatience. Quentin is alive and begins to revive with the fresh air. He and Maggie embrace, and Barnabas helps him up to start the journey back to the Old House. How did this happen? Maggie asks. Jeb Hawkes, Quentin answers. He warned me that he had something special in mind for me. Whatever that man is, he is a man of his word.

Carolyn and Jeb are still snogging away, but she senses that something is still disturbing him. I can’t tell you what it is, he says, but I have to do something very important. Please wait for me to come back. Just trust me, he pleads, please wait for me. Carolyn promises to wait.

Julia is already at the Old House when Barnabas and Maggie bring Quentin back. Jeb tried to kill Quentin! Maggie reports. We’ll take him upstairs, then I will come down and tell you everything, Barnabas promises. I also want to speak to you, Julia replies. After they go upstairs, Julia paces around the drawing room, then starts in surprise as Jeb enters the house. They stare at each other for a few moments, then he bursts out, You must find a way to help me--tonight, now! Julia regards him coldly. I just found out you tried to kill Quentin, she says. I had a score to settle with him, Jeb says, but right now I don’t even care if Quentin is alive or dead. There are a great many things I want to change about myself. I’m willing to live and let live if you’ll help me. I don’t trust you, Julia says flatly. Now I see things differently, Jeb protests. Julia, being Julia, wants to know what. I don’t have time! Jeb argues. Just believe me that I want to be a changed man. But Doctor, it has got to be possible! he says frantically. It has got to happen tonight! Shocked at his urgency, Julia asks, Why tonight? Because if it doesn’t happen tonight, it will be too late, Jeb answers. Just trust me. Then he notices Barnabas standing in the foyer, staring at him with a cold and piercing gaze.

Nicholas returns to the carriage house, but Carolyn greets him coldly. What are you doing here? she asks. I’m sorry we have never become good friends, he replies blandly, but now I’m confident that we soon will be. He produces his shiny gold cigarette case and quickly hypnotizes Carolyn. Then he orders the zombies to take her to the shrine.

Maggie comes downstairs to find the Old House drawing room deserted. Quentin soon joins her and shows her the mark on his hand, the match of hers. Now I know how you found me, he realizes. Why is this happening to us? Maggie asks. I don’t want to fight it, Quentin replies. The only thing I care about is you. I love you. They are soon kissing passionately.

Nicholas is at the head of the Leviathan altar, wearing a black robe with a wide sequined collar (the same one that Evan Handley wore in 1897, actually) and almost hidden by an unfortunately dangling tree branch. He has a large scepter in his hands, with a stylized horned head. Jeb, carrying the Leviathan box, escorts Carolyn into the clearing. They are wearing their ordinary clothes. (It’s apparently a come-as-you-are affair for them.) Still under Nicholas’s spell, Carolyn stares ahead vacantly, unaware of her surroundings. Jeb places the box in the center of the altar, directly in front of the Naga stele, then stands by Carolyn’s side at the foot of the altar. Nervously he tells Nicholas he is ready. Nicholas begins his incantation, which is a variation on one of Angelique’s standbys: Prince of darkness, I call upon the flames to summon you. I beseech all of the dark creatures of nature to summon you here. You must be a witness to this ceremony. You must give your blessing to these two creatures, who will soon become your obedient servants. I call upon the seven plagues and upon the charred and blackened stars which reigned on my beginning to drawing you from the darkness of the earth, that you may witness the vows that they are taking here tonight. Take the scepter and start the vows, he tells Jeb. Jeb doesn’t stir. Nicholas repeats his command, and Jeb reluctantly walks to him and takes the scepter. When he is in front of the Naga stele, he suddenly shouts, Barnabas! Now, Barnabas! Get her now, Barnabas! Barnabas rushes in, takes Carolyn by the arm and runs off into the woods with her. The enraged Nicholas moves toward Jeb. Stop her! he shouts, then screams, No! as Jeb raises the scepter high over head and strikes the Leviathan box with it until it is shattered. You fool! Nicholas shouts. Don’t you realize what you have done?

A slow rumbling starts deep in the woods and moves toward them. Nicholas pushes Jeb away from the altar into the woods, shouting, We had better get out of here, you fool, or we will both go up with it! As they watch, a bright white light illuminates the entire clearing, accompanied by the sound of crashing rocks. In a moment, the light goes out and the altar is merely a pile of tumbled stones. Suddenly Jeb collapses to the ground, screaming and convulsed with pain....

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0964
« on: August 30, 2015, 05:29:15 PM »
After everything she's seen and done, why should Julia be afraid of a mere zombie? I guess it was in the script. Oh, well. In many ways, this is really her episode, and otherwise she's very true to character.

Sky Rumson tells her not to ask questions, but that's pretty much the same as telling the sky not to be blue. He modestly disclaims all credit for reviving the dead men and can’t seem to get over her many questions--but then, he doesn’t know her well. Being Julia, she has more: Why have I been brought here, and why are you the one to greet me, and where is Jeb Hawkes? He’s here, Sky tells her with a significant look toward the door of the Leviathan room. This is Jeb’s new Room, Julia realizes. And now that you’ve told me that, you’re going to kill me. Sky says, I won’t kill you if you do what Jeb asks--and you’ll know soon enough what it is.

Sky offers Julia a sherry on Jeb’s behalf, but she declines. I will never tell you where Barnabas’s coffin is, she tells him through gritted teeth. Sky unwittingly pays her the ultimate compliment: You never stop thinking, do you, Doctor? Use your imagination. Go ahead. Ask one more question. While Julia is trying to figure out what he means, the heavy breathing starts up from behind the door. Would you like to see what he looks like? Sky asks. No! Julia says quickly. You’re afraid, Sky observes. I’ve seen what Jeb does to people, Julia replies. That’s right, Sky says, adding with euphemistic understatement, You saw Paul Stoddard after they met, didn’t you? Julia only nods. It’s too bad you’re not interested, Sky says--because you’re going in that room. No! Julia cries again. Sky insists she is, so she heads for the front door again. Julia opens the front door, but shrinks back as the guard zombie shuffles into the room, its arms raised toward her. Sky grabs her, twisting her arm, and forces her into the room despite her struggles and cries. The room seems empty except for a coffin. As Julia regards the source (as always, unseen by us) of the breathing with sheer horror, the breathing changes to panting. She runs to the door and pounds on it, screaming for Sky to let her out. He simply stands outside, listening. As the creature moves toward Julia, she turns to face it. The breathing gets louder and louder as she raises her hand in a futile attempt to ward it off. Stay away from me! she screams. Don’t touch me!

Then Julia abruptly stops screaming. Her expression changes from terror to wonder as the breathing calms down, then stops. As she recovers, we see Jeb Hawkes (in the green sweater of true love) facing her. He says, You thought I was going to kill you, didn't you, Doctor? Well, I may. It all depends on you. It depends entirely on you, so play it cool. Julia looks at him, confused but curious despite the danger.

And yes, Roger is definitely on the anti-Leviathan team, yay!

And yeah, why does Jeb's Room have a coffin in it? Set-dressing blooper? Or lack of storage space in the studio?

Quentin opines to Roger that Jeb is too smart to take Julia to the carriage house--but maybe he's talking about some other Jeb?

Somehow Jeb knows about Julia's early attempt to cure Barnabas. Despite her horror at Jeb and everything he's done, once he says he needs her help, she can't help being intrigued and curious. She switches right into Doctor Hoffman mode and starts taking his case history as if they were an ordinary doctor and patient.

As if they had all the time in the world, Roger and Quentin are discussing how best to rescue Julia when Sky arrives. Quentin greets Sky with a kind of unholy glee. He tells Roger, I know Sky, and I’ve also heard a lot about him from his wife. Then he introduces him to Roger. Quentin shows Sky into the drawing room to wait for Elizabeth, signaling to Roger to follow his lead. Quentin chats about the Collins family portraits for a moment, then brings the subject to weapons collecting as he indicates two crossed swords hanging on the wall. Sky is still wondering where Elizabeth is, so he is entirely unprepared when in one fluid motion (he’s had almost seventy years of practice, after all), Quentin pulls out one of the swords and levels the point at Sky’s throat. [In so doing, David Selby knocked the whole arrangement off the wall. It then crashed into a glass globe lamp beside him, near the wall. The lamp fell to the floor with a huge crash and was completely shattered. For a few moments we can hear some stagehand cleaning it up. In any case, it makes a great effect!] Sky backs away but Quentin keeps on coming. Where is Julia? he demands. Sky denies knowing anything. I wonder if a nice long scar across your throat will help you remember, Quentin wonders. I will do anything to find out where she is, he declares. Sky finally tells him, Julia is at the carriage house for a reason, but Nicholas Blair knows nothing about it. The four zombies are stationed outside the doors, and the password is “live” (rhymes with give). Quentin hands the sword to Roger and leaves the house.
But Roger is distracted by the sight of vampire Megan at the window--and who wouldn't be? Sky takes the opportunity to knock him down, lock the drawing-room windows, and skedaddle.

Sky makes the mistake of chatting with Megan, who quickly mesmerizes him and makes a meal of him.

Quentin bursts into the carriage house and dramatically demands to know where Julia is. And now we learn why there's a coffin in Jeb's room. With a laugh, Jeb replies, I hadn’t dared hope you would show up. With that they close for the struggle, but it quickly turns unequal as the four zombies join in. Meet my enforcers, Mr. Collins, Jeb says. I’m not dead yet, Hawkes, Quentin retorts, I will be back, I promise. I’ve heard enough, Jeb says, and the zombies take the hint. They overwhelm Quentin and knock him out cold. Then they carry him into the Leviathan room, open the coffin, put him inside and close it. (So begins the first--but not the only--time poor Quentin is buried alive.) The zombies line up two by two alongside the coffin, with Jeb at the head, leading the mockery of a funeral procession. Do not grieve, gentlemen, Jeb tells them. He is old--very old indeed. He will soon join you.

Jeb and the zombies take the coffin to the cemetery, where the zombies lower the coffin into an open grave. Jeb instructs them to bury Quentin. May Quentin Collins soon learn to rest in peace, Jeb says. Soon he will find himself in a coffin. The air he breathes will become less and less and less... until there is none. I promised you a surprise, Quentin Collins. You know I keep my promises. He laughs, and the zombies start to shovel in the dirt...

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0963
« on: August 30, 2015, 01:52:50 PM »
Thanks, MT. Good observations as always!

Everything is completely dry now, but some of my books will never be the same, alas.

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0962
« on: August 29, 2015, 10:05:55 PM »
DS Wiki says Violet Welles wrote this ep.

Thanks, MT. It wasn't a natural disaster. Some workers were demolishing the apartment above for renovation, and one of them swung a sledgehammer into a 2-inch water pipe. Luckily it was fresh water, but it cascaded down right onto my computer.

Thank goodness for data recovery people. These guys worked miracles.

I also wondered about those poor extras who had to rise up from the almost certainly very shallow graves. I read somewhere that they had handkerchiefs to cover their faces. I hope they got paid a little extra, though, or at least got an extra sandwich and coffee from Craft Services.

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0963
« on: August 29, 2015, 06:18:26 PM »
One other interesting note about this episode: The voiceover says that Jeb can no longer trust a LIVING being.

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0963
« on: August 29, 2015, 06:11:05 PM »
I believe you're right about Megan, Josette.

Like all the other DS villains, the Leviathans forget that even their servants have free will.

It never seems to occur to either Barn or Julia to draw the curtains while she's giving him his injections. So Jeb and one of his pet zombies watch while it's happening, and Jeb, at least, learns some interesting things.

Jeb is extremely rude to Elizabeth, ordering the Mistress of Collinwood around in her own mansion. But he's careful to keep his zombie companion out of her line of sight.

Even after his injection, Barn feels the need for blood. Although vampires are impervious to heat and cold, he puts on his coat to go hunting. Once again, Megan insists on being bitten. We can see the terrible regret in Barn's eyes as he bites her.

It does seem odd that after Megan dies, Barn is capable of staking her. It seems to violate some unwritten law of vampirism. But then again, as DS story lines hurtle to their conclusions, the writers seem to be making up the rules as they go along. Barnabas is in his drawing room with a stake ready in his hand. He tells Julia to stay in the basement, but she is determined to join him. I have put you through so much already! he protests. Even now she smiles faintly as she replies, I have not done anything that I have been forced to do. [She seems to have forgotten about poor Dave Woodard.] We can see that Barnabas has a hammer in his other hand as he approaches the chair--but Megan’s body has vanished. We won’t need these, he tells Julia. She is gone.

Jeb tells his Gang of Four, You know what to do. He adds unflatteringly, I can’t be with you, because I have to prevent one of my people from becoming like you. He moves off, and the zombies file into the house. They fan out as if searching, but two of them head upstairs.

Barnabas has walked Julia back to Collinwood. He will search for Megan while she tries to figure out what’s wrong with the serum. As she enters the darkened house, we can see that one of the zombies is hiding in the corner below the stairway. He does a near 360 as he watches her walk upstairs.

Another storm is at its height as Julia enters her room and prepares to start her work. She stops when she hears several strange, loud noises, but assumes it’s just the storm. She goes back to work, but then hears a knock on the door. She opens the door only to find the zombie who watched her go upstairs. She quickly slams the door in his face, but he opens it and walks in as the two zombies who went upstairs earlier now emerge from hiding--inside her room. No! she screams, but it is too late. (It is really a compliment to Julia that Jeb sent _four_ zombies after just one woman.) One zombie rudely hits her, knocking her unconscious. The other two follow as he picks her up and carries her out of the room in the received horror-movie style....

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0962
« on: August 29, 2015, 05:58:26 PM »
Dear people, thanks so much for all your good wishes! I missed visiting here too. The good news is that the data recovery people managed to save all my old stuff!

I think it was Julia who told Quentin the truth about Chris.

I love the scene with Quentin and his great-grandson: Quentin is walking through the woods when he hears someone or something rustling the bushes nearby. He calls out, and the werewolf jumps out and lands in front of him. Quentin backs away but quickly sees that the creature is seriously injured and weak. [And just how did it get out of the locked mausoleum anyway?] It sinks against a convenient boulder, obviously in pain. Quentin draws nearer but it growls, so he backs off and gazes at his great-grandson with sorrow and pity. What have you done? he asks gently. What have they done to you? Something has happened here. Someone has tried to kill you. Did you kill him? He moves closer to the werewolf and says, Chris, I want to help you. Somehow I’ve got to make you understand what I am saying. He seems to have actually reached the poor creature, which extends a paw toward him, then collapses to the ground with a cry of pain. Quentin’s face shows that he is remembering all the times he went through exactly the same torments. He looks up at the sky and notices that it’s getting lighter. Soon we can talk--the night is over, he tells the werewolf quietly. He sits down to wait and watches as the werewolf changes back into Chris Jennings.

Jeb finds out that Megan is Barnabas's servant.

Meanwhile, Quentin and Chris still in the woods. (For the first time, seasons are marked at Collinwood as red leaves of autumn appear on the trees behind Quentin and Chris, even though this episode originally aired in February.) Quentin says, I remembers what it was like when dawn came and I was covered with blood. Bruno almost got me last night, Chris says glumly. Next time he might. I’d rather you killed me now. I don’t want to pretend we’re strangers or that there is any help for me. Nothing has worked, not the portrait or Sabrina’s moon poppy. I am what I am because of you! Chris tells his great-grandfather, who shuts his eyes in pain and shame. So now you owe me something. I want you to kill me right now! Quentin disregards this request. Why didn’t Bruno kill you? he wonders. Did you kill him? What do you remember? Chris replies, All I remember is the sheriff standing over me with a gun--and then I woke up here. Go home and clean up, Quentin tells him. Later we’ll try to find out what happened.

Beautiful scene with Carolyn at her father's grave when her father's murderer happens by. grave finds her. She tells Jeb, Coming here is my way of letting my father know, wherever he is, that I think about him all the time. She starts to cry, and her father’s murderer holds her close. I just suddenly felt so alone, she sobs. You’re not alone, Jeb assures her, as long as I’m here. How long will that be? Carolyn wonders, pushing away from him. My father left, then came back only to be lost to me again. I feel doomed to lose everyone. You’re never going to lose me, Jeb declares. But something else is bothering you, isn’t it? She tells him about her “sort of” quarrel with Quentin. What did Quentin say? Jeb asks. I wouldn’t let Quentin say anything against you, she replies--or we couldn’t be friends. A peal of thunder suddenly rolls through the cemetery. He had no right to upset you, Jeb tells her. Why are there so many ways of losing people? Carolyn says, in tears again. There are so few of holding on. Hold on to me, Jeb says. That is all you need. That is all you will ever need. I’ll take you home. As they leave, a flash of lightning illuminates the headstone of Carolyn’s father--Jeb’s victim.

Chris has presumably cleaned up, but he is wearing the same shirt as when Quentin found him. He and Quentin explore the deserted and almost empty crypt. You didn’t kill Bruno, Quentin says, then kindly points out, but you tore a dead man into pieces. Chris is revolted and horrified, but the more practical and case-hardened Quentin tells him, It’s better than having him walk around. You just gave him back to death, where he belongs. We are all better off for it. Stay away from any others like him, too. Chris hastily leads the way out.

Jeb has returned to the graveyard and is standing by a row of four newly dug graves. He reads off the names for us: Thomas Findley [a relation of the unfortunate late Madame Findley?], John Hart, Amos Ross, Emory Page. I invite you to join me, he tells them. I call on the god of the underworld to release you! I promise him five new souls in return! A dazzling bolt of lightning and a huge thunderclap indicate that Jeb’s request has been granted. The earth on each grave begins to heave, and from one a hand (belonging to Charles Rush) reaches forth into the stormy night......

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0961
« on: August 29, 2015, 05:51:28 PM »
According to my notes, Marie Wallace did the VO for this episode.

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Violet Welles interview in 1991 TWODS
« on: August 28, 2015, 07:27:33 PM »
Many additional thanks from me. This was an entertaining and informative read! It's so interesting to learn how the show actually was plotted and how scripts were written (and by whom).

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0962
« on: August 27, 2015, 10:05:09 PM »
Just dropping in quickly to say that a flood destroyed my old computer last week. I've finally managed to transfer my files (including my DS notes, of course!) and should be back here for real in the next day or two.

I've missed this place and am glad to be back on the Interwebs.

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0958
« on: August 18, 2015, 07:59:45 PM »
Finally remembered the "Zorro Vampire" from 1970!  [ghost_cheesy]