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Messages - Cassandra Blair

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Current Talk '03 I / Re:"Eye of the Devil" and Dark Shadows
« on: June 10, 2003, 05:20:10 PM »
Wow, that sounds like an interesting movie.  I'm sorry I didn't see your earlier posting on it...would love to have watched it.

It does sound like there are several similarities between this film and DS.  But then such similarities are inherent in much work from the horror genre.   And goddess knows DCP borrowed (cough - ripped off - cough) lots of storylines from classic horror films and books while making our favorite show. ;)

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Character Association
« on: June 03, 2003, 02:27:53 PM »
When I was younger, I'd have to say I was more than a bit like Carolyn, and shared her taste for bad boys.  These days, I'm a bit more like Julia, as I am also unswervingly devoted to one man.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Worst Hair on DS?
« on: May 30, 2003, 02:08:51 PM »
Julia's hair has been looking rough in the last couple episodes.  Let's face it, there was a lot of bad hair on this show:  Bruno, Sabrina (both before *and* after), Charity Trask's original 'do, Angelique's Swiss Miss 1840's look, Petofi's mop, Maggie's upsweep that she's currently wearing, Liz's helmet hair, Mrs. Johnson's 'widowed auntie' look and on and on...

I can't decide which was the worst!

Current Talk '03 I / Re:And I've waited so long, Willie......
« on: May 30, 2003, 02:00:53 PM »
Maybe Willie suffers from Stockholm Syndrome.

That's the only way the whole scenario makes sense, something like that.  But as MB says, maybe that makes sense psychologically for this character: he's been beaten down and abused for so long that he actually feels an affinity with his former tormentor.

Plus, there's the whole blood slave thing.  Since Barnabas is once again a member of the undead, does that 'reactivate' Willie's enslavement?

Current Talk '03 I / Re:At the risk of sounding BA-NAHHLLL
« on: May 28, 2003, 02:06:30 PM »
Who should come waltzing in but Nicholas Blair, paying upon a visit upon his dear, OLD, down-on-her-luck-again, OLD buddy, Mrs. Angelique Rumson.  PRICELESS!  see, stuff like this is what always makes me think the Leviathans was the best period in the show's history--certainly the best of all the present-time arcs.  Scenes like this are incredibly rich because of how well writers and actors were able to make use of two years or more of existing subtext.

LOL!!! [laugh]  After having watched the ep last night, I totally agree, Gothick - it was just a priceless scene between these two!  Certainly has been a highlight moment of the Leviathans which I think I'm actually enjoying a bit more the second time around.

And I noticed something later on in the second ep, there was a scene with Quentin and Angelique wherein she said "We're both a lot older since the last time we met," or something like that.  Got me to wondering.  Do you suppose this means she's been living in real time ever since we last saw her in 1897, as Quentin has done?

Cassandra Blair

P.S.  You're right, Sky's poker DID get much bigger the second time we saw it.  Maybe he had some 'help' with it from an all-too-willing stagehand!!    ::) ::)

Current Talk '03 I / Re:A Serious Laugh
« on: May 28, 2003, 01:54:04 PM »
Let's face it, there were times when DS got SERIOUSLY cheesy.  I guess I love it all the more for those moments when they just went OUT there, come hell or high water.

Yes, the fact that they laid on the cheese sauce rather heavily at times plays no small part in my admiration for the show!  Where else can you get comedy (albeit sometimes unintentional), melodrama, horror and high flown fantasy all at once?  ;)

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Remembering the DS Plotlines?
« on: May 27, 2003, 05:28:22 PM »
Debra, I remember doing something rather similar!  I first remember watching the show at the age of seven during the PT1970 storyline.

[spoiler]The scene of Angelique coming back to life and killiing her twin sister Alexis scared the living crap out of me![/spoiler]

My cousin, who'd watched that scene with me, was scared witless too.  We took to calling Angelique "the lady" and used to taunt each other with threats: "the lady is going to come get you!"

Soon after on a stormy night, I couldn't get that scene out of my head.  I was just sure that the lady was hiding in my closet, waiting to 'get' me.  I had recently stopped sleeping with my teddy bears, which my mother had put away in the attic.  Anyway, I begged my dad to go up to the attic in the middle of the night to get me all three of my teddies so that they could stand guard over me in the night, and keep "the lady" at bay!

I too was told "No more Dark Shadows!"  But neither that nor my night of fear stopped me watching the show whenever I could, on the sly of course!  ;)

Current Talk '03 I / A Serious Laugh
« on: May 27, 2003, 05:12:46 PM »
Okay, last night I finally sat down after a long holiday weekend to watch my tape of last Friday's episodes.   When I got to the end of the second of those eps, I about jumped out of my chair (not to mention my skin) when Jeb opened Paul Stoddard's coffin to find that dumbass picture of Dennis Patrick inside. [eek]

WHAT was up with THAT?  Surely even when this show first aired, they HAD to realise how utterly STUPID that looked!!!  Were they HIGH [smokn] when they filmed that?

Of course, once the shock of first seeing that scene wore off, I rewound the tape to watch again, and was that time overtaken by a fit of laughter from which I'm not sure I've yet recovered.   [lol3] [roll3]

Any other thoughts on this, which has to be one of the weirdest things ever seen on this show?

Current Talk '03 I / Re:N.B., Warlock at Large
« on: May 23, 2003, 08:46:33 PM »
I wonder what he was up to during his time away from Collinsport.  IRS auditor?  Administrator of a DMV office?  Congressman?  Insurance claims rep?  I guess he needed to take a break from all that and evil "down" a bit by being district head of the Leviathans.

Chairman and CEO of Halliburton?  ::)

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Playin' With Fire....but I Gotta
« on: May 23, 2003, 05:14:28 PM »
Chiming in with the majority here, which I ain't always known for doing.   ::)

Can't STAND Roger Davis as any character he plays.  He is least objectionable as Peter Bradford in 1795, but still...

Chris Pennock gets off to a rocky start as Jeb Hawkes, who is way annoying and arrogant, but does have a sexy body.  His acting got lots better by the time the Leviathan storyline ended, and he was quite good as Cyrus/Yaeger and as Gabriel Collins.

And yes, the "hairbrush scene" is riveting in it's own sick way.  [shkdy]

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Memorial Day 2001
« on: May 23, 2003, 03:13:17 PM »
Hey Ben,

Do you know I actually had those episodes written down in my 2001 daytimer?  I was excited because Sci-Fi had just started airing Dark Shadows from the very beginning, and I was able to see the pre-Barnabas eps, which I had never seen before.

According to my records, episodes 11 and 12 aired on May 24th, and episodes 13 and 14 aired on May 25th.

Hope this helps you and your friend.  :)


Cassandra Blair

Current Talk '03 I / Re:The Jeb/Carolyn Romance
« on: May 16, 2003, 02:20:35 PM »
That was a brilliant assessment, Luciaphil!  When you look at Carolyn's men one by one like that, the relationships do seem like something that might happen in the real world, particularly Carolyn hooking up with Jeb when she was at a low point in her life.  That is a time when it's easy to make the wrong choice about lots of things, particularly romantic relationships.

Now, I'm with everyone else - I can't stand Jeb, and don't like the two of them together but it does make sense, given the circumstances.  Aside from that mickey in her drink yesterday, I don't think he really had to work any of his hoodoo to get our Ms. Stoddard.  And has anyone noticed that the two have something in common?  Jeb said in a recent ep "I always do what I feel."  That could be Carolyn's motto, too.

But it is too bad that Tony Peterson didn't happen to come back into the storyline, he and Carolyn weren't much alike, but complemented each other quite well.  And unlike many of the men she chose he wasn't a loser.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:A Haunting At Collinwood??
« on: May 14, 2003, 11:27:04 PM »
You know, I thought the same thing!  If the show had continued, wonder if Maggie would've returned from Windcliff cured, only to be possessed by the ghost of Vicki?  ::)

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Barnabas' Change of Heart
« on: May 09, 2003, 02:34:47 PM »
I think everyone has a good point here.  ProfStokes is spot on about the 1840 Angelique not knowing anything about the other timelines save for 1795, and therefore not being as far down the road to redemption as we might think.

But I think Vlad has a point too, the writers seemed to have been moving us emotionally in the direction of sympathy towards Angelique because of her 'helpfulness' in 1897, and what she did for the gang in 1970.

Dr. Lang you could be right - maybe the 1840 Ange IS the one from the original 1795, or she could be from even another thread of time.  Who knows why Barnabas forgave her, that's never made a lot of sense to me...unless he thought the forgiveness would help her to rest in peace, so that she wouldn't come back to wreak more havoc in his life. It reminds me of a line from Buffy "Forgiveness isn't given to a person because they deserve it.  You give it because they need it."

And of course, Jennifer I have to agree with you too.  All this time travel stuff can make my head spin like I'm on nitrous oxide at the dentist's office, lol!

Congrats, Kuanyin!!!  That is such great news, glad to hear that you found that special someone.  May all your days together be filled with joy!

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