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Messages - Nelson Collins

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Question about Collins descendants from 1795
« on: October 21, 2007, 02:41:08 PM »
As I understand it -[possible SPOILERS FOLLOW]

Daniel survived, marrying and having children (Louis Edmonds plays "Old Daniel" in the 1840 storyline).  One of those children was Edith (played by Joan Bennett in 1840 and the delightful Isabella Hoopes as the dying Edith in 1987).  Edith goes on to to have a fairly large brood:  Edward, Quentin, Carl, and Judith by the 1897 storyline. Edward has a young son, Jamison (played by David Henesy) and it is Jamison who is the father of Roger and Elizabeth.

BTW, I think the above is the "official" family tree.  Early in the pre-Barnabas era and even up to the early Barn era, then tree was much different, including a very different story for Jeremiah and Josette and Elizabeth's claims that Jeremiah was her grandfather (or perhaps Great-grandfather.)

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Question about Collins descendants from 1795
« on: October 21, 2007, 02:34:16 PM »
As I understand it -[possible SPOILERS FOLLOW]

Daniel survived, marrying and having children (Louis Edmonds plays "Old Daniel" in the 1840 storyline).  One of those children was Edith (played by Joan Bennett in 1840 and the delightful Isabella Hoopes as the dying Edith in 1987).  Edith goes on to to have a fairly large brood:  Edward, Quentin, Carl, and Judith by the 1897 storyline. Edward has a young son, Jamison (played by David Henesy) and it is Jamison who is the father of Roger and Elizabeth.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Edith's Family Secret
« on: October 10, 2007, 01:12:57 AM »
Brandon, you've given me a nice vision of myriad bands of time in which Edith keeps meeting up with Barnabas and saying, "Oh, no, not again."
LOL!  Just imagine what trouble the chraracters would have been like if Douglas Adams HAD written for the show!!!

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Edith's Family Secret
« on: October 07, 2007, 11:29:26 PM »

Yes. but Joeytrom's statement was that if Barnabas had've never traveled back in time and basically scared Edith out of her mind, then she would've likely told Edward the secret.
oops, I didn't think about it that way!  [hall_embarrassed]

In the original timeline, what probably happened is that either Edward, Jamison, or Jamison's wife died somewhere outside of Collinwood or Collinsport before they could tell the secret to the next of kin who needed to know it.  If this is really what happened, then it explains why the present day Collinses didn't know about Barnabas when he showed up claiming to be a "cousin from England," not to mention the way Joshua doctored the history only helped Barnabas' cause.
hmmm, since in the original timeline the secret did not survive to the present the yes, what you or Joeytrom suggest must be the case.

Although there could have been any number of reasons why the secret didn't make it to Elizabeth.  Edith could have continued to tease the family and still died without passing it on, or it could have made it as far as Jamison and died with him due to a sudden death by accident or dying suddenly while  Elizabeth was not around for some reason (sent away from Collinwood to have her out of wedlock baby in secret perhaps?) [hall2_wink]

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Edith's Family Secret
« on: October 06, 2007, 04:14:40 PM »
It's been a few months since I saw the eps in question, but from what I recall, Edith was so delirious after seeing Barnabas, that Edward was not able to get a straight answer out of her regarding the secret.  He certainly hides it well if he was told.

I have not progressed very far into 1897 - is this the story where at one point Barnabas' true nature is discovered and he is staked, then turns up alive, claiming the the "vampire" Barnabas was not the real one, thus averting any further vampiric suspicion?  If so, then surely would Edward not at some point mentioned this family secret?

hehe which volume does the pen make its first appearance?
Collection 2 Disc 1 Episode 42 - Burke used his pen to write down his lunch order and then presents Carolyn with it.  Sterling silver, he says.  I'd love to find out how I can get one.  [hall2_grin]

Current Talk '07 II / Re: B & J
« on: September 29, 2007, 03:14:53 PM »
...And I thought it was going to refer to Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream! Sigh. Diets do crazy things to one's mind... [icecream]
Hmm, and now I'M thinking about a new Ben & Jerry's flavor - "Dark Shadows - Barnabas and Julia" - a Dark Chocolate Rocky Road (with nuts and marshmallow "seditives" and streaked with raspberry "blood."  [icecream]

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0394
« on: September 28, 2007, 03:06:30 PM »
While he is credited as "Ghost of Jeremiah," I always presumed he was more of a zombie, since he seemed to have a physical presense - rising out of his grave (we saw the hand at least), later carrying Angelique back to his grave to bury her alive, then that marvelous POV shot of Ang looking up at Jeremiah as he drops dirt on top of her.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Sept 19th - Talk Like a Pirate Day
« on: September 27, 2007, 03:15:20 PM »
September 19 is International Talk Like Pirate Day.
How did this happen?!

From the "About TLAPD" page:
"Founded by John Baur and Mark Summers during a raquetball game and, coincidentally, occuring the same day’s as Mark’s ex-wife’s birthday, Talk Like a Pirate Day has taken the world by storm. At my office, for instance, everyone talks like a pirate on September 19th. There’s no end to the fun as clients call and are subjected to the blast of “Ahoy matey, what can we do for ye scurvy dogs this fine day?”

The thing just sort of grew, and then took off in 2002 when Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Dave Barry got wind of it and wrote about it in his Miami Herald Column."

arrr  ;)

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Can Watching DS Improve Someone's Vocabulary?
« on: September 27, 2007, 12:57:01 AM »
Perhaps not vocabulary, but right now watching the Beginning sets, I am rather charmed at the attempts on the part of some of the locals at Down East speak ("Ay-yap") :)  Although, after Bill and Matthew are no longer around, it seems we don't hear it anymore.... :(

Current Talk '07 II / Re: i'm doing 1840...finally
« on: September 26, 2007, 03:59:01 PM »
they never showed barnabas going to willie's neck.   and williew wound was on his arm.

Hee hee (and OT), I remember though once Sandor discovered Barnabas' coffin in 1897, Barnabas did bite him on the neck, though we only see the wound and not the act.  Maybe Barn just has a thing for bears?  >:D

Ooh! Ooh!!!! Just saw "the pen" for the first time!!!!  >:D

I've reached the end of Set 2 disc 1 - and met Thayer David's Matthew Morgan for the first time - I literally got goosebumps when Matthew very coldly told Burke he would kill him if he made trouble for "Miz Stoddard."

Just learning how Burke plans to ruin the Collinses - Frankly, I am surprised that Liz (who I thought was very business savvy) would be foolish enough to mortgage most of their holdings with on-demand notes.  That's a disaster waiting to happen, even if she was in a bind due to Roger's foolishness.

Other observations:
Roger is a j-e-r-k
David is creepy
Is it me or is glaringly obvious that Bill is in love with Elizabeth? (and a-yup, poor Bill, I can tell he's about to "join the widows.")
Ned Calder .... Liz, you minx!  >:D

I too have been noticing how "big sisterly" Victoria has been with Carolyn.  And just how Carolyn tries to hide her own innocence and naivete and fear behind a wall of spoiled rich brat persona.  Sometimes I want to comfort her, sometimes I want to slap the !@#$ out of her. ;D

Vicky I find I like very much.  She seems almost as innocent and naive, but I sense an undercurrent of greater maturity, especially in her dealings with Devlin in these episodes.  It's interesting how the three ingenues interact with Burke:  Maggies gossips and pries for information (partly because of her concern for her pop), Carolyn is the coy flirty minx, but Vicky's dealings with him have always been honest and straightforward (even if his with her have not).  It really is no wonder to me that they ended up together.

Sorry I didn't warn about my spoiler.

Apologies Magnus, my "spoiler alert" was my own, not intended at all to complain about any story details given out.  I know most of them anyway :)  and was just curious about the comment that Liz should not have remembered Barnabas.  I understand now.