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Messages - victoriawinters

Thanks for this scoop Midnite.  Alas, Showtime is not on my TV choice of things.  They usually release on DVD at some point so I'll wait until then.

I thought June Lockhart really kept her looks up.  She was a beauty and read the passages quite lovingly.  Her love for Joan really shined as did her daughter, Diana Anderson.  It was great having this event even though it went too long and messed up the schedule for the entire day.  It was a divine tribute.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: The 2004 WB Pilot
« on: August 06, 2005, 09:42:57 PM »
Oh yes, it was the same one patrolling us during the play earlier in the afternoon.  But, I liked it in the end that he was there.  I thought order was a bit better kept this fest.  He wasn't bad on the eyes either.

Happy Birthday to Bobubas, you wicked devil.   [diablo]

Happy Birthday to Terry308, jase and Liz Grayson too! [occasion15] [occasion15] [occasion15]

Happy belated Birthday Ghost of Sarah Collins.   [occasion13]  I think I missed you this fest.  I'm quite sad about it. :'(

Current Talk '05 II / Re: The 2004 WB Pilot
« on: August 06, 2005, 09:19:59 AM »
I felt Marley Shelton made a good Victoria.  She had a good mix of vulnerability and strength.  She also was commanding over David.  I felt she was eventually going to make inroads with him.  I felt little Alexander Gould was truly strong as very disturbed David.

The portrait of Josette was a replication of Marley Shelton in a 17th Century dress with long tresses.  It was a nature background I believe.  She had a very pretty smile in the portrait.  Very much in the style of the time period, in terms of the sitting.

I thought Martin Donovan as Roger Collins and Michael D. Roberts as Sheriff Patterson were the best of the lot.

It appeared to me that Blair Brown and Kelly Hu needed to be re-cast.  Or, re-directed.  Or, both.  There were many points where the direction lacked er Direction.  Granted it was rough cut and not polished.  You could see the visual click track at the bottom of the screen.  But, you can tell if the shots are there and they add to or detract from the horror/suspense or not.  The director (PJ Hogan) absolutely needed recasting.  Possibly a flogging.  My review and fix suggestions will be part of my Fest report when I'm done with it.

Alec Newman was a bit short but they were short 200 years ago.  So, it worked for me.  Or, Martin Donovan is a basketball player.  Your pick.

Joe was hot as was Willie.  At first I had the pre-judgment, based on my meeting him at Dan Curtis' 40th Anniversary last year, that Jason Shaw was going to be weak as an actor.  However, he surprised me.  Matt Czuchry (Willie), Jessica Chastain (Carolyn), Alexis Thorpe (Kelly Greer), Jenna Dewan (Sophia) were all quite competent in their respective roles.

For the most part, this cast gelled for me.  Mark Verheiden (writer) really understands DS.  My instinct about him from my meeting with him last year was dead on.  It would have worked.  DS is all the poorer because this failed.

As a friend of mine who is a record producer and performer always said, when you have a new release the entire catalog sells.  This really, truly hurt us that this didn't make it.

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: DS Fest 2006
« on: August 06, 2005, 07:26:18 AM »
I'm still working on my husband so he'll go and we can make another NY vacation out of it.  Hopefully, the Yankees will be in town that week-end.  That will totally cinch the deal.

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: DS Fest 2006
« on: August 06, 2005, 05:31:19 AM »
Diane and I will almost certainly be there, it would have to be someting pretty extreme to keep us away. And next year, I hope to see you, Charles Ellis, there too. You are always entertaining, you superfan!. Its only you and KLS who keep Johnny Karlen straight.  ;)

It was great meeting Diane and you at the Banquet table.  I will certainly look forward to seeing you in NY.

I like John Karlen when he's wacky.  I was messing with him in the autograph line and I think we totally cracked up Jerry Lacy who was next to him.  So, don't straighten out JK too much. 

Current Talk '05 II / Re: 1991 Series To Be Released On DVD
« on: August 06, 2005, 05:09:34 AM »
but for some reason the 1991 version has never held any interest for me.i can't explain it but i've never seen it and really don't plan to. :-

I'm sorry to hear that.  Joanna Going was an incredible Victoria Winters.  She brought a great deal of depth to the character and was totally believable with some of the crazier things they had her do.

I found out through barns and nobles where i work. It`s going to cost 39.99. Iam so excited to buy it.

Thank you for letting me know.  That's not a bad price for the entire thing.  I may wait for a sale or get it at a discount through other outlets.

About a month ago I wound up spending the night in the hospital emergency room.

I hope you are well now Nancy.  I truly hate the ER.

...I can now attest that looking at Russell Crowe and Liam Neeson for an extended period of time had restorative powers for me! ;D

Eye candy has amazing curative powers.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: 1991 Series To Be Released On DVD
« on: August 05, 2005, 09:17:12 PM »
I don't feel so bad that I purchased the entire video set or received some of them as gifts.  The extended footage really added to the plot points and atsomphere of the series.  The DVD would have disappointed me with their omission.

Truthfully, Michael T. Weiss and Adrian Paul are just so hot that it doesn't matter what format they end up in. [62b2]

Current Talk '05 II / Re: The 2004 WB Pilot
« on: August 05, 2005, 07:25:36 AM »
It really wasn't going to need many special effects because the story was there.  The pace could have been slowed just a bit and a few of the scenes saved for episode 2.  I might have moved one of the scenes to the end instead of what they had.  But, that is my thing.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: 1991 Series To Be Released On DVD
« on: August 05, 2005, 07:12:09 AM »
They just announced that the 1991 Dark Shadows is comming out on dvd 10185.

Who is they and where did you see/hear this?  I'm curious because they told me there were no plans and that it was all going out of print.

Could we please have a run down on who is whom in the group photo?  There are some shiny, happy faces I don't recognize.

You said it sister! 

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: DS Fest 2006
« on: August 03, 2005, 05:04:29 AM »
Jim Pierson's invited guest list of actors includes some of the less-prominent players, like Terry Crawford, Kathy Cody, Denise Nickerson, Lisa Richards and Donna Wandrey, plus maybe Michael Maitland and a few others who are no longer in show business. . .it would be nice to hear from them.  And whatever falling-out there was with Jon Frid should be mended and he should be encouraged and paid--if necessary--to attend.

I have a feeling all the stops will be put out for this one.  Kathy Cody was invited to the current one and could not make it due to emergency surgery.  Denise Nickerson was at the 2004 Festival in Tarrytown.  Lisa Richards, Terry Crawford and Donna Wandrey were both at the 2003 Fest.  Donna Wandrey rocked the house in Return to Collinwood and you missed it!

I hope Jonathan comes as well.