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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0280
« on: August 27, 2012, 03:30:59 PM »
I'm sure Barnabas made Willie lay on a full eighteenth-century feast. After all, he wants to party like it's 1795! Sadly, the only edible we know about is the claret cup.

For those with historical curiosity, Esquire magazine has thoughtfully provided a recipe for claret cup from 1939. It should be no surprise to friends of Barnabas that it includes Amontillado!  [ghost_grin] [ghost_grin] [ghost_grin]

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0285
« on: August 25, 2012, 07:19:41 PM »
Carolyn chides Vicki for becoming obsessed with the past. Vicki--wearing a dark velvet robe--is up in her room, preferring to listen to the music box over and over instead of getting ready for a date with Burke. And who can blame her?

Burke gives Barnabas a dressing-down about the costume party. He says, On account of the party, not only did Vicki think she saw that little girl at the Old House, she also thought she saw Maggie Evans at the cemetery. Impossible! says the ambushed Barnabas. Maggie Evans is dead, so there was nothing _to_ see. She couldn’t have seen Maggie Evans-- [slowly] any more than she could have seen that little girl on the stairs.

Vicki enthuses to Barnabas about the possibility of his helping "Miss" Hoffman write her history of some of the old New England families. But Barnabas is able to curb his enthusiasm. Now Vicki spots the book that Barnabas came to give her. It’s really of very little interest, he says deprecatingly. I was going to give it to you, but the others talked me out of it. His method works perfectly, as now nothing will do for Vicki but that she must have the book. Opening it up, she sees that he has inscribed it to her. Why weren’t you going to give it to me? she asks. Without a shred of remorse, Burke admits, I didn’t want Barnabas to give it to you. Vicki glares at Burke, and Barnabas says primly, I’m sorry if I created a somewhat clumsy situation. It isn’t _your_ fault, Vicki says pointedly. After Barnabas leaves, Burke tells Vicki, What you need is a good time--good and loud--and I’m gonna give it to you. Ewwwww!!

Vicki and Burke end up quarreling as yet another storm starts up. He leaves in a huff. Vicki looks a little sorry, but immediately dips into the book. But the next moment, she's hurried down to the Old House to apologize for everyone's behavior. But the storm has become too violent for her to go home, and Barnabas invites her to wait till it dies down. In his most spellbinding voice, he tells her, This room is never lovelier than when it is lit by lightning, and the thunder echoing down the corridors. Vicki concludes apologetically that she must spend the night at the Old House. Barnabas is only too eager to play host and tells her that Josette's room is ready for her at all times. Yes, of course, Vicki says--Josette’s room. Barnabas smiles with unholy anticipation; as he draws close behind her, his eyes stray toward her neck....

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0284
« on: August 24, 2012, 08:32:12 PM »
Dave Woodard shrewdly guesses that Julia thinks a Collins may be the perpetrator of the harm to Maggie. Dave recalls the conversation they had about the circumstances. Maggie’s case is far from ordinary, he observes. I remember some of the words we used to describe it--like unearthly. How far is it unearthly? Julia answers dryly, It isn’t unearthly because that would mean it couldn’t happen on this planet [LOL!]. Dave argues, There are limits to what a rational man can accept. With clinical detachment, Julia replies, In this case, those limits have to be extended considerably.

Julia makes her first visit to Collinwood! She is incognito, and Vicki addresses her as MISS Hoffman. David mentions Sarah, but Julia can't very well pump him for info in front of Vicki. Vicki says about Barnabas, He’s the gentlest, kindest man I know, but he values his privacy. He seems to share my interest in the past, Julia observes. I’m sure you two will get along very well, Vicki enthuses. I hope so, comments Julia dryly.

And Julia makes her first visit to the Old House! Vicki takes Julia straight to Josette's room, where Josette's gown is still lying across the bed. While they're talking, Julia feels a sudden chill, but Vicki senses nothing, even though she looks out the window and reports that the sun is going down. Julia smiles at Vicki's enthusiasm for Josette's room, then notes that the sun has set. Vicki lights a candle so that Julia can see the room as Josette must have seen it.

The two women look around the softly lit room for a moment--until the candle suddenly goes out, and Julia feels another chill. We’d better go, she suggests. There’s nothing to be afraid of, Vicki assures her. It’s not that, Julia answers. If you knew me at all you’d know I’m afraid of nothing. [That's our Julia!] You will come here when Mr. Collins is here? Vicki asks. Oh yes, Julia answers. I can’t tell you how much I look forward to it.

Presumably Sarah has been trying to warn Julia to leave. But my real question is, At this point, how much does Julia know? How much has she already guessed? I think she must already have some idea of what the proprietor of the Old House actually is.   

Julia's questions and the visit to the cemetery have made poor Maggie revert to childhood again. And Julia certainly doesn't help matters by mentioning Barnabas.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Is Angelique Mentally Ill?
« on: August 23, 2012, 10:19:06 PM »
I agree. And then she shows great compassion to Jeremiah after Angelique's spell has worn off and they realize they're pretty much stuck with each other.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0283
« on: August 23, 2012, 04:01:51 PM »
Julia seems to be skating on thin ethical ice. She refuses to discuss Maggie's case with Maggie's own primary-care physician, and she refuses to give any news to Maggies father and fiancé. She wants to trigger Maggie's memories of what happened by taking her to the cemetery, but that doesn't seem like the best approach either. But what do I know?

Julia manipulates Dave Woodard into apologizing for wanting to know his patient's progress--sheesh! It's because she wants him to get her an entrée into the Collins family. (Yes! Yes! Yes!)

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0282
« on: August 22, 2012, 03:50:24 PM »
Maggie may be slowly coming out of her regression to childhood, so why does she STILL have to wear a nightgown? Or is Julia afraid that if Maggie is in street clothes, she'll try to escape?

It's very nice to see Elizabeth being so chipper, but this being the Dark Shadows universe, it's sure not to last. Vicki disregards her sensible advice and plays the music box some more.

When Vicki goes to the Old House to return Josette's gown, she laments to Willie, I still think I ruined the party. With massive understatement, Willie tells her, It wasn’t your fault. He’s just kind of strange that way.

Vicki does ask for only an hour off to lay flowers on Josette's grave. She tells Elizabeth she'll get Burke to take her, but why can't she go alone? She must know how to drive, since she's gone to Collinsport any number of times--unless she's the world's greatest hiker.

Beneath her cool and detached manner, Julia really does want to help Maggie regain her memory. But poor Maggie gets upset all over again when Julia suggests going to the cemetery.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0281
« on: August 21, 2012, 08:44:12 PM »
When Josette came to a séance before, she spoke French, but today's spirit spoke English.  I had forgotten my speculation of five years ago that the spirit in today's séance was not Josette, but now I'm thinking the language difference points to that conclusion.  Also, there was no scent of jasmine in the air.

But the spirit is obviously reliving the night when Barnabas chased Josette and she jumped off the cliff to escape him. It could just be a question of continuity: According to DS Wiki, Episode 233, in which Barnabas tells the girls the original story during a blackout while a storm rages outside, was written by Malcolm Marmorstein. This episode was written by Joe Caldwell.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0281
« on: August 20, 2012, 05:46:10 PM »
Oh, yes, Barnabas gives Vicki the music box--the whole point of the exercise. As she listens to the music, already enthralled, he gazes at her fondly.

The music box never seems to need winding--it must be possessed.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0281
« on: August 20, 2012, 05:39:19 PM »
Barnabas stops the séance, and Vicki abruptly falls across the table in a faint. When the others ask him why he stopped it, he gets careless with his pronouns and his time frame. Fortunately for him, no one notices. He explains, Because she was recreating her death. I’m sure Vicki was about to say who was chasing her, Carolyn says. The agitated Barnabas stands up, saying I couldn’t let her go through that death again. You shouldn’t have stopped her, Roger says. It was the only way I could save her! cries Barnabas.

Vicki sees Sarah standing on the balcony upstairs, wearing her blue party dress. Despite her quiet, impassive face, she must have seen and heard everything that just happened. Even the chance to wear her favorite dress one more time for her brother’s party has been marred. Later, we see that she's changed back into her everyday dress as she carefully smooths out the blue one on Josette's bed. But the moment she hears footsteps, she disappears.

Nice exchange between Roger and Elizabeth when everyone is back at Collinwood, discussing the evening's events. The ebullient Roger thinks the séance lent some badly needed excitement to the family’s life.

So Roger agrees with Lydia--but what about the very recent excitement of Jason McGuire's home invasion and his attempt to marry Elizabeth and take over Collinwood? What, that wasn't enough excitement?! What is it with these people?

Vicki blames herself for breaking up the party. I remember how hurt Barnabas looked when we left, she says ruefully. You weren’t to blame, Elizabeth tells her. What is the value of suffering if it isn’t to be enjoyed? Roger wonders. Enjoy your own then, not other people’s, Elizabeth retorts.  Roger replies airily, My ancestors’ suffering is part of my rightful family heritage. You shouldn’t try to keep it from me.

JF does his second (I think) voiceover--and very nicely, too--as Barnabas gazes up at Josette's portrait and explains why he had to send her away.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0280
« on: August 20, 2012, 05:26:02 PM »
I'll bet that the spirit who is possessing Vicky is Naomi, who wants say, "Barnabas, my son, I didn't raise you to bore your party guests!"

 [ghost_grin] [ghost_grin] [ghost_grin]

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0280
« on: August 19, 2012, 05:24:43 PM »
I've always thought it was a shame that we can't see the costumes in color! They really do lok splendid, even if the women's gowns zip up the back.

It's almost possible to feel sorry for Barnabas as he gazes up at Josette's portrait and begs her to come to him. I've waited so long, he pleads. But Willie is instantly suspicious when he sees that Barnabas has the music box.

Barnabas nearly gives himself away when Carolyn gushes that Jeremiah and Josette were very much in love. He attributes his reaction to impatience at hearing false versions of the story. But when Burke arrives--dressed as Jeremiah--Barnabas freezes at the sight of him and only reluctantly shakes hands. Hello, Collins, Burke says--no "Mister Collins"!

While everyone makes small talk, Elizabeth feels a chill, then Carolyn does. Barnabas is disturbed, but Roger is delighted that they might have a ghost among them. He suggests a séance, citing the last one (when Vicki was possessed by Josette) as a big success. But no one--especially Barnabas--wants to have another one. Burke says he'll go along--if Vicki wants to, but she hesitates. Roger continues to talk it up until finally Elizabeth (perhaps remembering Roger’s childhood days) tells Barnabas, We’d better go ahead, because once Roger sets his mind on something, it’s best just to let him have it.

When Roger acts as the MC and summons the spirit, Something extinguishes the candles and blows the front doors open. It’s just the wind, Barnabas assures them, though he sounds unconvinced. Suddenly, Vicki starts moaning faintly. Roger says, It’s too late to stop now, even if we wanted to. Vicki’s going into a trance. We’re about to be contacted by someone--someone from beyond the grave. Barnabas waits tensely. Will he at last see Josette again? Or will the ghostly visitor be someone else?

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0279
« on: August 17, 2012, 07:42:59 PM »
Carolyn's and Vicki's gowns have zippers up the back. So much for clothes from another century!  [ghost_grin] The fashions correspond to the dates we have seen so far on the tombs in the mausoleum, about 1820 or so--for now.

For a brief moment, out of Carolyn's hearing, Victoria wistfully murmurs, Victoria Winters, Victoria Winters.

Barnabas actually compliments Willie on how well the party preparations are going. But Burke is extremely upset that Vicki is going as Josette Collins.

One of the classic conversations of DS: Later, Vicki comes to the Old House and reminds Willie that the party is to show off his restoration work.  Willie mutters a thank-you. Will you be there? Vicki asks. I’ll be around, he answers vaguely. Will you be wearing a costume? Vicki wants to know. Mr. Collins wants me to, Willie replies in just above a mumble, but I feel a little funny about it. Vicki observes kindly, You could do with some fun. You never smile. I haven’t got much to smile about, Willie answers brusquely. Nonplussed, Vicki falls back on praising the fantastic job he’s done. You deserve to be very happy and very proud, she insists. Willie finally lets himself open up just enough to say with genuine sincerity, Thank you. That’s very nice of you. Then he goes on: A lot of people don’t get what they deserve--and [bitterly] a lot of people get what they don’t deserve. That's an interesting philosophy, Willie, Barnabas observes as he enters the drawing room, but I'm dedicated to seeing that people get what _I_ think they deserve.

Barnabas tells Willie to take a well-deserved break, but Willie doesn't leave unt il he hears Vicki say that she can stay for only a moment. But that's all she needs to persuade Barnabas to invite Burke to come as Jeremiah.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0278
« on: August 17, 2012, 07:25:58 PM »
I'm slowing watching the eps. (starting with the arrival of Barnabas) on streaming Netflix, but haven't caught up to the Watching Project yet. Willie's outfit is something to look forward to!

Maybe Barnabas had Willie clean the costumes using eighteenth-century methods before he took them to Collinwood.

And yes, for someone who's supposedly under a vampire's control, Willie certainly is very bold!

I do have one more note from my notes: At the start of the closing credits, a stagehand walks behind the curtains of Josette’s room in our first walk-on role.  [ghost_cheesy]

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0278
« on: August 16, 2012, 04:27:37 PM »
So, Lydia, you really had a great-great-great grandmother also named Lydia? How wonderful that you know so much about her! And that's a great anecdote about the army jacket at Shiloh. I'm sure that what you felt is also a huge motivation for all those reenacters. I once ran into a group of Civil War reenacters in New Jersey, where they were camping out in a spot overlooking the Hudson, and they were certainly giving it their all, with period tents, rations, etc.

I also was entirely convinced by Elizabeth's feelings about wearing her ancestor's gown. And thanks for mentioning the interview with Sam Hall.

Following orders, Willie has brought down the trunk with all the costumes. The first thing Barnabas takes out is Josette's gown--which was lying on the bed in the last episode. Willie is full of misgivings about the whole idea and even daringly tells Barnabas that Vicki never hurt anybody--nobody [meaning Barnabas] should hurt her. Of course this doesn't win him any points with Barnabas.

After her initial hesitation at the end of the last episode, Vicki is full of enthusiasm for the idea. Barnabas very wisely allows her to plead his case to Elizabeth.

When Vicki is looking through the costumes at the Old House, Barnabas implies that Josette's gown is the one she is wearing in the portrait over the mantel--even though the portrait dress has long, fitted sleeves and the gown has short, puffy ones. Perhaps vampirism has dulled his fashion sense.

We get our first hint of the existence of Millicent Collins when Vicki spots the initials "M.C." in the lining of another dress. Vicki IDs a man's jacket as Jeremiah's, knowing that he was Josette's husband--and Barnabas hastily puts the jacket aside. Vicki likes the idea of becoming Josette--at least for one evening.

But best of all is Sarah, who plays with her ball in Josette's room just before Barnabas and Vicki arrive. The room seems unoccupied when they enter, but Barnabas tenses, feeling that someone or something is in the room with them (nice bit by JF). Vicki has the same impression.

After Vicki takes Josette's dress away with her, Barnabas lingers in Josette's room, playing the music box and doing his best to contradict Vicki's statement that he will never find the past. As he sets it down on the dressing table, his reflection is clearly visible in the mirror! But he gets angry when Willie spots the little girl's dress and starts talking about Sarah, even describing her long hair. First Barn calls it ridiculous, then moves it up a notch to preposterous, then gets angry.

How poignant that after Barnabas and Willie leave, Sarah returns and finds her pretty blue dress!

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0277
« on: August 16, 2012, 03:43:56 PM »
I'm not sure I'd say that even Barnabas's costume party goes nowhere. It has a few features of interest, if I remember rightly.