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Messages - Bob_the_Bartender

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Television comes to Collinwood!!!
« on: August 20, 2002, 02:37:48 PM »
Hey gang,

I think that if Adam happened to tune into TV Land at 9:30 PM (EST), he'd be in for the most pleasant shock of his life when "The Munsters" started to air.

"My God, these are my kind of people!" Adam would probably exclaim.  Tears would come to Adam's eyes as he watched that loving, happy couple, Herman and Lily Munster, the parents that Adam never had!  And who would not love to have a wonderfully zany and kind-hearted grandfather like Grandpa Munster?

Of course, Eddie would be the perfect little brother for Adam.  (They'd be like the supernatural versions of Wally and "Beaver" Cleaver.)  And, the blonde and beautiful Marilyn would be the ideal "kissing cousin" for Adam.

I think Adam would pack his extensive collection of turtleneck sweaters into his suitcase and hit the road immediately for 1313 Mockintgbird Lane, USA, much to Nicholas' chagrin.

Bob the Bartender, diehard Al Lewis fan!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Television comes to Collinwood!!!
« on: August 20, 2002, 06:14:59 AM »
Prof. T. Elliot Stokes: Firing Line, Great Performances, Playboy After Dark

Bob Rooney: All In The Family, The Lost Weekend,
Cheers, The George Carlin Show

Roger Collins:  Wall Street Week, Washington Week In Review, My Mother The Car, The Days Of Wine And Roses

Willie Loomis: Lost In Space, The Rat Patrol, Shindig

Sheriff Paterson: Car 54, Where Are You?, Dragnet, Police Squad

Mrs. Johnson: Peyton Place, Danger UXB, Mayberry RFD

Barnabas Collins: Thriller, One Step Beyond, F-Troop

Jeff Clark/Peter Bradford: The Gallant Men, The Mod Squad, Gilligan's island

Adam: Love American Style, The Incredible Hulk, The Patty Duke Show

Eve: Boris & Natasha Cartoons, Plan 9 From Outer Space, Land Of The Lost, A Tale Of Two Cities

Liz Stoddard: Fawlty Towers, Father Ted, I Claudius, The Martha Stewart Show

Ezra Braithwaite: Waiting For God, The Waltons, The Midnight Special

Judge Crathorne: Petrocelli, Perry Mason, Laverne and Shirley

Nicholas Blair: Strange Paradise, Salem's Lot, The Many Loves Of Dobie Gillis

Maggie Evans: My Little Margie, This Old House, Joannie Loves Chachi!  

Current Talk '02 II / Re: FORTUNE FANTASY
« on: August 19, 2002, 05:11:10 PM »
For Nicholas Blair: "Always wear your sporty hat (fastened with a strong pin) when standing at the top of Widow's Hill."

For Collinsport Inn Manager Mr. Wells:  "Take that other job at Motel6, IMMEDIATELY!"

For Professor Stokes: "Refrain from acting as an academic mentor for comely, dark-haired graduate students with a devilish gleam in their pretty eyes."

For Roger Collins: "Next time you want to find a life companion, try the over forty singles dinner dance at the local Christian Science Reading Room."

For Paul Stoddard:  "Next time you want to blow off some steam, try getting wasted at the Kit Kat Lounge in Rockport, rather than at the Blue Whale in Collinsport."

For bartender Bob Rooney: "To avoid the inevitable Friday night brawls in your tavern, try serving O'Douls, Sharp, Cutter, Claustholler, etc. along with the rest of the rot-gut that you offer in your establishment."

For Sheriff Paterson: "Even though you live in cloudy and chilly Maine, never forget to slap that Coppertone SPF 55 on the top of your head before you go out on patrol."

For Joe Haskell: "Consider a career as a Maine state trooper.  It's infinitely safer than working as a fisherman at the Collins Cannery."

For Eve: "If you'd like to blend a bit more with the local female folk of Collinsport, try ordering some matronly clothing items from either the L.L. Bean Catalog or the Lady Brooks Brothers Catalog."

For Carolyn Stoddard: "Why don't you try meeting some nice young man in Prof. Stokes' class on satanic cults in America."

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: NOT FEELING WELL AT ALL/OT
« on: August 19, 2002, 04:40:54 PM »
Dear Anne,

I'll fix you up a nice hot toddy (just like Ben used to make for Mister Barnabas) and sing Natalie Merchant's "Like The Weather" for you.  (Although, I don't think I can move about the stage as gracefully as Ms. Merchant did before she split from the other 9,999 Maniacs!)

Feel better soon!!!

Bob the Bartender, president of the PM Dawn Fan Club.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Roger Davis Has Many Fans...All Electric...
« on: August 18, 2002, 04:37:56 PM »
Hey gang,

As I was leaving the 1999 DS Festival in NYC, I happened to bump into Mr. Davis on the stairway.  He smiled at me and said hi. I responded that it was great to see him at the festival.  I think that Mr. Davis is a heck of a nice guy.

Of course, as an unabashed fan of Lang & Clark, I'm just the least bit partial in my assessment of Roger Davis and Addison Powell!

Bob the Bartender

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Rip off his shirt Baby!
« on: August 18, 2002, 04:28:11 PM »
Dear Ladies,

Your candid comments about seeing photographs of certain male DS stars with their shirts off reminds me of an observation that the great George Carlin once made.  

Mr. Carlin remarked how frustrating it is to lose some personal possession that you truly cherish.  You spend the rest of your years constantly (but unsuccessfully) trying to locate that cherished lost item.  Fortunately, Mr. Carlin asserts, that when you die and go to Heaven, St. Peter is there to meet you at the pearly gates, and he returns that long-lost cherished personal possession to you.

"What a relief!" exclaims Mr. Carlin.  Now I know that St. Peter will return my nude photos of Ernest Borgnine to me!!!"

Bob the Bartender, who cherishes his "au naturel" photographs of the bodacious Bathia Mapes!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Haute Cuisine With Chef Willie Loomis
« on: August 18, 2002, 04:14:40 PM »

Do you think that ol' Willie could at least fix Barnabas up a hot toddy, just the way Ben Stokes used to make one for Mr. Barnabas?

Bob the Bartender, who wistfully reflects, if the baseball players go on strike on Aug. 30, we're going to have a lot more time to contemplate the culinary talents (or lack of them) of one Mr. William Hollingshead Loomis.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Touched By An Angelique
« on: August 18, 2002, 03:58:52 PM »
Dear Scout75,

Perhaps I should have said that a discussion of Angelique's pedicure by Mr. B. evolved, or should I say "devolved" into something far more salacious.  

Oh, what would that paragon of moral rectitude, Minerva Trask, have to say about all of this?  She'd probably agree with Hyacinth Bucket's role model, Mrs. Councilor-Nugent, that, today, young people are far too obsessed with "excessive romantic endeavors," (whatever that means!).


Bob the Bartender, former scout, who reminds you that a scout's mind is always clean!  (Of course, Hugh Hefner, Bob Guccione and W. J. Clinton are all  former boy scouts, if I'm not mistaken!)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Ouch?
« on: August 17, 2002, 03:42:59 AM »
Dear Candlelighter,

I got nervous as Julia kept tearing away at Joe's sweater with those scissors with about as much reckless abandon as Teddy Roosevelt employed, waving his saber as he charged up San Juan Hill with the Rough Riders!  I thought that Julia was going to give Joe a much worse cut wound to his throat than Angelique did.

I shudder to think what "damage" Julia could have done if Joe had stabbed himself in the upper thigh instead of the stomach.  (Joe Haskell, Collinsport's only known  living eunuch!!!)

Bob the Bartender, who remembers the great Gabe Kaplan's reminiscence of his high school gym instructor, Mr. Lombardi:  "Hey, you guys got your supporters on?  You gotta take care of the jewels.  Gotta take care of the family jewels!"

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Touched By An Angelique
« on: August 17, 2002, 03:19:19 AM »
Hey gang,

All we need now is for Dr. Ruth Westheimer (a former medical school classmate of Julia Hoffman's, no doubt) to weigh in on this highly lascivious topic.

A discussion of Dark Shadows and "honey pot happiness."  I think that I've seen it all now.  What would the original Rev. Trask have to say about all this?

Bob the Bartender, who thinks that we should next talk about the Collins fishing fleet and their world renowned deep sea divers.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Haute Cuisine With Chef Willie Loomis
« on: August 17, 2002, 03:03:12 AM »

That's a great idea about some accompanying musical entertainment at Barnabas' candlelight supper.  It's too bad that Roger was not invited to the soiree.  Heck, he could have wowed them with some songs from his "Nobody Loves Langley" CD, I mean, LP album.

Dr. Eric Lang,

You're right on with your suggestion of riparian entertainment.  Perhaps Barnabas could have held the waterside supper from on top of Widow's Hill.  Barnabas could have regaled everyone with tales about how Josette, Bill Malloy and Adam all bungee-jumped from the precipice without the aid of a safety rope.  Geronimo!!!  

Current Talk '02 II / Re: DOUBLE DECKER
« on: August 16, 2002, 03:48:33 PM »
Dear Petofi,

I hear you!


That tyro vampire, Tom Jennings, could have taken lessons from that truly prolific vampire, Dirk Wilkins!

Bob the Bartender, who wonders if the prestigious Cleveland School of Electronics (a frequent Dark Shadows advertiser on the Sci-Fi Channel) has a curse/course of studies for aspiring vampires?

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Haute Cuisine With Chef Willie Loomis
« on: August 16, 2002, 03:41:51 PM »
Hey gang,

Maybe Willie's main dish was the same as the one Woody Allen served at the last scene in "Broadway Danny Rose" to his guests, Thanksgiving frozen tv turkey dinners?

However, instead of pizza, maybe Willie ordered food from George Chang's Authentic Chinese-American Restaurant in Collinsport.  (Now, how Willie phoned in that order from the Old House is quite another matter.)

Can you imagine that Chinese delivery guy bicycling his way out to the Old House over that extremely bumpy dirt road (and through the truly frightening grounds of Collinwood )?  It was probably the first and only time that Barnabas and Willie were ever cursed out in Mandarin!

Bob the Bartender, who believes that Jeff Clark's fortune cookie must say, "Beware of tall, raven-haired women in black cocktail dresses."

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Haute Cuisine With Chef Willie Loomis
« on: August 16, 2002, 02:17:29 AM »

What do you think would have happened if that pizza delivery guy mistakenly knocked on the front door of the Old House, and, a cautious Barnabas walked over to the door, asking who it was, and the fellow, a la that guy who knocked on Spicoli's high school classroom door in "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" replies, "It's the pizza man!"?  What a contretemps for Mr. B. in front of his distinguished guests!

Bob the Bartender

PS After the dinner party, I think that Barnabas would have acquainted ol' Willie with that "useful" kitchen appliance, the rolling pin.  (A most excellent "tool" for disciplining wayward servants!)

Current Talk '02 II / Haute Cuisine With Chef Willie Loomis
« on: August 16, 2002, 12:49:13 AM »
Hey gang,

It's too bad that we didn't get to see what epicurean feast "Chef" Willie Loomis prepared for Barnabas' guests the other night at the Old House.  I'm sure you'll agree with me that it was a candlelight supper that that renowned British hostess, Mrs. Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced "Bouquet"), would glowingly approve of.

Let's see, Willie might begin with a fresh tossed salad that he picked up at the local Pathmark, Giant, Von's, Publix (take your pick).  Willie might then serve either some fine Progresso lentil soup or Campbell's all-time-favorite, tomato soup.  

The first course of Willie's feast would be Chef-Boy-Ardee Raviolis from a can.  (Yummy!)  However, Nicholas Blair, a true gastronome, who has traveled the world in search of fine dining, would be positively ecstatic about Willie's main course dish of beef goulash.  "Why, Willie, I haven't had beef goulash this exceptional since I was last in Budapest.  Where ever did you get the recipe for this wonderful dish?"

To which a diffident Willie replies, "Hamburger Helper, helps you make a great meal!!!"

I'm sure we all wish we had been able to break bread with Barnabas, Julia, Elliot (a man with a positively Herculean appetite!) and Nicholas at this truly sumptuous meal.  Bon Appetit, or as my grandfather used to say, "Mangia!!!"  (Eat your heart out, Julia Child!)

Bob the Bartender, who always brings red wine when I dine at White Castle.