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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0333
« on: November 02, 2012, 03:25:09 PM »
Burke and Dave Woodard are talking about David and Barnabas when David bursts in on them, begging them to protect him. The moment David mentions that he found a coffin at the Old House, we can practically see all of Woodard's synapses firing at once.

You have to love Barn's huffy act when Burke and Woodard ask to see the basement, and his very smug grin as Woodard and Burke go back upstairs, utterly confounded at finding nothing more in the basement than a trunk sitting on top of a suitcase.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0331
« on: November 02, 2012, 03:10:32 PM »
Dave Woodard should have had kids of his own. He's very protective of and tender toward both David and Sarah, even though he hasn't met her. He talks to David as if to an equal--the only way to deal with kids, IMHO.

[spoiler]Although, considering his ultimate fate, it's probably just as well that he doesn't.[/spoiler]

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0330
« on: November 02, 2012, 03:07:02 PM »
You can read about Bil (yes, only one "l") Baird here. He was pretty famous when I was a kid.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Malcolm Marmorstein article
« on: October 31, 2012, 08:04:39 PM »
Vicki was to go on trail for killing Laura, with Frank Garner as her defense attorney), but even before the show went supernatural things from the bible were changed (i.e. on the show Roger didn't meet a much deserved demise falling from Widows' Hill, and Bill Malloy was killed off on the show, whereas he was originally planned to be a continuing presence in Liz' life). About the last thing from the bible that was at least partly used on the show was the Liz/Jason blackmail - though Jason was named Walt Cummings in the bible.

Thanks, MB! So Vicki would have gone on trial for something somewhere in time!

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0332
« on: October 31, 2012, 04:28:50 PM »
In a vile mood as Julia prepares his next injection, Barnabas nearly throttles her before she admits that David has sneaked into the Old House yet again. But only a few moments later, she is sympathetic when he confesses that he's afraid he'll never find a bride. However, that doesn't stop her from pointing out, Nothing stands in your way but your own hysteria. If they destroy you, they destroy me too. If you won’t believe I’ll do anything to protect you, you must believe I’ll do anything to protect myself. Having made her point, she reminds him, The treatment is ready. As he turns away from us and toward Julia, Barnabas slowly takes off his jacket and rolls up his sleeve. Score for this round: Julia 1, Barn 0.

Clutching the toy soldier that Sarah gave him, David goes to the OH basement and sees the empty open coffin. He looks around, then turns back to it in horror when Barnabas slams the lid shut…..


Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0331
« on: October 30, 2012, 03:50:54 PM »
Welcome, toy soldier!

Barnabas has to hide a very smug grin when Roger tells him about David's nightmare. But his smile vanishes instantly when Roger adds that Dr. Woodard is coming over to give David a sedative. Is this our first on-camera sedative, I wonder?

A coffin, Barnabas laughs, how absurd.

Sarah gives David the little toy soldier with its blue Continental coat. David calls it "nifty" and asks Sarah how she got it--after all, she is a girl. She won't tell David whose toy it was--but it can only have belonged to Barnabas. Telling David that he asks too many questions, once again she vanishes from his sight.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0329
« on: October 30, 2012, 12:25:55 AM »
Maggie originally gave Willie the ring as a bribe to help her escape. But he dropped it right in front of the door to the Old House. Barnabas found it and recognized it as being Maggie's.

Gerringer is the best of the Woodards by a long shot.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0328
« on: October 29, 2012, 03:32:41 PM »
I'll bet that whoever has that wheelchair could take it to Antiques Roadshow now.  [hall2_grin]

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0328
« on: October 27, 2012, 08:04:04 PM »
Nice screen shot! The wheelchair does look awfully old fashioned even for 1968, doesn't it! But I looked on the Interwebs and found quite a few pictures of 1960s wheelchairs that look very similar. They must extremely heavy too.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0330
« on: October 27, 2012, 06:17:14 PM »
Poor David--no one believes him. He even sneaks back to the Old House in crepe-soled desert boots to try to prove he isn't lying.

Julie urges Elizabeth and Roger as strenuously as she can without blowing her cover that they have to keep David away from the Old House--and that they don't need to tell Barnabas about David's latest fantasies either.

Julia is moody as she gives Barnabas another injection. Barn actually has his jacket off and we can see his suit vest as he rolls his shirtsleeve back down--this is as undressed as he ever gets. Anyway, Julia tells him that she's feeling a bit blue because Willie has been shipped out to a home for the criminally insane. Even Barnabas feels a bit sorry.

Welcome, Bil Baird bat!  [bat7628] (The shadow of the pole used to manipulate the bat is visible in the last scene.)

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0329
« on: October 26, 2012, 07:05:57 PM »
While Julia and Dave Woodard watch to see when Willie will wake up, Julia lights a cigarette. Fortunately the oxygen tent and the oxygen have been removed.

As the camera closes in on the IV apparatus, we can see that whatever they’re using for blood stops just short of the tube that extends from the (glass) bottle.

The sheriff insists that Barnabas has to wait in the hallway outside Willie's room just like any ordinary mortal. The sole sole decoration is a poster exhorting him to Give Blood, Save Lives.

The total number of people who know Julia's true identity is now seven: Barnabas, Dr. Woodard, Sam and Maggie Evans, the sheriff, and Joe--and of course Willie.

The sheriff produces Maggie's ring from his pocket--no evidence bag or anything--and explains how he found it in Willie's room.

It almost seems as if Willie is ready to tell all--but then he doesn't. I wonder if this was supposed to be his final appearance before the staking of Barnabas.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0328
« on: October 25, 2012, 07:48:22 PM »
The uncooperative Ziploc oxygen tent! The glass bottle of blood! Sam Evans, puffing away on his pipe while sitting right next to Willie's potentially explosive oxygen tent!  [hall2_grin] [hall2_grin] [hall2_grin]

Barnabas tells Julia that if Willie recovers, she also has a lot at stake. I wonder what led him to use this unfortunate turn of phrase. Maybe he's trying to look hip by using slang. He also thinks she should continue to pose as Dave Woodard's consulting physician. Even though Dave has fired her from Maggie's case? And even though almost everyone still thinks of her as a historian?? Jonathan goof? or writer goof?

While Dave Woodard struggles to zip up the uncooperative oxygen tent, Julia apologizes for hiding her suspicions of Willie (though she should really be apologizing to the sheriff, who might have grounds for prosecuting her if the doc blabs). Suddenly Willie starts to groan--he’s coming out of the coma! Abandoning the struggle with the oxygen tent, the doc tells Julia to close it, but she has no more success than he did.

Nice bit by JF at the very end of this episode, when the sheriff's deputy announces that Willie is waking up. Barnabas is immobilized with shock as the deputy announces the news. He uses all his self-command, but we can see his eyes widen with fear.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0327
« on: October 24, 2012, 06:25:05 PM »
Julia doesn't appear at her best in this episode. She's in danger of losing her welcome at Collinwood for scaring David.

Great line by Burke: Maybe Julia Hoffman spends so much time at the Old House because she has a mad crush on Barnabas Collins.

Somehow Sarah knows that David saw her in his crystal ball. Is she the one who has been sending him nightmares? Is this her way of warning him about her big brother?

Three cheers for Vicki, who shows a little of her old backbone when she dares Burke to investigate Sarah--and to produce her. You're so good at that sort of thing, she adds, as sarcastic as she is ever likely to get.

Later, Sarah appears to David in an eerie blue light. She says Willie didn't kidnap Maggie--in fact, he went to the cottage to warn her. Can you tell me where the coffin is? he asks. I can't, she replies, adding tellingly, I'm glad you don't know. But in a flash, David realizes it's in the cellar of the Old House. All poor Sarah can do is disappear (in a very nice actual special effect) as she warns him the classic three times to stay away from the Old House.

Want to bet what David will do next?

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0326
« on: October 23, 2012, 03:55:12 PM »
Well, at least someone at Collinwood--David--realizes that Sarah is actually a ghost.

The scene between Barnabas and Julia is one of my all-time favorites--all the more hilarious because JF and GH play it dead straight. Two of my all-time favorite Barnabas zingers, both about the hapless Willie:

"He clings to life with a leechlike persistence" and "I'm talking about getting rid of him before someone brings us the news that he has miraculously recovered and is writing his memoirs."

The next morning, Julia asks Vicki for details about David's nightmare--details that Vicki sees no reason to conceal. Later, MISS Hoffman the historian talks to Elizabeth about talking to David. I once had a lot of experience in child psychology, she explains. Her cover is wearing pretty thin by now to me, but not of course to the good people of Collinsport.

David shows Elizabeth his drawing of Barn's coffin. And of course he freaks out when he sees Julia's medallion.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0320
« on: October 21, 2012, 08:26:22 PM »
Another great screen cap, MB! GH rocks!