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Messages - buzz

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Current Talk '08 II / Re: Maggie Escapes
« on: December 18, 2008, 07:21:09 PM »
certainly a possibility. Another one being that the human side of Barnabas stopped him from killing both Maggie and Sam. He could have done the same to Willie and Maggie earlier but he appeared to hesitate, listening to Willie's pleading, perhaps looking for an excuse not to kill them.   

Current Talk '08 II / In Praise of Bob the Bartender
« on: December 18, 2008, 05:38:19 PM »
One my favorite characters in the early episodes of DS has been the presence of Bob the Bartender, who, although he occasionally speaks, is usually just a silent background figure at the Blue Whale, serving out drinks to all the Collinsport regulars (including a few oldtimers who are always at the bar) seedy characters such as Jason and Willie, and the occasional fistfight (one of my favorite Bob scenes was Willie's early altercation with Burke, Bob was behind the counter and grabbed a bottle, but Burke told Bob he'd handle Willie). Throughout it all Bob reamins calm and cool, smoking his cigar, taking care of the customers and commiserating with the townsfolk about the latest crimes, murders and derceased cows. So let's give a cheer to the sadly unsung Bob the bartender!       

Current Talk '08 II / Maggie Escapes
« on: December 18, 2008, 05:25:44 PM »
I was watching the episode where Maggie escapes from Barnabas' cell in the basement of the old house and wondered how others felt about the conclusion. Maggie successfully escapes and makes her way onto the beach but drops to the ground exhausted. Barnabas finds her and is about to kill her when Sam hears Maggie's screams. Barnabas runs and hides as Sam finds Maggie.

Only a few episodes earlier Barnabas was ready to kill both Willie and Maggie. It has been explained that Barnabas has superhuman strength (tearing apart the bars in Dr. Woodard's offfice) in addition to his vampiric powers, so why didn't he just kill Sam and then Maggie? Why did he run? I think it would have made more sense if Sam had been with Sherrif Patterson and his men, or Barnabas thought they were with him, but this was never mentioned. Is there a logical explanation for Barnabas running away and allowing Sam to rescue his daughter?     

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Willie and the cows
« on: November 24, 2008, 06:04:33 PM »
It popped into my head just now that vampire bats - real-life vampire bats - bite cows.  So I think this wasn't any form of censorship, but rather the writers being clever.


Thanks for that info. I never knew that about vampire bats. The writers may well have been on top of things.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Willie and the cows
« on: November 21, 2008, 06:27:30 PM »
It was explained that the cow was found dead a few miles away from the farm, so was it Willie who had to drag the cow to Barnabas and then dump the cow in the woods? I'm sure Willie had to do the dirty work with those bovines one way or another!

Current Talk '08 II / Willie and the cows
« on: November 21, 2008, 04:18:29 PM »
I've been watching the early Barnabas episodes and had a few questions I thought I'd toss out. I always thought the way they introduced the vampire situation, the slaughter of the cows, was unusual (in an interesting way) but wonder if this was something that occured due to network censors. Were the writers/producers treading carefully not having Barnabas kill a human early on? If so, I think the image of draining cattle of their blod was even more gruesome in some respects. Also, the way it was done was ambiguous, at least in my feeble mind. Since there were puncture marks on the cattle one would assume Barnabas bit the cows, but then what was Willie's job? To steal the cattle and bring them to Barnabas? Or did he have to kill them before he brought them to Barnabas who then drained them of  blood (which would be more grusome for Willie). Willie apparently was traumatized by what he had to do, so what exactly was involved? I suspect the writers wanted everything to be ambiguous, but am interested in others thoughts. 


Current Talk '08 II / Re: Edit on DS Collectors set 6
« on: November 14, 2008, 06:51:59 PM »
Just finished watching the collection this week. I'm sorry they didn't include the voice over. I've really enjoyed the openings with the announcing of the episode numbers and the occasional appearances of DS regulars, especially Alexandra Moltke, who always appeared to be smiling and having a great time.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: The Inscrutable Nicholas Blair
« on: September 02, 2008, 08:17:54 PM »
Nicholas is one of my all time favorites as well, and NOT because he has the same first name as I do [ghost_grin]. He put personality into the character, as well as a sense of humor and a  certain charm even at his worst. His one on ones with Julia and Angelique was sensational, but he was equallly entertaining with the Reverend Trask as well. I'm sure someone will refresh my foggy memory, but I recall a scene where Trask is trying to use his "powers" to get rid of a ghost and fails? I do recall Trask sarcastically applauding Trask and calling him "Mr. Trask" instead of Reverend. This was a guy you didn't mess with! Another favorite scene is with Julia where he reveals his plans to create a race of superhumans. He is supremely sinister in that scene. As good as he was in other parts or returning later, he was at his best in the Adam storyline. In a radio interview I think he described himself as a "OO7 of the Underworld".

Nick (or, if you perfer, Nicholas...)  [ghost_wink]     

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Barnabas VS Buzz
« on: August 21, 2008, 02:24:24 PM »
Thanks for the heads up. it's appreciated. BTW, I enjoyed Buzz's confrontations with Jason. While Buzz was a character, he did have integrity and couldn't be bought off by Jason. He and Carolyn could have had a nice life together, traveling on the road, looking for adventures, don't you think?  [ghost_mellow]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Barnabas VS Buzz
« on: August 20, 2008, 04:04:34 PM »

My apologies [ghost_embarrassed]. I didn't mean to break the rules  and I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.


Current Talk '08 II / Re: Barnabas VS Buzz
« on: August 19, 2008, 04:51:23 PM »
Hey man, do I hear my name being called? First of all I loved Carolyn and didn't give a rat's @$$ about the Collin's cash, but I was the one who cut out when I found out Carolyn was playing me for a fool! I was probably the most stable boyfriend she ever had on the show!

As far as that Barnabas cat, he may have been a little square but I think I would have dug the cape and cane. 

OK, going out of character I will say Buzz and Barnabas should have met up at least once on the show. The expression on Barnabas' face would have been priceless. I don't think there should have been too much interaction between the two, but a meeting would have been interesting, if played correctly.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Review Of Dark Shadows: The Beginning, Vol. 5
« on: August 06, 2008, 08:41:32 PM »
Oh that's where my netflix is...i had that on  my next up and now it says "SHORT WAIT"....hurry up and watch it Buzz and get it back in the mailbox willya? [ghost_tongue]

It shoud be in your hands soon. I mailed it back the other day Devlin! And I also had the "short wait" for Disc 2, so who was the wise-guy that was making ME wait??  [ghost_sad]

Where do I begin: making Barnabas and Elizabeth patsies to the Leviathans, killing off Vicki, bringing back Peter Bradford- those are some of what went wrong with the storyline.

However, there was something that Curtis and the writers failed to do and I am shocked- yes, SHOCKED no one else has brought up this topic within this discussion:  they should've brought back Count Petofi!!!  Without a doubt he was the greatest villain DS ever had, and I bet people who watched his firery confrontation with Garth Blackwood at the end of 1897 were looking forward to see him coming to 1969 to raise hell for Barnabas and a returned-to-Collinwood Quentin.  After all, Angelique followed Vicki from 1796 to 1968 as Cassandra to get Barnabas for once and for all.  

Ideally, Petofi should have come to 1969 with the Leviathans under his control as a way to achieve immortality and get revenge on the Collinses.  


I agree with your ideas. Barnabas, by this point, was a sympathetic character to the audience. To return him to his evil ways betrayed the audience and the character. Another important reason I did not like this plot was because it took an essential element that the evil Barnabas had- strength. A Barnabas weak and not in control just didn't work for me.

Petofi reveled as behind the Leviathans would have been great; a shock to Barnabas and a threat hanging over his head. Barnabas could have pretended to be allied with the Leviathans, but working behind the scenes to destroy them. That would have been interesting.

Quentin, with memory intact, aware of Petofi as an enemy, would have added drama. And, of course, no Peter Bradford in sight [ghost_wink]         

Nick C.

I've just gotten the first disc from Netflix (who provide super service, the day it was announced on sale it was in my mailbox). Ican't say this is my favorite part of the show, mainly because of its focus on Laura Collins. Diana Milay was not my favorite actress on the show and the emphasis on her is overwhelming at this point. While its obvious that the writers later transfered some of her powers to Angelique, I would have loved to see Lara Parker in this part instead of Millay. While its nice to see supernatural elements seeping in, I missed the sub-plot of Burke (which, while not eliminated, is downplayed to focus on Laura). I look forward to the coming of Jason McGuire on the next (and final) collection.


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Bill Malloy and the early days of Collinwood
« on: April 23, 2008, 08:22:37 PM »
I've enjoyed reading everyone's posts and am glad to see so many enthused over those early episodes. Most of the acting in these episodes are top notch, something that did not always occur later on in the series. I notice how many of the characters were later softened, ie Roger and David. Relationships changed, as Carolyn grew more "fond" of her cousin. Carolyn was always a little spoiled, but very manipulative in this period, especially with Joe.

The episode where the Old House was introduced was very good. The outdoor scenes of David and Vikki going through the woods and approaching the huge, imposiing house were moody. It's too bad we didn't have a few of these filmed outdoor scenes when Barnabas arrived. It would have added considerably to the atmosphere. The "Who killed Bill Malloy" plot is a little slow going at times, but it was nice to see Mrs. johnson arrive, not a friend of the family, and devoted to Bill Malloy. Clarice Blackburn was a fine actress. I also liked George PAtterson, although again, I missed the original sherrrif.

And we had our first ghost, but not our last, with the introduction of Josette. I guess this was the turning point, when Dan Curtis said something had to be done to stir things up....

Nick C.   

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