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Messages - Daphne

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: MIND GAMES
« on: August 04, 2002, 02:26:02 AM »
SPOILER if you haven't seen 1840...

I for sure think Gabriel Collins could use some psychoanalysis. He was a wicked murderer of his own family members, and lied that he couldn't walk, for several years.

MEEP!!!! I was soooo glad when they killed him off!! They did kill him off, didn't they? I hope so. That was so long ago ...... but HE. WAS. SOOOO. ANNOYING!!! *rips her Gabriel voodoo doll to tatters*

I can see a grown-up David Collins needing some sort of therapy....."it all started in my childhood ... my father never loved me much, and mother never kept in touch ... that's why I shy away from human affection .... " [lol, Savage Garden song .... sorry] I would love to read something about the inner-mind of Carolyn. Actually, I may just have to write it if I don't find anything. Oooooo won't you all be in trouble then? [vryevl] [twch2]

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Contract time
« on: August 04, 2002, 02:20:06 AM »
I know on the Special Edition DVD Michael Stroka made an hilarious comment about David inquiring about another actor's salary and commented that they were all to have made the same amount per show except for Joan Bennett and Jonathon Frid. (David's comment to Dan Curtis was something like "I don't need this Dan, I can always go back to high school!")

ROTFL! I can just see that!!!! Has anyone ever written a FF about the actors in DS, and what went on behind the scenes? [nerv]
*snicker snicker*

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Josette's Musicbox
« on: August 04, 2002, 02:17:16 AM »
As for the other commonly-used themes, Quentin's became a hit on the radio, so I heard it ad nauseum, and was truly tired of it after a while.

I think that is sooo funnie! They actually played it on the radio? Like "From Dark Shadows, it's Quentin's Theme...*cue music*" type thing? That's sooooooooooooooooooo kewl! Gawd, DS ROX!!! [pimp] ^___^

LOL Nicholas and Angie's would be the pentagram [upside down star in a circle thing]... ooooo spooky [twch2]

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Dark Shadows Closing Credits
« on: August 04, 2002, 02:08:02 AM »
As for Alexandra Moltke, it was basically like 'and introducing...'. They did the same with Kate Jackson in "Night of Dark Shadows".

LOL, and if you look at movie or tape covers now, it'll have "Charlie's Angels star, Kate Jackson as Daphne Harridge" or something like that. Grrrrr ... I hate it when they do that, lol. I think it's kewl that we can still see the original posters, with "STARRING: David Selby, Grayson Hall and Lara Parker. Also featuring Nancy Barrett and John Karlen." LOL And KJ isn't even mentioned. [wow] Amazing. But it's kewl that way, some sort of preserved bias. .. . . .. . . or something  :-/

Then again, it's publicity.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: August/September Guide to DS
« on: August 04, 2002, 02:00:51 AM »
Here's the August/September schedule for Dark Shadows:

Sep 6: #635 & #636 (LAST ADAM EPISODE)  ;D

Heeey!! Adam isn't that bad! He's just made evil by Nicholas! He's prolly a lot smarter than Barnabus and Julia .... [eek]

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Julia's Hands & other habits
« on: August 04, 2002, 01:40:47 AM »
Well, from what I've seen, Lara blinks about 50 times per line.  Nancy Barrett often licks her lips before speaking.  Julia constantly tugs at her collar, but I haven't really noticed this with Grayson Hall's other characters.

Yes!! Lara Parker blinks like 9 miiiiillion times. Unless she's hypnotizing someone. OMG! And then she doesn't blink AT ALL! AHHHH! It freaks me out, I can't watch it. I literally turn my head away until I hear someone else's voice. It's sooo freaky. And then when she wants something, she'll go all flirtly on Nicholas and blink like forever in one line. AHH! It's crazy! She has skitzy eyes, lol.

NB licks her upper lip whenever someone else is talking, and she's thinking [hdscrt]

Liz, Julia, Carolyn, Vicki, Maggie .... OMG *everyone* holds their hands in front of them and plays with their fingers. Ugh. UGH!!! [angryf] [pissd] It's sooo annoying. I mean, I know people do it in real life, but it's sooo annoying to watch. [sick] I would think Carolyn would stand more with her hands on her hips in that kinda spoiled princess "I always get what I want" type of way. Or maybe she used to ..... I didn't notice it until ..... 1795, when Millicent had that lil handerchief thing. LOL And then we came back and Carolyn is doing it too. Bah! What else what else?
Barnabus and most of the men keep their hands at their sides, and then just twitch with their fingers. LOL It's funny. I love hands, so that's what I always watch. Barnabus has REALLY twitchy fingers, while Jeff's fingers doesn't twitch so much because he moves his arms more [to his hair .... can we get an emoticon of that??? Pleeeease? lol] [silly] Roger is kind of in the middle and David keeps his very straight ..... or so I remember.

Hehehe! I love this topic ^_^

Current Talk '02 II / Re: ORDINARY PEOPLE
« on: August 04, 2002, 01:27:41 AM »
Joe, Maggie, Sam, a pre-Barnabus Julia, and probably Carolyn and David, too. Even if they were rich, they didn't have any weird powers, or deep hidden secrets. Altho, I guess just about everyone was normal before Barnabus came to town with the exception of Liz, Roger and kinda Burke. Maybe that's why the show wasn't all that great in the ratings before Barnabus ..... everyone was so ordinary. But then again, what we consider ordinary depends on how we've seen the world. Sounds like a philosophy question ..... What is ordinary? AHHHH!! I refuse to think until I have to go back to school. lol

I would imagine Vicki would prefer Barnabas, Willie or even Carolyn to him!

Now, do you want me to tell you what I REALLY think?

Bwahaha! With Carolyn's luck in men, maybe she would take Vicki up on the proposition .... *giggle*

I don't mind Jeff THAT much, mostly because I find Barnabus incredibly boring too, but see, Barnabus is in charge of the experiment, so it's Barnabus's fault that Jeff is there in the first place, so I can stand Jeff because I'm so busy hating Barnabus, I don't notice him. LOL [nuts] Makes sense to me! But him with Vicki is a totally different story. I'm glad she dumped him *evil laugh*

« on: August 04, 2002, 01:00:37 AM »
As of now, I am first in my class, with a few others. Talk about stressful.  ::)

WOW!! Good job! LOL Our HS is soo big, like 4200 + students @ the end of LAST YEAR, they don't figure out stuff like that until Senior year .... because they change so much, I guess. And they're still building more houses, too. ::) Just what we need .... less trees, more people  :P

And good luck w ur AP classes .... I know what you mean, I'm taking AP Eng, Ec, and then honors everything else [cuz AP isn't offered]. Bah!!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: The Lazy, Hazy, Plotless Weeks Of Summer
« on: August 03, 2002, 01:45:25 AM »
It's too bad that didn't get to achieve more star attraction like some of the other DS cast members did after they moved on when the show was cancelled.  ;)

LOL Like Kate Jackson? *BEAMS PROUDLY* I just watched Charlie's Angels last night, actually. Aaand still got up for DS! Wahoo! I'm so sad that Nancy Barrett never did anything else, though. Or at least nothing that I've ever seen. I know she was in some other soap, and she was in a weird movie or some sort, but ...  :-/ that's it *le sigh*

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Adam and High School Memories
« on: August 03, 2002, 01:42:08 AM »
Oh my Lord....

Seems there are STILL some issues here.  I think I'm gonna try and set up an appointment for you with JULIA.  You could, like, ya know - lie down, relax, vent all this stuff with a professional.
(Plus, she's always got sedatives on hand if need be)

High school's like, so wack.....ya know?

LOLOL!!!! FOCL!! I get this verbal impression of that lady on Will and Grace, not Grace, the other one ..... idk her name, cuz I've just seem commercials, but she's like "OH MY LORD YOU'RE INSANE!" ...... *pause* ..... *bursts out laughing* Sedatives are sometimes a good thing. LOL! Julia, though, I think I would get too frustrated with, because I'd start telling her how she should lose Barney and go after Stokes, and ya know, that would just turn into some kind of mud-wrestling competition somehow, and it would just totally drive back the women's equality movement about 200 years or something. Okay, maybe 50. Who knows. Yeah, but Julia would get on my nerves. *more silence* And YES!! HS is sooo wack!! It's just totally wacked!!! In all seriousness, it's actually very depressing. I think there were like 4 suicides this year, or something. And only three of them were @ the HS, the other one was by some girl in middle school. Ugh. How sad  :-[  :'(  :-/ .... well enough drama..... ^_^

Current Talk '02 II / Re: I'm in LOVE with Willie!!
« on: August 03, 2002, 01:38:57 AM »
I have some ideas and sketches for a couple of follow-up's but the other computer had the magic programs on it, that box went belly up, so I haven't had the chance to continue the 'series', and I've had a very strange work schedule the last few months, but I have the next 2 weeks completely off, we have a new box be expecting a couple of new attractions......coming soon!

What program did you use to make those? That's sooooooooo kewl [thumb]

« on: August 03, 2002, 01:35:18 AM »
Hey, Daphne, Forgot to congratulate you on finishing up your summer school. My 16 year old daughter just finished up today.  :)

Also, Congratulations on getting your drivers license!! Just be careful & don't forget to buckle up. ;)

LOL Good for her! Wow, you finish late! But we go back to school in two weeks *CRIES* I'm feeling the last grains of summer slip through my fingers, and I'm wondering where it went so fast .....

Thanks re: the license. I always buckle my seatbelt ... altho if I crashed the car, I think my dad would kill me if impact didn't .... LOL ^_^

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Dynamic Trio
« on: August 02, 2002, 10:54:53 AM »
and have to add that man still looks good!

Yes, he does!! They all do! I hope I look that good when I grow older ........ Heaven knows I'll never grow up ^_~

When, exactly, does Quentin show up? I thought we had some weird re-visitation to 1795 and then some weird Leviathans or something. LOL But the closer the better ^____^ *GRIN*

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