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Messages - AllMyShadows

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Current Talk '03 II / Watching the Color Episodes in BW?
« on: July 11, 2003, 07:12:40 PM »
Anybody else watches the color episodes of DS with the TV set on black and white? I know it seems pointless, but it looks clearer, and far more scarier in BW, imo. Quentin's meltdown from yesterday looked so spooky....

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Profile/Password Problems
« on: June 06, 2003, 11:05:14 PM »
OK here we go: The other day, I logged in, but I forgot my password, and I had it emailed to me. I put in the password that I was emailed and I never got a chance to change it to something more memorable. Today, I wanted to change my profile, but I forgot the password that I was given, and I deleted the email in which it was. So what do I do?

I was too lazy to change the channel a while ago, so I was watching "The King of Queens" on CBS. In one scene, one of the supporting characters said that her husband was going to miss the Dark Shadows Convention to spend their anniversary with her. The other character didn't know what DS was so the wife explained. She said that it was "kinda like a soap opera from long ago that had vampires and stuff." Later on, the other character said something about the husband and the other "dorks" at the convention. Boy was I mad!!!!!!!! Then in the next scene the husband was with his friends and he was complaining about missing the convention. He said that "Dark Shadows is NOT Star Trek, it doesn't have a convention every week." He said that he would have to wait three years for the next one. Then he said that he wasted $70 on a Barnabas Collins costume that he'll never use. I thought it was pretty cool that DS was mentioned on a current sitcom that many people watch. Maybe it will help boost some ratings. :)

Current Talk '03 I / Magda Rakosi, Queen of Kauai
« on: February 12, 2003, 06:20:00 AM »
Is it just me (or the lighting on DS), but does Magda looks Hawaiian to anyone here? Sure I know they painted her orange, but it's more than that. She has some kind of Hawaiian/Tropical flair to her. I'm not falling in love with her mind you, I'm still laughing at when she ran from the hand, but she has that kind of glow that says she made a guest appearance on "Hawaii Five-O."

Current Talk '03 I / Three slaps fired by Meestah Fenn-Gibbon
« on: February 11, 2003, 05:05:02 AM »
Anyone else loved how Victor Fenn-Gibbon (aka Count Petofi) slapped Aristede for not having the hand? He slapped him three times! This brings me into another question. For traditional soaps, daytime and primetime, slaps are something that occur every week. On DS, did they slap alot? Forigve me for asking because I've only seen the episodes starting right before 1795 up to now.

Current Talk '03 I / Re: MATURE Fan Question
« on: February 11, 2003, 04:56:42 AM »
Now that just about everyone at my school knows I watch soaps (all kinds of them), they tease me half to death. Except when I got them hooked on "All My Children" for a week. As for DS, they laugh senslessly when I talk about it. They refer to it as "that story about the werewolves." Everyone down here refers to soaps as "the stories" (pronounced "thuh stor-is"). "Watching the stories, son?" "I had no idea you watch the stories!" "Oh my god! You are a total geek because you watch the stories." Don't get me started on my "Dynasty"/"Knots Landing" depression. They tease me because I want to see "that show with the rich people" and "that show with the round street." I always remind them that their beloved crap "Beverly Hills, 90210" is a primetime soap also (even though it is worse). But that's another topic.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: DARK SHADOWS and S-E-X!
« on: December 23, 2002, 10:15:00 AM »
What about the lost scene when Julia and Barnabas were both drunk at the old house...

Barnabas: Julia, let me find your neck so I can bite it.
Julia: You know just how to turn someone on!
Barnabas: Let me love ya, girl!
Julia: Barnabas, boy you is scaring me!
Barnabas: Let's be sweet between the sheets, honey cheeks.
*Julia runs and locks to door, peeking out to see if anyone is coming up the path*
Barnabas: No, let's do it downstairs on the coffin.
Julia: Damn, you are creative.
*Julia pops a sedative as they go downstairs*
Barnabas: Up on the coffin, you cheap tramp.
*Julia pops another sedative*

I got my precious sugar darlin' Maggie, of course. Her present from me is a lifetime of kisses from yours truly. *swoons at the sight of his avatar*

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Oh No.....not Betsy Durkin!!!!!!
« on: September 09, 2002, 02:08:24 AM »
you people are terrible! It has gotta be hard to replace such an important person in a show. And, Betsy Durkin looked like she was eating rice and tofu (not ding dong's or whatever). She didn't have flabby arms or anything. I feel bad for her, for what she's probably have had to go through, because of cruel fans. And I don't know why you are making a big deal about her. She's only in 10 episodes.

Anyway, bad cast changing is terrible. On "All My Children," they replaced a short blonde actor with a tall brunette. A dark, round faced man with a light, long headed dude.

Current Talk '02 II / Vicki as Erica Kane?
« on: September 09, 2002, 02:03:45 AM »
I was watching a taped episode of "All My Children" yesterday, and I quickly thought of DS. What if DS was AMC? I can see Vicki being "Victoria Winters Clark Collins Blair Blair Collins Bradford Bradford Haskell Loomis Stokes Jennings Stokes Jennings."

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Adam's Post Collinwood Life
« on: September 08, 2002, 02:13:25 AM »
Here ya go:

Before he leaves Collinsport, he goes to Widow's Hill and he sees Josette's dead body lying on the rocks. He touches her hair, and she comes back to life. They leave town, and get married. Before they leave, Adam pays a visit to Liz and tells her about his new found love. Liz offers to buy a house in a Los Angelos cul-de-sac for them, and they jump at the chance. When they get there, Adam starts to drink and a LOT of bad things happen to Josette. Angelique moves into town under the name "Angie" and starts to sleep with everyone, including Adam. Adam and Josette divorce. Josette gives birth to Adam's twins, but they get lost. They finally find the twins, and Adam and Josette get back where have I heard that before?:-p

Current Talk '02 II / Kathryn Leigh Scott: Behind the Screams
« on: September 07, 2002, 02:50:35 AM »
I was so proud of KLS on yesterday's episodes. I was mostly proud of her little screaming scene in which she yells in a high pitch: "I'm gonna die!!!!!! I'm dying!!!!! No!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
As a matter of fact, it was rather funny. Sure, she won't beat out Nancy Barrett or Grayson Hall, but it was still some good screamin'!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Adam!: The End of a Storyline
« on: September 07, 2002, 02:46:42 AM »
That was sure brilliance! I laughed every time I read a line! Perfect Perfect Perfect!!!! PLEASE write some more!!!!

*parting hair down the middle*

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Adam's "Unique" West Wing Reading Material
« on: August 07, 2002, 12:53:17 AM »
hmmm........I remember when Angie was still Cass, and David had that tape player......and he was 'listening to it.......' makes me think about David and what in the world he recorded....maybe he called some certain numbers he saw written on the walls of Barnabas's coffin.........

And Adam, sometimes I think about why he never leaves the west wing and goes down to kidnap Carolyn. Maybe during one of his frequent Vicki-nappings, he found a camera, made a book out of the pictures, and put it under Roger's pillow......makes me wonder.....

Maggie's song for Vicki

They call me a governess
And I'm riding the traaain to Collinwood
I got a vampire, a pheonix, a hair grabber and a witch
Riding the traaain to Collinwood

Yeah, and Barnabas/George would come home and get his butt donut, while Cathy/Carolyn would work in a massage parlor. Now I'm getting images. I have Professer Stokes/Charlie and Maggie/Loretta trying to make a baby.......sweet Jesus........ :o :o

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