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Messages - MaggieEvans

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Jamison: Oh yeah... this is going to be priceless! Beth is going to walk in, see the _______ and simply _______!!!

*bite*... but not in a vampire way... more like a "Oh yeah? Well bite me!" kinda way...

*show him that "blow" was just a term used, and that there would actually be no blowing."

Judith had but to close her eyes and inhale deeply to ensure she got a proper contact high.

*Magda WITHOUT all the makeup!*

B: "I know what you're thinking right now.... 'They really don't pay me enough for this job'!"
Cop: "Well, most days it's not as hair-curling stinky as it is today! I didn't know that today is
the day you all hold the Collins Family Limburger Festival!"

Magda's cunning plan to eliminate the Hand by swallowing it with a really really big glass of water suddenly went awry, when the Finger hit the back of her throat triggering her gag reflex!

Cop: "Hello, Acme Door Company?   The lettering's backwards!!   Oh...  Well, I think it is your fault that weirdos keeps getting in  and asking what a Ecilop is!!"

*Time Warp*

"My Way" like Frank Sinatra.

*started trying to be more healthy and actually drinking WATER instead of brandy!*

*gettin' jiggy wid it!*

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Serendipity - A Man Named Stokes
« on: June 16, 2009, 10:40:20 PM »
I tried to get my old roommate to name her new kitten Josette, so I could name my new kitten Barnabas, but she wouldn't, so my new kitten (who is now 12 1/2 years old) is Charles for Charlie Chaplin. I am as avid a Chaplin fan as I am a DS fan. And, thinking back, Charles just fits my cat.

I am one who named their child after someone in a soap opera, but my choice was to name my daughter Holly after Holly Thorpe on the Guiding Light.

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Serendipity - A Man Named Stokes
« on: June 16, 2009, 08:20:12 PM »
Okay, honestly, if I had to name a child either Barnabas or Stokes, I'd choose Barnabas every time. But, that's just me.

This reminds me though... my friend Linda was a DS fan, and she says she named her daughter after a DS character, Sheila. My memory must not be what it used to be, because I can't think of a "Sheila" in Dark Shadows. Help?

*Countess DuPres can not be channeled at the moment. Please leave a message at the tone, and she will channel you back when she returns. Thank you.*

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