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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0431
« on: April 09, 2013, 10:12:23 PM »
This ep. is full of great scenes and concludes with one of the greatest lines in the entire series. Abigail's scream is pretty good, too.

I must also single out another all-time favorite and absolutely delightful scene, when Ben gravely advises Daniel (welcome!) on what to take with him if he's running away. Daniel promises to make a list and show it to Ben. As man to man, they solemnly shake hands on the agreement, and David goes back to Collinwood much happier than when he left it. [spoiler][A long time from now, in 1840, we will see that although much else has changed, Daniel’s gratitude is none the less.][/spoiler]

Very, very late in the day, Abigail gets to the Old House just as Ben is also arriving. Ben does his best to dissuade her from going in, even offering to get whatever she wants from inside the house, but Abigail doesn’t trust the man she caught sneaking into her bedroom. She tells him, I’m expecting Reverend Trask this evening. I want you to go back to Collinwood and tell Reverend Trask to meet me here at the Old House. Ben still hesitates, then makes up his mind. He asks her, And if anything happens to you here--? Abigail replies stoutly, It will be my responsibility. Now go and do as you're told! Fearlessly she marches in. Ben lingers just long enough to remark to us, Aye! It will be your responsibility! And I hope ye get what's comin' to ye!

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0427
« on: April 07, 2013, 04:48:41 PM »
You're welcome!  [easter_smiley]

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0430
« on: April 06, 2013, 06:14:56 PM »
This ep. is almost as sad as the one where Josette dies. Barnabas simply refuses to listen to reason (in the person of Ben) and pays the price.

At Josette's grave, Barnabas implores Josette to return to him. After he leaves, the freshly turned earth on her grave starts to tremble. In the drawing room at the Old House, the mantel clock ticks the seconds away. We see that Josette’s portrait still hangs in its familiar spot above the mantel, where Barnabas had it hung the day he was cursed. There it will remain until he returns in 1967.

I love the suspenseful atmosphere of this episode and the way we see only a little bit at a time as Josette rises from the dead. First we see the hem of Josette's white gown and her small white shoes as she walks through the woods, then her pale little hand as she turns the doorknob at the Old House.

Upstairs in Josette's room, the clock stops, and Barnabas suddenly senses the utter silence throughout the house.

We can see the hem of Josette’s fine lace veil as she slowly ascends the stairs.

Even after she stands before Barnabas, Josette pleads with him not to make her lift her veil. His revulsion and grief overwhelm him as he realizes she was right. Beyond hope, Josette is lost to him forever.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0427
« on: April 06, 2013, 05:59:40 PM »
Lawyers didn't go to law school in those days. A young man (never a woman) who wanted to be a lawyer would more or less apprentice himself (for a hefty fee) to someone who already had a practice. That person would supervise his studies and would decide when he was qualified to practice law. I suppose that being poor, Peter couldn't afford to pay for an apprenticeship. He did the next best thing by becoming the jailer so he could work with suspects and read law in his spare time.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0429
« on: April 05, 2013, 09:08:48 PM »
Yes, dom, Joshua did see Barn's ring on Josette's hand back when she fainted in front of him and Natalie. That was back in ep. 422.

Judging from the frame grabs in the Robservations and the DS Wiki, I have to agree that the somber colors and lighting are wonderful.

Trask is in his element when he and Abigail have their strategy session. Nice job by both actors.

I suppose we are to infer that Peter is actually a noble human being when he fearlessly stands up to Trask's arguments and nixes his suggestion that he (P.) doesn't necessarily have to live such a hand-to-mouth existence. Peter's costume, by the way, is excellently done. His clothes, though neat, are almost as threadbare as Ben's.

Still more great moments for Barnabas and Ben. Once again, Ben nearly gets throttled but manages to stop Barnabas from killing Peter when he argues, That boy's the only chance Miss Winters has! Yes, the serial throttling is a bit annoying, but JF is totally committed, and by the end I was completely persuaded when Barn stands staring down at Josette's grave and declares passionately, I have made my own dark conquest of the grave. Hers will be next, I swear!

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0428
« on: April 05, 2013, 02:29:10 PM »
Missed you, Lydia!  [easter_smiley] I guess that tradition developed back when the world was flat.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0428
« on: April 04, 2013, 08:54:38 PM »
Love your comment on the pearly gates, MT!

I suppose Nathan was some kind of consultant. They would need somebody to make sure the ships were being built to the navy's specifications, for example, with the right number and placement of masts, gun ports, whatever.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0428
« on: April 04, 2013, 08:04:11 PM »
Wow, MT, you raise some interesting questions.

I think I have a good idea of the answer to your first one: Then as now, navy ships are commissioned from and built in privately owned shipyards. Nowadays, they might go to Electric Boat in Groton, Connecticut. With his background as a Patriot, Joshua no doubt has managed to wangle some highly  lucrative contracts from the fledgling U.S. Navy. I think the earliest shipyards were in New England, because that's where all the timber was, so having one in Collinsport actually makes sense. (I've edited a lot of history books, and some interesting but useless factoids have lodged in my brain as a result.)

Suicide actually was illegal in a lot of places, especially those with theocratic tendences. I'm sure it was illegal in Britain. I don't know about Maine, but since it was originally a British colony a lot of the laws would have been similar or the same. The rationale for criminalizing it was that in taking your own life, you were sinning against the Creator himself, who alone has the power of life and death and who was the source (it was believed) of all government power--remember all those divine right rulers. If you survived a suicide attempt, you would go to prison.

The burial upside down at a crossroads was to make sure your soul wouldn't somehow find its way to heaven.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0428
« on: April 04, 2013, 06:52:50 PM »
Joshua treats Millicent with surprising gentleness after rescuing Nathan from her.

Nathan attempts to thank Joshua for saving his life (though he could never have been in any serious danger from such a bird-boned little creature as Millicent). Joshua bars him from setting foot on any and all Collins property, including the shipyard. When Nathan points out that that's where he works, Joshua replies that that's the navy department's problem. Joshua probably thinks he's won, but he has made a very bad enemy.

While Ben is digging Josette's grave, Peter finds him and tries to talk him into testifying for Vicki. Joshua finds them and orders Peter to leave. Glaring suspiciously at Peter, he asks, Stokes, have you been imposed on or coerced in any way? He’s already been imposed on and coerced quite enough already by the Collinses without any help from me, Peter retorts and clears off. Referring to Peter as "that impudent young man," Joshua orders Ben to finish digging Josette's grave tonight. [Now why it should take that long to do, I don't understand, plus apparently nobody ever heard that suicides were supposed to be buried at a crossroads, face down, in an unmarked grave. But I suppose the rich and powerful Collinses can bury themselves wherever they want.]

Nice scene with Joshua and Ben at the mausoleum. It's still daylight, so of course Barnabas is in his coffin--as Ben has known all along.

Really, any scene with Thayer David is great. Ben is also one of my favorite characters.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0427
« on: April 04, 2013, 02:11:46 PM »
Countess - heart-shaped beauty mark - and according to the beauty mark chart (thanx, DL!) it proclaims that she is married.

 [easter_cheesy] [easter_cheesy] [easter_cheesy]

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0427
« on: April 03, 2013, 08:25:16 PM »
Very dramatic beginning to this episode, with Abigail and Trask in dramatic lighting against a stark black background in alternating rapid cuts.

And here beginneth Vicki's trial. Somehow she still thinks she will be acquitted. But she is horrified when Peter tells her about Josette's death--and how did he find out, I wonder?

Big mistakes by Vicki when she (1) tries to stop Peter from confessing that he let her out to go to Collinwood (to retrieve the Family History); and (2) begs the judges to spare him, exclaiming, I've already done enough! Of course, Trask jumps right on this.

Later, Vicki remembers that Ben told her he knew she wasn't the witch. She and Peter hope he might know who the real witch is--and that he'll testify.

Nice work by JL as the self-righteous, bullying Trask.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0426
« on: April 03, 2013, 02:33:54 PM »
I don't think it's a spoiler when I say that I also loved Naomi's sumptuous evening robe. I think the collar is supposed to be (I hope) fake chinchilla. I still say JB never looked more beautiful than in the 1795 story, and Naomi is one of my all-time favorite characters.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0426
« on: April 02, 2013, 11:52:56 PM »
I think Millicent thinks that the worst thing possible already has happened to her. Nathan's treachery has broken her heart and her spirit, so why should she care about anything anymore?

MT, too bad they didn't hire you to write the voiceovers--at least we wouldn't have to hear about the seance a hundred times.

Joshua does get some unintentional one-liners, doesn't he!  [easter_smiley]

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0426
« on: April 02, 2013, 10:01:05 PM »
Poor Barnabas has so little reason now to hold on to any human feelings. But even now, Angelique won't let him give himself up. She has destroyed what she supposedly loved, and the transformation is complete: Barnabas has changed from an affectionate, lively, even passionately volatile young man to the ruthless, tortured creature we first met when he grabbed the hapless Willie Loomis by the throat.

Joshua and Naomi (in her dark lime green gown) are in the drawing room at Collinwood. Naomi reports, Madame du Pres has cried herself to sleep. [How did the family learn of Josette’s death, which occurred with no _living_ witness? Perhaps Natalie and Riggs found her shattered body at the foot of Widows Hill.]

Poor Millicent is changing too, and not for the better. Now we can see the first hint of madness in her eyes. (Nice work by NB.)

Another sad soliloquy for Barnabas as he kneels by Jeremiah’s grave marker. He tells his cousin, I am glad you cannot see me now. Now Josette will now lie beside you--the husband she never loved. You will be together in death as you never were in life. The choice was not your own. Angelique has made you win again.

But Millicent actually catches sight of him and decides he will avenge her honor. After all, she tells the shocked Joshua and Naomi, Barnabas has already fought one duel. The fact that she addresses this offhand remark to the man whose son killed his (J's) brother must be proof of dawning insanity--Millicent was so thoughtful of Naomi before.

Joshua is back to his usual pompous form, declaring that only he will testify at Vicki's trial.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0423
« on: April 02, 2013, 02:48:22 PM »
I also liked Jane Draper. She could have been in another story line somewhere, I'm sure. It's nice to see a new face occasionally.