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Messages - Gerard

Calendar Events / Announcements '12 II / Re: #1 at the Blue Whale
« on: December 14, 2012, 02:29:18 AM »
I do agree, Gothic.  And this song played prominently in a Stephen King film, Sleepwalkers.


Current Talk '12 II / Re: Get a load of this...
« on: November 28, 2012, 04:25:29 PM »
It's obviously photoshopped - take a close look at the head-to-body proportion.  Also, Ms. Parker can be seen in a bikini scene in the movie Race With the Devil, and, well, how to put this, while she has her own marvelous body, her "Tower Rooms" are not as, um, spacious, as in this photo.  Still, whomever did this has paid a very nice tribute to her, knowing that she was, is now, and always will be gorgeous.


As I've mentioned before, as much as I love ocean liners and cruise ships, I get seasick just from stirring my coffee.  But I use the prescription transderm patch and it nips mal-de-mar in the bud.  I swear by it.


Calendar Events / Announcements '12 II / Re: HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL/OT
« on: November 23, 2012, 08:17:50 PM »
I'm picturing, Bob, Elizabeth taking everything into consideration and finally saying:  "Forget this.  We're all going out to eat at the Thanksgiving all-you-can-eat buffet at the Collinsport Inn coffee shop at $2.95 a person.  Grab your coats, everyone.  Yes, I'll pay."

Anyway, I hope everyone had a wonderful day!  It was in the sixties here in Wisconsin and we even had appetizers and liquid refreshments of the spirited kind out on our friends' back deck.  This morning (Friday), we woke up to 25 degrees and snow flurries with sharp winds.


Current Talk '12 II / Re: Sex in the Shadows
« on: November 23, 2012, 08:11:20 PM »
How could anyone forget the name of Dameon Edwards?!

If PTAngelique did it with him, it obviously was a pitty date.


Current Talk '12 II / Re: Sex in the Shadows
« on: November 21, 2012, 03:42:07 AM »
As I use to think about my parents, no one in Dark Shadows would ever do that!


Duh! You're right, of course!  I was only thinking of the air travel portion...

Well, considering that airlines now charge excess fees for checked luggage, carried-on luggage, seats, going potty, having a drink of water, breathing, being alive (and being dead), having a cousin three times removed living in North Dakota or Uzbekistan, being born between 1875 and 2020, that does add an extravagant amount.  Just flying to New York would cost much more than spending eight days at sea to and including Bermuda.

Now everyone knows why I would rather spend six days sailing to Europe than six hours flying there.  Ships rule; jets drool.


I am a teacher, too, Doctor/K9, and I was able to take the week off (with time around it) to go on my Berumda cruise and attend the DS Fest afterwards.  It took work, but I was able to do it.  I'm not saying all teachers can do it, but each should look into their time-off policy (there is a year's notice).  I'm glad I was able to do it - it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  Also, even though Bermuda is on the same parallel as North Carolina, the waters of the Atlantic keep it much warmer.  When I sailed to Bermuda in September, the water was like glass and the air temperature in the Atlantic was in the nineties.  It was unseasonably warm, but far different from what what was experienced of the Hatteras.

Teresa, a passport doesn't cost that much.  Besides, if one doesn't plan on travelling overseas, it's still a good document to have.  It can be used for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with travelling that the government and even private industries require to prove your citizenship.  Also, as for it being too long, you spend Saturday afternoon through Monday morning (and you'll dock before you wake up) at sea, and not leave until Thursday afternoon.  Plus, there's lots to do on the ship, so much you'll wish you had spent more days at sea.  But boarding two dogs is a concern.  And so is wine!  Although, let me tell you, Teresa, wine is one of the cheapest hootches served on a ship, if one sticks to the "house brand."

You're right, Darren, that a passport isn't absolutely needed for an American port-return-to-port cruise to a foreign country, but without one a person needs lots of other documents, from birth certificates to official government photo ID (both would be required to go to Bermuda).  It's better to just get a passport; more covenient.

Go on the cruise, Cousins.  Go.  I'll nag you all until you're sick of me.


Current Talk '12 II / Re: A real life Sandor Petofi!
« on: November 20, 2012, 10:11:41 PM »
How much of a coincidence can that be?  I wouldn't be surprised if the writers didn't so some research to find appropriate names for characters and found this (and this was before wikipedia).  If, by chance, it isn't a coincidence, all the more kudos to them; after all, scrounging through old cemetaries to come up with the name "Barnabas" shows their determination.


It does seem pricey, that I'll admit.  But as a cruise fanatic, let me break the cost down, comparing the probably-once-ever DS festival event, as opposed to the typical weekend one.

If one books, with a travel companion, an inside stateroom, the fare comes to (rounding it off) $800.  That's for an eight-day/seven-night cruise, so that comes to about $100 a day/night.  What do you get for that?  You get:
-your room;
-all food (24 hours a day, including free room service);
-all non-soda/non-alcoholic beverages;
-festival attendance;
-a beautiful, exotic location with lots to see and do either for free or low cost with a lot of time to do it.

To stay at a three-day/two-night DS Fest hotel, one pays at least $100 a day/night.  What do you get for that?  You get:
-your room.

You pay extra for:
-all food (overpriced and not of the best quality according to many who have testified to the stuff the hotel restaurants/caterers provide);
-all beverages;
-festival attendance;
-being stuck in a local neighborhood with little time or ability to see anything, or - worst yet - being stuck in an airport-based hotel where the only thing is see and experience are the interstates.

Add everything together and dollar-for-dollar, the cruise is cheaper with much more to offer.  Plus, people have been given a year's advance notice, allowing time to book the downpayment, save the pennies, and schedule vacation time.  (Oh, and don't forget getting a passport - you need a passport, so if planning on going, get it now.)

I wish I could go.  I love DS, I love being on a cruise ship, and I love Bermuda.  Fortunately, I was once able to do all three at the same time (as I mentioned before; Robert Rodan [Adam] talked with us for 15 minutes about our Bermuda cruise after he saw our tans).

Seriously think about it, Cousins.  This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  You've got a year to save and plenty of time to put in for your vacation.  How would you rather spend next Halloween, a most appropriate day for a DS Fest?  Answering the doorbell, or spending time with DS stars in grand lounges and elegant dining rooms, and walking among palm trees and pristine beaches?  Once-in-a-lifetime comes only once.  Paying for sludgy food with stoppy service in gouging hotel "cafes" while surrounded by concrete roads and the sounds of screaming jets or in a Brooklyn neighborhood that, albeit nice, offers the same stuff over and over again with no time to do anything else comes every year for one over-priced weekend.  Year after year after year after year after year.....  You can continue to do that, or - once, just once - live and splurge.  And at a more affordable cost, everything put together.


I would not be able to make a decision - it's like apples and oranges.  Both, to me, are actually in different genres. 


I loved watching those things growing up.  And in honor of them is one my favorite lines from Roseanne when her daughter, Darlene, gets stuck at a rock concert with no ride back, and some punk tries to pick her up and offer her some mary-jane:

Darlene:  "Oh, god, I feel like I'm in some really bad after-school special."


Current Talk '12 II / Re: Mysteries of the Real Life Collinsport
« on: November 15, 2012, 02:33:09 AM »
I read somewhere that Barnabas Collins originally was going to be called Jared or something similar.

I think I remember reading that Jared was one of several possible names, until Barnabas was, indeed, selected from a tombstone.  Also (it's been mentioned here before) that Burt Convy was on the final list of possible actors to portray him.  He didn't get the part, but went on to star in a far more horrifying daytime show, Tattletales.


When I wrote my first DS novel back in the late '90's (hoping to submit it to the HarperCollins series) and set it in that present day, one of the central parts of the plot was a full-force hurricane hitting the coast of Maine trapping the family in the estate while terrifying things happened around them from which they could not now escape.  Collinwood had been restored to its full former glory by Carolyn and David (she a never re-married widow; he married with two kids) along with Quentin (Carolyn, David and Quentin running the new family business of operating several resorts, along with the old industries) and a curmudgeonly Roger.  Barnabas and Willie lived "in retirement" in the Old House, also fully restored with electricity, plumbing, a satellite dish on the roof and Barnabas would spend time surfing the internet.  Maggie and Angelique were also there (too complicated to explain why, but it was all rather happy).  But the main point was that a hurricane did it make it that far north (a once-in-several-centuries event) and things didn't go well when it did.


You're so right, Janet, about everything regarding a Bermuda cruise.

Ah, yes, that beautiful, pristine, clear water!  At one of the beaches, I sat down in the warm, luxuriating water.  I brought several rolls I took from one of the ship's many, many, many all-you-can-eat buffets and started breaking them up.  Within minutes, I was surrounded by some of the most colorful and astounding tropical fish one could ever see, waiting for their dinner.  They had no fear, coming right up to me, poking at and rubbing against me as they took turns being hand-fed.  One little dark-brownish guy kept poking-poking-poking at my toes as if to say:  "Hey!  What about me down here!"  He got his morsels.  At times I would hold one palm open with a bit of dinner-roll crumb in the other and fish would settle right into my palm and even enjoyed my caressing them. 

Folks, if you can go, by all means do it.  I wish I could, but like Janet I'm also in the poorhouse.  But if any of you can swing it, do it.  Stop wondering what you'd do for a week on a ship.  There's so much to choose from (along with attending all the DS-related activities) you'll wonder where the time went.  And while it will obviously cost more than a typical DS weekend, break it all down.  Factor in your transportation, room and all that food and drink included; it's non-stop 24/7 meals.  There is always one restaurant that never closes, or you can just call for room-service (no extra charge).  By comparison, this cruise will be cheaper day-by-day than a three-day-two-nights in a hotel.  Dollar-for-dollar, a cruise is the least expensive form of vacation.  You only live once - do it. 

I'll never forget my '03 Bermuda cruise, climaxed by attending the Brooklyn DS Fest.  As we sailed across the glass-like Atlantic, I stood on the Boat Deck overlooking the bow, the sun shining, the skies blue and suddenly pods of dolphins raced along side us, the wake of the ship giving them added speed, as they gloriously and triumphally jumped in long arcs from the water into the air.  You ain't gonna get that on some street outside a hotel.
