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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0462
« on: May 21, 2013, 11:14:56 PM »
Love love love GH's own fiery hair! Barnabas compliments Julia on it, but only as a prelude to grilling her about her success in hypnotizing Vicki. (In fact, Barnabas would not have been astonished to see short hair on women affecting Incroyable fashions back in 1795, so he's surprised but not shocked.)

I believe this is the Positively Last Appearance of the ghost of Jeremiah.

Julia tells Vicki that she went to the town records office and discovered that Peter Bradford was hanged for the murder of Noah Gifford. Vicki breaks down and admits she loved Peter. To the accompaniment of the usual approaching storm, Julia immediately retails this news to Barnabas, who is quite peeved--after all, Peter is dead. He is even more peeved when Julia reminds him, You still love Josette--even though she's dead. It is not like you to mention her name, Julia, he comments. Julia promises to make Vicki forget, but Barn doesn't trust her.

Barnabas comes to Vicki's room to take matters into his own hands. Although he isn’t wearing his cape, he reveals just enough of his unearthly splendor to dazzle Vicki without overwhelming her. The DS Wiki has a frame grab showing that he is still reluctant to bite her--but he does, and rather nicely too.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0461
« on: May 21, 2013, 11:03:14 PM »
 [easter_cheesy] [easter_cheesy] [easter_cheesy]

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0461
« on: May 21, 2013, 06:39:44 PM »
Argh! I completely forgot that Elizabeth is wearing the awful yellow robe/housecoat thing at the séance--if that's actually what she was wearing. Does anyone remember what she--and everyone else--wore in the episode where Vicki actually goes back to 1795?

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0461
« on: May 21, 2013, 03:31:32 PM »
Elizabeth demands to know why Barnabas always seems to know so much more than the rest of the family. He attributes it to a lucky guess. The only lucky part is that Elizabeth is much too concerned for Vicki to question him further.

When Vicki is sedated and calmer, Elizabeth comes to visit and regards her with pity and sympathy (quite as Naomi would have done). Julia has the grace to apologize for deceiving the family, and she too is lucky that Elizabeth is still concerned for Vicki. Both women are puzzled by Ben's rough field dressing, secured with two ends of the fabric rather than adhesive tape, and the fact that she seems to have been shot with a pistol ball.

Later, Barnabas visits Vicki. My dear, he calls her. (When Barnabas calls someone "my dear," it’s usually a sign that they are actually in mortal peril.) Vicki wakes up, but still confuses the past with the present and can't distinguish between the Barnabas of 1795 and the Barnabas of 1968. Sitting on the bed, Barnabas says, I apologize for coming to your room [some old habits never die, I guess], but I was concerned about you and wanted to make sure you were better. I’m very confused, Vicki admits. Feigning only mild interest, Barnabas asks, What about? About you, Vicki replies. She explains, When Josette came to see me in jail, she said you were dead. [I think it was actually Joshua who first told her.] You’re safe now, my dear--you’re back at Collinwood, Barnabas assures her. Anxiously, Vicki insists, I didn't put a curse on you--I never would. Barnabas reassures her (though he has to look away as he says it), I know you didn't (who better?). With remarkable presence of mind, he adds, I’ve never felt I was under a curse. Still terrified, Vicki continues, I tried to save Josette's life by telling her and the countess that on the last day of her life, Josette would lose a black onyx ring--like yours. Barnabas tries to hide his fear, but it only increases when Vicki says, Millicent told me it was a secret that you were alive. Fearfully, Barnabas asks Vicki, Why was it a secret? Still partly sedated, Vicki replies apologetically, I can’t even remember if I knew why or not. Just then the door opens. Get out, Barnabas, Julia orders him flatly. At first he refuses, but Julia warns him that she'll get Elizabeth and Roger. Barnabas reluctantly goes after glaring at Julia. I’m sorry I frightened him, Vicki says confusedly. Don’t worry about it, Julia tells her.

Much later, Barnabas summons Carolyn and seems to be threatening to kill Vicki!

Barnabas's industrial-strength eye makeup is nothing to the VINYL eyeliner that Vicki wears even in bed! Gone are the days….

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0460
« on: May 18, 2013, 06:22:11 PM »
Joshua and Barnabas say farewell--very sad. And very telling that Barnabas's two last requests to his father--to free Ben and to try to save Vicki--are entirely unselfish.

More great scenes with Ben and Joshua. Ben enters the secret room on NOT hearing Joshua shoot the sleeping Barnabas. Now he feels only compassion for the man he once hated.

Joshua has Ben brought to the study. Fun to see how completely flummoxed Ben is when Joshua actually invites him to sit down. Mindful of the dirt on his clothes (he's just buried Nathan's body in the woods and chained Barnabas in his coffin), Ben carefully perches on the very edge of the only wooden chair. Besides freeing Ben, Joshua gives him a hundred dollars, probably the equivalent of a year's salary for a working man.

And a very touching final scene with Vicki and Peter. It would be funny if AM really did keep cracking up when they were filming it.

Meanwhile, in darkness and silence, the coffin waits….

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0459
« on: May 18, 2013, 12:30:04 AM »
The barmaid is overcome with a need to lie down after looking at a bat for ten seconds

*dies laughing*

Regarding your spoiler, I would think that simply being chained in a coffin for about 170 years would be enough to make anyone cranky.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0459
« on: May 17, 2013, 08:30:39 PM »
Thayer David becomes the first male actor to read--and very nicely too--the opening voiceover.

More outstanding work from the all-male cast: LE, JF, TD, and JC. Joshua is utterly heartbreaking in his pride and sorrow.

Now that Naomi is dead, Joshua drops his stoical mask so that we can see the anguish beneath the surface. He is amazed that almost with her last breath, Naomi told him she loved him. He wonders if he's really capable of loving anyone. He tells Barnabas that he has sent Riggs to have six silver bullets made. [But revolvers wouldn't be invented for something like 40 years.] Somehow he brings himself to pronounce the almost unspeakable words, telling his own son that after sunrise, he will shoot him in the heart. But that gives Barnabas enough time to kill Nathan. Joshua protests, but Barnabas reminds him, You cannot stop me. No one can.

Fantastic scene at the Eagle with Nathan and Barnabas--and sad to recall what good friends they were before Angelique ever came to Collinwood. Nathan shoots Barnabas--with no effect whatever. I cannot die because I am already dead, Barnabas says slowly and deliberately. Do I frighten you, Forbes? he asks, savoring Nathan’s terror to the full. I do not plan to kill you--at least, not here and now. Later, Forbes--after you’ve had time to think about it. Nine o’clock, he declares, looking at the clock on the wall, which reads 8:30. When the clock strikes nine, you will die. Then Barnabas simply vanishes.

In a panic, Nathan races back to Collinwood. Showing that he has given tacit consent to Barnabas's plans, Joshua tells Nathan that Barnabas is a vampire. Coldly he tells Nathan that he tried to stop Barnabas--but only because he didn't want any more bloodshed. As the older man rises to leave the room, Nathan pleads, Aren’t you going to stay here with me? I wouldn’t be any protection, Joshua answers. And I don’t want to see what is going to happen to you. He leaves.

Next, Nathan begs Ben to tell him how Barnabas can be destroyed, pointing out that Ben would have his (N.'s) blood on his hands. Ben hesitates, then says, All right, I will. The way to destroy ’im is to drive a wooden stake through ’is heart. With gloating laughter, he continues, Durin’ the day, ’e rests in ’is coffin. If ye go to ’is coffin tomorrow mornin’ and drive a stake through ’is heart, you’ll destroy ’im. With a triumphant chortle, he winds up, Only you won’t live that long. Tomorrow mornin’, you’ll be dead!

Nathan hurries to the study and pleads with Joshua one last time--until he notices the crossbows and arrows mounted on the walls. Of course it wouldn't be a fair fight for Barnabas if Nathan didn't attempt to defend himself. But will he succeed?….

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0458
« on: May 16, 2013, 09:53:21 PM »
This ep. is absolutely heart wrenching, one of the best in the whole series. Great work by everyone, but JB, LE, and JF are absolutely riveting.

Despite all of Joshua's efforts to prevent it, Naomi knows at least some of the truth about Barnabas. She finally realizes that Forbes threatened to tell her about Barnabas if Joshua didn't go along with his plans. Astonished, Naomi says, You were ready to sacrifice your pride and honor--every principle you valued!--simply to protect me. It’s been so long since I thought you cared, she murmurs as she leans against his chest. I do care, he answers, holding her gently. He begs her, Please promise me that you'll wait till the morning before you see Barnabas again. I promise--for you, she answers, but she gazes over his shoulder as if at something far away, her decision already made.

Naomi suddenly remembers Vicki and goes to the study to tell her goodbye. But Nathan is watching and captures Vicki, marching her off to town despite her pleas. So Vicki never finds out that Barnabas is not dead after all.

Naomi drinks what she has prepared and goes upstairs. Naomi opens the door to the Tower Room and slowly walks in. Barnabas slams the door (he was hiding behind it) but is stunned to see who his visitor is. Mother! he exclaims in shock, horror--and deepest shame. You shouldn't have come here! Thunder rumbles in the background as Naomi says, I had to see you one more time. Barnabas, look at me! No! Barnabas replies instantly, unable to meet his mother’s eyes. You saw me once tonight, he says bitterly. You saw what I am. Wasn’t that enough? Whatever else you are, you’re still my son, Naomi replies, reaching out her arms to embrace him. And to find you alive-- Mother, please! Barnabas interrupts her as the “vampire” theme swells. He turns away from her, facing the wall. Didn’t you see what was happening outside? he asks. Didn’t you see what I was doing? I saw, but I didn’t understand, Naomi replies urgently, never taking her eyes from him, knowing she has only a little time left. I-- I still don’t. But whatever you did, Barnabas, I know it wasn’t by choice. I’ll never believe that. And I want you to tell me why this has happened. Please, Barnabas implores her, don’t make me look at you and tell you. I can’t bear the thought of hurting you anymore. His anguish only deepens when she continues passionately, Barnabas, please understand. I brought you into the world. I watched you grow to manhood. I suffered agony when you died, watching you die. And by some strange miracle, you’re still alive! You’re not as you were, but whatever has changed you, it made you suffer and feel a deep shame, and I can’t leave you till I know what it is. Finally he turns toward her.

Downstairs, Joshua reads the note Naomi left for him. Horrified, he races upstairs. Even as her strength fails, Naomi declares that she will always love her son. Joshua arrives just in time to see Barnabas catch her as she faints. Joshua drops to his knees to hold her, but he is already too late.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0457
« on: May 15, 2013, 09:41:53 PM »
Fabulous scene with Ben and Naomi in the Tower Room, followed immediately by a fabulous scene with Ben and Nathan, followed shortly after by a fabulous scene with Nathan cruelly taunting Naomi about Barnabas.

Barnabas wakens to another night in a shot that later found its way into the "I, Barnabas" video. Unable to help himself, he sends his call to Millicent. No mere lock could keep him in the Tower Room, only the promise to his father, and even that has crumbled in the face of his irresistible, unhuman hunger.

Whoever screamed--whether JB or a stunt screamer--did a really scary job, if I remember.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0456
« on: May 14, 2013, 10:08:38 PM »
True, MT. I don't think he would have wanted to stay around Millicent after driving her mad, either.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0456
« on: May 14, 2013, 08:20:23 PM »
Vicki and Naomi both refer to Daniel as "David," so we must suppose they were rehearsing for 1968.

In the study at Collinwood, Naomi is only too glad to help Vicki, but she, Vicki, and Daniel are shocked into silence when they hear Nathan call to Millicent outside. Later, Vicki is horrified when Nathan tells Naomi that Peter has been captured (by Nathan, of course) for Noah's murder and will hang for it.

Later, Naomi returns to the study and tells Vicki, I’ve sent Daniel to bed--with Ben guarding him. The careful viewer will note that antique weapons such as crossbows adorn the study walls in 1796. The distraught Vicki finally gets the chance to confess: I shot Noah Gifford! I’m the one who should be punished, not Peter. Naomi is full of pity. You did the only thing possible, she tells Vicki. Thank you for saving Daniel. But Vicki is upset about Peter and refuses to leave without him. Naomi reassures her: I’m sure that Joshua will know what to do when he returns tomorrow. And now Naomi says, You’ll sleep in my room tonight. You’ll be safe there--as safe as anyone is in this house, she adds. She carefully checks to make sure the hallway is deserted before signaling Vicki to follow her.

In the morning, Naomi (with cruel irony, in her pretty spring-green dress) intervenes and Daniel gets away. She tells Nathan, Daniel is going into town to identify the body of his kidnapper. How dare you interfere! Nathan rages. I’m in charge of Daniel! Every inch the queenly Mistress of Collinwood, Naomi declares, Not while I’m in this house--and if Millicent were capable of making decisions she’d agree with me. She makes Nathan really nervous when she adds, I’m going to have the authorities investigate what happened to Daniel, and I’m sure Joshua will support my actions when he returns from Boston. But now Nathan takes his revenge: I know your husband better than you think, he says slyly. Didn’t he tell you about Barnabas? He’s returned. Shocked, Naomi strenuously insists that Barnabas is in England. Nathan says, I know Barnabas isn’t in England. Naomi admits that he’s dead. She is stunned when Nathan tells her, Barnabas isn’t dead. He is alive. He’s a murderer--he attacked Millicent. Joshua is keeping him in the Tower Room. If you don’t believe me, go up to the Tower Room. Go on, he taunts her.

Unable to stop herself, Naomi goes up to the Tower Room. She is surprised to see the coffin there, resting on its plinth. In terror and suspense, she slowly approaches it. She hesitates a long time before she raises the lid with trembling hands....

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0455
« on: May 11, 2013, 09:38:15 PM »
Naomi is wearing her beautiful gown of vermillion velvet with oyster satin.

Very nice scene at the beginning with Vicki and Daniel in the secret room as they wait for Nathan to leave. Although her left shoulder is hurt, Vicki holds the gun in her left hand. Finally, they hear Nathan open the gate and then close it behind him as he leaves. Quietly Daniel tells Vicki about being kidnapped by a stranger and escaping. Nice bit of writing here--charmingly and typical of a small boy, he starts every sentence with "and".

Daniel offers to warn Peter that Nathan is at Collinwood. I'm old enough to do it, David says resolutely.

Meanwhile, Naomi tells Nathan that Daniel has been missing all day. Nathan comments, Perhaps the witch has him now, since she escaped from prison. Naomi strenuously protests Vicki's innocence. Nathan makes light of Daniel's disappearance, but Naomi after all had a son of her own. I know that boys always come home for supper, she declares, but Daniel has not. I have Riggs and Ben out looking for Daniel now--while you sit comfortably here. What are you going to tell Millicent about Daniel? Nathan insists on not saying anything. Eventually and reluctantly, he agrees to join the search.

Naomi is shocked that Vicki is in such dire straits and immediately resolves to help.

I haven't seen this ep. in years, but on top of her governessing skills, Vicki must be a dead shot if she managed to shoot Noah dead while he was holding Daniel in front of him.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0454
« on: May 10, 2013, 10:01:10 PM »
In the reshot teaser, we can see that Vicki has acquired a sling for her wounded arm.

Nathan enters the drawing room, running his hand possessively over some of the furniture as if it belongs to him. He sits down to peruse the morning mail. Daniel (in a nice little green jacket and brown boots) slips downstairs, only to find his brother-in-law in the drawing room yet again, this time sampling the sherry. [I guess they couldn't afford another costume for Nathan, so his resignation from the navy hasn’t taken effect yet.]

On Nathan's orders, Noah grabs Daniel and drags him to the fishing shack. But he doesn't have the heart (or lack of same) to tie the little guy up. David manages to escape and heads straight to the mausoleum and Vicki….

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0453
« on: May 10, 2013, 09:56:30 PM »
You're right, I think, MT. I believe the secret room at the OH isn't quite under the stairs. But I don't have the DVDs so it's hard to picture.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0453
« on: May 09, 2013, 08:24:31 PM »
Nathan shows his true colors by locking poor Millicent in her room, not letting Daniel see her, and nastily threatening the poor little guy.

Peter and Vicki find refuge at the Old House, where Ben helps them. Although almost no one who knows him would think Ben a gentleman, he shows his true colors by apologizing diffidently to Vicki before cutting away the sleeve of her gown so he can dress her wound. He says the ball went clean through, but there's no exit wound. His soldiering experience comes in handy yet again when he cleans the wound and wraps it with a strip of cloth, tying the ends together in a rough field dressing. Ben says he was wounded in the war. Couldn't they have given the poor guy a Purple Heart? Maybe they did, and he had to sell it to get money for food. Sad.

Poor Daniel comes looking for Ben, who hides Peter and Vicki in the secret room under the stairs where a long time from now, Matthew Morgan imprisons Vicki. Daniel spots the entirely unconvincing blobs of red wax/bloodstains. The circmstances could hardly be worse, but he and Vicki have a happy reunion.

Ben tells Peter and Vicki that the most secure place is about twenty minutes’ walk away. He means the mausoleum, of course. Strangely, Eagle Hill Cemetery has crept closer and closer to Collinwood since the show began, when it was said to be five miles outside of town. (Of course, they could have run there in twenty minutes if they could all do five-minute miles.)

Daniel returns to Collinwood and to a suspicious Nathan, who asks if he's seen Vicki. Daniel shows his true colors by denying knowing anything, then runs away.

Vicki has an awful dream, screams herself awake, then realizes that the dream is coming true!