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Messages - Nelson Collins

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Pilot - Part 1
« on: September 13, 2008, 05:15:40 PM »
First of all, mea culpa. I misunderstood the original instructions and thought the double length DVD episode 1 was split into two eps and ended up watching the whole thing.  If I stray into second part of the pilot details here, apologies in advance.

As I indicated in a previous thread, I was away from home last night and ended up watching the episode with a complete virgin.  Not only had he never watched or heard of the Revival, he was surprised when I told him this was a retelling of a storyline from the original series!  He had not heard of that either!

In a way that helps, because I had a "controlled" watching experience.  I will give his reactions first.

He liked the atmosphere at first, the misty almost dreamlike quality that suffused the episode.  However, when mist/fog was present in even interior scenes, (floating behind Mrs. Johnson’s head when she is rebuking Willie) it broke the spell for him and he starting mocking it.  He also commented on how stereotypical the scary movie/vampire movie set pieces were.  Personally, as a fan of the Dracula story in the series Cliffhangers, unlike my friend, I rather liked the old set pieces put into a modern setting.

By the end point of the first part of the pilot, about the only person he liked was Barnabas.  Willie was so in contrast with the rest of the relatively cleancut cast that he stood out even more, not even as comic relief but as just slimy, dirty, almost joke bad teeth and offputting and the rest of the cast were rather bland.  He suggested a continuity game at one point.  Seeing the zits/moles on Willie’s face, he suggested that sharp-eyed viewers might want to check those blemishes in every scene to see if they moved!

Below are the notes I jotted as I watched part 1 of the pilot again this morning.
  • Upthread it’s mentioned that Willie doesn’t have the intelligence to decipher code rhymes that have stumped far cleverer people for 200 years.  However, I like that bit.  There’s a line in the film Rear Window where Jeff’s detective friend says, “Morons have committed murder so shrewdly that it took a dozen detectives to figure it out.”  Willie, unencumbered by the belief that the stories and legends are untrue, coupled with his greed, IMO makes him uniquely qualified to discover the truth when no one else gives it a second thought.
  • However, what did pull me out of the narrative were three things:  1) the ring in the lions’ mouth looked like it was attached with to the opening mechanism with rope and an amazingly resilient length of rope it must be to have stood the rigors of 200 years of coastal humidity and bugs and vermin; 2) a sealed tomb has live bats living in it? 3) 200 years later the wall mounted torch still works?
  • The POV shot, showing the lace cuffed hand reaching up to grab Willie’s throat is a cool cliffhanger, spoiled only by the jump cut zooms in the editing suite where the film gets grainier and grainier.
  • Is that a voodoo doll on the David’s bedside table?
  • The 80s fashions didn’t jar as much as I thought it would, possibly because in my last two jobs the older women I worked with, still dress that way!
  • As also mentioned upthread, I like that the sheriff is already on top of the attacks and consulting a “Mulder” who’s not afraid to suggest there is a madman loose who believes he is a vampire and stealing blood.  In fact, IIRC that might be a theme lifted from the first Night Stalker movie.
  • Sheriff Patterson is one of the only characters trying to sound like he grew up in Maine.  Cute.  And thank all the forgotten gods no one else did.
  • It might be me, but were full body portraits de rigueur in 1790s America?  Also, the painting style doesn’t look very 18th century.

End of Notes

Taking this episode on its own terms, character-wise, apart from Willie, Barnabas and possibly David, the rest of the cast were all ciphers.  The VHS adds more insight to Roger or at least hints at places his character might go.  But confining myself to this one part of the story, I didn’t find any of the characters apart the three above of much interest.  Victoria’s opening voiceover hints that she is looking to find out about her past but nothing else in this episode deals with even so much as a hint of any other mystery.  She is there only to take care of David and be a beauty that catches Barn’s eye.  At this point no one else is anything special.  The writers focus on the scary set pieces and vampire story to the detriment of everything and everyone else.  Even other nighttime soaps of the time spent time on developing several ongoing storylines/characters and did so right out of the gate.

To be brutally frank, if I didn’t already know what was in store, on the basis of this one part of the pilot alone, I probably wouldn’t watch any more.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Pilot - Part 1
« on: September 13, 2008, 02:03:42 PM »
we also learn around this scene that sam evans is committing tax fraud(aided by daphne)
Forgive me, but where did you get that impression?!?  The impression I get is that Sam is hopeless at accounting, and without Daphne's help (who seems to be the number cruncher of the Collins family), the books would be so mismanaged that he'd be in trouble (hence the humorous line that that without her help he'd be in jail).  At no point is there any indication (to me anyway) that Sam and Daphne are trying to cheat the government.

My housemate may ask me to spend the evening away from home tonight  [ghost_wink], so I may have to take my dvds and videotapes and head to a friend's house tonight....

And yes I also plan to have pen and paper handy......  [ghost_grin]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Did David Henesy leave??
« on: September 12, 2008, 04:56:52 AM »
OT, I know, but I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Kate Jackson.  I first came to know her in Charlie's Angels and she was easily my favorite.  My mother also really liked Scarecrow and Mrs. King and so my affection for her continued.  I look very much forward to getting to know her DS work more.... [love7]

Well, Depp did get his start in TV...  [ghost_wink]

If there is a new series that grows out of a hypothetical movie franchise, I strongly suspect it will have a strong cast and not be dependent on Barnabas.  Still, it would be great if Depp did appear as Barn occasionally, for occasional storylines during sweeps or season ending cliffhangers.....  [ghost_tongue2]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0624
« on: September 11, 2008, 07:55:06 PM »
I understand why the Collins Family History looks old:
Even if it's only two years old, I imagine by the time we first see it, it's actually been time tripping through how many decades before it finally comes to rest where Vicki will find and read it?   [ghost_tongue2]

Whew!  I could not remember when the watching project was going to start and I have been out of town for the last few days.  I am glad I have not missed the first week.

BTW, I am now the proud owner of the dvd set.  I sprang for the DS/Dark Angel set at Target while in Memphis.  :)

Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS and Bram Stoker's Dracula
« on: September 06, 2008, 03:16:39 PM »
Overall I enjoyed Bram Stoker's Dracula. I saw it on it's first release and saw immediately the DS connection.  In its favor it's one of the last sfx films before cgi became the defacto sfx, and I really enjoy watching the cleverness of how filmmakers employ the tricks of the trade to make the various effects work.

OTOH, Keanu Reeve's accent is HORRIBLE, Ryder's not much better.  That more than anything continually breaks my suspension of disbelief.

And while the shadows moving independently of their casters is cool, we trip merrily over line into camp when Dracula's reaches over to Harker's to choke him.  [ghost_tongue]  It made me laugh for all the wrong reasons.

The film also has the misfortune of being one of a spate of period films made when the closing credits feature modern pop songs, a marketing ploy I particularly detest.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Did David Henesy leave??
« on: September 06, 2008, 01:09:21 PM »
(a reincarnation of Sarah?).
[spoiler]I refer you to the excellent fan fiction of Charles Delaware Troll for more on Sarah..... Just Google Charles Delaware Troll if you are interested.  He has written a fascinating "final year" of the series that introduces some new characters, some old favorites, and ties all the various hanging plot threads up in a wonderfully neat package...[/spoiler]  [ghost_grin]

It was also possible, even likely, Quentin might have sired a son or daughter.  In fact, he could easily have a grandchild.
[spoiler]Well, the Jennings boys are descendants of Quentin's through one of his children with Jenny, hence Chris' curse.  I don't know if the writers in the show ever had present day Quentin confront the fact that his curse passed on to Chris Jennings.  And I have not seen enough of 1897 yet to know if he is aware his curse will be inherited.  If so, I imagine he would be going to great lengths NOT to sire any progeny.  OTOH, I can just imagine immortal, irresponsible randy bad boy Quentin, leaving a trail of unwed mothers wherever he goes over the decades, all children that grow up to discover a startling change one full moon night ...  [ghost_shocked][/spoiler]

Does the DVD set include Dark Shadows Resurrected?

I prefer my Dark Shadows with a giant scary-looking illegal hookah,
Well, I've got the hookah....

(actually, I do have a giant hookah.  I'm thinking of turning it into a lamp..... it will go so well with the ottoman I don't have a man on.....)

Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS Redux: Your Vision?
« on: September 05, 2008, 03:02:50 PM »
Especially, since not only is mother but his great-grandmother is same woman/phoenix!  [ghost_tongue2]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: TV's Top 10 Vamp-Tastic Series
« on: September 05, 2008, 02:03:14 PM »
When peeps here wrote of Dracula: The Series - I thought it was referring to the storyline in that 70s series "Cliffhangers" which I LOVED...... [ghost_tongue2]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS Redux: Your Vision?
« on: September 05, 2008, 01:50:08 PM »
What would make for the best story?
Most werewolf stories highlight the essential nature of the creature: wild, animalistic.  While many vampires are sleek and urbane and sophisticated, the werewolf has always seemed to be the more average joe of the supernatural world, a regular guy (Wolf Man, American Ww in London, Oz in Buffy) or even lower class servants a la the Lycans in Underworld.  How about we turn that idea on its head?

There was a miniseries in the late 80s starring C Thomas Howell called The Kindred, in which IIRC the vampires were cast as Mafia-like "families."  There were hierarchies and powerful and weak families and feuds, etc.  The patriarch of the ruling family, I see in the mold of Nicholas Blair.

I'd like to see a new DS take that concept use werewolves instead, and include a pack of werewolf motorcycle toughs a la "The Lost Boys" whose leader of the pack (see what I did there?  [ghost_wink] ), old and gray now, is one Buzz Hackett, who was attacked by Chris Jennings in the 70s, (off screen of course) but survived and because of his wounds was air lifted to a hospital in Boston, where he stayed when he recovered.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS Redux: Your Vision?
« on: September 05, 2008, 12:47:05 PM »
Welll, to be frank, I was not happy with Underworld.  The "elite" vampire class vs. the "lower class" werewolf class was so so, [spoiler]but the prophecy of a hybrid between the two classes ending the conflict was just well a bit meh for me.[/spoiler]  In fact, I was so underwhelmed I have yet to bother to seek out the straight to dvd sequel, Underworld Revolution.

I don't say [spoiler]a DS Vampire/Werewolf mix[/spoiler] won't work, just that it's been done rather recently.