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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1000
« on: October 21, 2015, 09:07:16 PM »
You must be right, MT. This ep. certainly ended with bang--presumably on a Friday too.

Angelique is wearing the same blue Grecian-style gown and long white gloves as in her portrait. Quentin apologizes humbly (for him) for doubting Alexis.

Trask tries to strong-arm Amy into telling him what she knows about Damian. Quentin arrives and rescues her, then gives his butler a dressing-down right in front of Alexis and Cyrus. Trask says that Amy came to Collinwood on her own. Alexis and Cyrus tell Trask about seeing Angelique in her coffin.

Cyrus tells Alexis that her sister had great knowledge of the supernatural--which as a scientist, he did not. He agrees with Quentin that the body must be destroyed.

Interesting little reminder that Barnabas is still in his coffin: Amy gives Quentin several reasons why she doesn't want to go back to Loomis House:

1. It's not that I’m alone a lot and don't have anyone to play with--I’m used to that. (Perhaps their lonely childhoods are what make the Collinses such a hard-drinking clan.)

2. The house feels "spooky," as if something is happening here. I feel more frightened than I’ve ever been, but I can’t explain it, and (in answer to Quentin’s question) I feel that way all the time.

3. Also, Carolyn is hardly ever home, and Will is always in his study. He says he’s writing a new book. I stood in the doorway once and watched him, but he didn’t even know I was there.

This last piece of news makes Quentin sit up, since it is a truth, universally acknowledged, that Will Loomis hasn't written a book in five years or so. Amy says she went into Will's room when he wasn't there and found some papers in the trash, which she hands over to Quentin. To his amazement, they are a draft of an introduction to a new book about Barnabas Collins:

In October 1965 [FIFTY YEARS AGO!!!] I wrote what I considered to be the definitive biography of Barnabas Collins. But certain facts of history have recently been brought to my attention; facts which have proved to me that the life of Barnabas Collins as I constructed and recorded it was pure fiction and nothing more. Providence has now afforded me a second chance. I shall endeavor in these pages to set the record straight and tell the true and shocking story of the life of Barnabas Collins.

Quentin remembers that Will researched Barnabas so thoroughly that he can't possibly have anything new to offer. He decides to ask Will about it, but that's all we hear about Barnabas--for now, anyway.

Trask comes up to Angelique’s parlor, apparently in answer to Alexis’s summons. (Cyrus has gone home in the meantime.) She asks if Quentin has retired for the evening; Trask says he is in his study. Alexis tells Trask, I want you to do something for me that I don’t want Quentin to know about. I want you to drive me back to the cemetery so that I can visit my sister’s tomb one more time. I will be ready to leave in ten minutes. Trask goes to get the car ready. Alexis takes one more long look at Angelique’s portrait.

As thunder rumbles and lightning flashes, Alexis sends the reluctant Trask back to the car to wait for her. Alexis enters to the mausoleum. She opens the casket and looks down at her sister’s uncorrupted body. She touches Angelique’s arm, wondering, Why does she still look as she did in life? It is wrong, she decides, it goes against the natural order of things. As she speaks the camera zooms in for a closeup of Angelique lying in her tomb so that we can see the pulse in her neck (though this was surely unintentional). I am reluctant, Alexis murmurs, but Quentin and Cyrus are right--the body must be destroyed. The next moment, she is paralyzed with shock when Angelique slowly opens her eyes. With a smile she tells her horrified sister, My dear Alexis, you were always so right. Someone must be destroyed--but it won't be me. It will be you....

[As Alexis touches Angelique in her coffin, Alexis is played by Arlene Sand. The next episode teaser is a rerun of the end of this episode.]

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0999
« on: October 21, 2015, 09:00:01 PM »
I love that blooper! I guess it was one of the stagehands or someone. The show's area of operations must have been pretty tight!

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0998
« on: October 21, 2015, 04:30:07 PM »
MT, please do correct me if I'm wrong. You seem to know much more about gay TV characters than I ever did! I did see random episodes of "Soap" but don't remember any of it, I'm afraid. There does seem to be improvement in quantity and quality. One of these days if I have time, maybe I'll binge-watch Transparent.

I remember Topper! We also sat in front of our teeny black-and-white TV to watch it!

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0999
« on: October 20, 2015, 03:51:58 PM »
I didn't watch the show when it first aired, but does anyone remember whether they did anything to mark the upcoming 1,000th episode? I'm really curious!

I think the writers were having writer's block! Quentin intervenes yet again, throws Bruno around yet again, and rescues Alexis yet again. I remember noting that both Bruno and Quentin had big hair before it was in style.

Bruno manages to deflect Quentin's fury by pointing out several facts:

1. Angelique was always jealous and disliked the idea that anyone who loved her should love anyone else. As soon as Quentin returned home with his new bride, Alexis showed up. Maggie left soon after.

2. Right after that, Dameon Edwards started materializing all over the place and bothering him (i.e., Bruno).

Quentin huffs that Bruno is just making up a story to fit the facts, but as Bruno points out, Quentin did ask for Hannah's help. Bruno still thinks Alexis = Angelique, and now even Quentin is beginning to wonder. He snarls at Bruno to get out.

Poor Sabrina has trouble getting Cyrus's attention and thinks it's on account of the experiment. You expect me to marry you, Sabrina reminds him. I told you that my work comes first, he reminds her. You’re different since you came back, Sabrina says. I just feel it, even though I know you don’t put any faith in feelings. Perhaps I’m beginning to, he says. If you are, it’s because of the experiment and not because of me, Sabrina replies. She continues sadly, I used to feel I knew everything about you, but now I don’t feel secure. Can you tell me why? I can’t tell you why, Cyrus replies, and you shouldn’t ask me. With his back to her, Cyrus says, I’ve changed because I’m growing. There is something growing that never was before, but please don’t be afraid. I am afraid! Sabrina replies and starts crying. He holds her tight.

Quentin goes back upstairs to Angelique’s room and finds a signed note from Alexis:

Hannah, You must meet me in the gazebo at 10 p.m. Tell no one. A.

Naturally, Quentin recalls that Angelique used to sign notes the same way. He rummages in the desk and finds a note in Angelique's hand, which is a match for Alexis's.

This is one of my favorite scenes in the show because Elizabeth Eis is so wonderful: Meanwhile, back at the lab, Cyrus is puttering around as usual when he is startled at hearing Sabrina upstairs arguing with another woman who demands to see him. The other woman is Buffie Harrington, and she insists on speaking to Mister Longworth. That’s _Doctor_ Longworth, Sabrina corrects her sternly, and asks what Buffie wants to talk to him about. That’s for me to know and you to find out, Buffie snaps. She comes downstairs, with Sabrina at her heels, and pointedly tells Sabrina that it's a "private matter." Cyrus nods and Sabrina retreats, no doubt feeling much more ladylike in her severe brown frock than Buffie in her bright blue plastic trench coat with the cheap blue dress underneath. The conversation that follows is highly interesting, even though the bunny and the guinea pig sleep through it. (Although Yaeger has seduced Buffie by what arts we dare not imagine, Cyrus doesn’t know who she is.)

Buffie (who also wears industrial-strength eyeliner and dangly gold earrings) introduces herself in a businesslike way and adds huffily, You would know my name if you were the type to come to the Eagle. As you can see, I’m not the type, Cyrus says and asks politely what he can do for her. It’s about a check, Buffie says as she digs in her purse, but her businesslike air is undermined when she has to dump the contents of the purse on the table in order to produce the object of her visit: the check John Yaeger gave her. This may seem a weird question, she says, but did you honestly sign this? Cyrus confirms that he signed it. Then I can cash it? she asks, brightening. That’s what checks are for, Cyrus says, attempting lightness. She plucks the check out of his hand and returns it to the depths of her handbag, saying, Well, I thought I would never be fooled again. Why did you sign this? Cyrus answers, My friend John Yaeger apparently did some damage at the Eagle. Oh, did he ever! Buffie replies, laughing at this understatement. Cyrus explains, My friend can be rather exuberant-- Exuberant? cries Buffie. _Evil_ is the word I would use. Cyrus disagrees. My friend lives to the fullest, capable of tremendous excesses--that is his nature. It sounds as if you admire him, Buffie marvels. I don’t, Cyrus replies, but adds, My friend would never deliberately hurt anyone. My friend Steve is in the hospital because of Yaeger, Buffie retorts. Steve provoked J-- Cyrus begins, then realizes that he's not supposed to know about it, but luckily Buffie can't possibly suspect anything. He tells you everything, doesn't he? she comments dryly. Cyrus turns away and comments diffidently, Yaeger is very sorry about Steve. Did John Yaeger tell you about me? Buffie asks. He mentioned you, Cyrus replies. Did he tell you that he had taken rooms in the house where I live? Buffie pursues. Cyrus turns back toward her but somehow can’t meet her eyes. Yes, he did, he answers as he looks inside a small manila envelope. Why did he just disappear like he did? Buffie asks. I sent Yaeger away, Cyrus replies, but I don’t know for how long. Does he work for you? Buffie asks. You might say he does, Cyrus answers with a smile. Pulling a wad of cash from the envelope, he tells her, Yaeger gave me this money [handing it over to Buffie] to pay Steve's hospital expenses. Buffie is touched in spite of herself. Cyrus continues, I know Steve would never take the money from me because I’m Yaeger's friend, but maybe from you...? I’ll try, Buffie replies. I promise I’ll bring the money right back if it's refused. I swear I'm not dishonest, she declares. No, I don't think you are, Cyrus answers, carefully looking away, however.

Since “Mister-- I mean, _Doctor_” Longworth seems so “sensitive and kind,” Buffie s decides to confide in him and moves close to him to do so: John Yaeger says he likes me a lot, she reveals. Cyrus turns toward her again, but she adds, Sometimes I’m afraid of him. Unconsciously leaning closer, Cyrus replies, I wouldn’t be, if I were you. Moving a little closer still to Cyrus, Buffie suggests, If you came with John the next time he comes into town, maybe I wouldn’t be afraid. Well-- Cyrus starts. He turns away from her but is instantly paralyzed when Buffie puts her hand on his arm. You could even come on your own, she suggests. His terror changes to surprise and timorous delight when she adds, I like quiet men. Cyrus hastily moves away and stammers, My work keeps me very busy. I don’t have much opportunity for levity. Brushing off her attempt and his rejection as a light moment, Buffie answers philosophically, Well, I tried. Goodbye, Mister-- I mean, _Doctor_ Longworth [she smiles]--and thanks. She turns to go. Suddenly Cyrus asks anxiously, Despite what you said before, you like John Yaeger, don't you? Buffie simply smiles and answers, Sometimes. She flounces upstairs as Cyrus moves to the foot of the stairs to watch her leave.

For some reason Cyrus is smiling as he returns to his work, but his train of thought (whatever it is) is interrupted when Sabrina comes back, jealously demanding, Who was that girl? A friend of a friend, Cyrus replies. John Yaeger? Sabrina asks sternly. Cyrus looks up at her guiltily as she asks, Who is John Yaeger? Luckily for Cyrus, Quentin phones. I need to see you right away, Quentin says. I want you to help me open a tomb!

At Collinwood, it turns out that Quentin is worried enough that he wants Cyrus to help him open Angelique's tomb. He now regrets stopping Bruno from doing it before. Alexis overhears Quentin say, If we open the tomb and the body isn’t there, we’ll know that she has returned. Cyrus agrees to help him.

Upstairs, Alexis looks thoughtfully at her twin’s portrait.

By the time Alexis arrives at the tomb, Cyrus and Quentin have pulled the coffin from its niche in the wall behind Angelique’s plaque. The men have a bad moment on seeing Alexis, but she says she overheard them talking, and that’s why she’s here. She promises to leave tonight if they don’t defile her sister’s grave, but Quentin is determined to go ahead. He opens the coffin while Cyrus restrains Alexis. When they look inside, Quentin and Alexis stare in astonishment and horror....

[During the closing credits, which roll over a shot of Angelique’s room, a man is visible on the left, sitting and chewing--perhaps eating his lunch? Near the end, the camera moves closer to eliminate him from the scene.]

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0998
« on: October 20, 2015, 03:42:41 PM »
Yup, Lisa Richards VO per DS Wiki.

Quentin and Yaeger argue about Cyrus's check. Yaeger calls Quentin's bluff and tells him to call the police. Quentin starts to dial. While he’s distracted, Yaeger runs back out, locks the door from the outside (?) and takes the antidote, which somehow has ended up in his pocket. Sabrina (who has never seen Yaeger--yet) comes down, and Quentin explains the situation. She provides a key to unlock the door, and the two of them look for Yaeger in the passage, but he is long gone. (It's a very small bottle).

Quentin and Sabrina speculate about the Cyrus-Yaeger connection. Cyrus appears and absolutely must confirm that he gave Yaeger a key to his lab. Sabrina opines that Yaeger sounds awful! Cyrus warns her to stay away from him. Bruno comes rushing down the stairs, demanding to talk to Cyrus. Sabrina goes upstairs, and Bruno asks, Do you remember Damian Edwards? Yes, Cyrus replies dismissively, that playboy friend of Angelique’s? Where is he? He died, Bruno says flatly. I’ve seen his ghost at Collinwood. He begs Cyrus to exorcise the ghost. Why don’t you ask Hannah Stokes? Cyrus asks. Bruno says she refused. There’s no guarantee of success, Cyrus warns him. Please at least give it a try, Bruno pleads. Cyrus reluctantly agrees to think it over, and even this much makes Bruno greatly relieved.

Back at Collinwood, Alexis is quite happy that Quentin has returned. I don’t like being alone in the house, she tells him, and Trask is no help. There haven’t been any more disturbances, but their absence is even more frightening. The house is quiet, like the calm before the storm. Alexis fears they are all doomed. Quentin holds her.

Like any proper ghost, Dameon isn't confined to one place and appears in the mirror in Bruno's guest room, laughing mockingly. (The image bobs up and down a bit at first.) The image gets bigger and bigger, and Bruno finally cracks. Damian’s image and laughter fade, but Bruno screams at him, Stop it! Stop it! He turns to run out of the room, but a fire mysteriously starts (another favorite trick of Collinwood ghosts), blocking his path to the door. Bruno hollers for help. Cyrus hears him, and eventually they manage to put the fire out. Cyrus asks Bruno how it happened. He started the fire! He’s trying to kill me! Bruno gasps as they beat the flames down. Cyrus takes Bruno back downstairs for a drink.

Quentin serves Alexis a drink, too, at Collinwood. He suggests she stay in town, but she refuses to leave. I intend to fight whatever is plaguing the house, she declares. Delicately she asks, Have you heard from Maggie? No, he replies sadly. I’ll call her this evening--if she’ll speak to me. I’m going to ask her to come back. Moving closer to him, Alexis says, I’m worried that Maggie will react to me the same way as before. I hope not, Quentin replies. His infatuation gets the better of him again as he unconsciously leans in toward her. Alexis is the first to realize how close they are and decides to go upstairs, but she practically whispers goodnight.

Down in the lab, Bruno clutches his drink, still nervous. You can’t help me, he tells Cyrus resignedly. I thought I would be safe away from Collinwood (Cyrus lives in town) but now I know I can't escape Damian. Angelique brought Damian back, he decides. Cyrus is frustrated with Bruno’s obsession, but Bruno says, She has come back to avenge her murder. Are you her murderer? Cyrus asks him. No! Bruno insists, but Angelique thinks I am--maybe that’s why she’s trying to drive me insane. You should leave Collinsport for a rest, Cyrus suggests. I can’t run away from it, Bruno replies. The only thing to do is have a direct showdown with Angelique. Cyrus points out that he’s already had one, but Bruno insists, No, no, no, this is going to be a final showdown! Because now it has gotten to a point where it is her survival or mine! He runs upstairs and out of the house.

Quentin phones New York and tries once again to speak to Maggie, but she still doesn't want to talk to him. He tells her sister Jennifer to tell Maggie that he called and that he misses her.

For some reason, Alexis has moved back into Angelique's room (or else the writers forgot she had moved to another room). Bruno bursts in and accuses her of being Angelique and sending Damian to torment him. For about the 152nd time Alexis denies everything. I know one way I can prove you’re Angelique, Bruno says. You can't die twice, can you? And once again another ep ends with Bruno trying to strangle Alexis....

Interesting speculation, MT, about the Cyrus-Yaeger relationship. Such ideas never got air time in those days. I think the first tentatively identified gay character was played by Tony Randall in "Sidney Shorr: A Girl's Best Friend" in 1981, followed by a sitcom for a couple of years. (I just Googled it, I didn't watch the show.)

Also, MT, we'll find out fairly soon why nobody talks to PT Sam Evans.

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0997
« on: October 20, 2015, 12:25:40 AM »
The window! I know I've seen it in another set, but I can't remember where. David's room?

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0996
« on: October 20, 2015, 12:21:33 AM »
Sure! It's funny how some conventions just keep going.

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0995
« on: October 20, 2015, 12:19:16 AM »
Duh, it wasn't obvious to me, but it certainly explains so much about Horace!

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0997
« on: October 19, 2015, 09:08:02 PM »
MT, I meant to say that I really liked your perceptive comments in a previous ep. about the Yaeger-Buffie relationship. I have a feeling she was abused as a child or more likely as a teenager. Maybe she left Collinwood because she thought she didn't deserve to work at such a nice place, and, I suspect, because she might have had a crush on Quentin. Anyway, enough raving!

Minnie DuVal, Buffie's greedy landlady, is played by Camila Ashland, who also played the drunken Mrs. Hutchins, who told Julia that she was the future Leviathan Supreme Being Michael Hackett's foster mother. Evidently Philip Todd paid her to spin this piece of fiction fo Julia. We'll see Camila Ashland one more time. Evidently she was nominated for a Tony for an on-stage performance, which is nice to know.

I very much like Buffie's room: Somehow she has earned the right to BOTH peripatetic afghans as well as a small white TV. But all she can afford in the way of decor is a cheap print taped on the wall above the TV. She is horrified when Yaeger announces that he's rented a room. She tries to give her rent back to Minnie, but Minnie refuses. Buffie is pretty much trapped.

Quentin phones. With Yaeger listening to every word, Buffie is forced to lie and say she doesn't know where Yaeger is, or Cyrus Longworth either, for that matter. She hangs up as fast as she can, furious at Yaeger. You made me lie to him! she says indignantly. I like him (well, she certainly has a crush on him) and respect him! Yaeger assures her that Cyrus Longworth is safe, but this doesn't cut any ice with Buffie. Quentin Collins has been nice to me, she tells him, real nice. And you--! I am going to be nice to you too, Yaeger promises. I hate you! I hate you! she cries desperately. Completely unfazed and even smiling, he answers, For the moment, yes. Then in a quite altered tone he finishes, But not for long. She seems mesmerized as he calmly reaches for her.

Quentin suspects that Yaeger has kidnapped Cyrus. Although this isn't literally true, it's a good metaphor.

Whatever Yaeger did to Buffie, she's hurling clothes into a suitcase while Steve tries to dissuade her. Eventually she realizes she'd get practically nowhere. Of course Steve thinks he's more than a match for Yaeger, but Buffie is truly afraid of him and begs Steve not to go looking for trouble. Eventually she prevails on Steve to stay away from her. He reaches out to touch her hand, but she only begs him to leave. It’s hard to say which one of them is unhappier: Steve finally walking out, or Buffie staring sadly into space. Unfortunately Yaeger is spying on them. Yaeger accosts Steve on the docks. You’re the reason she sent me away! Steve shouts, and Yaeger is quite happy to take all the credit. Steve knocks the swordcane out of Yaeger’s hand, but Yaeger knocks him down. Steve is about to be throttled when he finally breaks away and starts calling for help. We hear police whistles, and Yaeger looks up, actually afraid for the first time.

Not satisfied with Buffie's replies on the phone, Quentin actually visits her. She tries to evade his questions, but finally bursts out, Yaeger can hardly have kidnapped anybody--otherwise he wouldn’t be bothering me all the time! Quentin mulls this over.

With the police close behind him, Yaeger makes it back to the lab just as Sabrina goes upstairs. Even he realizes that John Yaeger must disappear for a while and opens the safe to get out the aforementioned bottle, which contains the antidote. Quentin surprises him before he can drink it, though. For once Yaeger is somewhat at a loss for words. (He puts the bottle on the desk.) You’re John Yaeger, he guesses. At your service, sir, Yaeger acknowledges with a wave of his hand. Quentin is highly skeptical when Yaeger tells him he doesn’t know where Cyrus Longworth is. Yaeger huffs, Sir, you are a gentleman. Would I lie to a gentleman? Then why won’t you tell me what you’ve done with him? Quentin demands. What can one do with Cyrus? Yaeger asks: It is an interesting theoretical question. Then realizing that Quentin is about to accuse him of burglary, he stammers that Cyrus has allowed him to keep valuables in the safe. I am going to keep on asking where Cyrus is until I get an answer, Quentin insists--or until Cyrus Longworth walks down those stairs....

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0996
« on: October 19, 2015, 08:54:20 PM »
A long time ago, I heard from some actor friends that in the old days at least, heroines always wore blue. That's how you could spot ’em. "Bad" women, on the other hand, could wear bright red or black, I suppose. I know that a similar tradition prevailed in opera with the heroine nearly always being a soprano and her female companion and/or rival in love was a lower-voice mezzo-soprano. The villain is nearly always a baritone or bass, and the hero nearly always a tenor. This last item can lead to some hilarious on-stage situations because most tenors are short--they have shorter vocal cords, which enable them to sing higher--and sometimes they're shorter than the soprano!

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0995
« on: October 19, 2015, 08:48:27 PM »
I always wondered about John Yaeger's name. I guess they just wanted something different from the meek and scholarly-sounding Cyrus.

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0996
« on: October 19, 2015, 02:22:02 PM »
Welcome back to Elizabeth Eis as Buffie Harrington!

Cyrus Longworth has drunk the potion, ostensibly for the good of humanity, and John Yaeger--the very personification of evil--remembers who he is. (The new compound works as Horace Gladstone promised.) He is as powerful and loose-limbed as Cyrus is meek and restrained. I suppose nobody had time to do a test run on Yaeger's makeup! Oh, dear!

Trask commits a big no-no--the Master of Collinwood returns from, well, somewhere and finds the front door of his own house bolted. Instead of explaining anything to Alexis, he decides his good friend Cyrus will know what to do. But when he phones Cyrus, Yaeger just laughs as the phone rings and rings. Instead of answering, he takes his trusty swordcane and leaves for a night on the town.

In real or parallel time, the Eagle (parallel)/Blue Whale (real) is a great night spot--in fact it's the only place in town! We come on a peaceful enough scene: Buffie Harrington (no vampire slayer, she, just the tough but pretty, husky-voiced barmaid--welcome back, Elizabeth Eis) is absently fending off Steve, a dock worker and her occasional boyfriend. We find out that Buffie used to work at Collinwood before coming up in the world to work at the Eagle, and we know that she will be a kind of heroine because although her dress is very cheap looking, nevertheless it’s blue. Yaeger arrives and picks a fight with her sometime boyfriend, Steve. The fight contains a classic blooper: A breakaway bottle on the bar disintegrates before Steve can use it on Yaeger. Buffie complains about the mess; Yaeger promises to return.

Quentin tells Trask about the spontaneously opening desk drawer and the blood-covered sheet music. Trask wants to close up the house and leave, but Quentin isn't buying. He tries to question Trask about Dameon Edwards's murder, even grabbing him by the lapels. He tells Trask not to leave and goes off in search of Cyrus.

Yaeger keeps his promise and returns with a check for the damages--signed by Cyrus Longworth. Buffie knows Cyrus, because she worked at Collinwood and he used to visit a lot, so she's suspicious. How do you think you’re going to pull off a check signed by Cyrus Longworth? Buffie asks. Are you implying that I am a liar or a forger? Yaeger asks quietly. Buffie quickly backs off. Using the tip of the cane to pull the hair away from her neck, he warns her, Don’t mention Cyrus Longworth’s name--he doesn’t want his name mixed up in tonight’s events. Half scared, half turned on despite herself by Yaeger’s manner, Buffie says quietly, I understand. I like people who _understand_, Yaeger tells her, adding, About those who don't _understand_ (smiling), the less said the better. Perhaps they are best forgotten! Buffie somehow manages to put on a brave face.

On the docks, Yaeger comes across Steve again and is in the process of quite thoroughly beating him with the cane when Quentin arrives. Yaeger runs off (Quentin doesn't see who he is). Quentin helps Steve up and takes him to the Eagle for first aid.

Steve must have told Quentin his story on the way back to the Eagle. Buffie is surprised to see Mr. Collins at the Eagle, but Steve tells her, You know who beat me up. He refuses Buffie’s offer of a drink, but despite Quentin’s protests, charges right back out to find Yaeger again. Quentin says goodnight to Buffie and starts to leave. She is still cleaning up the results of Yaeger's visit, so she tells him all about it--except for one thing. But apparently Quentin was a good boss. Impulsively she says, Mr. Collins, I never lied to you when I worked at Collinwood, and I’m not about to start. She shows Quentin the check and tells him who brought it. He too marvels at the signature and agrees with her that it must be a forgery.

No sooner does Quentin leave than Yaeger steps out of the shadows, having overheard every word. (He seems to have an uncanny ability to rematerialize in places he's just left, but due rather to native cunning than to supernatural powers.) My dear! he says as he walks toward her, I thought our _understanding_ was that you were not to mention who gave you the check. Well, apparently you didn't understand. With a smile he moves even closer to her and says, That is a pity--because now I'm going to have to teach you to understand! Buffie screams as he wraps his fingers around her throat....

Are any of the original audio dramas available anywhere for download? I know, I'm coming in really late! But I'm glad to see that they are still prospering.

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0995
« on: October 15, 2015, 02:21:52 PM »
Poor Amy! Why couldn't Dameon have appeared to, say, Daniel? He might have taken it better.

Trask makes a beeline for the cottage, but Bruno suspects that Quentin is paying him (T.) extra to tell him (B.) about Dameon to drive him (B.) out of the cottage.  Just as he insists there’s no ghost, the phone rings. Bruno ignores it, so Trask finally picks it up. Terrified, he tells Bruno that it's Dameon (the telephone seems to be a favorite instrument of parallel-time Collinwood ghosts too) saying, It's only a matter of time. Bruno grabs the phone but no one is at the other end. They argue, Trask panicking, Bruno angry. Someone is trying to break us, Bruno declares, so we’ll have to stay calm and sensible. The he grabs Trask by the collar and practically pushes him out the door. I hope you’ll find out I’m telling the truth, Trask says, and that it won’t be too late--for both of us.  After Trask leaves, the phone rings again. This time Bruno does answer it. Once again the mysterious caller announces, It’s only a matter of time, then hangs up. Now starting to sound desperate, Bruno yells into the phone but gets no reply.

Cyrus has finished preparing his new potion and has only to combine the two components--a red liquid and a white powder. He tells Sabrina he's going away, supposedly to hobnob with his fellow scientists. When Sabrina tidies up, she finds the IOU from John Yaeger. Cyrus has all he can do to hide his alarm. He says, John Yaeger is an old friend--the kind who only gets in touch when he needs money. He fiddles with his glasses, looking anywhere but at Sabrina, and thanks her for finding the paper.

More phone torture for Bruno. Angrily, he pulls the wire out of the wall (unaware that ghosts at Collinwood can speak through unplugged phones). Suddenly, his piano starts to play the Ode to Angelique, the keys moving as if depressed by invisible hands. Bruno backs away, so terrified that he can’t even scream at first. Finally he shrieks, No! It can’t be! Stop it! Dameon! Go back to where you came from, back to your grave! He slams the fallboard down, and the music stops. He is gasping by now and stops to catch his breath, but then he hears a noise and turns toward it. Dameon Edwards is standing there, not smiling, not looking even melancholy but rather angry. No, Dameon, no! Bruno screams. He backs away, then runs from the cottage in terror.

Did Dameon play four-handed piano duets with Angelique? Or were their duets exclusively of another kind altogether?

Cyrus tells Sabrina even more lies, then they peck on the cheek and she leaves. Bruno rushes to Cyrus's house. Cyrus doesn't want him there, not even upstairs, but Bruno practically freaks out. Cyrus lets him stay, as long as he doesn't come down to the lab. I must be alone to work on my experiment, Cyrus insists. Bruno is ready to agree to anything as long as he doesn’t have to return to the cottage. Cyrus escorts him upstairs.

After Bruno goes up, Cyrus shuts and locks the (unseen) upstairs door and comes down the spiral staircase. He pours some of the red liquid into the beaker with the white powder; the result is pink foam. While waiting for it to subside, Cyrus reminds himself of his noble intentions: To bring forward all that is good in man. To rid him of the impediments of evil. Yes... to fulfill all that is best in his divided nature. Then he drinks the potion (which now looks like Pepto Bismol) and instantly falls into convulsions, dropping the beaker to the floor. The pain seems nearly unbearable as he staggers about the room, clutching his stomach and stumbling into various pieces of furniture. He calls feebly for help, but he has made sure that no help is at hand. Eventually he collapses onto a low couch near the desk. The film gets highly solarized (remember this was 1970) and becomes so bright that his face is obliterated. When the light fades, he has been completely transformed and no longer looks remotely like Cyrus Longworth. His hair is stark black, as are his eyebrows and large mustache. (He looks rather like a very tall version of Edgar Allan Poe.) As the pain subsides, John Yaeger sits up and looks around him.....

Good, scary end to what must have been a Friday episode, judging from the number. The first time I saw this ep., I expected some sort of Jekyll/Hyde turn but it was still quite a jolt.