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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0496
« on: July 09, 2013, 07:25:54 PM »
Roger remarks to Cassandra that if the large, grotesque stranger hadn't been moving around and making grunting noises, he (R.) would have imagined he was dead. A walking dead man? Cassandra asks innocently--although we know she already has met (and married) at least one walking dead man.

Maybe Julia is trying to scope Cassandra out under the guise of forming a friendship with her. This is her chance to get to know the woman who so nearly destroyed the man she (J.) loves.

Barnabas and Julia do a 180-degree turn in their attitude toward parenting. Barnabas has given up the search and returned to the Old House, where he and Julia meet up. The logical Julia concludes, Adam has probably gone home--just as a small child would do if he were hurt. (They took long enough to make up their minds that I wondered why they didn't just go downstairs!) Barnabas is skeptical but when they go downstairs, sure enough Adam is there. He's hostile at first, till Barnabas gently reassures him that they want to help. Then he lets Julia (who has suddenly gotten sympathetic) treat his wound--it's just a scratch. Barnabas wants to go to Collinwood to somehow talk Roger out of having the police search the Old House, but Adam gets upset when he makes to leave. Julia has to explain some of the finer points of parenting, and Barnabas promises Adam he'll return soon. He's still very pleased with Adam's progress. I think you'll learn very quickly, he tells Adam encouragingly--and even proudly.

dom, you are absolutely right about Robert Rodan. He is amazingly good, and his final scene--where he learns his second word--is just beautiful.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0495
« on: July 09, 2013, 03:27:57 PM »
It's very sad. Barnabas and Julia's idea of parenting is shameful. It's interesting that the writers decided to show them in such a bad light. I've always wondered why.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0495
« on: July 08, 2013, 04:00:23 PM »
David is enjoying himself playing mumbly-peg with the new knife Cassangelique bought for him. Being patriotic, he’s humming the final strain of _The Stars and Strips Forever_ when he hears someone else trying to hum and suddenly realizes he isn't alone. Possibly because of the security of generations of wealth and (in)breeding, or maybe simply because he’s just a little boy, he is initially fearless, only curious about this stranger. David tells him, I like that song too. Why don’t you come out where I can see you. When Adam does (he knocks over a bush), the ingenuous David can't help observing, Wow! You're tall! When it becomes clear that Adam can’t speak, David concludes, You must be a foreigner. I’m glad you can't speak English, he says expansively. I’ve gotten pretty tired of people asking me questions all the time. He shows Adam his new knife, but doesn’t realize he’s dealing with the world's largest toddler.

Adam grabs the knife but David doesn't let go, so he gets hurt when Adam picks him up along with the knife. Adam doesn't realize what he's doing and drops David, who hurts his leg. Thinking to help him, Adam picks him up again but that only makes things worse, since David starts hollering to be set down. Roger and Barnabas finally hear his cries and rush to the scene. Roger waves his gun around, but Barnabas takes charge and eventually talks Adam into putting David down. When he does (clumsily but not ungently), David rushes right to Barnabas (apparently having forgotten all those nightmares about coffins). Roger is amazed at Barnabas's apparent power over this strange creature. But when Adam tries to come closer, Roger shoots and wings him in the shoulder. He shambles off howling, while the other three follow.

Adam finally makes it back to the only "home" he knows. Clutching his shoulder and moaning in pain, he collapses onto the cot....

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0494
« on: July 08, 2013, 02:24:34 PM »
When Barn was in a cell in 1795, it was at the "New House," that is, Collinwood. Joshua had locked Ben up there. Barn went to see Ben, who knocked him out and escaped.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0494
« on: July 06, 2013, 06:12:32 PM »
Willie discovers that he and Adam have something in common after all--a love of bright, shiny objects. Whether this elevates Willie to Adam's level or lowers Adam to Willie's is not made clear, but Willie counts the bricks in the wall, then pushes one (as Sarah showed Maggie long ago, allowing her to escape). The whole wall swings open to reveal Barnabas's means of support--a cache of jewels. Willie picks out a small box and tells Adam, These were Josette's. They’re my favorites. Willie gives them to Adam to play with but takes Josette's emerald and diamond earrings. He reminisces, I once saw her wear them--well, anyway, this girl Maggie who looked just like Josette. When I saw her coming down the stairs toward me, it made me feel like I'd never felt before. I helped her escape--well, kind of. I wish Maggie wasn't scared of me because I'd sure like to get that feeling back, but now I never have a chance to be near her.

Later on, though, when Julia returns, Adam strongly hints that he would like to play with the jewels again, but Willie seems reluctant to take them out in Julia's presence. She must know about them, but Barn may have told Willie not to show her. 

Later, Julia brings the tape recorder and turns it on before she and Willie leave. Adam is captivated by the music, then listens in astonishment to Dr. Lang's famous warning--which almost no one else will ever hear. And no one is there when he reaches a developmental milestone and speaks his first word: "Barnabas."

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0493
« on: July 04, 2013, 08:56:41 PM »
Once upon a time, Barnabas used a small, windowless room in the basement as a prison for his unwilling vampire bride, Maggie Evans. Now he, Julia and Willie watch as Adam sleeps in the same room.

Barnabas tells Willie that Adam was afraid of Julia at first, until she taught him how to eat. When Willie asks why, Julia explains hesitantly (and with vast understatement), Adam doesn't seem to deal well with pain. Barnabas puts Willie in charge of teaching Adam to speak, with warnings of dire consequences for both of them if Willie messes up. Really stupid move on Barn's part! Why doesn't Julia dissuade him? They're exactly like 18th-century parents who hand their children over to nursemaids to raise and don't give them another thought. But I guess that's how Barn was brought up himself.

Left alone with Adam, Willie lights up and things go downhill from there. Adam eventually winds up at the terrace and plays with the splashing water as if he really were a little kid. Mrs. J. finds him and screams about a monster. Eventually Barn and Julia find him, sedate him, and chain the poor guy in his underground prison.

There's just no excuse for such crappy parenting.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0491
« on: July 04, 2013, 05:01:52 PM »

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0492
« on: July 03, 2013, 06:34:10 PM »
You're right, dom--Mrs. J's new outfit makes her look closer to CB's true age, younger in any event.

Barnabas and Julia walk down several steps outside the door to Lang's laboratory, but in Lang's gothic house, they should walk straight along a level corridor. (The set seems to be recycled components of the Blue Whale/Eagle set.)

Perhaps Julia is "remembering someone" when she uses all of her powers of persuasion to keep Barnabas from killing Adam.

Adam has pretty much wrecked all of Lang's equipment. This is one experiment that will never tested by the scientific method because it can never be duplicated.

Once David is "cured," Mrs. J admits to Cassangelique that she is very fond of him. Cassandra tries to get her to rest but she is afraid of going to sleep on account of the dream. Under the guise of kindness, Cassandra sits her down on the sofa (much against Mrs. J's will--she follows the Collinwood servants' handbook much more carefully than Ben did) and sends her to sleep too.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0491
« on: July 02, 2013, 07:47:30 PM »
They go for a nice symmetry, in which Adam's first few moments of pondering and puzzling out the world on his own happen concurrently with Barnabas pondering his supposed last few minutes, also on his own.

MT, what a brilliant observation!

I've always liked the way Adam is written and the sensitive job Robert Rodan does in portraying him. They could have written him as coarse and stupid, but I guess he does resemble his "dad" after all.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0491
« on: July 02, 2013, 04:30:40 PM »
Barnabas and Julia are parents! Adam imprints on the first person he sees--Barnabas. But nothing could have prepared Barn and Julia for this large, clumsy, infantile creature. They notice that he seems to be very sensitive to their tones of voice, especially when they're arguing about him. They decide to sedate him, but he takes an instant dislike to both needles and Julia. Barnabas--who seems to have some kind of strange power over Adam--eventually persuades him to lie down and sleep.

It's only 5:00 a.m., and Barnabas is wondering if he's still a vampire when Elizabeth comes to the House by the Sea to ask Julia to examine the suddenly mute David. Barnabas frets about the time, but Julia assures him she can return in an hour. While Julia goes to get her medical bag, Elizabeth observes to Barnabas, You to have taken a sudden interest in science. That seems strange for one so fascinated with the past. Barnabas replies, I have no more interest in the past, only the future--the immediate future. Meanwhile, Adam explores Lang's lab, delighted with almost everything he sees though utterly ignorant of its purpose.

Julia returns to find Barnabas sitting in the dark, ready to die at sunrise rather than revert. Julia insists he won't die--and she turns out to be right. Barnabas rejoices in a particularly splendid sunrise, but he and Julia have little time to rejoice. Adam is attracted to a bright shiny scalpel and promptly cut his hand with it. Sobbing angrily in his first experience of pain, he has started wrecking the laboratory, smashing everything in sight and knocking Barnabas aside like a rag doll. Together Barnabas and Julia press the door closed, locking him inside.

Happy families are all alike. Unhappy families are unhappy each in its own way.....

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0490
« on: June 30, 2013, 09:28:25 PM »
Good point, alwaysdavid. But remember, this is the Collinwood Universe!  [ghost_grin]

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0490
« on: June 29, 2013, 09:58:59 PM »
Forgot to mention the strange opening voiceover that tells us, "On this night, a woman has sought refuge in the house of a dead doctor, refuge from the terror of a strange kind of dream, but she learns this night that there is no escaping the dream."

Would Julia have escaped the dream in the house of a live doctor?  [ghost_cheesy]

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0490
« on: June 29, 2013, 09:50:46 PM »
Barnabas is even more heartless than usual when he tells Julia to get a grip on herself. When Mrs. J. shows up, Barnabas tries to get her to go home. Mrs. Johnson protests, I simply can’t leave without doing whatever it is I came to do. Finally Julia shows Barnabas her trembling hands. How can I run the experiment properly in this condition? she asks. And even if Mrs. Johnson went home, I would be compelled to follow her. So Barnabas has to relent. (Behind him we can see a very nice painting of a four-masted schooner.)

Good scene with Barn and Vicki and very well acted. Near tears, Vicki tells him, I’m sorry I couldn’t give you the kind of love that you have given me. Barnabas reassures her, Perhaps it's better you don’t feel that way now. One day we will talk again, he promises her, and I'll be able to tell you things I’ve never told anyone else. You'll realize then that if you loved me now, you would be making the greatest mistake of your life. At this moment thunder announces the usual approaching storm, and Barnabas wants Vicki safe at home before the storm breaks. In his courtliest manner, he bows in farewell, saying gently, Until we meet again. But once he's seen her out he simply closes his eyes in anguish.

But don't be too sympathetic toward him. Poor Julia twirls all the dials like mad to keep the man she loves alive. And unlike Eric Lang, who was always whining about needing an assistant, our Julia performs the entire experiment all by herself! She is nervous about keeping track of so many devices with such recently gained knowledge. Things go well--until they don't. Barnabas crossly demands to know why he's still alive, then barks, Go back downstairs and check Lang's notes to see what you did wrong. He assumes it was her fault!

Adam is alive--but so is Barnabas, much to his chagrin....

Current Talk '13 I / Re: '90 Montage Pic Question
« on: June 29, 2013, 09:40:09 PM »
Jean Simmons was Elizabeth Collins Stoddard.

They never got to the Quentin story, so there never was a Quentin type. Interesting casting question, though...  [ghost_wink]

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0489
« on: June 29, 2013, 12:18:36 AM »
Maybe it's a really, really big gazebo.