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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0540
« on: September 09, 2013, 06:13:44 PM »
I believe Willie originally was supposed to be from somewhere in the South. At least, that's where Jason found him. He may have been from somewhere else originally, given JK's accent!

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0540
« on: September 08, 2013, 09:14:31 PM »
You're right, dom. John Karlen does the OVO.

Always a fashion leader in Collinsport, David is wearing a safari jacket!

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0540
« on: September 08, 2013, 03:50:52 PM »
I don't have much on this ep. either.

Humbert Allen Astredo does the opening voice-over, his first--and very nicely too, at least according to my notes.

Cassangelique forces Willie to come to her at the gazebo and hypnotizes him into doing her bidding. After she leaves, Nicholas materializes, but without any puff of smoke. Just to be mean, he shortens Cass's deadline from midnight to 9:00 p.m., just one hour from now.

David is desperate enough to get someone, anyone to listen to the tape that he asks his step-aunt. Naturally, she gives him the brush-off, so he goes off to bed. But he pauses on the stairs, turns around, and asks her, Do you know very much about Barnabas? Do you know what his affliction? Now David has Cassandra’s undivided attention. Grabbing his arm, she propels him back to the drawing room. He’s even more surprised when she tells him, Hurry! I want to hear the tape. The tall clock in the foyer now reads 8:58. He tells her, There's music [we gather he thinks Mozart is boring], then some strange talking. Frantically, Cassandra tells him to fast forward to the talking. She is even more astonished than David was to hear Eric Lang's last, desperate warning to Julia. The music resumes, so David turns off the recorder. Do you know what it means? he asks. Adam … Barnabas--of course! she exclaims. What do you know about Adam? David asks. It's now about 8:59, so she orders David to go to his room quickly, nearly hysterical. As the clock strikes the hour, she screams again and again for Nicholas.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0539
« on: September 07, 2013, 08:42:16 PM »
Adam’s room in the West Wing is furnished with miscellaneous but spectacular Victorian-style furniture, including a dresser, a writing desk, and a bed with a large, ornate wooden headboard and footboard. In any other house, such furniture would be proudly displayed, but this is the Great House at Collinwood. He shows his innate gentlemanliness when he stands well aside from the door to show that he won't keep Carolyn from leaving, and he learns a new word: trust.

Carolyn and David are getting along very well these days. The time when she referred to him as the "little monster" is in the distant past. She agrees to help him with the tape recorder, which seems to be fine, so she leaves. David lets the tape play on--and listens in amazement to Eric Lang's last instructions to Julia. He is only the second living person (but not the last) to hear them.

Fun drawing-room scene with Nicholas and Cassangelique at the end of this episode. Nicholas starts out charmingly enough by enjoying the well-made fire in all its red and yellow glory. It really makes Collinwood seem almost like home, he observes. Ever the hypocrite, he accuses her of being love [sneeringly] with Barnabas. The episode ends with the famous Cassangelique skeleton hand.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0538
« on: September 05, 2013, 08:00:38 PM »
LOL, MT!  [ghost_grin]

Julia's calculations are pure guesswork, unless she had a spare moment one evening to calculate the volume of the coffin, minus the space taken up by the lining and by Barn.

DS Wiki has a shot of Barn in the coffin. We can see that there's a chain around his neck, but can't see the cross. Maybe Julia was giving herself and Willie a little insurance in case Barnabas did revert. In later scenes, it's gone.

Carolyn takes Adam to the West Wing, even though Stokes doesn't think it's a good idea because he suspects (correctly) that Barn will now be desperate to find Adam. Stokes can't come up with a better idea, but he's just as smooth an operator as ever. When Julia arrives at the root cellar, Stokes fibs that Adam ran off into the woods again, explaining blandly, I am not agile enough, nor is Carolyn strong enough, to detain him.

Stokes delivers his famous quote: I wish I knew the secret of Barnabas Collins. He inspires so many emotions in so many people. I intends to find out that secret, too, he promises as he leaves. But as far as I know, he never does.

DS Wiki also has a nice shot of Barn's anxious eyes as he looks at his reflection in Julia's mirror, wondering whether he'll be (literal) toast at sunrise.

The scene with Barn and Angelique at sunrise is terrific! It seems that both JF and LP are having fun. This is the first time we get to see just how bad a winner Barnabas is as he gloats over Angelique, then leaves her fuming.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0537
« on: September 05, 2013, 03:40:20 PM »
Thanks, joey! I didn't remember that!

MT, you're not raining on my parade, don't worry. The whole scenario is so bat-crap nuts that anything is possible, apparently--even the idea that Willie would be happy as a gardener at Windcliff. At least he has the foresight to pack some of Barn's clothes so it will like as if he's gone away. Anyway, less than half a minute after Willie tells Maggie that he's leaving and that he'll miss Collinsport (he means her), he blabs.

Willie leaves the gravesite without the shovel. Will Julia remember to take it with her? It is gone by the time the closing credits begin. Did Julia come back for it?

Nice little catfight between Julia and Cassangelique: Julia tells Cassandra bluntly, Barnabas is dead. Although this is not quite the result Cassandra expected, she rallies quickly. Julia continues angrily, If not for you, there would be a man at the Old House who could finally savor the life you denied him all these years--who could finally perhaps find the love you were determined he would never see. Cassandra opines, I think you were in love with Barnabas-- Not nearly as much as you, Julia retorts swiftly. How dare you! Cassandra gasps. I’ll tell Roger that you’re mad! Go ahead! Julia replies defiantly. Tell Roger, tell anyone, tell all of Collinsport! Nothing will stop me from knowing what you are, and nothing will keep me from doing whatever I can about it!

Stokes (I still like his red vest) and Julia watch Adam, who out of nowhere starts breathing. Julia realizes that she's buried Barnabas alive!

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0536
« on: September 04, 2013, 02:52:07 PM »
I'm sorry to hear that, MT. But maybe it did all come down to the fact that the hammer Julia would have used has two pointy ends and she couldn't find another one.  [ghost_wink]

Current Talk '13 II / Re: On Taking Up Residence in Collinsport
« on: September 04, 2013, 02:46:29 PM »
Yes, Josette. The ceiling of Angelique's room is slanted, which means that it must have been under the very eaves of the roof. Before the 1795 story, we see Willie's room, which I think is also in the same spot.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0536
« on: September 03, 2013, 06:22:28 PM »
The most interesting thing about this episode (for me at least) is how far Willie has come from the thuggish brute who arrived in Collinsport with Jason McGuire. He does his best to comfort Julia, even though he is just as sorrowful.

Both Barnabas and Adam are in desperate straits, despite Julia's frantic efforts to save Barnabas. Willie tells her that a week before, Barnabas gave him a hammer and a stake.

At the root cellar, Adam tells Carolyn, Carolyn, go! Adam says. Carolyn promises to come back with a doctor. Lifting his head so he can look into her eyes, Adam declares, Carolyn--good. Then he lapses into unconsciousness. Carolyn is even more frightened.

Professor Stokes arrives, wearing a resplendent red vest. But he can no more help Adam than Julia can help Barnabas. Stokes and Carolyn watch helplessly as Adam's heartbeat grows fainter and fainter. Eventually it stops altogether--

--at exactly the moment when Barnabas's heart apparently also stops. Julia and Willie are distracted with grief. Willie admits, I know I shouldn't have unchained the coffin, but Barnabas was always nice to me. (I suppose that in this crisis, he is willing to overlook Barnabas’s terrible abuse of him in their early days.) Unconsciously rocking back and forth to console herself, Julia orders Willie to bring the necessary tools. She tries, but simply cannot bring herself to carry out Barnabas’s last request. (Lucky thing too, because the hammer has TWO points!) Eventually Julia decides they will bury Barnabas in the woods without staking him.

Carolyn is beside herself with grief, recalling that Adam saved her life. With Zen-like calm, Stokes opines, I think there’s more going on than we know about. Somehow I can’t believe Adam is dead. I will await further developments. But the moments tick relentlessly by, and nothing happens.

Willie has dug the grave, and somehow he and Julia have gotten the coffin into it. Julia forgives Barnabas, knowing he couldn't help doing the terrible things he did. With awkward but sincere sympathy, Willie tells her, You’d feel better if you cried. I'm past crying, Willie, Julia replies, looking beaten and exhausted. If I could imagine life without him, I could cry. But I can't. I can't. Can this really be the end????

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0535
« on: September 02, 2013, 09:34:16 PM »
Julia is alive only because Barnabas does not love her. By this time, he respects her medical skill, at least some of the time. He knows that she cares for him, but the feeling is not mutual, so she is in no danger.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0535
« on: September 02, 2013, 03:39:33 PM »
Barn finally reaches his "point of return."

Vicki tells Barn the dream. I think this is the first time he uses his compelling gaze on someone, and even though he is no longer a vampire (for the moment), it works on Vicki.

Barnabas tells her, The evil that has plagued Collinwood will be over when you tell me the dream. I am the one Cassandra wants, he admits. Naturally she asks, Why? What does she have against you? He’s stumped for a second, then repeats the original explanation that he gave when he first presented himself at Collinwood: I am a direct descendant of the “original” Barnabas Collins. I suppose that all who bear that name must bear the same fate. Vicki recalls, The Collins Family History said that the “original” Barnabas went to England, but that isn’t true. He stayed in Collinsport and died soon after marrying Angelique. He died in the Old House, she continues wildly, and that’s what the last line of the riddle means! [In her distracted state, Vicki does not realize that if what he says is true, then the “original” Barnabas--who had no children--cannot be his ancestor.] One door leads to the point of return, she quotes. Thoroughly alarmed, Barnabas immediately asks, Return to what? Return to death! Vicki answers, horrified. Something worse than death, Barnabas mutters, remembering his own private horror. What do you mean? Vicki asks with concern. Nothing, he replies. He continues, I can’t bear for you to keep having the dream over and over, until you are no longer yourself. Looking into her eyes, he finally declares himself with these fatal words: I've loved very few things in the course of my lifetime. But Vicki, I love you. I will go to my grave before I will see your life destroyed. Vicki can’t resist his compelling gaze as he steers her toward the couch, sits her down, and commands her, Tell me the dream--from the beginning.

A lone dog howls as the sun sets over the Old House. We see Barnabas take a little red pill just before Julia arrives with her medical bag. You look calm, she observes. He replies, I want to go quietly and with some measure of dignity. Let me give you something to keep you awake, Julia says. You’re too late, he replies. I’ve just taken a sleeping pill. Whatever is going to happen to me, I want it over with quickly. Barnabas settles himself in one of the chairs by the fireplace. [We never do see the room where he sleeps as a human man!] He tells Julia, The pill is already taking effect, so you must listen carefully. I have already instructed Willie in what to do, and you must help him. I know I will revert. You must drive the stake into my heart immediately. When Julia protests, he reminds her, My existence was a living hell: alive by night, dead by day. Promise me. Very reluctantly Julia agrees. Barnabas thanks her and quickly falls asleep. The faithful Julia sits nearby to watch over him.

Oh, and of course, The Slap. One of the great moments of fandom!

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0534
« on: September 02, 2013, 03:33:34 PM »
I like your comments and especially your spoiler, MT. Thoughtful, as always.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0534
« on: August 31, 2013, 06:40:17 PM »
One more thing: Barnabas tells Julia that it’s in Vicki's nature to love and not destroy. Unknowingly, Barnabas shows how he’s changed when he says, There must be something in my nature that’s like that too, that is worthy of what she’s doing for me--and that’s why I cannot let it go on.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0534
« on: August 31, 2013, 06:32:44 PM »
The opening voice-over says that Vicki doesn’t want to tell Barnabas the dream because she is afraid it will reinstate a two-hundred-year-old curse. But Vicki doesn’t know about the curse!

We get a glimpse of the old Vicki as she bravely defies the dream curse, even though she is constantly tormented by it, in order to spare Barnabas.

I agree, MT--Nicholas's bogus letter sounds almost too good. We can see the dawning horror on Barnabas's face as he reads it to the end. For once he does the sensible thing and rushes to Collinwood, where Vicki assures him that she never wrote the letter. Julia arrives and fears the worst, but Vicki assures her she hasn't told Barn anything. Barn explains about the note, which implied that Vicki would kill herself before telling him the dream. Julia urges him to leave, but he won’t go till she promises to take “good care” of Vicki. After he leaves, she turns her eyes heavenward, miserable and overwhelmed with emotions she can never express.

Meanwhile, Carolyn visits Adam at the root cellar and finds out that he knows a lot of new words, including "police" and "hair" (with a catch in his voice as he gently touches her shining poll). But Adam reverts to third person in his distress at disappointing Stokes. Carolyn tells him that he has to learn to say "I" and promises to come back. Eventually he decides he trusts her and even politely opens the door.

Barn and Julia end up arguing about the dream curse. Barn is overflowing with admiration at Vicki's courage. Unlike whoever wrote the opening voiceover, Julia correctly points out that Vicki doesn't know what Barnabas will become if he has the dream. Barn eventually tells Julia about his offer to Cassangelique. As Julia listens, horrified, he continues, I asked her to release Vicki from the dream’s effects. In return for _what_? Julia demands, even though she already knows the answer. Sure enough, Barnabas replies, I was willing to admit defeat and restore our relationship of long ago. I can’t believe you were series! Julia bursts out. Barnabas replies, I told Cassandra I would wait for her answer, but no answer came. If Cassandra is not willing to respond to that, she will respond to nothing. There’s no way of stopping her. I can no longer bear to think of what Vicki is going through for me. I must put a stop to it. Julia tries one last time. Please, she begs him, think of what you’ll become! Barnabas answers firmly, I have thought about it--and I am prepared to accept it. He leaves for Collinwood, with Julia gazing after him in despair.

Dom, I do like your new attitude, and I'm glad you can take the show as it is.. I never watched DS as a teenager, so it was all new to me when I first saw it (well into adulthood) in the 1980s. Sure, plenty of things made me roll my eyes or even want to laugh. But most of the performances most of the time were very good, and there were plenty of moments that were actually quite powerful. There's nothing I love better than a good, character-driven story, well told, and DS delivered that enough of the time that I was (and still am) willing to overlook all the shortcomings.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0532_0533
« on: August 30, 2013, 04:44:24 PM »
Thanks, dom!  *blush*

If Joe's sidburns are fake, they won't be the last fake sideburns we'll see!  [ghost_grin]