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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0599
« on: November 30, 2013, 08:25:08 PM »
Fwap indeed! I remember all those 1795 VOs that start out, My name is Victoria Winters. They then proceed to tell us all sorts of things that Vicki could never know. I guess eventually the writers realized they couldn't keep that going indefinitely.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0599
« on: November 29, 2013, 08:06:10 PM »
I guess the opening VO is supposed to be from Maggie's point of view, and she still thinks that Barnabas is a vampire that should be exposed and destroyed.

Barnabas and Willie return dispiritedly to the Old House after an unsuccessful search. Barnabas fully expects the police to arrive at any moment but is stoical and resigned, quite unlike the frantic Willie. (Sadly, though, Barnabas doesn’t make the same generous promise to Willie as he did to Julia.) They hear the expected knock on the door. But instead of the police, it's Joe, who says, I’m here to deliver a message: Maggie would like to see you at her house whenever it’s convenient but as soon as possible. Joe delivers his message with gentlemanly courtesy and leaves, but conceals himself to watch Barnabas and Willie go out. (The doors swing open after Willie follows Barnabas out.)

At the cottage, we get a glimpse of a sketch of Barnabas, which is described as a preliminary sketch for Sam's portrait of the present-day Barnabas. [The sketch looks as if it could have been made when Jonathan Frid was first cast as Barnabas (no pointy hair). Bob Costello provided all but the face of the original portrait of Barnabas, and this sketch may have provided the face. DS Wiki has a frame grab of the sketch here.] The peripatetic multicolor afghan lies across the sofa. Maggie greets Barnabas and Willie with her normal friendliness. She tells Barnabas, I found some sketches my father made for your portrait. I thought you might like to have them. Though completely baffled by her behavior, Barnabas accepts the drawings, even in this great crisis still the epitome of courtesy and good breeding. (Naomi would have been proud!) Maggie surprises them even more when she invites Willie to stop by.

Once he and Willie are outside, though, Barnabas comments, Only one other person could have erased Maggie’s memory when even Julia failed--Nicholas Blair. This is the second time that Blair has helped me. [The first time was when he restored Carolyn to life.] He must have some plan. Whatever it is, Barnabas muses, it must be diabolical (so to speak). But what could it be?.........

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0598
« on: November 29, 2013, 04:46:37 PM »
Presumably this is the same day as the previous two episodes, but when Stokes lets himself into Adam's room, he's wearing a different shirt and a necktie.

Carolyn is wearing an orange dress, and David is wearing a dark orange turtleneck. Solidarity between the cousins, maybe?

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0598
« on: November 29, 2013, 04:44:12 PM »
Professor Stokes lets himself into Adam’s old room in the West Wing, where he finds no trace of the former occupant. The damage Adam caused when he escaped from his room has been repaired. Perhaps Carolyn bribed Harry Johnson to do the work.

Apparently Carolyn doesn't remember that Adam was artificially created. Maybe she thinks he didn't say goodbye because she doesn't remember that either.

Yes, great scene with Willie and Maggie. Despite Maggie's defiant insistence that she wouldn't eat any food, Willie goes off to get some. David investigates the secret room and finds-- well, someone, just not who he expected.

Willie is about to leave the Old House with a bag of food when Stokes returns to report his failure to Barnabas, who isn’t home. Then the sudden wind comes up again, making Willie extremely nervous (the curtains billow even though the windows are shut). Typically, Stokes comments, Fascinating--very fascinating. We must be in the presence of an astral projection, he decides, really scaring Willie. The wind dies down, but Willie runs off anyway, leaving Stokes in the middle of the drawing room murmuring (typically), Fascinating...utterly fascinating.

All I can say about David's behavior is that his aunt has brought him up to mind his manners.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0597
« on: November 29, 2013, 04:38:10 PM »
In the continuation of his conversation with Adam from the previous episode, Stokes is now wearing a different shirt and bow tie.

Best line is from Eve-- oops, I mean TMEWWEL: I do not kiss men who are weak.

A spirit seems to be present in the Old House, but Adam and Eve are absent, as is Leona's body....

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0596
« on: November 27, 2013, 04:23:45 PM »
I sort of like the anagram, but probably only because I like Professor Stokes. It's a good chance for him to display his smarts, and Barn and Julia do need someone who's at least a step or two ahead of them. Maybe Nicholas thought that somebody (like Stokes) would recognize the name Danielle Roget right away, and the anagram is supposed to be an example of Nick's agile but twisted mind at work.

Someone (I wonder who) realized that Eve was going to be evil even before she came to life, because she's wearing a long, low-cut black lace dress and black high heels. MW does the feral smile thing very well.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0595
« on: November 27, 2013, 04:15:37 PM »
According to my notes, MW takes the mannequin's place on the slab for the final act, when Julia does the experiment.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0595
« on: November 26, 2013, 08:41:58 PM »
Not one of my favorite episodes, just kind of dull except for the end. After various conversations, Adam leads Leona to the basement. She is wearing a white nightgown--just the thing to wear for a mind transplant.


Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0594
« on: November 24, 2013, 07:08:16 PM »
I certainly wasn't the same at school as I was with my parents. Barnabas and Julia are pretty much the only parents Adam has.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0590
« on: November 24, 2013, 07:01:42 PM »
I'm pretty sure he knows about it by now but I've forgotten how he found out. He did hear Lang's tape, but that was in his infancy, so to speak.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0594
« on: November 23, 2013, 09:13:17 PM »
Well, Carolyn only fainted during the experiment--but that was some faint! Anyway, Nicholas used his powers to bring her back.

Adam and Carolyn have their last moments together. Adam is overjoyed to see that Carolyn survived the experiment unharmed. Carolyn offers to be a part of the experiment once more. Adam is moved by her willingness to place herself in such danger for him a second time, but (evidently on Nicholas’s instructions) tells her, I have found someone else. After the experiment, I will be leaving forever. Then I’ll never see you again! Carolyn exclaims in dismay. Carolyn, please think of me sometimes, Adam says. Try not to forget me. To his joy, Carolyn replies, I won’t have to try. I’ll always remember you--always. With great courtesy, he asks, May I hold you? She is more than willing, and they embrace. She also lets him kiss her, which he does with supreme gentleness, running his hands through her shining, golden hair one last time. Then abruptly he breaks their embrace, says goodbye, and hurries out, unable to face her stricken look.

Because he's standing behind her, Carolyn doesn't see the gloating look on Nicholas's face when he tells her that Danielle Roget sent seven people to the guillotine during the French Revolution. He hypnotizes her into performing a ritual, thoughtfully providing a sheet of paper with the words. Sure enough, hideous laughter and screams quickly fill the air. Although she is horrified and frightened, Carolyn stays seated, but finally she can bear it no longer and gets up to flee. Nicholas has all he can do to keep her from stepping outside the circle. Eventually he gets her to sit again, whereupon she collapses in a faint across the table. A moment later, Danielle Roget (played by Erica Fitz) appears, wearing 18th-century garb and a bloodthirsty smile. She is all for killing Carolyn right then and there (luckily Carolyn is still in her swoon). Nicholas refuses to permit it and orders her, When the clock strikes three, you will appear to me as you were in life.

Evidently Leona obeys orders, because a short time later, she arrives at the Old House.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0590
« on: November 23, 2013, 09:07:49 PM »
Julia tries to leave the Old House in order to hypnotize Maggie, but Adam appears at the front door. With heavy irony, he orders Julia back into the drawing room and thanks Willie for making it possible for Carolyn to provide the life force. Now that we’re all here, Adam says, let’s go down together. Willie starts upstairs, Adam argues with him, Willie goes upstairs anyway. Adam says coldly, This house is full of liars. Barnabas tries to delay the experiment again, but Adam only gets angrier. He decides he’ll go upstairs for Carolyn and orders Barnabas and Julia to come. “Please,” he says with heavy sarcasm, noting, Professor Stokes told me that a gentleman never forgets his manners, even under great stress. Willie emerges on the landing with the rifle. (We actually see the landing at the top of the stairs for the first time since Sarah, wearing her favorite blue dress,  watched her big brother’s costume party long ago!) Barnabas and Julia and Adam have to remind Willie that Adam and Barnabas are linked. Adam comes up and easily gets the gun away from him. Barnabas tries to get Julia out of the house, but Adam aims the gun at her and tells her, No, Julia. My mate will be the first one outside that door, and I will follow her.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0593
« on: November 22, 2013, 08:10:45 PM »
Julia makes Barnabas take a stimulant--ah, those pill-popping 1960s!

One wonders just how much chloroform (or whatever) Willie has forced on Maggie.

Barn decides that his only option is to go to Collinwood and tell the family about Carolyn's death--and the circumstances--even though this will mean revealing everything, as in EVERYTHING, and accept the consequences. Julia tries to dissuade him, but he tells her, My mind is made up. I will do all I can to exonerate you because of everything you’ve done for me, he says gratefully. I don’t want you to suffer the consequences with me, he tells her.

When Barnabas gets to Collinwood, he stops at the front door. Thinking of what is to come, he quails for a moment, but then gathers his resolve and knocks firmly on the door. All his dread is swept away by shock as the door is slowly opened--by Carolyn....

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0592
« on: November 21, 2013, 04:03:38 PM »
If she did, I didn't make a note of it. Maybe one of our colleagues who has the DVDs can help out.....

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0592
« on: November 20, 2013, 11:41:17 PM »
I like what you say about the Experiment, Magnus. Somebody maybe tried to imagine what it really would be like.

Here's what I have for Carolyn's last words to Adam: I felt alone, lost in a fog. I saw disconnected body parts (which we see in a trippy sequence--they looked like plaster casts). They seemed to converge and want my soul.

That's all I've got--does it help?