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Messages - Mary

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Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: August 05, 2007, 06:59:39 AM »
Finally came up with my cast list - LOL!  (Yes, a realistic one, not my vampire movie musical ultimate fantasy -- sigh.  LOL!!)   Liked a lot of the suggestions I already saw here, so included a lot of them. :)

Marianne Muellerlalle -- Mrs. Johnson
Shia LaBeouf -- Willie
Jude Law or Heath Ledger -- Quentin
Anne Hathaway -- Vickie
Jane Seymour -- Elizabeth
Naomie Harris -- Angelique
Daniel Craig -- Roger
Keira Knightly or Brittany Snow -- Carolyn
Judy Davis -- Julia Hoffman
Jake Gyllenhaal -- Joe
Abigail Breslin -- Sarah
John Goodman -- Sam
Katie Holmes -- Maggie

Haven't come up with a David.  Maybe the boy in that "Joshua" movie?

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: August 03, 2007, 09:26:59 AM »
;) I now have decided that the director for the upcoming DS film should be - wait for it! - Adam Shankman, the director of HAIRSPRAY, currently playing at your local cinema complex. John Travolta - in drag once again! - could play Elizabeth Stoddard...Christopher Walken as Barnabas...Queen Latifah as Dr. Julia Hoffman...and that adorable Zac Efron as David Collins! Plus John Waters does a cameo as Diabolos, Prince of Darkness!

Why the DS film could even begin with "Welcome to the 60's", HAIRSPRAY's opening number! Can't you just picture the good people of Collinsport pouring out of the Blue Whale, the Collinsport Inn, the Todd Antique Shop and the Eagle Hill graveyard all singing and all dancing!

Yes!  "Good Morning, Collinsport!"  I love it!!!  LOL!   [band] [gramophone] [skelleton_2] [dancing_skeletons]

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: August 03, 2007, 09:11:17 AM »
Tarantino would turn DS into a violent, T & A campfest.

Well, forget the T&A part, but I think a violent campfest would be awesome!!  LOL! :D

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: August 03, 2007, 09:05:58 AM »
;D If Quentin Tarentino directs, do you think he'll recast the role of Barnabas & give it to Travolta instead? And cast Uma Thurman as Vicki Winters? And maybe have a scene at the Blue Whale where Barnabas & Vicki break into the Twist on the dance floor? Oh, I hope he'll have Carolyn call everyone "Honey Bunny" !

I actually sort of like these ideas -- LOL!!

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: August 02, 2007, 08:39:19 AM »
What about Quentin Tarentino?  Is he going to be interested in directing since he's a big DS fan and has a Barnabas cane?

I recall seeing Boy Who Cried Werewolf, at the long gone Nostrand Theatre in Brooklyn NY in 1973.
The co-feature was the mutant snake thriller "Ssssss...."

Ah, yes.
The horror movies of my youth.
What pleasent memories!

Yes!  When I saw it (in my small town in Ohio), it was a double feature with "Ssssss" but my mom wouldn't let me stay for the second one -- LOL!  But that was fine with me because werewolves were my thing and I had to beg and beg her just to let me see "The Boy Who Cried Werewolf" (she thought it would be too scary) -- LOL!  I did eventually see "Ssssss" on tv years later, though.  But "The Boy Who Cried Werewolf was very exciting and definitely scared me (yes, Mom was right, but I wanted to get scared!  LOL!).  I was in the 6th grade at the time.  I remember the scene where the werewolf was locked in the shed and the boy's mom had to go back into the house to get the car keys so they could escape and it seemed like everybody in the whole theater was yelling "Hurry up!" and sitting on the edge of our seats waiting to see if they could get away before the werewolf broke out of the shed -- LOL!  After I saw this movie I was terrified for weeks that someone around me would turn into a werewolf and attack me -- LOL!  But I thought this movie was so cool -- I took my tape recorder and recorded my own sequel (which I made up as I went along) where the boy was now a werewolf -- LOL!  It included lots of howling -- LOL!  (Yes, I sound like I still am in the 6th grade -- LOL!)

Anyway, thanks for your reply and sharing your memory, David!


Holy cats!  Does anyone else besides me remember his movie "The Boy Who Cried Werewolf?"  I had to mention that -- this was a major part of my childhood!  LOL!  (And of course my interest in werewolves comes from DS!  LOL!)  Anyway, yeah, this movie was cheesy, but it was still cool!  LOL!

Sorry to hear of his passing.  Sounds like he must have been a very nice person. 

Current Talk '07 I / Re: How Did DS Influence Your Life?
« on: June 01, 2007, 08:11:33 AM »
Umm - just from a purely logical point of view, did she also stop you from watching The Flintstones and any of the other cartoons that featured the characters in your dream? If not, well...  :-   ::)

Nope, she didn't!  That's what I always thought -- where was the logic of that?  LOL!  Imagine -- blaming it all on poor innocent Barnabas!  LOL!

Current Talk '07 I / Re: How Did DS Influence Your Life?
« on: June 01, 2007, 07:27:00 AM »
My parents thought DS was too scary for me to watch and both my grandmas thought it was indecent (LOL!), but they still allowed me to watch it until once I had a nightmare and woke up screaming that Barnabas and Fred Flintstone and various other cartoon characters were after me (LOL!) and then my mom said I couldn't watch it anymore.  But everyday I sat out on the front porch and waited for her to come home from work and asked her if I could watch it again.  A couple of my friends were telling me what I was missing and I kept saying "Mom!  Barnabas is trapped in his coffin and can't get out!"  (LOL!)  Finally I drove my mom crazy enough that she let me start watching it again -- LOL!

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« on: May 29, 2007, 08:02:12 AM »
I don't know specifics outside of what I have been told by the people directly involved with the fests who deal with fan correspondence all year long.  If there isn't any show on the air, I don't see where there would be flexible income to market the show via festival.  At any rate, there is always the hope DS will be picked up elsewhere and that type of gatherings will be planned at least once a year - small or large.   Let's just  hope the show gets picked up on the airwaves again.

Market the show via Festival -- is that all the Fest is?  Just a marketing ploy for DCP?  That's just wrong.  (Yeah, I know I'm being naive and unrealistic, but it's still wrong.)  The Fest is supposed to be about celebrating the show and getting together with friends.   Back in the '80s when the Fest was first organized (and I've read this story over and over again in Shadowgram) it was organized by fans to celebrate the show, not to make money for DCP.  How did the organizers finance it back then before DCP took it over?  Why couldn't whatever they did to finance it then work today?  Maybe there are legitimate reasons; I'm just asking.  Maybe if DCP can't finance it then DCP should let Marcy and the people who originally ran it take it back over.  Or am I looking at this all backwards and DCP took it over in the first place to help finance it?  That hasn't been my understanding, but I want to get the facts straight.  I agree it would be very cool if DS got picked up by a network like Chiller or wherever and got back on the air again to attract new fans.     

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« on: May 28, 2007, 07:27:19 AM »
I wanted to make sure my point was understand as already I see some misunderstanding of what I said regarding festival funds.   I know Jim Pierson has operated for over a decade with the understanding that most of those fans who would like to attend a convention do not have a lot of extra cash.  He has told me for this reason he finds hotel rates that are as reasonable as possible and the admission price rarely ever goes up.  It would be a misrepresentation of what I was saying for anyone to take offense that I opined that for many of us with kids, mortgages and now college tuitition, there isn't a lot of disposable income.  It's normal for these things to be issues for middle-aged adults.  Those of us who are single will likely be able to do more wild and crazy things. ;D  The festival pricing and hotel rates have operated on the premise those coming do not have much extra for as long as I can remember.  I wanted to know why the fest could not continue to be held at the marriott Marquis in midtown and Jim (and Helen) told me it was because fest people tend not to use those salon services and other premium services hotels thrive on and the reason they can give big discounts to blocks of rooms.  The hotel would not give as good a discount in the future for these reasons and Jim had to look elsewhere. Believe me, everyone was disappointed with that!

Thank you for clarifying that, Nancy.  I understand that Jim is doing the best he can to find good hotel rates, and he can only get the hotels go so low on their price.  However, for example, last year the rate was $159/night -- yikes!  I'm sure that was the best rate available, but I don't think increasing the price of Fest admisson by a few dollars or so would even be an issue compared to how much the hotel costs, even when split 4 ways!  Maybe I'm wrong, but if people can afford the hotel price in the first place, I don't see how increasing the Fest admission a little bit, in order to pay for and enable the Fests to continue, could prevent them from coming.

Sometimes when I write (and write in a hurry) what comes across can sound condescending and snotty when that's not my intention.  My overall concern is that people view the fests in a more realistic way and the fact there isn't the money there used to be with DS off the air for so many years and new fans not coming in as much.  That doesn't mean that all can't change.

Are you saying that Pierson/DCP used to have more money to put on a Fest back in the '90s than they do now?  If that is the case, then instead of just not having a Fest, could they do something like have a special fundraiser or take up a collection at this year's event, or have a special auction or a 50/50 drawing or some other idea -- I'm sure most other people are more creative than I am -- to make up the difference or raise money for the next Fest?

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« on: May 26, 2007, 11:14:22 PM »
None of us really know about the business model or finances of DCP.   The fact that fest attendance has dropped off (since the show left the air on SciFi) and the 40th Anniversary saw something llike only 2000 it doesn't make sense to finance something that appeals to a limited audience and stands to lose money.  My hope is that the show finds another home on cable.  Back when the series was on SciFi, festival attendance was as high as 4-6,000 people over the course of a weekend.

Before the show was on Sci Fi, 2000 people attending the Fest was the norm, or more like above the norm.  If that wasn't considered a poor attendance then, why is it now? 

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« on: May 26, 2007, 10:58:37 PM »
Bottom line: raising the admission would stand to hurt the fans who do already regualrly attend.  If you have middle-aged people still sleeping on the floor and needing to room with three others to make ends meet on the trip, raising rates in any form isn't a positive thing.

I'm one of those middle-aged people rooming with 3 others at the Fest to make ends meet.  The Fest price has been $30/weekend for as long as I have been attending (1990) and sometimes has been a 2-for-1 deal.  Raising the rate in the time since 1990 by only a few dollars even would seem reasonable.  I know a lot of people don't have a very big income (and I'm one of them), but I don't think charging just a few dollars more for admission would make that big of a difference.  The banquet price has gone up and people are still coming.  The hotel rate has gone waaaaay up and people are still coming.  Paying a little more to attend the Fest would be better than having no Fest at all, IMHO.  Also, the Fest is the only con that I know of with this cheap of an admission price and I'm sure there are a lot of middle-aged people who attend other cons and cram 3-4 or more people in a hotel room there too.  It's only 1 weekend a year and I thought that was part of the fun and made us feel younger. :)   

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« on: May 26, 2007, 10:07:08 PM »

Well, I'm sure they've talked about upping the admission price before, but more than likely if they did that, they'd lose a certain percentage of attendance. One of the draws, for me anyway, it how cheap the FEST costs, minus hotel fees and traveling expenses. If I had to pay, let's say $500 for traveling expenses and hotel costs, and then turn around and pay like $250 or so for a total fest admission (including all days involved, and the banquet) I'd seriously rethink me going.

I agree the low admission price is a draw for me also, but I didn't mean a huge upward leap in price, I was merely thinking of instead of the $30 weekend price fee maybe charging like $45 or so.

As for why they don't let other people run the fest--me thinks that it's because once people saw how much work goes into it, any volunteers would surely run the other way. Not to mention that if they royally screwed it up it would be Jim's, DCP's, and the Fest's name on the line. If I were Jim, I certainly wouldn't want that type of stress--worrying about someone else doing it and me not being able to go all control-freak. I am a control-freak, mind you ;)

If someone else were running a DS convention on their own (which is what I thought was the Fan Fair group's intention), I don't see how it would be Jim's, DCP's, and the Fest's name on the line.

At the Brooklyn Fest last year, there was a....well, not a LARGE dealer room, but I was surprised at how many dealers were there. MPI, of course, and then there were a number of fan dealers that had a bunch of different fanzines for sale, and there were LOTS of table with DS pics for sale and fest vids for sale. Out in the main hall there were more DS picture tables, some DS Marilyn Ross tables with other little DS collectibles--watches, paper clipping, the like--and then a LARGE table that had tons of old TV Guides and 16, Tiger Beat, and related magazines, many with DS articles or mentions, and some that were just REALLY REALLY old and collectible to people who collect things like that.

This year, though, because of the scaled down event, I"m sure there won't be as many dealers. And if events in subsequent years are to match or mimic this year's gathering, I suspect dealers won't come in droves like they did before.

Yes, I too was pleasantly surprised at the number of dealers out in the hall last year.  But if you compare the number of dealers the Fest has with other non-DS cons, this is nothing.  This is nothing even compared to the number of dealers the Fest had in the dealers room in the '90s, which is still nothing compared to the number of dealers at other cons.  There are a lot of things people are interested in coming to the Fest or any other type of con for other than DS items.  For example, the friend I mentioned in my earlier post who no longer comes to the Fests -- at the first Fest that David Selby attended, when he made a surprise appearance (in '92 or '93 maybe -- not sure right now), I walked up to my friend who was in the dealers room and excitedly told her that David Selby was here and her exact response which I will never forget was "Who cares?  I found Lady Death!"  (LOL!)  I also know there are people who come to cons looking for things like bootleg dvds of obscure Eurohorror movies.  They're not going to find any of this stuff at the Fest anymore, if they ever did.  Maybe some people might say that none of that is DS-related and shouldn't be sold at the Fests in the first place, but if it brings in more dealers, more people, and more money for the Fest, why not sell it there?  I'm not saying the Fest should have room after room of dealers so there would be wall-to-wall people and it would be claustrophobic; there certainly should be a limit, but if money is a problem in financing the Fest, only allowing a few select dealers, selling DS merchandise only, in a small dealers room is ridiculous. 

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« on: May 26, 2007, 09:55:57 AM »
If the Fests are losing money, why not up the price of admission?  Why not have more dealers other than MPI?  Don't the dealers have to pay a fee to the Fest to have tables there?  Plus, I have at least one friend who stopped attending when they got rid of most of the dealers, so I know there are people who come to cons mainly for the dealers.  Did Pierson really decide to continue with the Fests after 2003 because of pressure from the stars?  Or was it because that Fan Fair group wanted to start their own DS cons?  If Pierson doesn't want to do them, why not let someone else do them?

Count me among the people for whom the Fests are the highlight of my year and I plan my whole vacation around them.  Like others have said, how else could I afford the hotels for trips to NYC and LA?  And what better way to get together with friends?  So, gee, I guess this means I just don't have a life -- oh the horror! ::) 

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