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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '24 I / Re: And Even Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: February 17, 2014, 10:03:16 PM »
Thanks! I also had the feeling that Sophia isn't the world's greatest cook.  [snow_cheesy]

Current Talk '24 I / Re: And Even Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: February 17, 2014, 05:30:50 PM »
LOL! Whoever wrote the script knows nothing about frosting a cake. The cake already has to be completely cool BEFORE you frost it. If the cake is the least bit warm, the frosting will slide right off. Sheesh.  [snow_laugh]

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0640
« on: February 17, 2014, 01:09:55 AM »
Amy waits in the storage room in the deserted West Wing, but when the door finally creaks open, it's--David, who heard her walk past his door. Amy accuses him of being scared, but David says no one is allowed in the West Wing--ever. To prove he's not afraid, he picks up the phone but gets no response. He's jealous because Quentin has spoken only to Amy--after all, Quentin is HIS ancestor. He suggests they have a (all together now) séance to get Quentin to speak. I've seen the adults call people from the dead a lot, he says expansively, and he knows exactly what to do. The kids light a candle, sit at a table with the phone, call to Quentin.

Nothing happens, but once again the door creaks open to reveal--Vicki, silhouetted in the light. What are you doing here? she asks David. We were just playing a game, he explains. Vicki introduces herself to Amy. For the first time she styles herself Vicki Clark, David's governess. She sends David back to his room and talks to Sarah for a while. Did you know Chris? Amy asks. Yes, Vicki replies sadly, almost certainly remembering not the cheerful handyman but the feral vampire. Vicki promises to get Chris to see Sarah first thing in the morning. But As Amy lies awake thinking of Chris, he is lying unconscious on the floor of his attic room at the Collins Port Inn. The floor is tracked with muddy prints from his bare feet.

The next morning, Chris arrives at Collinwood, where he and Carolyn greet each other as old friends. She too introduces Vicki as Vicki Clark. Amy wants to live with Chris, but he wants to put her in a home. [Maybe the self-employed Tom worked only while Amy was at school.] Carolyn is outraged at this idea and vows to speak to her mother about letting Amy stay at Collinwood--but she does seem interested in Chris. David comforts Amy and hopes she can stay so they can have another séance.

In the evening--the third night of the full moon--the waitress clears a table just as Chris and Carolyn enter the Blue Whale. (It gets dark early in Collinsport, but the clock on the wall reads 1:00!) The waitress comes to take their order. Carolyn orders a daiquiri and Chris a shot of Irish whiskey. (Well, it was 1968!) Carolyn tries to talk Chris into settling down but without success, although Carolyn hopes that will change. Chris smiles faintly and they clink glasses. But Chris keeps glancing at his watch. 

When the waitress brings the check, Chris glances up at her--and sees a five-pointed red star superimposed over her face. Noticing his shocked expression, she asks if something is wrong. His eyes full of terror, Chris tells Carolyn hastily, I'll call you tomorrow. He pushes some money at the waitress, then rushes from the table and out the door. The waitress checks her face in a mirror. The clock on the bar wall says 1:00 [but a full moon would rise much earlier in the evening, wouldn't it?]

Once back in his attic room at the hotel, Chris nervously checks his reflection in the mirror, even touching his face as if he mistrusts what he sees. He looks out the window for a moment, then turns away. He takes a out a leg iron with a chain attached, clamps it around one ankle, and wraps the chain around the radiator. Then he bolts himself to the radiator with a padlock. He sits on the floor, leaning back against the radiator and looking almost sick with dread. Inevitably his ordinary, pleasant face is horribly transformed. [Welcome, Alex Stevens! The werewolf appears to be much shorter and slighter than Chris!] The creature pulls at the chain to free itself.

We get our first real action scene! The clock at the Blue Whale still reads 1:00 as the waitress prepares to lock up. She hears a knock at the door. We’re closed, she calls out without turning around. She begins to turn of the lights and set the chairs upside down on the tables. She hears something growling, and we can see the werewolf looking through the window. But she is utterly unprepared for the creature that crashes through the window, snarling as it rushes at her. The air fills with her horrified, ineffectual screams.….

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0637
« on: February 16, 2014, 06:27:28 PM »
You know what they say about idle minds!  [snow_grin]

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0639
« on: February 14, 2014, 10:22:47 PM »
MAGIC EPISODE!!! This episode includes some of the most frightening moments of the series--all the more so for being so understated. Sorry this is soooo long, but there are just so many thrilling moments!

Elizabeth is still frozen in shock when a little girl suddenly speaks to her. It's Amy, and she says she's looking for her brother. The animal ran away when it saw her. (So we have another scenario in which a little girl has a very troubled big brother.) Amy is apparently afraid of nothing on this earth, neither the dark nor the woods nor being out alone. Elizabeth is still shaken by the memory of what she just saw. Do you live around here? Amy asks. Yes, Elizabeth replies, I live at Collinwood. The big house by the water? Amy asks. Yes, Elizabeth replies. Oh, it’s very pretty, Amy says admiringly. I wish I lived there! You must come with me before the creature returns, Elizabeth says as she takes Amy’s hand. They walk away together.

At Collinwood, Elizabeth nearly collapses as she tells Julia about the animal that walked like a man. Amy has been staring around the foyer, marveling at the high-ceilinged Great Staircase and the portraits. Telling Amy to stay with Elizabeth, Julia goes upstairs to get a sedative. [While Amy and Elizabeth chat in the foyer, someone runs across the foreground.] Are you Mrs. Stoddard? Amy asks. Elizabeth says yes and thanks her for scaring off the creature. Amy says shyly, That's okay. I have to be going. I'm looking for my brother. It's too late to be out alone, Elizabeth points out. Amy replies, It's only too late for those afraid of the dark--and I’m not. I could see that in the woods, Elizabeth says dryly. Amy pleads with Julia not to send her back to Windcliff. Elizabeth says why not let her stay at Collinwood. Amy’s happiness is heartbreaking to see. As if by magic David (wearing a green terrycloth bathrobe) materializes. His aunt tells him, David, This is Amy Jennings. She is going to be staying with us tonight. The children greet each other politely and head for the kitchen.

Up in David's room, the children talk about the Great House. David says no one has ever counted all the room, although very early on, Elizabeth told Vicki there were forty of them. There's a whole wing, the West Wing, closed off all the time, David reveals. I don't want to tell you why--it’ll keep you awake, he adds coyly, hoping to scare her. It's haunted! Amy guesses immediately--and delightedly. She pleads with David to show her the WW, and he's glad to oblige.

These two kids are excellent actors and utterly natural with one another! As far as I can remember, Denise Nickerson turned in a flawless performance almost every time. Poor Amy is pathetically lonely. How sad that Tom, the cheerful brother who raised her, met such a terrible end. The moody Chris, whom she knows less well but still loves, seems not to want her. She would probably have told David that she loved being in shipwrecks just to keep him with her.

The West Wing is a seemingly endless warren of unlit, deserted rooms festooned with cobwebs and crammed with unused old furniture. David shows Amy a portrait of Thaddeus Collins, who was alive during the Civil War. They find a storage room, which has has even more cobwebs. It also has a narrow brass bed [spoiler](later featured in PT 1840)[/spoiler], as well as a ship model [spoiler](much later the notorious _Java Queen_ of 1970)[/spoiler]. David says casually, Another room, down the corridor, has a secret passageway. You’re so lucky to live here! Amy says. She sees a nineteenth-century telephone--the classic candlestick model--on the floor and picks it up. Of course the phone is disconnected--the wire is broken off just a few inches from the base.

The kids decide to play a game with the phone. Amy picks up the receiver and says brightly, My name is Amy Jennings. What's yours?... That's a nice name. Where do you live?... Somewhere near this room?... If David and I came looking for you, could we see you?... Could you hold on for just a minute? Amy turns to David, her eyes wide with fear and delight. The West Wing IS haunted! she says excitedly. What are you talking about? David asks skeptically. I think the man I'm talking to is a ghost, she says. That's enough pretending, David says, a little alarmed in spite of himself. There really IS someone on the phone, Amy insists. You’re making it up, David argues. The ghost's name is Quentin Collins, Amy tells him (the first mention of his name). I've never heard of anyone by that name, David says. Why don’t you listen on the phone, Amy suggests as she passes the receiver to David. You'll find out. David takes the earpiece and says, Hello? When no one replies, he turns to Amy and starts, Isn't that strange. I think your ghost has lost his-- Suddenly he recoils in surprise. I can hear someone breathing! he exclaims. He moves the receiver away from his ear as we hear the quiet click of someone hanging up.

The kids return to Amy's room and look at pictures of Quentin as a kid, but they don't share them with us. Elizabeth comes to check on her little houseguest, and the kids ask her about Quentin. Elizabeth replies, He was my great-uncle. [This genealogy is in fact accurate, as we will find out]. He left Collinwood while still young, went to France and died in Paris. Why do you ask? David explains, I saw his name in a family history and got curious. Already conspirators, David and Amy wish each other a knowing goodnight.

Much later, Amy gets out of bed and picks up the receiver of the DISCONNECTED phone, as if she actually had heard it ring. Why didn't you speak to David? she asks. He was very disappointed... What? All right. She listens intently. Where do you want me to come? Will you be there?... She smiles and says, All right--I'll come right now.... Yes. Goodbye, Quentin. She hangs up and leaves the room, first checking to make sure the hallway is deserted. We get a look through the window at the end of the hall as actual rain comes down for only the second--and last--time in the show as Amy returns to the West Wing. She looks around, her brown eyes huge in her face as she returns to the storage room she and David explored earlier. Quentin? she calls out confidently. I'm here, Quentin. Aren't you going to come out and see me? She looks around hopefully....

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0638
« on: February 14, 2014, 09:59:15 PM »
A boring episode. Vicki staggers back to Collinwood and is helped by Elizabeth. Julia goes to the cottage to find that Maggie (wearing a pretty pink nightgown) doesn't remember anything about Nicholas's satanic ritual. Julia tells her that he's gone for good. And here endeth the tale of Nicholas Blair and his attempt to create a race of superhuman devil worshippers.

A phone call from Elizabeth brings Julia to Collinwood. She is shortly followed by Maggie, then by Chris. Maggie chews Chris out for deciding to leave Collinsport. Then Julia tries to talk him out of going. I’m sure you'll at least stop at the hospital and say goodbye to Amy. It's better that I don't, Chris replies. I want an explanation, Julia says. I can’t give you one, Chris replies. Julia says, Do you  realize how much you mean to Amy? You’re her only living relative, all she has! Yet you're willing to walk out on her, is that it? I have to go, says Chris, starting to look desperate to get away. I'll still send her money. Julia pushes the cash into his pocket (great moment!) and says with marvelous anger, She doesn't need money! She needs _you_! I would like to stay and take care of her-- Chris begins. But you won't, finishes Julia. Why not? I can't go on any further, Chris says miserably. I have to go--and nothing you can say will make me change my mind!

Maggie tells Vicki she's sorry about Jeff. Vicki suddenly senses his presence in her room. Maggie, Elizabeth and Julia seem to be wondering if Vicki's hold on reality is slipping. Someone at Windcliff phones Julia to say that Amy has run away. Julia returns downstairs, but Chris is gone. Out in the woods, Chris runs like a hunted animal. He stumbles and falls, clinging to a rock for balance. The full moon shines through the trees. (It’s the second night.) He stares at it in horror.  Noooooo! he cries, but the word turns into a moan, then a howl. He gets to his feet and keeps running.

Julia has given Vicki a sedative, but she wakes up suddenly and finds the watch she gave Jeff. She is sure it's a sign that he is near. Elizabeth decides to go to the Old House to get Barnabas--maybe he can help Vicki.

Elizabeth walks through the woods toward the Old House. Although she is troubled for those she loves, she is the Mistress of Collinwood, secure in the heart of her domain. Suddenly she hears someone--or something--following her. Is someone there? she calls out. She gets no answer and continues on her way. She hears the sounds again. Who are you? she calls out. Who is following me? When she turns around, we don’t see what she sees, but we do hear it growl like some kind of large, savage animal. Elizabeth backs away, screaming in terror. Don't come near me! she cries, covering her eyes against the hideous sight....

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0637
« on: February 14, 2014, 09:51:38 PM »
Jeff paces back and forth in the drawing room at Collinwood, smoking a cigarette that’s anachronistic for Peter Bradford and certainly harmful to Roger Davis. Vicki (wearing a bright green and, naturally, sleeveless dress) returns to tell him that Mrs. Stoddard will be down in a moment. The thunderstorm outside reminds Jeff/Peter of the night that Vicki was hanged.

Vicki tells him, Earlier this evening, Roger went to the police and told them you couldn't possibly have killed Eve, because you and he were together at the time, at Eagle Hill Cemetery. Roger didn't say what you were doing, but your innocence has been established. Once again, the word of a Collins provides an unshakable alibi.

Vicki wants Elizabeth to be her matron of honor, and Elizabeth is glad to do it. I can’t tell you what this means to me, Vicki says gratefully. Elizabeth assures her, As long as I know you believe in it, I'll do whatever you want, and no thanks are necessary. The clock chimes three a.m. as she goes upstairs. There will be no Collinwood wedding for Victoria Winters. Perhaps inadvertently, the JP has Jeff promise to “obey” Vicki, but not the other way around. In their room at the Collins Port Inn, Vicki and Jeff drink champagne even as the thunder continues to rumble outside, making Jeff nervous. The camera pans away discreetly as the happy pair embark on a night of lawfully wedded bliss.

Meanwhile, Julia and Barnabas wonder where Adam is. He couldn't have gotten far with a bullet in his back, Julia says. [Wait--wasn’t it his shoulder?] They assume Adam is still alive because so far Barn hasn't gotten any vampiric urges. They decide to try to find Angelique's hiding place--no small task because Barn was never there--but finally he remembers an old crypt. (Is there any other kind?)  Elizabeth joins them, but she looks depressed. Surprised to see her, they ask if everything is all right. I don't know if anything is all right anymore, she sighs. I left Vicki in town with Jeff--they were married about an hour ago. Julia’s eyes widen. Barnabas looks stunned, perhaps feeling as if a stake has been driven through his own heart.

At six a.m., Julia comes downstairs to the drawing room, looking refreshed despite what must have been a nearly sleepless night. Barn looks like ten miles of bad road. Julia sympathizes with him over Vicki's marriage. Why did she do it? Barnabas asks sadly. Why did she marry _him_? Because she loves him, Julia explains gently, as if speaking to a hurt or disappointed child. She reminds Barnabas, You’ve known it for a long time. I never really believed it, Barnabas admits. Vicki told you so herself, and you will have to accept it now, Julia replies. You know that, don’t you? Yes, I’ll accept it, Barnabas sighs, and pray she’ll be happy with him.To distract him and probably herself, Julia suggests finding and staking Angelique.

But when they get to the crypt, there's nothing to see. Nicholas's magic mirror is now just a shattered, powerless collection of glass shards. Barn is sure that sooner or later, Angelique will return.

Vicki gives Jeff a watch as a wedding gift--a strange choice. She looks at him uneasily as he reminisces about how evil Trask was and how the jurors wouldn't listen. [And no wonder--it wasn’t a jury trial.] As he is drawn back to the past, Vicki dials Professor Stokes. But even as she does, Peter disappears....

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0635
« on: February 14, 2014, 09:40:09 PM »
I know just what you mean about a good night's sleep, MT. And I actually sort of like the "shock" music--it's kind of indelibly etched into my mind's ear by now.

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0636
« on: February 11, 2014, 08:46:27 PM »

Julia tries to help Adam, but he knows she's doing it only to keep Barnabas alive. He takes off into the night. Julia would rather take care of Barnabas, but he tells her to look after Vicki, who apparently will be okay. We can’t have Vicki wake up here, Barnabas says urgently. Julia, get your car. Shall I make plans for the rest of the night, too? Julia asks pointedly. Shall I find Willie, tell him to bring a coffin to this room? A coffin that you may need at sunrise--because that's the risk you're taking, Barnabas. Or shall we go try and find Adam? Barnabas tells her somberly, I already made that decision when I fired that shot. Help me, Julia, he implores her.

Adam seeks the one friend he might have left--he drags himself through Professor Stokes's living-room window and grabs a letter opener (great way to greet a friend!). The phone rings, and he picks it up. It's Jeff Clark, but Adam says nothing and hangs up. A moment later, Stokes arrives. Startled at first, the professor quickly recovers his normal Zen-like calm and assesses the situation. He calls his own doctor, Carl Something, to treat Adam. Carl avoids the usual fate of male doctors in the Collins universe by staying off screen. Adam bursts into tears but turns away, mortified. You're becoming too civilized, Professor Stokes says with mild irony and a little sadness. He helps Adam lie down on the sofa. Torn and bloodstained, the handsome green sweater that Carolyn gave Adam is irretrievably ruined.

Vicki wakes up and remembers almost nothing. Julia promises to stay with her.

Adam is cleaned up and now wearing a red plaid shirt. Stokes regrets not following through on his promise to educate Adam but says Adam now has a second chance. No, says Adam morosely. No one will ever love me. I can't comment on that, Stokes says. I’ve never been much of a prophet. Perhaps love is too much to expect in your present condition, but you can change. Gazing at his reflection in the mirror over the mantelpiece, Adam says, I can’t--I’m too ugly. Stokes cheerily says, That's simple to remedy! Nowadays anyone can make himself handsomer if he wants to. I know a clinic, and if you don't like the old Adam, they'll make a new one! I need a project! Just then someone rings the doorbell. To Adam’s horror, it’s Jeff Clark--of course Adam remembers Eve and Vicki. Please don’t let him in, Adam begs Stokes. The professor thinks for a moment, then tells him to hide in the next room. Adam leaves both the room and the show forever.

Jeff tells Stokes, Someone picked up your phone before, but didn’t says anything. Stokes observes wryly, I suspect this place is haunted, but in all my reading I’ve never heard of a ghost who used the telephone! [Little does he know!] Jeff wants to find out how and why Peter Bradford came to this century. He eats Stokes's special herbal leaves and goes into a trance, describing Peter Bradford's birth and parents. I came to this century because I love her, he realizes--then in his mind's eye he sees Vicki about to be hanged. He starts to be pulled back to the past, but Vicki hears his voice and quietly leaves her room. (Julia has fallen asleep.) She bursts into the professor's house and clings to Jeff, anchoring him in the present. Jeff promises they'll be married tonight. Meh.

Current Talk '14 I / Re: What If...
« on: February 10, 2014, 10:40:39 PM »
It really is too bad that never happened. I'll bet AM would have made a heck of a great vampire, maybe in yet another iteration of parallel time. Joel Crothers especially moved easily between "good old Joe" and the duplicitous Nathan Forbes. And Lara Parker played good and evil twins!

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0635
« on: February 10, 2014, 10:06:04 PM »
Barnabas returns to the Old House and tells Julia what he saw and heard on Widows Hill. Relieved that Nicholas is gone forever, Julia collapses onto Barnabas's shoulder. He even pats her gently a couple of times. She tells him, Maggie is all right--I've just given her [all together now] a sedative.

Meanwhile, Adam arrives at Collinwood. The front doors are wide open--won't these peope ever learn???

Carolyn has just given Vicki a sedative. While Adam listens outside, Carolyn reminisces about how she became very attracted to an unnamed "someone" who went away. Unfortunately, Adam’s discovery of Carolyn’s feelings for him has no effect on his quest for revenge. After Carolyn leaves, he warns Vicki that if she makes a sound, he'll kill her. We get a glimpse of the old Vicki when she screams as loudly as possible. Adam almost carelessly knocks her down. Carolyn rushes in and tries to talk Adam out of his revenge plot, even reminding him of the time he read the love sonnet to her. But all her pleading has no effect. She tries to call the police--somehow Vicki now has her own extension--but Adam rips the cord out. They gaze at one another for a long moment. Carolyn pleads, Adam, you wouldn’t do anything to me--you just wouldn’t. He reaches out as if to embrace her, but instead he grabs his little blond goddess by the throat and chokes her till she loses consciousness. He pauses in his anger to set her down gently and to allow himself to stroke her face one last time. Then he scoops Vicki up and leaves. Barnabas arrives, but too late.

Meanwhile, Julia is at the Old House, looking after Maggie, when she hears a noise from the lab. Adam grabs her from behind. What were you doing down there? she asks. Looking at my bride, he answers bitterly--the only bride I'll ever have. Julia offers him a sedative, but no dice. She heads for the basement, but he grabs her arm. Why won't you let me leave? she asks. You will see soon enough, he tells her. What's happening in the basement? she asks. Nothing, he says. I don’t believe you, Julia replies and walks determinedly downstairs. Adam attacks her. She falls to the floor unconscious. [This makes the score Adam 3, women 0.] He opens the basement door and locks it--from the inside.

Adam has strapped poor Vicki to the second table. Somehow the equipment is still functioning, and she screams in agony as Adam attempts to resurrect Eve. Barnabas and Julia hear her cries from upstairs, even as Adam turns up the power just because he can. Somehow Barnabas and Julia finally get into the lab (the writers don’t see fit to show us how), horrified by what they see. Willing to give his own life, Barn warns Adam to stop or he'll kill him. Adam only laughs wildly, even when Barn says he won't hesitate. With another wild laugh, Adam asks, Do you know what will happen if I die? I know, Barnabas declares resolutely, but I’m willing to take that chance. You'll revert back to what you were! Adam shouts triumphantly. Barnabas and Julia exchange a glance. You’ll revert back to what you were, Adam repeats. That's what was on Lang's tape. You’re lying, Barnabas snarls. He might be telling the truth, Julia points out--Adam has heard the tape.

I don't know what you were, Adam says smugly, but I know you don't want me to die. Vicki screams again. Adam screams, Look at her, Barnabas, look at her! Look at the woman you love! Barnabas watches as Adam steps over to the board to pull the final switch. Julia warns, If he pulls that switch, Vicki will be electrocuted! Forced to make a life-and-death decision for three people, Barnabas points the pistol straight at Adam and commands him, Don't touch that switch! Adam ignores him, and Barnabas fires. Struck in the shoulder, Adam collapses, his hand still on the switch as he falls....

Current Talk '24 I / Re: And Even Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: February 10, 2014, 09:38:29 PM »
Me too! Makes me wish more than ever that the pilot had come to fruition.

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0633_0634
« on: February 09, 2014, 10:53:58 PM »
Julia and Barn prepare to conduct the experiment. Nicholas arrives, and he and Barnabas spar over the fate of Tom Jennings until Julia reminds them they have a job to do. Poor Maggie arrives, apparently in a daze and wearing the same voluminous bright yellow peignoir that Vicki wore not so long ago. (Are they such BFFs that they've started swapping clothes?) Barnabas protests, even though he was prepared to use Maggie the first time they ran the experiment. Adam threatens him, and Nicholas gives both him and Barnabas the symptoms of heart attacks. Nicholas is so desperate that he’s now resorting to the same stunts for which he once derided Angelique.

The experiment starts,  but very quickly Maggie is overwhelmed with pain. In her agony, she screams out Joe's name. Barnabas decides he's had enough and switches off the equipment, then starts destroying it. Nicholas tries to stop him, but--surprise!--his powers are gone. Eve turns into a skeleton with bright red hair. Nicholas rushes out to plead with his Master for one more chance. Barnabas sets off in pursuit. Julia eventually revives Maggie, who doesn't remember a thing, not even her own name. Julia is so desperate that she plays Josette's music box for her, but no dice.

Meanwhile, Adam sets off to get revenge on Barnabas, whom he considers the source of all his misery.

Atop Widows Hill, that site where all desperation plays out in the DS universe, Nicholas pleads for one more chance. Give me time--that’s all I need. Just give me another week! Seven days! It’s so small to you! Give me seven days, and I’ll give you everything you want! Apparently the reference to seven days is the last straw for the Master--after all, his archrival needed only six days to complete his great work. From out of nowhere, flames spring up around Nicholas. Barnabas watches with unholy glee, unaware that Adam is sneaking into Collinwood to exact a terrible revenge.

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0632
« on: February 09, 2014, 05:16:56 PM »
The scene with Chris and Amy (ex-Molly) is very well done, very natural. It's one of my favorite scenes in the series, and Denise Nickerson--WELCOME!!--is a fine performer.

Hail and farewell, Conrad Bain.

When Maggie first falls under Nicholas's spell, she's wearing a blue quilted robe. By the time she gets to his house, she has changed into a navy blue sailor dress with a big white collar. For her black mass/wedding she's in an ice-blue dress and matching chapel veil (as we used to call them). Nicholas's spells work in mysterious ways. And yes, those legions of the damned must have been listening in the whole time.

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0631
« on: February 06, 2014, 10:39:38 PM »
Yes, MT! The Barnabas who is willing to stop the experiment even at the cost of his own life has come a long way from the ruthless and remorseless creature that Willie was unfortunate enough to discover.