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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0644
« on: February 25, 2014, 09:04:34 PM »
Gah, you're right, MT.  [snow_blush]

I think Magda wrote Jamison's name on the mirror, just as she tipped over the grandfather clock.

Yes, welcome, Quentin's Theme. It went to no. 1 on the pop charts and there was no getting away from it for a while.

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0643
« on: February 23, 2014, 06:24:57 PM »
Thanks, dom. I guess we should say Welcome back, Drawing Room secret passage.  [snow_cheesy]

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0642
« on: February 23, 2014, 06:22:27 PM »
MT, I agree with you that the writers always intended for Quentin's and Chris's stories to be linked. I really like it when they take such a long-range view of things. That's one of the reasons that the 1970 story line with its mysteries is one of my favorites, although I know that not everyone shares that view.

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0639
« on: February 23, 2014, 06:19:32 PM »
MT, I do agree with you now that I've thought it over. The writers are consistently sparing in their use of names.

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0643
« on: February 23, 2014, 12:56:50 AM »
Roger never seems afraid of what he's going to find going on, when he gets home.   A ghost shows him his father's or grandfather's letter... dated 1887, probably really 1897.

True, MT. Whatever is going on, Roger doesn't seem fazed.

I think you're right that the ghosts are getting more powerful because Amy believes in them.

"Parenting fits"... chuckle, DL.

Thanks!  [snow_blush] I suspect Barnabas is in seclusion, mourning Vicki's marriage to HIM, i.e., Jeff. Hey, Barn, it's a mystery to me too.

Welcome, Drawing Room secret passage?  First time we've seen it?

I believe you're right!

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0641
« on: February 22, 2014, 06:44:27 PM »
Interesting, MT. I thought anybody could hear the widows, but I could be wrong. Amy knows that it's them, but if the place is called Widows Hill, wouldn't the whole town know about them too? Does she actually name them? My old notes don't go into that.

In these early days at least, the attention to Chris's remorse must be based on the famous old movie of the Wolfman story, starring Lon Chaney, Jr., who took great pains to show us that the WW is a human being and suffers very human pain.

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0627
« on: February 22, 2014, 06:38:32 PM »
Welcome, FreshMayonnaise! Great screen name and an interesting coincidence!

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0643
« on: February 21, 2014, 08:40:43 PM »
Alone in the drawing room with Chris, Carolyn asks him why he stopped the séance. With a sigh, he decides to tell the truth: I don't know why I stopped it, he says. Something just came over me. I felt I had to do it--I don't know why. [I can think of a very good reason for this--but I'm not sure it was what the writers had in mind so early in this story line.] Chris is upset that Carolyn said something about a curse. [But again, so early in this story, can he know the reason for the curse?]

Roger returns from-- well, somewhere, and Carolyn introduces Chris to him. Roger gives Carolyn an affectionate kiss. He always seems fonder of his niece than of his own son.

Tonight it's David's turn to have the phone in his room. Amy walks in to tell him that _He_ is very angry. David is also annoyed because he's been trying to speak to Quentin on the phone but hears only someone breathing. Amy takes the phone and gets instructions again. Quentin spoke to me, she reports. He said _she_ would try to stop us. He wants us to find him--and tonight.

Roger is in the drawing room when behind him, a large book suddenly falls from the piano to the floor. Roger turns around to look, picks up the book and opens it. Tucked inside is a piece of paper, a letter. He gazes down at it, puzzled. Carolyn comes in and asks what he’s got. He tells her, It's a letter addressed to my father, Jamison, dated 1887. He must have been a boy, Roger muses. [The writers must not have worked out their chronology yet, because we will learn soon that [spoiler]Jamison was ten in 1897[/spoiler].] He reads the letter aloud for Carolyn’s (and our) benefit:

Dear Jamison, you must return to Collinwood. I need your help. You must intercede with Oscar. [A long time from now, the writers will regain their senses and change Oscar's name.] Only you can save me.

It’s signed "Quentin," Roger says. I don’t know much about him--he spent most of his time abroad. [The writers didn’t have other things worked out yet, either, because we learn nothing more about “Oscar”‘s trouble--whatever it was.] Carolyn realizes that Magda must have pushed the book off the piano--but why? Roger and Carolyn speculate about what the letter might mean. Stop them! Carolyn suddenly bursts out, then pauses in astonishment. I don’t know why said that, or what it means, she says. It was Magda speaking through me--a warning. I don’t understand, Roger says. Carolyn explains urgently, Magda is still here, speaking through me, warning us! Someone in the house is in danger, and it could be any one of us!

Amy tells David that Quentin wants them to go to the storage room. Amy is excited that they might actually meet a real ghost! Suddenly they hear Roger talking to Carolyn in the hallway. Apparently Magda’s warning has brought on one of Roger’s sporadic parenting fits. Are you all right? Roger asks him. David is puzzled at the question or at Roger’s paternal feelings or both. Roger says, Never mind--you should be asleep. David says, I woke up and couldn't sleep, so I decided to read. Well, go back to sleep, Roger tells him and turns off the light. He leaves, missing Amy hiding behind the door. She's about to sneak out of the room when Roger returns to tell David, If you need me tonight, just come to me. David is even more puzzled, but he agrees, and Roger leaves. Amy emerges, relieved that Roger didn't see her--because then she and David couldn't have any fun at all. David says thoughtfully, My father was acting really strangely. He never says goodnight, and this asking if I was all right business.… They decide to wait until everyone is asleep.

Downstairs, Roger and Carolyn continue their conversation. Roger isn't sure why he was concerned about David. It was just a feeling, he says.

Much later, Amy and David, flashlight in hand, approach the door to the West Wing--but Magda interferes, first by knocking the flashlight out of David's hand, then by pushing him away from the door. David reminds Amy, Quentin did tell us someone would try to stop us--some woman--so it was probably her or her ghost. I’m scared, Amy confesses. I’m a little scared too, David admits, but not too scared to go on. You’re more scared because you’re a girl, he adds at his patronizing worst. The door to the West Wing is now locked, but David knows another, secret, way in.

At 4:00 a.m., Roger and Carolyn are still in the drawing room! David and Amy are listening outside the double doors. They dash over to the servants’ door under the stairs when they realize Roger and Carolyn are about to come out. Of course, Roger offers Carolyn sleeping pills. No thanks, she says. I’m exhausted--perhaps I'll sleep. Goodnight, Kitten, Roger says fondly and kisses her. He turns off the foyer lights. Finally they both head upstairs.

When the coast is clear, David and Amy emerge from the servants’ entrance and go into the drawing room. David moves a red velvet armchair and opens a secret panel in the wall, revealing an unlit passage that we will see again many times. Politely he ushers Amy into the passage ahead of him, leaving the chair pulled away from the wall. But as they close the panel, they don’t see that all by itself, the chair moves back against the wall, blocking their route out. David and Amy walk up a flight of stairs into the West Wing. Still in the lead, David comments, I thought I heard something. Suddenly, a tall clock suddenly falls in front of them, startling them almost out of their wits. _She_ must have done that, David figures as they climb over the clock. Whoever she is, she wants us to go back! Maybe we should, suggests the frightened Amy. We should go on, David insists. Will you take my hand? Amy asks. He does. They enter the storage room, still holding hands. Apparently nothing has changed since their last visit. They call to Quentin. When there’s no reply, they call out to “anyone.” He isn't here, David sighs, disappointed. I was so sure, Amy says. We should leave, David suggests. The door closes. It’s also locked, and David can't get it open. Try! Amy pleads, but it’s no use. We're locked in, they realize. They gaze at each other in terror, two little kids locked in the dark....

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0639
« on: February 21, 2014, 08:17:26 PM »
Thanks, Midnite--I guess this is another one of those unresolved issues. Fun to speculate, though.

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0640
« on: February 21, 2014, 04:25:18 PM »
Actually it's amazing what spells etc. DS could sell us just with someone looking at a lit candle!


A genuinely creepy moment, in a show that has only had camp creepiness for quite awhile.

Yes again. Welcome pentagram, I guess.

Chris's stay at the Collinsport Inn has apparently been unaffected and uninterrupted by his killing of the proprietor.

I've always wondered about that. The WW doesn't seem smart enough to hide the body, although you could be right in thinking that Chris hid it. No one ever seems to miss the poor fellow.

Welcome and farewell, Carol Ann Lewis as Waitress.


Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0639
« on: February 21, 2014, 04:18:50 PM »
MT, [spoiler]does "old Thaddeus Collins" = Tad[/spoiler]? As many times as I watched the show, I have to confess that I never, ever realized this before. Thaddeus would be exactly the right age, too. Thanks for making the connection!!!

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0642
« on: February 20, 2014, 07:48:01 PM »
Elizabeth and Vicki are in exactly opposite positions from when Elizabeth so nearly jumped from Widows Hill. Luckily, Stokes and Elizabeth talk Vicki out of jumping and take her home.

The moon must be past the full, because Chris brings Carolyn home from a date/drink/whatever. Carolyn talks about the terrible attack of the night before. Chris is gazing at what only his mind’s eye can see. I’m more upset about the girl even than you are, he says. I didn't know her, but.... Just as Carolyn asks him why he's so hard to understand, Stokes and Elizabeth return with Vicki. Carolyn asks fearfully if Vicki was attacked by "that animal." Stokes replies, No--she was attacked by fate, that's all.

While Vicki sobs her heart out in her room, begging Jeff to give her a sign, suddenly we hear the sound effects associated at Collinwood with an astral manifestation. A glowing blue orb appears. Ecstatic, Vicki exclaims, I’m sure it’s Jeff! The other two stare at her. The orb fades, and she sighs with disappointment. But she is at last vindicated. You saw it! she exults to Elizabeth and Stokes. We know he's been trying to reach me, but why can't he do it? It is a manifestation, Stokes admits. I might know a way to reach him. He tells Elizabeth, Stay with her--I'll be back. After he leaves, Elizabeth tells Vicki, I’m sorry I ever doubted you. They embrace.

Stokes returns downstairs. He and Chris introduce themselves, and Stokes reveals he wants them to participate in--all together now--a séance! Chris is dead set against it, even though Stokes argues that if they can get Jeff to stop her, Vicki might not try suicide again. Carolyn pleads with Chris to stay, and he finally agrees. Stokes tells Elizabeth what he has planned, but she has deep misgivings that another séance might send Vicki back to the past again. But Vicki is eager to participate.

Stokes gives everyone the usual instructions, although he hardly needs to. tokes tells Jeff, We know you are trying to communicate with your wife. Speak through one of us. Suddenly, they hear the manifestation sounds they heard in Vicki’s room. Stokes tells Jeff, Please give us a sign. Please, Jeff, Vicki echoes. I sense a presence, Stokes says. Is it Jeff? No, Vicki says unhappily, not Jeff. If there is a spirit, Stokes says. Tell us who you are and why you came here. Elizabeth says, I just felt someone turning my head, eyes staring at me, a hand... Do you want to end the séance? Stokes asks. No, Elizabeth replies, she's gone. It was definitely a woman's hand. (Perhaps it was small.) Please continue. Stokes calls to Jeff again.

Suddenly Carolyn moans as she goes into the trance. Chris is alarmed, but Stokes reassures him. Carolyn moans, I heard the widows wailing. You must-- you must-- stop him! Who? Stokes asks. _He_ must not come back! Carolyn cries. Do you mean Jeff? Stokes asks. No, Carolyn replies, but she can’t or won’t say who she means. You must stop him! she begs them. He must stay where he is! Who are you? Stokes asks. Magda! she replies (first mention of Magda). My curse! My curse! she almost screams with increasing anguish and remorse. What curse? Stokes asks. Carolyn screams again. Unable to bear any more, Chris shouts, Stop it! He pulls Carolyn into his arms, ending the séance. Stokes tells them, Whoever was here is gone. Wailing with despair, Vicki runs from the room. Elizabeth follows her. Chris continues to hold Carolyn protectively. In an unusual display of anger, all the more explosive for its rarity, Stokes turns to him and demands, I would like to know exactly why you did that!…...

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0641
« on: February 19, 2014, 05:58:36 PM »
At the same time the unfortunate barmaid screams her last, Amy wakes up screaming, and Vicki rushes in. Amy is sure something has happened to Chris. Elizabeth goes to phone the Inn, and Amy tells Vicki that she saw her brother in the dream and that he was crying.

Meanwhile, there's no answer in Chris's room. Vicki and Elizabeth reassure Amy, and pet her to comfort her. (This is really very sweet and touching. Poor Amy is starved for love.) Vicki kisses her good-night, and she decides to pray for her brother.

Later, while Vicki and Elizabeth are talking about Jeff's watch, the door to Vicki's room mysteriously opens. Vicki is sure it's Jeff. Suddenly, Amy rushes in, asking if she can stay with Vicki tonight. Of course Vicki says yes, but while she hugs Amy she watches the door close silently.

Vicki sends for Professor Stokes (off screen), and the next evening, Amy meets him. Amy giggles and tells Stokes, I think you’re funny. Gravely he takes his monocle off and says, I beg your pardon. I like you, Amy clarifies. Stokes remarks dryly, I’m pleased that my appeal extends to all ages now. Vicki explains that she senses Jeff's presence constantly.  Why did you send for me, Miss Winters? Stokes asks her. (He insists on calling her by her maiden name.) I'm not a wizard who transports people through time. I know that, Vicki replies. Is he here, listening to us? Stokes asks. If so, he'll give you a sign--a sign to forget this insanity. Is loving insane? Vicki asks. It has been known to be, the professor replies soberly. [After all, he did meet Angelique in the dream curse, so he has a pretty good idea just how insane love can be in the Collins universe.]

Stokes explains how he gave Jeff the herbs and says that Jeff wasn't called back to the past--he belongs there. Vicki wants to try the herbs herself, but Stokes insists it's too dangerous, even when Vicki says she'll write down that she forced him to do it. He asks if she feels Jeff's presence now. Vicki doesn’t answer him directly but calls out to Jeff to help her. I know you want me with you, she tells him. If you’re here, please tell Professor Stokes to help me. Make him help me! Stokes touches her shoulder and tells her sadly, Jeff apparently feels your place is here, your time is now--and I agree, he adds. The only way you can join Jeff is to die. Vicki ponders his words.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth tucks Amy into bed and gives her a good-night kiss. After she leaves, After Elizabeth leaves, Amy lies in bed, thinking or perhaps listening or both. Thinking Quentin is calling her, she gets out of bed and picks up the phone. (She seems never to stay in bed for for five seconds together.) Hearing nothing, she hangs up and opens the casement windows. As she leans out, she hears the widows wailing. You're crying, she says to them. Why? Who are you? She gazes around, trying to find the source of the sound.

Stokes insists that Vicki give Jeff up, even grabbing her by the shoulders. Desperate, she breaks away and runs out of the room. Meanwhile, Amy tries to get the widows to explain themselves.

Downstairs, Vicki grabs her lime-green coat and practically snaps at Stokes and Elizabeth as she races out the door. I’m going after her, Elizabeth declares as she gets her own coat. Has Miss Winters ever spoken that way to you before? Never, Elizabeth replies. Then think of why she did now, Stokes advises her. Following her can only cause trouble between the two of you, at a time she needs a friend. Elizabeth reminds him about the animal she saw and last night's murder of the barmaid at the Blue Whale. Amy comes downstairs in her robe. Did you hear them crying--the widows? she asks. Elizabeth starts with alarm but does her best to hide it from the little girl. I heard them outside my window, Amy tells her. Who are they? As Elizabeth opens the front door, Stokes asks her, What does it mean? No doubt remembering her own suicide attempt when Jason McGuire so nearly succeeded in forcing her to marry him, she explains quietly, When you can hear the widows on a stormy night, someone will die. Stokes looks at her in shock.

Vicki has run all the way to Widows' Hill. Now she stares down at the churning waves below. As she steps onto a rock, she remembers Stokes's words: The only way you can join him is to die.... The wind blows her hair as the words echo in her mind. She sways unsteadily on the very brink of the cliff.……..

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0637
« on: February 19, 2014, 05:32:46 PM »
I think the JoP could tell who ought to be obeying whom...


Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0636
« on: February 19, 2014, 05:30:28 PM »
Well, if TD did write a lot of his own material, it's too bad he never go the chance to write a whole play. Elliott Stokes is one of my favorite characters. He's a bit detached from life but engaged enough to come up with all those witticisms.