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Topics - Josette

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Current Talk '03 I / To Kill or Not to Kill
« on: May 02, 2003, 08:07:12 AM »
Here come the Leviathan contradictions.  I think the reason some people dislike this story is because it has so many inconsistencies.

David reads "the book" and learns that Leviathans must not kill their enemies, so Elizabeth intrinsically knew not to kill Julia.  Fine, it saved Julia, at least for the moment.

But, it was the Leviathans themselves (the "true" Leviathans, not the converted like Barnabas) who demanded that Barnabas kill her just the day before!!!

Current Talk '03 I / David
« on: May 02, 2003, 08:02:43 AM »
David's part during this story is quite fun.  To see him reprimanding and giving orders to his aunt and even calling her Elizabeth, and she accepts it all!!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Quick Time ActiveX Plugin
« on: April 29, 2003, 07:34:01 AM »
Is there something new on the forum that would like to use this plugin?  Almost every thing I click, there is a delay, and then a box comes up asking me if I want to get this plugin from Apple.  Clicking "no" doesn't do any good, it just comes up again the next time.

Current Talk '03 I / Most Precious Possession
« on: April 19, 2003, 08:13:58 AM »
I don't want to summarize my views of Leviathan at this point, as there is still so much to happen and I don't want to bother about spoilers.

However, my basic theme is that there are a lot of wonderful items and specific moments in the story, yet somehow this whole period leaves me feeling sort of icky.

As to those wonderful moments, though, this encounter between Barnabas and Paul is one of my favorites.  I LOVE that scene!  The coldness of Barnabas, even his smile and laugh, and then the realization of Paul when he learns what his most precious possession is - absolutely delicious!!

Current Talk '03 I / Grrrrr!
« on: April 12, 2003, 08:05:38 AM »
Those of you who just watch the tapes won't have the slightest idea of what I'm talking about.

First all of the networks starting putting rather large and obvious names or logos in the corner of the screen throughout most programs.  Supposedly with the advent of cable and all the channels, they figured one couldn't necessarily tell what was on and they had to make sure one saw their name.

Recently, it's become a thing to advertise upcoming shows.  So, when one returns from a commercial, watching one show, there's a big name announcing the show that follows or something.  It gets quite annoying.

But, SciFi has really gone too far lately.  Their moving SciFi logos were bad enough.  Their upcoming show promos are much too large and stay on much too long.  But, recently they've added the promo for one show where they have about 4 moving white and red figures running around while the other show (in this case, DS) is playing.

I cannot see any justification for networks to mess up one show to advertise another, but this one with those moving figures is beyond tolerance.  I get SOOOO AGGRAVATED!!

Current Talk '03 I / Story Problems
« on: April 02, 2003, 09:31:48 AM »
This first one doesn't bother me too much, given all of the suspension of disbelief needed in these stories, I find this quite acceptable.  However, the I Ching presumably isn't meant as a means of time travel.  When Barnabas used it, he thought he would be contacting Quentin's spirit.  He didn't know he would travel in time.

Even if the hexagram of change does mean a change of time, it wouldn't necessarily mean the same time.  Yet Barnabas and Julia both go back to 1897.  Since they went "back" in time, why does Petofi assume he'll go forward?  And why necessarily to 1969?  Yet both Charles in his attempt and then Petofi do, indeed, go to 1969.


The more problematic one is Petofi's hand.  I think they forgot what they wrote about it.  The entire beginning of that story was "our" people's possession of the hand, Petofi's search for it, and then finally getting it reattached.  He went 100 years without it, and if he didn't get it back at that point would have died (presumably).

Now, I'm sure he still had formidable powers without it, but why are Kitty and Charles so afraid when he holds out the hand and asks if they remember what it can do.  They could never have known the Hand.

Current Talk '03 I / Such a delight
« on: March 29, 2003, 09:03:08 AM »
It's amazing how much one forgets.  I was laughing out loud during a lot of today's episodes.  Charity/Pansy's scene with Trask, especially the bit about the portrait was a riot.  And that was followed immediately by the look on his face when he saw Barnabas!  These were really good episodes.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / No more Mozilla?
« on: March 25, 2003, 09:11:48 AM »
For a week or two now, I have been able to come here with Mozilla and haven't had to bother bringing up IE just for this.  What a pleasure (a couple of little details I've been meaning to ask about, though).

A little while ago I got in and was reading Robservations (in Mozilla).  When I then tried to access anything else, I got an error message that it's no longer working with Mozilla.  That was really weird, since I was using it at that moment!

Anyhow, here I am, back with IE.  I hope this is temporary.

Current Talk '03 I / Nora and Kitty
« on: March 22, 2003, 09:00:06 AM »
When I saw Nora the other day, I thought maybe this scene was coming up.  Upon seeing the title yesterday of today's Robservations, I knew it would be today.

I just love these scenes.  Just as I think David is at his best when he's possessed by Petofi, I think this scene is the best thing that Denise does.  And that parting "Lady Hampshire" is my favorite moment of it!


Current Talk '03 I / "Dumb" Quentin
« on: March 21, 2003, 08:52:04 AM »
This part of the story always infuriates me.  When Quentin encounters Beth, he knows that he looks like Petofi.  But there must be all sorts of private things between them, or even things about Jenny and his relationship with Laura that he could tell her as proof.  Lots of stuff from before anyone had even heard of Petofi.

And, even more so with Edward.  He thinks beforehand that Edward has known him his whole life, so surely he'll know.  But, does he remind him of anything from their childhood or some private family matter that Petofi couldn't possibly know?  Noooooo.  And on top of that, the things he does tell him are fantastic things like body switching and that he'll still be alive in 1969.

Quentin might not have the brains of Petofi, but I certainly didn't think he was THAT dumb!!

Current Talk '03 I / Quentin and his women
« on: March 14, 2003, 07:33:54 AM »
What I could never understand about Quentin is:

Supposedly he loves Beth.  He still makes a play for any other pretty woman who comes his way.  Then, Angelique blackmails him into agreeing to marry her.  He knows what she is and that he has no choice.

So, he lets Beth get hurt because there's nothing he can do about Angelique.

Then, suddenly there's Amanda, whom he's only seen a few times, and suddenly she's the love of his life, even more so than Beth, enough for him to risk Angelique's wrath to have her.  It just doesn't make sense!!

If he was willing to go against Angelique, how come he hadn't already tried it for Beth, for one thing.

Current Talk '03 I / Tate Creations
« on: March 08, 2003, 08:41:23 AM »
What I've never understood about Tate's "talent" is that when he draws the vase, it immediately appears before him.  When he draws the man, there he is.  So, how come when he drew Amanda, she appeared on a street somewhere and proceeded to live for two years before he accidentally encountered her?

And, how did she get her name or any knowledge of how to live in this world?  Look how puzzled the man is.  Aside from not remembering her past, she seems to have managed to get along rather well.

Current Talk '03 I / David's Name
« on: March 05, 2003, 09:17:38 AM »
Oh, it was just too funny!

We've often commented on how David Henesy's characters are frequently called David by the other actors even when he's Daniel or Jamison.  It happened especially with Daniel, not so much with Jamison.  The fact that his real name and primary character's names are both David clearly didn't help matters.

So, today he played both Jamison and David.  Recently, they've been scrunching the credits so that they can hardly be read.  Today they left them full size, and - not a matter of an actor remembering - but the credits - called him "Daniel"!!!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Size
« on: March 03, 2003, 09:10:33 AM »
In the early days of this new version of the forum, you indicated that it would be possible to increase the font size of the posts.  I asked that you do it and several others agreed.

You've never replied to that, so I have no idea if you are able to or sometime intend to do it.

If you are planning on doing it at some point, I hope you give it a high priority.  I don't know what other things you're working on, but at the moment it's the only problem I can find with the site.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Logged In
« on: January 27, 2003, 06:22:14 AM »
After reading the e-mail about the changes, I looked up my password and expected to have to log in again.  However, my normal bookmark took me straight to the home page where I was greeted as usual.

Later, I remembered about the "always logged on" part, so I looked for that setting and I can't find it anywhere.  I'm guessing that it's on the main login page, but since putting in takes me straight to the home page, I have no idea of how to find it!!

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