General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '06 I => Topic started by: arashi on March 25, 2006, 08:46:13 PM

Title: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: arashi on March 25, 2006, 08:46:13 PM
Okay, I know the consensus of feelings towards this hair-touching actor on our favorite show. But I was watching boxset 14 the other day (I just got this one, I am so far behind T_T ) and was really struck by how much obvious FUN Roger Davis was having with the character of Dirk, after Laura's demise. It was a nice change of pace as most of his other characters are always dripping in angst or boring to the point of tears *coughNedStuartcough*.

So who are your favorite and least favorite characters played by the notorious Mr. Davis?
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: petofi on March 25, 2006, 11:09:20 PM
Dirk was certainly more of a stretch for RD, particularly after his "transformation," in which he chewed everything, including the scenery.  I enjoyed some of his scenes as Jeff Clark, but there was too much soap opera-type love scenes w/ Vicki, which didn't seem to work too well chemistry-wise.  Least favorite appearance has to be Ned Stuart, though to be fair, he had a few good eps there, too.

Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: BuzzH on March 26, 2006, 03:21:12 AM
So who are your favorite and least favorite characters played by the notorious Mr. Davis?

None, any episode that's 'Roger Davis free' is a GOOD ep for me.   >:D
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: MsCriseyde on March 26, 2006, 03:36:32 AM
But I was watching boxset 14 the other day (I just got this one, I am so far behind T_T ) and was really struck by how much obvious FUN Roger Davis was having with the character of Dirk, after Laura's demise.
This is one of the reasons, throughout the show's run, that I don't particularly care for RD. Art should hide its artifice. When you can tell that an actor is having fun with a role, then the performance isn't seamless, and the spell, for lack of a better word, is broken. RD's performances tend to call too much attention to themselves, like Jon Lovitz's Master Thespian character from SNL screaming "Acting!"
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: Patti Feinberg on March 26, 2006, 04:13:00 AM
I actually didn't care for Dirk.

Since I was totally unaware, I liked Peter Bradford (at least for the first 2/3rds of 1795).

Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: BuzzH on March 26, 2006, 04:54:37 AM
This is one of the reasons, throughout the show's run, that I don't particularly care for RD. Art should hide its artifice. When you can tell that an actor is having fun with a role, then the performance isn't seamless, and the spell, for lack of a better word, is broken. RD's performances tend to call too much attention to themselves, like Jon Lovitz's Master Thespian character from SNL screaming "Acting!"

EXACTLY!  I feel the same way.  To me, if I can FORGET I'm watching a TV show/movie/play, and get totally caught up in the moment as it's being played out in front of me, THAT'S acting!   8)

RD couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag IMHO.  Don't know where he studied acting, but he was obviously asleep the whole time!
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: Willie on March 26, 2006, 05:22:52 AM
I didn't mind him too much as Peter Bradford in 1795.  At least he was a bit more low-key and not so much of a jerk.  He really gets on my nerves as Jeff Clark though.  He was always a complete jerk, and all that soap opera stuff with Vicki was just grating.  I mean, how could she have possibly seen anything in him?  Jeez, nobody's that desperate.

The other night, I was watching an episode and my cat was sleeping peacefully on the bed.  Then Clark appears on screen and starts yelling at Barnabas - the cat wakes up, looks at the TV, and marches out of the room.  This is the same cat that won't even move for the vacuum cleaner until you get six inches away from him.
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: arashi on March 26, 2006, 06:16:34 AM
I didn't mind him too much as Peter Bradford in 1795.  At least he was a bit more low-key and not so much of a jerk.  He really gets on my nerves as Jeff Clark though.  He was always a complete jerk, and all that soap opera stuff with Vicki was just grating.  I mean, how could she have possibly seen anything in him?  Jeez, nobody's that desperate.

The other night, I was watching an episode and my cat was sleeping peacefully on the bed.  Then Clark appears on screen and starts yelling at Barnabas - the cat wakes up, looks at the TV, and marches out of the room.  This is the same cat that won't even move for the vacuum cleaner until you get six inches away from him.

He was quite aggravating as Jeff wasn't he? Most of the time he was either yelling at her or trying to suck her face off with his mouth (while touching her hair.) If my boyfriend ever spoke to me in the manner that Jeff often speaks to Vicki I'd probably deck him.
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: MagnusTrask on March 26, 2006, 12:19:56 PM
Okay, I know the consensus of feelings towards this hair-touching actor on our favorite show. But I was watching boxset 14 the other day (I just got this one, I am so far behind T_T ) and was really struck by how much obvious FUN Roger Davis was having with the character of Dirk, after Laura's demise. It was a nice change of pace as most of his other characters are always dripping in angst or boring to the point of tears *coughNedStuartcough*.

So who are your favorite and least favorite characters played by the notorious Mr. Davis?

Re Dirk... exactly.    I love the moment when Dirk is gradually clueing Judith in on how their "relationship" is about to "change".     RD obviously relished playing crazy, obsessed people, and as for it being absolutely intolerable for an actor's enthusiasm for a role to show, loosen up, I say.    I have little  tolerance for shallow, melodramatic overacting, and I've never found anything to object to in Davis.    Another great moment is approximately 100 year old Tate in 1970, with his crazy laser light show and department store dummy stand-in.    Subtlety is not called for when playing unsubtle characters.

His reputation at conventions may be coloring people's responses to his acting.    His acting seems average for DS.     Not the best, not the worst, with an enjoyable individual personality to it.   I've never once looked at DS and thought, "That damn Roger Davis touches his hair all the time."   Now, the next time I watch, I'll end up fixating on it only because everyone here talks about it.
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: TERRY308 on March 26, 2006, 02:04:33 PM
I'm going over the episode's where RD was on DS in my minds, and for the like of me, I can't think of any that was 'good'.  And Rd is supposed to be  "acting".   Please.

He tries to take over every scene he had with everybody.  As Peter Bradford, he comes chargeing out like a bull.  But I think the one that I hate the most is Jeff Clark.  Ranting and raving for no reason.  Trying to make sure his hair is all right.  But when he tells Vickie that she has to listen to him, well honey, thats when we're going to go a couples of rounds. [boxing]

Jeez, I just hate everybody he's trying to be.

You are right BuzzH.  Where did he go to 'acting school'? [twak]
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: stefan on March 26, 2006, 04:00:05 PM
Gee, I'm totally in a minority here in that I liked him very well as 1795 Peter Bradford. I thought he gave an intelligent, quiet, and thoughtful performance. I understood completely why Vickie liked him as they both had the same innocence and straightforward manner. But, like the rest of you I loathed him as Jeff Clark (and the only reason Vickie gave him a moment 'cause he was Peter's reincarnation - so I guess that explains it) and I was indifferent to his performance as the mad painter in 1897 where I felt he was miscast. I think RD as Peter Bradford worked for me best as everything about him, his voice and even his mannerism speaks "westerns" to me so I'm not suprised to read he was cast later in a western TV series. Probably he'd have made a good cowboy in a TV show where the director could tone him down every once in awhile.
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: michael c on March 26, 2006, 04:04:38 PM
for some reason roger davis didn't bother me as peter bradford in 1795.his over-the-top acting style worked with the pitch of the witchcraft trial storyline.

but as jeff clark forget it.we're supposed to attatch all of this romance to the fact that peter traveled foreward in time to find vicki but when he shows up he's a bossy,annoying jerk.for the most part all they do is bicker.i don't think we ever once see them pleasently enjoying each other's company.it's just too overwrought.

as ned stuart he is something of a non-entity for me.he irritated me during his scenes as ned but the character was on the show too briefly to have had a lasting impact.

the 1897 characters annoy me as well.dirk's glued-on mustache was cheesy.his chemistry with diana millay wasn't there.then his antics as a vampire were too campy.charles delaware tate did't bother me as much but that part of the storyline simply wasn't a favorite of mine.

in general i just found his acting style to be too beligerent. :P
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: BuzzH on March 26, 2006, 04:36:42 PM
He tries to take over every scene he had with everybody.

He does the same thing as himself at Fests/interviews.  He tries to upstage the others onstage and when he tried to upstage dear Louie Edmond at the 1997 NY Fest, that was IT for me and Mr. Davis.  He moved into my "intensely dislike" category.   >:(  Then, on the Ron Barry interview where he was on w/Jonathan, Grayson, Don Briscoe, Robert Rodan and Humbert, he was trying to hog the mic etc...and was basically an annoying, vapid twit.  Jonathan even made a slightly derisive crack to him when Jon mentions that he thinks ppl are fascinated w/death and that's why he thought that's what attracted fans to DS.  RD very annoyingly (he was TRYING to be funny--I think) says, "Well, I don't know about YOU Jonathan, but I'm not going to die" and then laughs that stupid laugh of his, like he just cracked the best joke EVER.  Jonathan says, voice dripping w/sarcasm, "Oh, you're not eh?" and then Humbert pipes in, "Have you seen the script coming up next week?!"   >:D
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: Luciaphile on March 26, 2006, 06:08:39 PM
Hated in RD in every incarnation he played on the show. Between the mauling of his costars and the shouting, he's just so darn annoying. The more I see of him on DS, the less I can stand him. And I haven't even mentioned the hair touching  ;)
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: arashi on March 26, 2006, 06:39:59 PM
Another great moment is approximately 100 year old Tate in 1970, with his crazy laser light show and department store dummy stand-in.    Subtlety is not called for when playing unsubtle characters.

Oh Jeez! I forgot about that scene, one of my other favorites (along with a much used quote between my sister and I "I have become my own greatest work of art! MWAHAHA!)
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: Sandor on March 27, 2006, 05:21:59 AM
I was okay with early Peter Bradford/1795 and early Jeff Clark/1968 - particularly the scene where Jeff convinces Julia Hoffman that there's something funky going on in Dr. Lang's laboratory. Other than that, Davis was most appealing in voice-overs. AND he showed good taste as Dirk when he flashed his fangs at the delectable Don Briscoe (Tim Shaw).
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: ClaudeNorth on March 27, 2006, 10:38:56 AM
I thought he was fine in HODS.  In an interview, RD explained his over-the-top theatrics as his way of compensating for not knowing his lines.  I imagine he was better rehearsed for HODS, and therefore was able to give a more low-key performance.  But he has never been a favorite of mine, in any incarnation, on the TV series.
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: Barnabas'sBride on March 27, 2006, 04:53:16 PM
There really is no favorite or least favorite for me. It's more like more tolerable and least tolerable. I found all of his characters to be too similar and I never actually liked any of them.

Jeff Clark bothered me the most. Ned Stuart would have been worse than Jeff except that he wasn't in the show nearly as long, and so he got under my skin but didn't bury himself under it like Jeff did. Neither of his 1897 roles irritated me as much as Jeff Clark or Ned Stuart, though I didn't think too highly of them. Purely on a performance level, I would have named Peter Bradford as the more tolerable of his characters, but with him showing up in the present as Jeff.... And I don't like the Peter/Victoria romance.
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: CyrusL on March 27, 2006, 05:11:43 PM
Re Dirk... exactly.    I love the moment when Dirk is gradually clueing Judith in on how their "relationship" is about to "change".     RD obviously relished playing crazy, obsessed people, and as for it being absolutely intolerable for an actor's enthusiasm for a role to show, loosen up, I say.    I have little  tolerance for shallow, melodramatic overacting, and I've never found anything to object to in Davis.    Another great moment is approximately 100 year old Tate in 1970, with his crazy laser light show and department store dummy stand-in.    Subtlety is not called for when playing unsubtle characters.

His reputation at conventions may be coloring people's responses to his acting.    His acting seems average for DS.     Not the best, not the worst, with an enjoyable individual personality to it.   I've never once looked at DS and thought, "That damn Roger Davis touches his hair all the time."   Now, the next time I watch, I'll end up fixating on it only because everyone here talks about it.

I'm pretty much with you here Magnus T. I never thought of Roger as accomplished as say I do John Karlen or Thayer David, but I never really found him one of the worst. I think he does shout sometimes too often when he attempts to emphasize. I could easily name a few other performers who I thought were less interesting or as annoying to me as Roger appears to many on the board. (I won't name them here as it seems everyone on the show seems to have some kind of loyal following on some level.) I like him the most when he's doing more ernest scenes like when Jeff Clark is asking David to be in the wedding, or when he is in 1795 going to the gallows.
     I think you are dead on about the fact that as Roger has gotten on people's nerves at the festivals, that this colors their impressions when they watch him on the show.  I can't say all of his remarks or actions at shows are appropriate or even at times defensible. But again, I will say he's always been nice to be personally.
     I will also agree with the person who suggested he's more suited to westerns, which may be true overall. "Alias Smith and Jones" is probably his best work. I liked Roger in the seldom seen "Ruby" and for that matter, his old "Busch Gardens Williamsburg" spots.
Michael    [angel12] 
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: BuzzH on March 27, 2006, 06:25:24 PM
I liked Roger in the seldom seen "Ruby"

Was wondering if 'Ruby' was the recent movie about Jack Ruby, think it came out in the 90's, and went to the IMDb to look.  Not the same movie by a damn sight, LOL!  But non-the-less it sounds INCREDIBLE!  Got to find this thing.  ;)
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: CyrusL on March 27, 2006, 06:58:39 PM
Yes, its not the one with Sherilyn Fenn.  [thumb] "Ruby" (1977) with Roger Davis also has a nice performance by Piper Laurie. I found the DVD after speaking with Curtis Harrington at a FANEX show in Hunt Valley (near Baltimore) I will probably bring it with me to the fest this year. (I often wonder if the fest people are looking for copies of things like this or "Seizure" if they want to show them in the evenings. I'd be happy to lend them for a showing.)
       This is the DVD that has hilarious erroneous information in the cast and credits area, confusing DS Roger Davis with another actor of the same name who's career went back to the silent era, and listing his work with our Roger's, as well as the older actor's DOB and date of his passing.  I remember asking Roger if he'd seen the DVD, and saying to  him how, "That according to the DVD you passed away in 1980, but many of us appreciate that your death has not prevented you from continuing to attend the festivals."   ::)   [grim]

I don't know, BTW, who loves our portable DVD player more, Diane or myself. They are great toys!

Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: BuzzH on March 27, 2006, 09:06:21 PM
I don't know, BTW, who loves our portable DVD player more, Diane or myself. They are great toys!

That's my next 'toy'.   ;D
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on March 27, 2006, 10:51:54 PM
When it comes to RD, I can't speak for anyone else, but I was, shall we say, less than impressed with his DS work long before I ever attended my first Fest in '89 or witnessed some of his antics at Fests. And I don't believe I've allowed his behavior at Fests (which I will concede has greatly improved over the years - particularly over the past 10) to color my thinking about his DS work for the simple fact that there are DS actors whose work I continue to enjoy on the show, yet I've often been greatly disappointed with the personas they've put on at times during the Fests. And similarly, there are DS actors whose DS work I've never really enjoyed, yet in person at the Fests I find them to be some of the sweetest people anyone could ever possibly meet. And also, I'm always more than willing to say that much of RD's non-DS work is really quite good. For me it's quite simple to separate the actor/personality from their DS work.  :)
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: Joeytrom on March 28, 2006, 01:29:25 AM
I have said before that once Vicky and Peter walk off in the sunset in the Return to 1796, that should have been the last of RD on Dark Shadows.

Three different actors should have been cast to play Ned Stuart, Dirk Wilkins, & Charles Delaware Tate.
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: retzev on March 28, 2006, 03:10:11 AM
I have said before that once Vicky and Peter walk off in the sunset in the Return to 1796, that should have been the last of RD on Dark Shadows.

Three different actors should have been cast to play Ned Stuart, Dirk Wilkins, & Charles Delaware Tate.

I agree...but he was a pretty good scenery chewer when he played Dirk. I like a little scenery chewing from time to time...I don't want to name names or offend anyone, but, Grayson Hall, who will remain nameless, chewed a little scenery in her day, didn't she? 
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: MagnusTrask on March 28, 2006, 09:51:09 AM
I'll throw in as a factor here that I just barely have seen P Bradford (1970 doesn't count) and have seen a bit of Dirk toward the end, and all of Tate, but not the other RD characters mentioned, or as a kid only, and I don't remember them.

I'm not sure Dirk or Tate could have been anything more than they were, as played by RD.   Not complicated characters.   They were at their best when worked up.
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: BuzzH on March 28, 2006, 03:28:40 PM
there are DS actors whose work I continue to enjoy on the show, yet I've often been greatly disappointed with the personas they've put on at times during the Fests.

I feel the same way completely.  I won't name names, but there are certain stars who I find grating and/or annoying, but I still enjoy their characters.

And similarly, there are DS actors whose DS work I've never really enjoyed, yet in person at the Fests I find them to be some of the sweetest people anyone could ever possibly meet.

Again, I agree.  And since this will be complimentary I *will* name a name.  Tim Gordon.  Wasn't too fond of his Ghost of Jeremiah, mostly because he really didn't DO anything but also I couldn't understand why they couldn't convince Anthony George to put in another week or so of work to play his own character's death, but I digress.  But Tim was the NICEST, sweetest, kindest, funniest guy.  I really enjoyed meeting and talking w/him on one of my first Fest's back in the '90's.  He was a true gem.   ;)
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: Evan Hanley on March 28, 2006, 10:56:47 PM
Well i like Mr. Davis as Charles Delaware Tate!! I thought when and quentin argued it was awsome. and how petofi tortured him. I liked Jeff to a point. Did not care for peter bradford. I liked Ned and Dirk as well.

Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: Barnabas'sBride on March 29, 2006, 02:34:10 AM
When it comes to RD, I can't speak for anyone else, but I was, shall we say, less than impressed with his DS work long before I ever attended my first Fest in '89 or witnessed some of his antics at Fests.

It's the same for me. I've never been to a fest - unfortunately - and didn't know anything about him for a long time after I started watching DS.
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: arashi on March 29, 2006, 04:45:57 AM
there are DS actors whose work I continue to enjoy on the show, yet I've often been greatly disappointed with the personas they've put on at times during the Fests.

I feel the same way completely.  I won't name names, but there are certain stars who I find grating and/or annoying, but I still enjoy their characters.

I agree with you both. There were certain people who I met at the Fests who seemed entirely put off by the whole idea. Certain people shall remain nameless, but there is always an air of tension when certain people take the stage together. Granted we should be thankful to them for appearing at all, yet they should be thankful to us for keeping the show alive and loving them for their part in it 40 years after the fact. (Just my opinion).

There are people though who are absolutely darling to anyone and everyone 24/7, and I will name a few names (I have met), namely Kathryn Leigh Scott, Terry Crawford and Chris Pennock.
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: Miss_Winthrop on March 29, 2006, 05:00:07 AM
Well for my part, I rather liked the Peter Bradford character and Charles Delaware Tate-old and young but couldn't stand Ned Stuart Ugh! I don't know how Lisa Richard got through it with him.  By the way, I really liked the Charles Delaware Tate storyline.  I liked him as Jeff Clark for the most part.  He showed a lot of passion for Vicki but I think she was kind of passionless. They were totally miscast as soul-mates for each other.   But as far as Roger Davis goes, I always thought he was one of the nicest looking men on DS.
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: AndreDuPres on April 01, 2006, 06:22:25 PM
I actually LIKE Ned Stuart, because he had a reason to be so abrasive and irritating.  Jeff Clark, on the other hand, did not.  Sure, he may have been involved in some mental institution or something, but really...I think he was given a crappy storyline with annoying dialogue, and I hate seeing him and Vicki together.  Jeff waffled about and never really accomplished anything, whereas Ned made everyone at Collinwood squirm in just a few episodes.  I especially love that scene in which Ned insists on waiting at the cottage for Chris with B & J, both of whom are extremely ill at ease and eager to get rid of him.  I like the early scenes with Dirk; it's implied that he and Beth had something going on before Quentin returned, yet that plot's quickly dropped once Laura shows up.  I really dislike those episodes:  Diana Millay is great, but those repetitive, boring let's-chant-these-made-up-incantations scenes get on my nerves, and Dirk is in a lot of them.  Dirk the vampire was semi-fun, though, and I enjoyed a little bit of Charles Delware Tate (that scene with him and "Pansy" when the blinds fall is hilarious).
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: arashi on April 01, 2006, 06:36:30 PM
I actually LIKE Ned Stuart, because he had a reason to be so abrasive and irritating.

Good point, I never really thought of his character in that way.
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: michael c on April 01, 2006, 07:58:26 PM
for me all of roger davis' characterizations on the show are variations on jeff clark thus i can never really handle them.i have never seen him in anything else but on d.s. at least he exibited limited range as an actor.
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: Pansity on April 03, 2006, 01:07:16 AM
Interesting variety of opinions here.  First of all let me qualify that I've never had dealings with him at a Fest.  In 2003 he was MIA (I'm told in the bar) when I went through the autograph line; thus I don't have a PERSONAL opinion on his conduct one way or another.

As to characters, I would say Peter Bradford was my favorite.  He seemed the most balanced of the RD characters.  Tate was pretty good too -- he was supposed to be a tempermental egotistical artist with a mean streak and that's what RD gave us.

Least favorite is pretty much a tie between Ned Stuart (and why oh why one wonders, was he brought back as Carolyn's husband in Return to Collinwood?) and Dirk Wilkins.  Both were pretty one note verbally abusive bullies.  If anything I would say Ned is worse, simply because in Dirk's case that sort of conduct was socially acceptable in his time.  I don't go for historical revisionism in any fiction with any time period.  You can't judge the behaviour of a fictional character by the mores of OUR time, but of the culture and standards of THEIR time.  By those standards, if Beth had gotten more serious about Dirk than the implied just casually "keeping company" with him, by Victorian standards she would have made herself a good catch.

As to Jeff Clark, he's just sort of middle range annoying.  Digging up  decaying body parts is enough to make anyone a little freaky.
Title: Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 03, 2006, 02:58:19 AM
Ms. Dreadful... I will not judge Dork* by the standards of his time; why not?  Because I judge by my personal standards, not some shifting conformist standard that I just soaked in passively and mindlessly from the "times" I happen to be living in.    The present day world doesn't measure up awfully well to me.

I do try to take context into account, though.    I judge people for doing crappy things, but judge less severely if there really was absolutely no one in a person's environment saying this or that was wrong.     In general, though, I do pass judgement on automatic conformity to standards of the "community", just to get by and get along, and be popular.

*-- A genuine Freudian typo, I guess!   (Dirk)