General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '15 II => Topic started by: Watching Project on August 19, 2015, 05:20:33 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0962
Post by: Watching Project on August 19, 2015, 05:20:33 PM
Robservations #962

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0962
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0962
Post by: MagnusTrask on August 23, 2015, 07:07:35 PM
Nancy B VO.  Quentin runs into the werewolf in the woods.  Barnajulia must have caught Q up on Chris, along with everything else, though I don't remember seeing it.  This is the only episode with the two of them interacting, which is too bad.  That's a relationship screaming out to be explored.  Quentin is unstartled and "philosophical", though more concerned with letting the wolf know he cares than in acting to help.  We should have had more of slightly world-weary but still very much engaged Quentin, and what all those years really did to/for him.

I wish I were in a state of mind to appreciate scenes like this.  Instead, I watch detached, and summon up pale memories of old feelings, and think about what a person without a neurological environmental assault going on would feel, and pretend I'm feeling it, in these reports.

Jeb cares about Megan, even developing a conscience and sense of responsibility, but only in the context of her, not the world.  I wrote in the notes, should we be for Jeb's reformation?  If anyone can be redeemed, even Barnabas?  Then, in the very same episode, he pulls his zombie stunt.  Talk about compartmentalizing. 

Quentin finds Davenport, in the crypt.  Chris must have said it was horrible, but Q said: "Better than having him walk around."  True.  I still wonder, though, if his head is in there, still thinking and feeling.

DS is exciting again.  Hey, more zombies...
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0962
Post by: Uncle Roger on August 26, 2015, 08:33:00 PM
There's a LOT going on here. And the Leviathan nuttiness continues. Not quite sure what direction they want to take with Jeb. He seems to have compassion for Megan and Carolyn but he's also planning a zombie party for his enemies. DS likes to redeem its villains to an extent but I'm not sure that's possible here. Would Carolyn ever be able to continue a relationship with Jeb if she was aware that he had killed her father?

Rather than coming across as the leader and major domo of a new race, Jeb and Bruno come off more like Eddie Haskell and Lumpy Rutherford.

Nice moments with Carolyn, who seems to have regained some of her feistiness with Quentin. And Carolyn's line about there being so many ways to lose people and so few to hang on transcends Dark Shadows entirely.

We also get a nice, rare moment between Chris and Quentin. Quentin is actually face to face with the consequences of his actions from so many years ago and has no idea how to help his great grandson. This is a relationship that should have been developed further. Perhaps it would have been if Don Briscoe had not left the show so abruptly.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0962
Post by: MagnusTrask on August 27, 2015, 06:48:21 PM
Good post, Rog.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0962
Post by: Uncle Roger on August 27, 2015, 06:50:25 PM
Thanks, Magnus!
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0962
Post by: DarkLady on August 27, 2015, 10:05:09 PM
Just dropping in quickly to say that a flood destroyed my old computer last week. I've finally managed to transfer my files (including my DS notes, of course!) and should be back here for real in the next day or two.

I've missed this place and am glad to be back on the Interwebs.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0962
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on August 28, 2015, 12:18:50 AM
I'm so sorry for you, DarkLady. I hope you didn't completely lose anything that was really important to you...
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0962
Post by: Midnite on August 28, 2015, 03:33:42 AM
That's awful, DarkLady.  Hope you'll be able to recover completely.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0962
Post by: MagnusTrask on August 28, 2015, 05:01:27 PM
I do miss you... seems amazing you're getting it handled so quickly, but everything's done slowly in my world... a flood.  Wow.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0962
Post by: Josette on August 29, 2015, 07:19:55 AM
So sorry to learn that, DarkLady.  I'm glad you were able to recover your files.  I hope you got everything that mattered!!  By the way, if it was a flood, what about everything else?  That sounds horrible.  Glad you're all right.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0962
Post by: DarkLady on August 29, 2015, 05:58:26 PM
Dear people, thanks so much for all your good wishes! I missed visiting here too. The good news is that the data recovery people managed to save all my old stuff!

I think it was Julia who told Quentin the truth about Chris.

I love the scene with Quentin and his great-grandson: Quentin is walking through the woods when he hears someone or something rustling the bushes nearby. He calls out, and the werewolf jumps out and lands in front of him. Quentin backs away but quickly sees that the creature is seriously injured and weak. [And just how did it get out of the locked mausoleum anyway?] It sinks against a convenient boulder, obviously in pain. Quentin draws nearer but it growls, so he backs off and gazes at his great-grandson with sorrow and pity. What have you done? he asks gently. What have they done to you? Something has happened here. Someone has tried to kill you. Did you kill him? He moves closer to the werewolf and says, Chris, I want to help you. Somehow I’ve got to make you understand what I am saying. He seems to have actually reached the poor creature, which extends a paw toward him, then collapses to the ground with a cry of pain. Quentin’s face shows that he is remembering all the times he went through exactly the same torments. He looks up at the sky and notices that it’s getting lighter. Soon we can talk--the night is over, he tells the werewolf quietly. He sits down to wait and watches as the werewolf changes back into Chris Jennings.

Jeb finds out that Megan is Barnabas's servant.

Meanwhile, Quentin and Chris still in the woods. (For the first time, seasons are marked at Collinwood as red leaves of autumn appear on the trees behind Quentin and Chris, even though this episode originally aired in February.) Quentin says, I remembers what it was like when dawn came and I was covered with blood. Bruno almost got me last night, Chris says glumly. Next time he might. I’d rather you killed me now. I don’t want to pretend we’re strangers or that there is any help for me. Nothing has worked, not the portrait or Sabrina’s moon poppy. I am what I am because of you! Chris tells his great-grandfather, who shuts his eyes in pain and shame. So now you owe me something. I want you to kill me right now! Quentin disregards this request. Why didn’t Bruno kill you? he wonders. Did you kill him? What do you remember? Chris replies, All I remember is the sheriff standing over me with a gun--and then I woke up here. Go home and clean up, Quentin tells him. Later we’ll try to find out what happened.

Beautiful scene with Carolyn at her father's grave when her father's murderer happens by. grave finds her. She tells Jeb, Coming here is my way of letting my father know, wherever he is, that I think about him all the time. She starts to cry, and her father’s murderer holds her close. I just suddenly felt so alone, she sobs. You’re not alone, Jeb assures her, as long as I’m here. How long will that be? Carolyn wonders, pushing away from him. My father left, then came back only to be lost to me again. I feel doomed to lose everyone. You’re never going to lose me, Jeb declares. But something else is bothering you, isn’t it? She tells him about her “sort of” quarrel with Quentin. What did Quentin say? Jeb asks. I wouldn’t let Quentin say anything against you, she replies--or we couldn’t be friends. A peal of thunder suddenly rolls through the cemetery. He had no right to upset you, Jeb tells her. Why are there so many ways of losing people? Carolyn says, in tears again. There are so few of holding on. Hold on to me, Jeb says. That is all you need. That is all you will ever need. I’ll take you home. As they leave, a flash of lightning illuminates the headstone of Carolyn’s father--Jeb’s victim.

Chris has presumably cleaned up, but he is wearing the same shirt as when Quentin found him. He and Quentin explore the deserted and almost empty crypt. You didn’t kill Bruno, Quentin says, then kindly points out, but you tore a dead man into pieces. Chris is revolted and horrified, but the more practical and case-hardened Quentin tells him, It’s better than having him walk around. You just gave him back to death, where he belongs. We are all better off for it. Stay away from any others like him, too. Chris hastily leads the way out.

Jeb has returned to the graveyard and is standing by a row of four newly dug graves. He reads off the names for us: Thomas Findley [a relation of the unfortunate late Madame Findley?], John Hart, Amos Ross, Emory Page. I invite you to join me, he tells them. I call on the god of the underworld to release you! I promise him five new souls in return! A dazzling bolt of lightning and a huge thunderclap indicate that Jeb’s request has been granted. The earth on each grave begins to heave, and from one a hand (belonging to Charles Rush) reaches forth into the stormy night......
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0962
Post by: MagnusTrask on August 29, 2015, 08:18:12 PM
Thanks for your recovered data DL... Yes, hope you're not living in a wet disaster area.  I hope it was limited.  You don't bring in data recovery people if you're homeless or totally flooded though I guess... phew...

Soon we can talk--the night is over, he tells the werewolf quietly.

That's a nice line and moment.  They zoom by me, in my state of damaged neurotransmitters.  Sometimes, I only experience these moments through your recaps.  Perhaps you should novelize these storylines... The red leaves in February, thanks for that too.  I suppose they're still there if you get no snow...

You accentuate that Jeb is Carolyn's father's murderer, as we should.  DS has me considering a bizarre possibility... 1960s and early 1970s show/films would go out of their way to do that, get you to consider extreme points of view.  If, somehow, Jeb and Carolyn could elope forever without her ever hearing what Jeb did, would Jeb keep improving, and become redeemed, without any confession or revelation to "spoil" it all?  Would they just be happy?  It's certainly Jeb's fantasy and plan, and that of many perpetrators of all sort of acts, probably.  "I can't change the past, no matter what I do!  I'll only make her miserable by confessing!"

Jeb is only "tapering off" on the murder attempts though.  He's very unlikely to reform, even if he's absolutely convinced that he wants to, even if that innocent boy we hear in scenes with Carolyn is a very real part of what he is.  The selfishness would keep cropping up, especially after being let off the hook by completely avoiding punishment.  (The sentence popped into my head: "You can't be 'good' in a vacuum." -- though I don't quite know what this means, yet.)  There, worked it out.  However, isn't it the plan we totally accept, in Barnabas's case?

and from one a hand (belonging to Charles Rush) reaches forth into the stormy night.....

Well thanks, Charles Rush!  Who says these people are nameless... I feel for the guys rising up with dirt getting into their eyes.  I can't help fixating on that, rather than the dread and horror and all that.

Who wrote?  Things seem VW-ish lately.  I'm a few episodes later now, though...
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0962
Post by: DarkLady on August 29, 2015, 10:05:55 PM
DS Wiki says Violet Welles wrote this ep.

Thanks, MT. It wasn't a natural disaster. Some workers were demolishing the apartment above for renovation, and one of them swung a sledgehammer into a 2-inch water pipe. Luckily it was fresh water, but it cascaded down right onto my computer.

Thank goodness for data recovery people. These guys worked miracles.

I also wondered about those poor extras who had to rise up from the almost certainly very shallow graves. I read somewhere that they had handkerchiefs to cover their faces. I hope they got paid a little extra, though, or at least got an extra sandwich and coffee from Craft Services.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0962
Post by: MagnusTrask on August 29, 2015, 11:03:07 PM
Thanks re VW, DL... As far as I'm concerned, she's doing some very welcome and valuable CPR on a storyline that might not have seemed salvageable to others.

Yikes, right onto your computer.  Picturing it....

You could not pay those guys enough... when the camera was right on their faces, I can't see how there could have been protection.  Cringe.