General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '04 I => Topic started by: stefan on February 16, 2004, 07:26:01 PM

Title: Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: stefan on February 16, 2004, 07:26:01 PM
I'm still not quite sure why I just loved him as Barnabas. But was he sexy? My personal opinion is that the character of Barnabas could have been very very sexy and/or erotic indeed, but did JF play that potential up...nope, not in my opinion. And why was that? The times perhaps? His religious upbringing? Or was it that he was fearless in his interpretation of Barnabas in going anywhere except THERE.
Opinions anyone? Negative or positive, I'm curious.

Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: TERRY308 on February 16, 2004, 09:43:37 PM
I disagree with you.  He was and still is very sexy man.  Back when he was playing Barnabas, he was the most mature, sensual and steamy man to play that part.  Why you asked?  He was passsionate, guilt-ridden, look at you with those big brown eyes of his, didn't like what he was, erotic, and HOT. He was the only reason I watched  DS when I was 10, and he's the only reason I'm watching it now.

If it wasn't for him, there wouldn't be a DS.  Not really.

Was Jonathan Frid sexy?  You better believe it.
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: stefan on February 16, 2004, 10:19:54 PM
Why you asked?  He was passsionate, guilt-ridden, look at you with those big brown eyes of his, didn't like what he was, erotic, and HOT. He was the only reason I watched  DS when I was 10, and he's the only reason I'm watching it now.

JF and some of the other great character actors and writing AND set design are the only reasons I watch DS also. But in observing JF I can't help but notice that he seemed uncomfortable in the physical romantic arena. Don't get me wrong, he's tremendously romantic with his words, dark brooding looks and voice, and was unmatched (still is in daytime and prime TV I believe) in his ability to phrase romantic dialogue. I wonder if it has anything to do with his classical training?
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Patti Feinberg on February 17, 2004, 12:38:05 AM
Stefan...I think any 'Dracula' type roll (not necessarily any 'vampire') is a sexual-type being.

I'm glad you mentioned J. Frid's classical training; I was going to mention that. He's quite well trained; and I believe he tried to be meticulous without being hammy.

I tend to wonder if Mr. Frid had anything to do with 'Barnabas' being so self-absorbed.

Anyone ever heard anything about that?

Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Luciaphile on February 17, 2004, 01:53:28 AM
I read somewhere that he played Barnabas as he would have an alcoholic--and an alcoholic can be pretty self-absorbed/solipstical.

As far as sexy goes, Barnabas never did it for me, but I can still see the character as having that sexy edge to him.
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Julia99 on February 17, 2004, 03:54:41 AM
Was Jonathan Frid sexy? 

[nono]"no no no"

But he was mysterious and tortured which always pulls the women folk in. . .
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: murph on February 17, 2004, 04:06:08 AM

If you're talking sexual chemistry, IMO I believe he had sometimes great, always good chemistry with Lara Parker as Angelique.  I just never bought all the others they put him with including KLS, Alexandra, Donna and on and on.  Maybe he was uncomfortable because most of the women they put him with were young enough to be his daughter.

I think as stated before a vampire always has some sexual tension going on.  As far as Jonathan Frid being sexy I'll leave it to the ladies to decide that one.


Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: stefan on February 17, 2004, 05:50:47 AM
Maybe he was uncomfortable because most of the women they put him with were young enough to be his daughter.

I wonder about this one, though as a professional you'd think he'd put his own feelings aside but...being of his generation I bet it was difficult for him. I also get the impression he is a conservative and shy person. Maybe he was self-conscious?
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Gothick on February 17, 2004, 04:51:18 PM
Even though they were very different characters, I think Barnabas and Mr. Spock had some things in common in terms of the way fans reacted to them back in the Sixties.  Spock was so cool, intellectual, and controlled, it really seemed to fan the flames for a lot of viewers, and the writers were wise to include a couple of characters onscreen who could act out that passionate response--notably Christine Chapel, incarnated by the fabulous Majel.

With Barnabas, I think the way Frid played him with those silent, big brown eyes staring in anguish up at the sky, brought a quality of what back then we called "soul" to the character.  And, in the Sixties, Soul was very, very sexy!  I think how fans reacted to Barnabas was due entirely to Frid's performance, particularly the non-verbal parts (though his voice was very alluring, especially at moments when he was more confident and in control of the material).  On paper, Barnbas was a regular cad in the beginning, and even in his most altruistic moments could always drop everything if he got some Sweet Young Thing in his sights.  On screen, with Frid's performance, the character was transformed, and fans voted across the nation by keeping glued to their TV sets at 4 p.m. every afternoon.

Thinking about what a huge impression Spock and Barnabas made back in the Sixties and looking at today's teen crushes--Justin Timberlake, Tom Welling, a bunch of other guys whose names escape me--really slaps me in the face with how much times have changed since then.

Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Bette on February 17, 2004, 05:08:44 PM
the writers were wise to include a couple of characters onscreen who could act out that passionate response--notably Christine Chapel, incarnated by the fabulous Majel

Oh My God, Steve! I'm a Majel fan too.  Grayson, Donnie, Majel--we really do think alike!

Lwaxana (can't spell it) is to Majel as Magda is to Grayson.

Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Janet the Wicked on February 17, 2004, 10:44:47 PM
Yes. Johnathan Frid was definately sexy as Barnabas. The eyes. The dark make-up around those intoxicating, mesmerizing eyes.
And he was smooth, telling lies. He would moisten his lips ever so slightly and then bat his eyes like crazy. Yup. He was one sexy vampire.

Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: stefan on February 18, 2004, 05:38:56 AM
I tend to wonder if Mr. Frid had anything to do with 'Barnabas' being so self-absorbed.

This is interesting because ( and I only have 1795, intro to barnie and dreamcurse to compare) Barnabas was VERY self-centered as a vampire but I also think he was warm and caring as a person when human. Remember Barnabas helping Vickie in 1795? his sympathy towards his mother, anger over his father's tyranny, the evil fanatic Rev. Trask, and his love for his sister? As a vampire Barnabas could not SEE anyone anymore thus explaining why he never really cared to know that Julia loved him. that Vickie had no interest in him and cutting off Jeff's head wouldn't change it, that Maggie was NOT Josette and didn't care for him at all...the list goes on. I understand as a vampire Barnabas did change over the years and became more sympathetic and commanding.
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Birdie on February 19, 2004, 01:49:49 AM
I don't know if I would classify Mr. Frid as sexy.  Think about for a moment the victims he put the bite on.  Meghan Todd acted like she had been totally sadisfied.  I am sure many of us thought the " I'll have what she is having.  Charity Trask had the same kind of reaction.  On the other hand Maggie didn't, neither did Carolyn.  Don't quite get why,  Maybe because Carolyn was a relation.   Why not Maggie?  At the time he put the bite on Maggie the writers were not going in that direction.  Sex was a definite a part of the alore.  Sorry I am the worst speller and some one has moved my dictionary.

Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: ClaudeNorth on February 19, 2004, 03:47:32 AM
I never found Frid to be sexy when he played Barnabas.  However, I do think that as Bramwell, JF was quite sexy.
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: TERRY308 on February 19, 2004, 03:18:06 PM
For me, he was very sexy.  You look at him and he seems so ashamed of what he's done, that "me" would say "It's alright Barnabas, come here and you an cry on my shoulder"  It's chemistry.  Some girls like him and some don't.  Take, oh I don't know, R. D.  I personally don't find anything sexy about him......but there are some girls that do find him sexy.  Chemistry.
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: stefan on February 19, 2004, 05:06:43 PM
I never found Frid to be sexy when he played Barnabas.  However, I do think that as Bramwell, JF was quite sexy.

I guess I'll have to buy a Bramwell tape to check him out, he's at the end of the series I think.
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Midnite on February 19, 2004, 06:29:16 PM
I guess I'll have to buy a Bramwell tape to check him out, he's at the end of the series I think.


I'd recommend Vol. #192 as a Best-of-Bramwell (I can't believe I just said that), where he's in 3 of the eps and seduces the heroine.  It takes place before the storyline gets too terribly tedious, JMO, but also won't offer as much spoilerage as later volumes.  Karlen, Barrett, and Parker are very good and it's also a nice tape for Selby fans, but I digress. ;)

But I'm not a Bramwell fan and others may suggest a different volume.  He's in every ep in #195, unless you count the "lost episode" as a no-show; he marries Daphne in this tape, but he tends to tick me off a lot too.  He's also in every ep (all 4) in the final volume in the series, but seeing it first will most likely ruin 1841 PT for you.
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: boykading on February 20, 2004, 05:07:34 PM
Was he sexy? Was he sexy??? Oh come on, don't joke with me. :D If he wasn't, I wouldn't have watched DS more than a few times out of curiosity. Unlike now, where it's a part of my life, like food, sleep, etc.

But I think I see what you're getting at - the physical parts of it, the kissing and such, he always seems a bit reluctant about it.  :-*

I've heard him say that he had no idea he had any sex appeal until he played Barnabas. He also says that he never married because no woman would have him. Think he's halfway kidding about that, but also think it shows that he just doesn't see himself that way.

So it makes sense that his sexual side would come out in the more subtle, subversive ways as it does, but when he's expected to be more overt - gettin down to bidness with some girl half his age, no less - he would not be as comfortable.

Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Nancy on February 20, 2004, 08:51:41 PM
But I think I see what you're getting at - the physical parts of it, the kissing and such, he always seems a bit reluctant about it.  :-*

He did not seem (to me anyway) to be in the least bit reluctant kissing with Lara Parker.  I thought they were going to meld together in one scene.  Am I the only person who thought she got his motors going and it was obvious?

I've heard him say that he had no idea he had any sex appeal until he played Barnabas. He also says that he never married because no woman would have him. Think he's halfway kidding about that, but also think it shows that he just doesn't see himself that way.

Oh yeah, JF has said many times in interviews that he did not get the whole sex appeal thing and I doubt he appreciated being paired off with women half his age.  Also, most of his career had been on the stage playing villains.  He did not do a whole of kissing scenes with women who were his on-stage partner and nothing more.

But JF has also made it very clear at even more recent Q&As at charity functions that he had absolutely no interest in ever being married to anyone - man, woman or fig bar.  Some people are not the marrying kind and he's one of them.  Doesn't mean he lived in a monastery all that time though.    :-X
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Luciaphile on February 21, 2004, 12:51:57 AM
He did not seem (to me anyway) to be in the least bit reluctant kissing with Lara Parker.  I thought they were going to meld together in one scene.  Am I the only person who thought she got his motors going and it was obvious?

No, you're not. I recall being taken aback actually, because hitherto the kissing on DS had always been of the dead fish variety.
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Cassandra on February 21, 2004, 08:53:15 AM
He did not seem (to me anyway) to be in the least bit reluctant kissing with Lara Parker.  I thought they were going to meld together in one scene.  Am I the only person who thought she got his motors going and it was obvious?

  No, you are definetely not the only one Nancy!  I have always felt that he & Lara Parker had the best onscreen chemistry together &  this became more obvious during all of their kissing scenes together.  The scene I think you're referring to was one of the best between them!  This was when Barnabas had gone to Angelique's room (1795) to ask her if they still could be friends.  Friends?  They wound up in a tight embrace and kissing so passionatley that you could almost feel the heat between them!
 I never saw him kiss anyone else on the show this way.

Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Connie on February 21, 2004, 09:53:39 AM
He did not seem (to me anyway) to be in the least bit reluctant kissing with Lara Parker.

There's a scene between Catherine and him outside at Collinwood.  I think it's the first time they've seen each other since he was shot.  At one point he sits down next to her and his manner, and the snide little smirk......OMG!  He slays me.  So provocative.

Oh yeah, JF has said many times in interviews that he did not get the whole sex appeal thing...

That's what can really make someone sexy - when they're not aware of it or don't get it.

But JF has also made it very clear at even more recent Q&As at charity functions that he had absolutely no interest in ever being married to anyone - man, woman or fig bar.

Not even a FIG bar???  [lghy]

Doesn't mean he lived in a monastery all that time though.   :-X

 ;)  Well, our affair of long ago was a very well-kept secret.  No one in the press, or the public knew about....   :-X
(No...sorry, sorry.  I'm lying.  Couldn't help it.)  I've had a thing for him since the original airing of 1795 and it never really went away.  Then the day my friend and I were at the studio and he WINKED at us!!!   Well, that was the end of me.  LOL

 ;D 8) ;D
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Miss_Winthrop on February 21, 2004, 12:41:46 PM
I think it was all that 'angst' (is that the word I'm looking for?) that attracted me to him. I'm a sucker for a guy who wears tweed, reads books and is totally unaware of his underlying sexiness. I for one loved him as Bramwell and the scenes between him and Catherine...well..ahem.
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: stefan on February 21, 2004, 04:25:35 PM
I'd recommend Vol. #192 as a Best-of-Bramwell (I can't believe I just said that), where he's in 3 of the eps and seduces the heroine.

Midnight, hey! hey! best of Bramwell...but, ooolala JF seduces the heroine. Thanks for this information. I'll probably buy one of the earlier 1841 tapes with Bramwell in it and start slow.
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: stefan on February 21, 2004, 04:40:52 PM
Oh yeah, JF has said many times in interviews that he did not get the whole sex appeal thing and I doubt he appreciated being paired off with women half his age.  Also, most of his career had been on the stage playing villains.  He did not do a whole of kissing scenes with women who were his on-stage partner and nothing more.

But JF has also made it very clear at even more recent Q&As at charity functions that he had absolutely no interest in ever being married to anyone - man, woman or fig bar.  Some people are not the marrying kind and he's one of them.  Doesn't mean he lived in a monastery all that time though.   

Nancy, all that makes sense. I hope that no-one here thinks that I am referring to or that his sexual preference is relevent to this post. I'm addressing this topic solely on his acting choices and abilities.

There have been a couple of posts here targeting his kissing scenes with Lara Parker. As much as I dislike and don't understand the Angelique/Barnabas relationship it's apparent that Lara Parker seriously attacked her role with unabiased enthusiasm. I'm sure her intensity inspired JF. I read somewhere (I believe as a statement from Lara P herself) that JF said to her that many of the female leads were "silly heroines". An unfair statement I believe, because Josette and Milicent were interesting in many ways. Just because someone is young, female and feminine doesn't mean they're silly.
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: LorraineAAB on February 21, 2004, 10:45:18 PM
I've had a thing for him since the original airing of 1795 and it never really went away.  Then the day my friend and I were at the studio and he WINKED at us!!!   Well, that was the end of me.  LOL

Yes, he does give good wink.  ;)  Even when we saw him at L-M mansion a couple of years back, for some reason he glanced at my friend and I don't recall WHAT kind of expression she had on, but he favored her with one of his winks.

Then when their picture was taken together, he was drinking something and she sassed "That's not WATER, is it?"  He chuckled, which of course made him spffttt a bit.  In the SECOND picture, their expressions are priceless---- he looks mock-threatening and she's  smirking away.  And to think, she had been NERVOUS about meeting him!

There's a guy with a decent sense of humor in a silly situation, and that's just as attractive as smoldering looks, IMO. [bigok]

Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: boykading on February 22, 2004, 12:47:01 AM
But JF has also made it very clear at even more recent Q&As at charity functions that he had absolutely no interest in ever being married to anyone - man, woman or fig bar. Some people are not the marrying kind and he's one of them.

Yeah, but what about an oat cake?

And yes, that whole "no woman would have me" thing seemed like just his polite/charming way of getting around the question.

However, fatherhood is an altogether different thing! So, Nancy, if he ever mentions anything about wanting an heir at this point in the game, please let the winker know that my services are available. ;)
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Nancy on February 23, 2004, 04:11:27 AM
There have been a couple of posts here targeting his kissing scenes with Lara Parker. As much as I dislike and don't understand the Angelique/Barnabas relationship it's apparent that Lara Parker seriously attacked her role with unabiased enthusiasm. I'm sure her intensity inspired JF. I read somewhere (I believe as a statement from Lara P herself) that JF said to her that many of the female leads were "silly heroines". An unfair statement I believe, because Josette and Milicent were interesting in many ways. Just because someone is young, female and feminine doesn't mean they're silly.

LP has said alternately in interviews that she thought JF was the best kisser on the show and then another time she thought it was somebody else she kissed.  I don't think JF needed a whole lot of inspiration from LP's end.  He is definitely a guy who fully appreciates a good looking woman.  And LP was and still is definitely that.  I can see why men go for her.

Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Happybat on February 24, 2004, 05:48:06 PM
Yeah, but what about an oat cake?

Or a marzipan cake?  Now I'd marry THAT in a heartbeat!  LOL!

Seriously, I always though that Barnabas' appeal was more romantic than sexual, but that may be because I first saw him when I was about 7 and those first impressions just stuck with me.

O.T. I like the comparison made with Spock, too, although his pairing with Nurse Chapel who was always and forever spurned by him never generated the heat that his infrequent encounters with other females did.  For instance, remember his romance with Zarabeth in "All Our Yesterdays"?  Now that was hot!
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Nancy on February 25, 2004, 05:51:32 PM
I think sexiness or attraction is based on an overall package or presentation and not necessarily how perfect one's face or body may be.  In my own experience I know that one significant other was not considered handsome or even cute by me when I first met him but there was a charisma, strong personality and humor that quickly transformed my initial impression into thinking the guy was sexy and very attractive.

Obviously, millions of people were attracted to watching Barnabas in one way or another and it was the female population that kept the undead creature undead on the soap for years.   Also, I thought Frid looked better offcamera in photos and in person than on camera.  It seemed the makeup person frequently seemed to think he had Joan Crawford in the chair rather than Frid. :-

Here's a nice photo.



Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: jennifer on February 29, 2004, 04:26:26 AM
i loved Barnabas but i never had the desire to see him with his shirt off like
Chris J or the Tom/Chris duo ;D ;D ;D
and i agree he never seemed comfortable with some of the younger
ones like Roxanne!
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Miranda on March 01, 2004, 12:49:14 AM
The sexiest I have ever seen JF be was when he  was playing Bramwell--he and Lara just smoldered up the screen, and yes he always had his best chemistry with her on DS
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: stefan on March 01, 2004, 03:53:24 AM
The sexiest I have ever seen JF be was when he  was playing Bramwell--he and Lara just smoldered up the screen, and yes he always had his best chemistry with her on DS

I thought JF and KLS started to show the chemistry they SHOULD have had on the show in one of the Dark Shadows movies...the one that had the Maggie Evans/ Josette story. They were very charming together.
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Misty on March 01, 2004, 04:26:56 AM
 :PBarnabas sexy? Oh yes. I remember TRYING to see him in an appearance at a shopping center in NY. Couldn't even get close.  Two friends and I were very disappointed. I believe his attraction was in the "suggestion" that the romantic scenes provided. Less is more.
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: jennifer on March 02, 2004, 11:58:19 PM
:PBarnabas sexy? Less is more.

you are so right! skin seems to be in though even on tv
it is the hint or the suggestion that is far more sexy than the
showing of skin !

Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Birdie on March 05, 2004, 03:36:33 AM
I could not agree more.  It is far more sexy to leave somethings up to our imagination.  You know how that can be. hehe.

Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: MaineGirl on March 05, 2004, 09:50:01 PM
Barnabas sexy? Good question.
He's not (excuse the pun) "dead" sexy, like, say, Johnny Depp is, but...given that voice (well described in other posts), those eyes, yeah, I'd say he is. I'm recently watching 1795 and I've begun to see the "Barnabas" ness of it all. The "soul" that someone mentioned also comes into it. In 1795 you can see Barn sorta getting a psychic makeover, being under the influences of life's changes ala Angelique. What was a smooth tablet, is now enscribed with the experiences of the world. Then Barn whips that cloak on and strides out to "show her (Ang) the meaning of hate."

Now THAT is sexy.

And no one has mentioned that jacket in green velvet. Man, that makes me hot just thinking about it!

Maine Girl
Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Tanis on March 19, 2004, 05:49:17 AM
Of course he was/is.

I know this is an old topic but I have not had access to a computer for several months.

Title: Re:Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Cassandra on March 19, 2004, 11:13:02 AM
I know this is an old topic but I have not had access to a computer for several months.

  Welcome back Tanis! :)

Title: Re: Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Tanis on June 04, 2004, 05:23:17 AM

I saw Jonathan Frid at a personal appearance at a trade show in Minneapolis, probably during the last year of DS.  I was within four or five feet of him.  I thought he was better looking on television.  Really skinny then.  He was very gracious signing autographs.

Tiny Tim and Arnold the pig from Green Acres were also there.  Didn't bother to see them.  I mean I live in rural South Dakota, a pig is a pig.  Wasn't interested in Tiny Tim either.

I do not still have my autographed picture of him.  I have moved several times since then.  Don't recall what became of that.

Title: Re: Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Connie on June 04, 2004, 09:14:39 AM
I saw Jonathan Frid at a personal appearance at a trade show in Minneapolis, probably during the last year of DS.  I was within four or five feet of him.  I thought he was better looking on television.

I saw him in person three times.  Twice at public appearances, and once at the studio in the summer of '68.  He came walking down the hallway upstairs right after the taping for that day and was still in full costume and makeup, and I must say he looked QUITE stunning!   :-*  He appeared a lot taller in person than on TV and moved very gracefully.  I don't know if it was my exaggerated teenage crush or what, but he had one hell of a presence.  (especially in that brown, double-breasted suit)

Title: Re: Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: Tanis on June 04, 2004, 05:26:52 PM

He was dressed very casually, sweater with buttons, which were buttoned and a casually shirt under that.  I think the sweater and trousers were gray.  I don't recall the color of the shirt.  Very muted colors.  He seemed shy, he didn't talk unless someone said something to him.  He just signed autographs.  He may have had something at a different time of the day when he talked but not when we were there.  He does have beautiful brown eyes.

Title: Re: Hey! was Jonathan Frid sexy?
Post by: IluvBarnabas on December 07, 2006, 11:40:32 PM
Jonathan was, to me anyway, more handsome than sexy....I mean, he'd never make it on the issue of People's Sexiest Man Alive, that's for sure, but I always thought he was very nice to look at.