General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '10 I => Topic started by: Watching Project on March 01, 2010, 08:53:34 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0946
Post by: Watching Project on March 01, 2010, 08:53:34 PM
Robservations #946
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0946
Post by: MagnusTrask on March 02, 2010, 12:19:08 AM
Selby VO.  Carolyn collapses in an unflattering position, with her mouth full of her own hair, it looks like.   Amazingly, Jeb didn't want to frighten her!   He must have thought Carolyn would tell him what a handsome charming slimy snake thing he was....

Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0946
Post by: Taeylor Collins on March 02, 2010, 03:17:39 AM
Famous blooper of stage hand cueing N
Nancy B with a script!  Hee Did I just see Nancy B’s drawers??  LOL  That was a risky move to make her fall like that.

Well well Skyler is a Leviathan as well!  I am not shocked.  They are all a bunch of idiots and pretentious too!
It seems like the werewolf favors one part of the woods where that big rock is.

LOL! Bruno's hair is out of control but Michael had beautiful thick hair!

Well that was very nice of Barney too move the furniture so the werewolf could jump through the window! Very nice of him indeed!  ;)
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0946
Post by: MagnusTrask on March 02, 2010, 05:34:36 AM
It seems like the werewolf favors one part of the woods where that big rock is.  

Well that was very nice of Barney to move the furniture so the werewolf could jump through the window! Very nice of him indeed!  ;)

Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0946
Post by: Lydia on March 02, 2010, 08:39:18 AM
Right now I'm sort of wondering what the much-discussed ceremony for Jeb and Carolyn involves, but I don't suppose it matters.  What does matter is that Jeb has come face to face with cold reality: the fact that Carolyn doesn't like his true form - the form that, the first time we saw him as an adult, he said was so much better-looking than his human form.  And he accepts that reality and is prepared to deal with it, rather than steamrolling over it the way he's steamrolled over everything else that displeased him.  A while back, if I remember correctly, I wondered why Carolyn had been chosen to be the Leader's bride, and now it seems to me that the answer is that it was known that he and she simply fitted together.  That sailor whom Paul met in the Blue Whale talked about a Thing without a Soul, and I think he said it was looking for a soul.  And the soul that fits the bill is Carolyn's.  Somehow, when Jeb showed himself to Carolyn in his true form, some of her soul spilled into him, and he was able to show compassion.  Hmm, I'm not sure I believe that.  Meanwhile, I'm enjoying seeing Jeb, the Leviathan Leader, evading the questions of Sky, the loyal Leviathan foot-soldier.  Also I'm wondering what is Sky's most precious possession, which I presume he sold to the Leviathans for the standard twenty years of good luck.
I don't think Elizabeth noticed Bruno putting his feet up on the sofa.  It's a shame; I'd love to see just how far her devotion to the Leviathan cause would extend.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0946
Post by: MagnusTrask on March 10, 2010, 08:04:58 AM
I think Sky's most precious possession was his personality.

I think they chose Carolyn because she was the heir to Collinwood, a crucial base of operations and source of funding for the Leviathan revolution.  Also, she's easily accessible to Barnabas, whose supposed time travel abilities made all this possible.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0946
Post by: Lydia on March 10, 2010, 09:45:28 AM
I don't think the Leviathans had any need of money.  After all, they were able to give Paul Stoddard twenty years of prosperity.  As for accessibility to Barnabas, I would have liked it if Barnabas, upon returning to 1969, had then had to travel vast distances to get to the chosen Leviathan bride, but that's not how it happened.  Megan and Philip, on the other hand, did apparently come from outside Collinsport, and I think it plausible that they were somehow influenced by the Leviathans to come to Collinsport from whatever their point of origin was because the Leviathans wanted their Leader to grow where his bride was.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0946
Post by: MagnusTrask on March 11, 2010, 02:08:40 AM
Well, a big mansion as a base to work from might help, and it might help for the source of funding to be less mysterious and more conventional-seeming, coming from a family known to be filthy rich.  You're right though, and I've been wondering about the Leviathans' supposed great need for some being who can travel in time.   If they can't get to the 20th century without Barnabas, how can Strack (?) show up at a Collinsport bar circa 1949?   How can they be influencing things right and left in the 'present day', before Barnabas returns--- Sky's career, etc.?   Is that some trick of time, where once Barnabas had done it, they also were able to mess with time, perhaps going back to 1949 "after" Barnabas returned?

And what's so hot about the 20th century?  Wouldn't the 18th century be just as good for their purposes?   Or were people still too witchcraft-wary at that point?  (In the DS world, not reality.)
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0946
Post by: Midnite on March 19, 2010, 07:22:20 PM
Some conversations with Sky, aka a man of action--

Jeb:  "She won't remember anything when she wakes up."
Carolyn:  "Did I have another bad dream?"
Assuming that Jeb caused Carolyn to lose the memory of seeing his monstrous self rather than it being caused by the shock itself, wasn't it a huge mistake to let her remember any part of that horribly incriminating dream?

Jeb:  "She's attracted to Jeb Hawkes, and she will be attracted to Jeb Hawkes."

Jeb was able to get a launch to the mainland during the storm, but Angelique couldn't get one back to the island?  I know-- choppy waters can wreak havoc on a hairdo, but for all she knows, Liz (who is oh so close to remembering) is there with Sky.

Liz:  "It looked like a wolf, but it walked upright like a man."
Bruno:  "And wore clothes like a man."
Well, Bruno walks upright and has the manners of a wolf and clothes that look like an animal.  ;)

And is it really a good idea to go wolf hunting while wearing bunny fur?  Werewolf-- Be vewwy vewwy quiet. I'm hunting wabbits.

Angelique is on a wild goose chase, Liz wears a mink collar and Jeb's is sheepskin, Bruno is in his rabbit coat and the werewolf has a gunshot wound.  I hope PETA wasn't watching this episode!!

After crashing through the window, Alex Stevens knocked over a burning candleabra.  I hope the FDNY wasn't watching this episode!!

Selby VO.

That was Michael Stroka in a Quentinless episode.  :(

Bruno's hair is out of control but Michael had beautiful thick hair!

Oh he does.  And doesn't it keep getting bigger as the story progresses?

Well that was very nice of Barney too move the furniture so the werewolf could jump through the window! Very nice of him indeed!  ;)


I've been wondering about the Leviathans' supposed great need for some being who can travel in time.   If they can't get to the 20th century without Barnabas, how can Strack (?) show up at a Collinsport bar circa 1949?   How can they be influencing things right and left in the 'present day', before Barnabas returns--- Sky's career, etc.?   Is that some trick of time, where once Barnabas had done it, they also were able to mess with time, perhaps going back to 1949 "after" Barnabas returned?

I think the Leviathan beings take on that humanoid form for our benefit, but we've seen that they're capable of moving through time and intervening in the lives of their human followers.  Yet apparently they needed Barnabas to carry the box containing the Leviathan spirit (which is capable of converting new followers), the book, and Jeb's essence, back to 1969.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0946
Post by: loril54 on April 13, 2010, 03:14:22 AM
And what's so hot about the 20th century?  Wouldn't the 18th century be just as good for their purposes?   Or were people still too witchcraft-wary at that point?  (In the DS world, not reality.)

1795 might not have be safe for them.

[spoiler]How about Jeb being responsible for Vickie's death, and him jumping off Widows Hill
in 1795. Werewolves and Water.[/spoiler]