General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '07 I => Topic started by: Brandon Collins on June 09, 2007, 04:10:55 AM

Title: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Brandon Collins on June 09, 2007, 04:10:55 AM
So I was thinking.

I remember that early in the series that someone, possibly Liz, described the Old House as being a 10 or 15 minute walk through the woods from Collinwood. Yet people always seem to show up there within seconds of leaving Collinwood, or some place in town. I know, I know, the set was just around the corner in the studio. But thinking about this got me wondering: How far away are places in DS?

For example, how far did Liz say that the Old House was from Collinwood? And how far is Collinwood from Collinsport? And just how BIG is Collinsport. And how far away is Rockport, Logansport, Little Winward Island, Windcliffe, etc.

Any ideas? Thought it might be fun. Maybe we can plan a trip.

So I'm leaving Windcliffe, fresh from being juiced up with sedatives and drugs so that I don't remember who I am or where I'm from (thanks Julia, you're the best!). How long will it take me to get to Collinsport?
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: JosettesMusicBox on June 09, 2007, 04:13:38 AM
I think I remember Vicki saying something about the trip to Bangor taking about an hour (I know Burke drove her there at one point).

Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on June 09, 2007, 04:18:27 AM
Windcliff is supposedly 100 miles from Collinsport. I know I wouldn't want to walk it!  :D  Though, unless they hitchhiked in scenes we never saw, characters apparently did - and at an extremely super-human-quick pace...
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Josette on June 09, 2007, 08:24:04 AM
[The system won't let me use the spoiler tags - so I'll just leave a lot of space.  If a Moderator wants to fix it, please do!!!]

[After not letting me post the spoilers, when I tried to post the revised version, it said I had already posted this!  However, it doesn't show up!  I hope it will let this one through!!!]

Sometimes it seems that the Old House is a good distance away.  But there are other times, particularly



Back when Julia was hypnotizing Vicki and then taking her to the Old House and showing her Barnabas in the coffin, one time she had Carolyn go to make tea or coffee and while she was doing that, she did the hypnosis, went to the Old House, looked in the coffin, came back and "unhypnotized," before Carolyn returned with the coffee!!!
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on June 09, 2007, 03:46:38 PM
[The system won't let me use the spoiler tags - so I'll just leave a lot of space.  If a Moderator wants to fix it, please do!!!]

If you've been keeping up with the *** Big Changes Ahead *** topic on the Testing board, you know the spoiler feature isn't presently available.

[After not letting me post the spoilers, when I tried to post the revised version, it said I had already posted this!  However, it doesn't show up!]

The post didn't show up because you were prevented from using spoiler tags - but the system knew that you had already submitted the post, which is why it told you, "You already submitted this post! You might have accidently double clicked, or tried to refresh."

before Carolyn returned with the coffee!!!

True. But at least Carolyn makes a point of complaining about the hard time she had making the coffee.  ;)
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: MagnusTrask on June 09, 2007, 04:52:13 PM
I heard a couple references lately to people driving other people from the Old House to Collinwood.   Also, the old bldg. where Ang stores vampire victim Barnabas until she arises again is said to be between the two buildings.    Yet it was supposedly a good hiding place.     Anyway, there seems to be space for other houses inbetween.

As for ECS, anxiety creates adrenaline.     I say she Road-Runnered her way down the pike, back home.
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Brandon Collins on June 09, 2007, 05:13:59 PM
Maybe Carolyn had to grow the tea leaves, pick them, grind them, run water through them, then stir in the sugar? That would've given Julia enough time to do all that.

And here's another one--any guess on how far Maggie's house was from town?
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on June 10, 2007, 04:59:48 AM
Maybe Carolyn had to grow the tea leaves

I think you meant coffee beans.  :)  And they shouldn't grow in the Collinsport climate. But as we've said in another topic, one can never be 100% sure what might grow in the perpetually green, bizarro world of Collinsport.  :D
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Brandon Collins on June 10, 2007, 06:13:05 AM
Yup! Coffee beans is what I meant. Maybe she grew them in the greenhouse on the property.
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Willie on June 10, 2007, 02:42:35 PM
In episode 942, David goes from Collinwood to the antique store in Collinsport - while in a wheelchair  ;D  Must hve been a long way to push himself.  As far as how many people live in Collinsport, they once pulled out a Collinsport phone book, and it was about twice as thick as my phone book, and I live in a city of 25,000 people.  Okay, that's rather circumstantial evidence and silly in its absurdity, but I think about these things  ;D
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Brandon Collins on June 10, 2007, 05:19:33 PM
Maybe David had a magic flying wheelchair? That would've been something interesting to introduce to the storyline. I can see it now....David is at Collinwood, Liz and Carolyn tell him that they're going to the Inn, and when they get there, David is waiting for them. Liz turns to Carolyn and remarks "I just don't know how David can get around this town so quickly in that wheelchair." And Carolyn says "He must be able to fly or something." While David smiles knowingly.

And as for the phonebook, if 50,000 people live in Collinsport, they must have apartments on the ships in the ports, and Collinsport must be the size of a very small city, not a small, gloomy town.
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: loril54 on June 10, 2007, 08:16:00 PM
Just think that there was only the Blue Whale, no movie theatre, no grocer store, and only one cell? This a town of 25,000 per rthe phone book. There must have been a line at the Blue Whale, like Studio 54???
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Phil on June 10, 2007, 09:09:21 PM
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Midnite on June 11, 2007, 12:18:08 AM
The full-sized map is here (http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j91/terminallunch/collinsportmap.jpg).  Hope that's okay with you, Housefly Cameo.
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Phil on June 11, 2007, 12:21:00 AM
No, thanks! I modified the post a few times trying to correct it and gave up.
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Midnite on June 11, 2007, 12:40:31 AM
No, thanks! I modified the post a few times trying to correct it and gave up.


The system won't let me enlarge it either, but thank you for trying to fix it.
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: rainingwolf on June 11, 2007, 01:58:05 AM
The full-sized map is here (http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j91/terminallunch/collinsportmap.jpg).  Hope that's okay with you, Housefly Cameo.

WOW! That is so cool! [cheer] Can I ask where the site is that you got the map from? Is there more DS info on the site? ???
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on June 11, 2007, 02:11:57 AM
No, thanks! I modified the post a few times trying to correct it and gave up.

You never would have been able to adjust it, Housefly, because images in posts are restricted by the system to being no wider than 528 pixels - no matter if the original image itself is wider.  :)

rainingwolf - that map was created by a fan. It's not "official." It's merely their imagining of what Collinsport might look like.  ;)  And, in fact, it conflicts with aspects of what was established about Collinsport...
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Phil on June 11, 2007, 10:54:57 PM
Yep - I found it on this very board, but reposting it was easier than trying to find the thread...
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Brandon Collins on June 12, 2007, 03:23:47 AM
Awesome map. It's a little hard to see some of the numbers, but I like how they laid it out. Looks very town-like. Seems that Collinsport occupied a lot more land then I even thought.
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: JosettesMusicBox on June 12, 2007, 04:25:31 AM
And as for the phonebook, if 50,000 people live in Collinsport, they must have apartments on the ships in the ports, and Collinsport must be the size of a very small city, not a small, gloomy town.

Just an interesting observation... the map says that the population of Collinsport, Maine is 1,841

Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Midnite on June 13, 2007, 04:54:13 AM
Yep - I found it on this very board, but reposting it was easier than trying to find the thread...

Actually, linking to the original post rather than reposting its contents is quite strongly recommended by the Forum Guidelines (see #9).

Here's that post containing the image scanned from MB's collection, which credits Warren Oddson for the map and also provides his notes (Source: TWODS):

Re:Map of Collinwood / Collinsport ?
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: arashi on June 14, 2007, 01:22:36 AM
Hey cool map! Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Nelson Collins on June 16, 2007, 03:48:51 PM
Back when Julia was hypnotizing Vicki and then taking her to the Old House and showing her Barnabas in the coffin, one time she had Carolyn go to make tea or coffee and while she was doing that, she did the hypnosis, went to the Old House, looked in the coffin, came back and "unhypnotized," before Carolyn returned with the coffee!!!

Julia knew that Carolyn was sooo ditzy, that Carolyn would have spent at least half an hour searching for a servant to tell to make the coffee before remembering that Liz had fired all the staff 18 years previously!
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: jennifer on June 18, 2007, 04:45:21 AM
i always thought that Collinwood and The Old House were just a short walk
from each other like 5 minutes they always seemed to get back and forth
quite quickly and without coats in the winter

Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Nelson Collins on June 19, 2007, 04:45:27 AM
And ISTR someone saying that Bangor was about 50 miles away.

BTW, great map, but where's the railway station?  ;D
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Lydia on June 19, 2007, 01:21:47 PM
And ISTR someone saying that Bangor was about 50 miles away.
Yes, that's mentioned in the first week - maybe the first episode - of the series.  And yet Josette went there for the day in 1795/6.
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Willie on June 19, 2007, 01:52:27 PM
I always thought the old house and Collinwood were about a 15 minute walk from each other. I have no idea which episode they mentioned that in, but that's the impression I've always gotten.  How big would that make the Collins estate?  My Grandpa had a farm that was 120 acres and that could take 15 minutes to walk fom one end to the other, especially if you wore formal attire instead of jeans and hiking boots  ;D
Title: Re: How Far Is It To.......
Post by: Nelson Collins on June 19, 2007, 05:11:21 PM
I think it would be not uncommon on a rambling estate for there to be a well beaten or paved/cobbled path between the Old House and Collinwood that is not necessarily as the crow (or bat) flies.

Perhaps the path would be a winding 15 minute walk, but a straight line through the wood closer to five minutes..