Author Topic: The Return of Yet Another New Slideshow (Sort of) [** Now featuring unshot Julia material - see reply #194**]  (Read 42857 times)

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Continuing with Scene 247 with yesterday's quote -

Page 110/Scene 247 - Woodard: (thinking) 'But dormant. All the preliminary analyses suggest a passive nature.'

- coming up, followed by today's first quote -

Page 110/Scene 247 - Julia: 'You've been peeking over my shoulder.'

- coming up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 110/Scene 247 - Woodard: 'At my age, I'm thankful for small favors.'

- coming up, followed by the script explaining:

      She smiles, they are interrupted as

And we'll leave things dangling there because tomorrow we're going to get into how the rest of the above description and the three bits of dialogue that follow are handled in the pilot quite differently from the way they were scripted...

And as far as the dialogue goes, on its own, yesterday's quote from Woodard would make it seem as if he simply thinks his dialogue - but in the context of what comes after, apparently what the script must have intended is that Woodard is seen thinking then he delivers his lines out load. If not, how could Julia accuse him of peeking over her shoulder if she has no idea what he said?

Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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Picking up Scene 247 as scripted and where we left off yesterday with Julia's reaction to Woodard's joke:

      She smiles, they are interrupted as Patterson is shown in by
      Mrs. Johnson.

And that's where the first part of today's first quote -

Page 110/Scene 247 - Patterson: 'Thank you, Mrs. Johnson.'

- comes up, followed by the script continuing with:

      She leaves. He crosses to them.


      Revised 2/28/90


And that's where the second part of today's first quote -

Page 111/Scene 247 - Patterson (CONT'D): 'Has Daphne said anything yet?'

- comes up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 111/Scene 247 - Woodard: 'She still remembers nothing.'

- coming up.

And as far as the dialogue goes, what is delivered in the pilot is delivered as written - however, the part where Patterson thanks Mrs. Johnson was dropped. But more on that below...

So, as far as the direction and descriptions go, Mrs. Johnson showing Patterson into Julia's lab and then leaving, and then Patterson crossing over to Julia and Woodard are not seen in the pilot - and actually, in the pilot Scene 247 hasn't even begun yet because, as can easily be inferred by today's captures, it's only the audio of Patterson's question -

Page 111/Scene 247 - Patterson (CONT'D): 'Has Daphne said
anything yet?'

- and Woodard's reply -

Page 111/Scene 247 - Woodard: 'She still remembers nothing.'

- that plays over the shot of Collinwood during the closing moments of Scene 245. Scene 247 won't actually begin in the pilot until tomorrow's installment of the slideshow...

Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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Continuing with Scene 247 as scripted but still not quite as the script intended:

      A beat, Patterson looks at them.

And that's when today's quote -

Page 111/Scene 247 - Patterson: 'We found another one this morning. Floating in the surf below Widows' Hill.'

- comes up.

And as far as the dialogue goes, it's delivered as written, though not under the same circumstances as written. But more on that below...

So, as far as the direction and descriptions go, we do not see Patterson look at Julia and Woodard because the "We found another one this" part of his dialogue is also only audio and also plays over the shot of Collinwood during the closing moments of Scene 245. Scene 247 doesn't begin in the pilot until Patterson finishes that sentence with "morning" - and as can be seen in today's capture -

- the only one we see on screen from Patterson saying "morning" off screen through his saying "Floating in the surf below Widows' Hill", also off screen, is Julia at her microscope.

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Picking up Scene 247 after Patterson has announced the discovery of another body:

      Julia and Woodard exchange a glance.

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 111/Scene 247 - Julia: 'The same circumstances?'

- comes up, followed by the script explaining:

      Patterson nods. Then, in great frustration:

And that's when today's second quote -

Page 111/Scene 247 - Patterson: 'Four victims ... and the only one who's still alive can't remember a thing.'

- comes up.

And as far as the dialogue goes, Julia actually adds an unscripted and shocked "Really?!" before inquiring about the circumstances - and Patterson gives a slight nod because he actually adds an unscripted "Yeah" before musing on the situation they find themselves in.

And as for any differences in the direction and descriptions, we do not see Julia and Woodard share a glance because, as can be seen in today's capture -

- the camera stays on Julia as she looks up from her work in shock - and as Patterson moves closer to Julia as he speaks about the four victims, behind him Woodard also begins to move forward with, as can be seen in -

- today's second capture, an expression of deep frustration on his face.

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And wrapping up Scene 247, beginning with:

      A long moment as Julia studies the Sheriff.

And that's when today's quote -

Page 111/Scene 247 - Julia: 'But there may be a way to get her to remember. (they look at her) I think she's stable enough now to try it. It might work.'

- comes up, followed by the script continuing with:

      And on Patterson's hopeful expression, we . . .

End of scene - but obviously not end of sequence...

And as far as the dialogue goes, the only bit that's different about the wording is that in the pilot Julia actually says "It just might work."

And as for any differences in the direction and descriptions, we do not see Patterson and Woodard look at Julia after she says there might be a way to get Daphne to remember - Julia removes her glasses after she offers that a way to get Daphne to remember might work - and as can be seen in this capture -

- the scene actually closes with both Patterson and Woodard exhibiting more confused than hopeful expressions.

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Finally setting up the next scenes in the sequence:


      CLOSE on a small CRYSTAL attached to a gold chain, as it
      sparkles in the light, swinging, pendulum-like, in front of
      Daphne's face.

      Eyes almost closed, Daphne is lying propped up on pillows in
      bed, slowly sinking into the deep trance.

And that's where the Saturday's first quote -

Page 111/Scene 248 - Julia (O.S.): (hypnotically) 'Keep watching the crystal Daphne... Keep watching it...'

- comes up, followed by the script continuing with:

      PAN TO INCLUDE Julia sitting close to her, swinging the crystal.
      In the near b.g., Woodard and Patterson are looking on.


      Revised 2/27/90


And that's where Saturday's second quote -

Page 112/Scene 248 - Julia (CONT'D): 'Your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier... Let them close.'

- comes up, followed by the script continuing with:


      As her eyelids continue to flutter ...

                          JULIA (O.S.) (CONT'D)
                Let them closes, Daphne... Let them

      And at last she closes her eyes as her whole face relaxes.

And as far as the dialogue goes, Julia's first lines in Scene 248 are delivered exactly as scripted, but not in the same way as scripted, and there will be more on that below - and while the first part of Julia's second quote is also delivered as scripted (with a "Now" stuck in front of it), the "Let them close" part is completely dropped and the "Your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier..." part is moved to Scene 249 to combine with Julia's lines in that scene so that what actually plays in the pilot is Julia saying entirely off screen "Now, your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier... Let them close, Daphne... Let them close."

So, as far as the direction and descriptions go, in the pilot we don't actually see Daphne in Scene 248 because, as can be seen in Saturday's first capture -

Page 111/Scene 248 - Julia (O.S.): (hypnotically) 'Keep
watching the crystal Daphne... Keep watching it...'

- Daphne is nothing more than a blur as the crystal twists in sharp focus as Julia instructs Daphne to keep watching it - and after Julia's lines the camera does not pan to include Julia sitting close to Daphne and swinging the crystal, nor do we see Woodard and Patterson looking on - in fact, as can be seen in Saturday's second capture -

- in the pilot, Scene 248 quickly transitions to Scene 249 - and Julia's dialogue is altered to be delivered as explained above.

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Continuing with the sequence:


      As Julia nods, exchanges a look with the two men. Then, turning
      back to Daphne:

And that's where the Sunday's first quote -

Page 112/Scene 250 - Julia: 'That's good, Daphne. You will sleep until I awaken you. But now I want you to think back to the night you were... hurt.'

- comes up, followed by the script continuing with:


      As we see an emotion of pain cross her face.

And that's where Sunday's second quote -

Page 112/Scene 251 - Julia (O.S.) (CONT'D): 'Are you back there, Daphne?'

- comes up, followed by Sunday's third quote -

Page 112/Scene 251 - Daphne: 'Yes...'

- coming up.

And as far as the dialogue goes, when it comes to Julia's lines in Scene 250,  they're delivered as "That's good, Daphne. Now, you will sleep until I awaken you" - but there is a pause after that before Julia says "I want you to think back to the night you were hurt" without the "But now" and without the pause that was scripted between "were" and "hurt" - however, the quotes from Scene 251 are delivered as written.

But when it comes to the direction and descriptions, there are several differences in the pilot because at the start of Scene 250 Julia does not actually nod, nor does she exchange a look with Woodard and Patterson because what she actually does is remain fixed on Daphne - and after Julia says that Daphne will remain asleep until Julia awakens her, Julia lowers the crystal into the palm of her left hand and leans closer to Daphne before she says that she wants Daphne to think back to the night she was hurt - and as we can see in both Sunday's second and third captures -

- in the pilot Scene 251 is not shot with Daphne in close-up but from over Julia's shoulder, so Julia wasn't exactly off screen.

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Continuing the sequence with Monday's quotes and the beginning of the next scene:

252   JULIA

      As she shoots another glance at the others, continues.

And that's where Monday's first quote -

Page 112/Scene 252 - Julia: 'All right, you have just finished the books at the Blue Whale, and are walking along the dark street to your car...'

- comes up, followed by Monday's second quote -

Page 112/Scene 252 - Daphne (O.S.): 'Yes...'

- coming up.

And when it comes to the dialogue, Julia's line is actually broken up and delivered as "All right. Now, you have just finished doing the books at the Blue Whale, and are walking along the dark street to your car..." - but Daphne's quote is delivered as written (but then, there aren't too many ways to vary it).

And when it comes to any differences in the direction and descriptions, once again, in the pilot Julia does not look to Woodard and Patterson because her attention remains fixed on Daphne - and as is obvious given Monday's second capture -

Page 112/Scene 252 - Daphne (O.S.): 'Yes...'

- in the pilot not only doesn't Daphne deliver her line off screen, but the moment isn't shot favoring Julia as scripted but is once again shot over Julia's shoulder.

Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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Moving through more of the sequence, first with Tuesday's first quote -

Page 112/Scene 252 - Julia: (gently) 'Tell us what is happening, Daphne.'

- and followed in the script by:

      Revised 2/28/90


      As she begins to get more agitated. Her eyes, under her closed
      lids, are showing rapid movement.

And that's where Tuesday's second quote -

Page 113/Scene 253 - Daphne: 'Someone... Someone is following me... My car! I must get to my car!'

- comes up.

And when it comes to the dialogue, Julia's line is delivered exactly as written - however, what Daphne actually says is "Someone's following me... My car! I have to get to my car!" (And how dare the word "must," the favorite word of everyone in Collinsport on the original show, be changed to "have to"! Whoever was responsible should be severely chastised, if not worse!!  [13])

And when it comes to any differences in the direction and descriptions, the end of Scene 252 continues to be shot over Julia's shoulder - and while Daphne does exhibit rapid eye movement in Scene 252, as can be seen in Tuesday's second capture -

- in the pilot Daphne's eyes suddenly snap open in Scene 253 as she relives looking about her and realizing someone is following her - and which is also obvious from that capture, once again Daphne is not shot in close-up but over Julia's shoulder.

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Catching up with the current scene in the sequence:


      As Julia continues.

And that's where Wednesday's first quote -

Page 113/Scene 254 - Julia: 'Who is it, Daphne? Do you see this person?'

- comes up, followed by the script explaining:

      Suddenly, the girl starts to thrash about, beads of perspiration
      appearing on her brow.

And that's where Wednesday's second quote -

Page 113/Scene 254 - Daphne: 'Someone!... No... NO! I have to lock the other door!'

- comes up, followed by today's first quote -

Page 113/Scene 254 - Julia: 'Who is it Daphne? Can you see him?'

- coming up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 113/Scene 254 - Daphne (struggling): 'No... Yes! I can see him!... Please don't!'

- coming up.

And when it comes to the dialogue, in the pilot Julia's quote from Wednesday is delivered simply as "Who is it, Daphne?", with the "Do you see this person?" being dropped for the time being - Daphne's quote from Wednesday is delivered exactly as written - but Julia's quote from today is dropped entirely (possibly for redundancy) in favor of using the "Do you see this person?" that was dropped, or should I say, postponed earlier - and Daphne's quote from today is actually delivered in the pilot as "No... Yes! Oh God, I see him! Oh, please don't! No! Don't!"

And when it comes to any differences in the direction and descriptions, while we do see Daphne thrash about, we don't actually see beads of perspiration appear on her brow.

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And with more of Scene 254:

                Do you recognize him?


      Julia glances at Woodard and Patterson. They are all

                You've seen him before?

                Yes ... I think ... I don't know

And that's where today's first quote -

Page 113/Scene 254 - Julia: 'What does he look like, Daphne? What does he look like?'

- comes up, followed in the script by:



      Revised 2/28/90


And that's when today's second quote -

Page 114/Scene 254 - Daphne (becoming hysterical): 'Eyes... His eyes... Red!... his teeth... his teeth are... No! Nooo!'

- comes up, followed by the script continuing with:

      Daphne's arms shoot up in a defensive posture as her words
      become an hysterical SCREAM!

And when it comes to the dialogue, Daphne actually responds "Yes! Yes!" after Julia asks if Daphne recognizes the man - and rather than "You’ve seen him before?", Julia asks "Have you seen him before?" - and to that Daphne actually responds "Yes ... He ... He ... I don’t know where..." - and after Julia delivers today's first quote exactly as written, rather than as today's second quote is scripted, Daphne actually responds "Oh his eyes... his eyes are red!... oh God his teeth!... No! Oh his teeth! Nooo! Nooo! Please, don't! Nooooo! No!"

And when it comes to any differences in the direction and descriptions, believe it or not, after Daphne indicates that she recognizes the man, Julia actually does turn to glance at Woodard and Patterson - and after Daphne screams "oh God his teeth!... No!", we see an unscripted shot of Patterson turn to Woodard -

- and then they share a shocked look, and then things return to Daphne as she screams hysterically "Nooo! Please, don't!" and so on - and though in her hysteria tears are running down Daphne's left cheek, her arms do not shoot up in a defensive posture as her words become hysterical.

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Wrapping up this particular section of the current sequence, beginning with Julia's scripted reaction to Daphne's hysteria:

       Julia moves quickly to calm her, cradling her in her arms.

And that's where today's first quote -

Page 114/Scene 254 - Julia: 'It's alright. It's alright, Daphne. No one is going to hurt you. You can sleep now. You're safe... you're safe.'

- comes up, followed by the script explaining:

       She settles Daphne back onto the pillows, watching her closely,
       as the girl's breathing becomes more regular.

       A beat, she turns to look at the two men. They are both
       standing there, stunned by what's just happened.


       As he studies the girl for a long moment. Then, eyes narrowing,
       he turns to look at Julia. HOLD a beat, and . . .

And when it comes to what's different about the dialogue, what Julia actually says as she's calming Daphne is "It's alright, Daphne. It's alright. You're safe. You're quite safe here. Calm down. It's alright. No one is going to hurt you. No one will hurt you. You'll be alright, Daphne. There. Now... you can go to sleep. Quite safe" - and after a bit she also adds an unscripted "Go to sleep."

And when it comes to any differences in the direction and descriptions, while Julia does indeed move quickly to calm Daphne, she does not cradle Daphne in her arms because what she actually does is reach out and hold Daphne as she calms her with her words - and because of that Julia doesn't settle Daphne back onto the pillows, but she does watch Daphne closely as her breathing becomes more regular - and after having turned to Woodard and Patterson, Julia actually rubs Daphne's shoulder, and that's also when she adds the unscripted "Go to sleep" - and Scene 254A does not appear in any version of the pilot, nor is it indicated anywhere as having been shot.

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Setting up the last scene in the sequence:


      As Julia, Woodard and Patterson WALK TOWARD CAMERA.

                We were so close! She's got to
                be able to tell us more!
                     (a beat)
                When can we try this again?

                Maybe tomorrow ... Let's see how
                she is. Right now she needs rest.

And that's where today's quote -

Page 114/Scene 255 - Patterson: 'That stuff about teeth and red eyes... (shaking his head) What does that mean?'

- comes up.

And when it comes to the dialogue, the differences are so minor (a word added in a couple spots) that they're not worth getting into.

And when it comes to any differences in the direction and descriptions, the only thing is that Patterson doesn't shake his head before he asks what the stuff about teeth and red eyes means.

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Wrapping up the current scene and sequence:

      They all exchange a look. Woodard stops them.


      Revised 2/28/90


And that's where yesterday's first quote -

Page 115/Scene 255 - Woodard: 'George, since Daphne is the only who can identify... (he pauses a beat, choosing his words carefully) ... the person who did this ... is it not safe to assume that that person might come back?'

- comes up, followed by yesterday's second quote -

Page 115/Scene 255 - Patterson: 'Exactly what I've been thinking.'

- coming up, followed by today's first quote -

Page 115/Scene 255 - Woodard: 'I'm sure it would be alright with Elizabeth if you put a deputy here, at least for tonight.'

- coming up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 115/Scene 255 - Patterson (nods in agreement): 'Probably make everybody feel safer... if that's possible the way things have been going.'

- coming up, followed by the script explaining:

      And as they continue up the hall, we . . .

End of scene/sequence.

And when it comes to the dialogue, the only thing here that's really different in the pilot is that Woodard actually says "I know it would be alright with Elizabeth if you put a deputy here, at least for the next few nights."

And when it comes to any differences in the direction and descriptions, it's really just Woodard and Julia -

- who share a look after Patterson wonders what the references to teeth and red eyes mean - and Woodard and Julia share another look while Woodard is choosing his words carefully - and after Patterson actually walks off first, and then Woodard, Julia actually remains for a few beats -

- looking as if she's deep in thought.

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Setting up the first scene in the script's next sequence:


      As Joe helps Willie carry out a beautiful antique dresser to be
      loaded in the pickup outside.

      In the b.g., Elizabeth is standing with Barnabas, as he examines
      various other pieces waiting to be taken out.

And that's where today's quote -

Page 115/Scene 256 - Liz: 'We know the chair belonged to Barnabas and the bust of course is his father, Joshua Collins. The clock, I'm afraid, is a mystery.'

- comes up.

And when it comes to the dialogue, Liz' lines are almost completely reworked for the pilot because what she actually says "We know that the bombe chest belonged to Barnabas, the bust is Isaac Collins, and the clock, I'm afraid, is still a mystery."

And when it comes to any differences in the direction and descriptions, there's actually an establishing shot of Collinwood at night -

- before Scene 256 begins - and Mrs. Johnson makes an unscripted appearance in Scene 256 as she follows Joe and Willie -

- as they carry the chest - and which is obvious from today's capture and the captures above, it's actually Joe and Willie (and Mrs. Johnson) who are in the background and Liz and Barnabas who are in the foreground.

And as a side note, apparently even that nighttime shot of Collinwood is a victim of the incorrect color timing on the DVD sets: