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Topics - michael c

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Current Talk '06 I / wigs and falls
« on: April 08, 2006, 06:30:22 PM »
the show's costuming always has me on the edge of me seat.

i'm currently watching the 1970pt episodes.while the show could always get a bit heavy-handed with the hairpieces the hairdressing for kathryn leigh scott and lara parker was taken to breathtaking heights across the 1970 episodes.

we get curls.we get braids.we get towering updos.combined with the panty-grazing hemlines of the period an odd top-heavy silhouette is the effect.

needless to say joan bennett,grayson hall,alexandra motlke,lisa richards and clarice blackburn were no stangers to the piece but it was usually something static.something that defined the character's "look".here the hairdessers just seem to be having a party on the heads of maggie and angelique.

interestingly with the exception of the period wigs worn during some of the time travel stuff nancy barrett seems to have been spared from overly aggressive hairpiece use.carolyn always wears her own long,loose blond hair.

forget ohrbach's.the show's wig supplier deserves a credit. :P

Current Talk '06 I / sloppy time-band
« on: April 05, 2006, 01:19:16 AM »
now the show often plays fast-and-loose with the time-band.

it's all about suspending disbelief and not taking things too literally.

but i just completed dvd set 20(the first part of 1970pt)and there was one segment that really stood out for me in terms of some sloppy writing.
i don't want to get totally spoilered but let's say there is a moment when quentin suddenly becomes quite "unwell".this occurs while maggie is in new york staying with her sister.fearing that quentin's condition is grave elizabeth phones maggie in new york and suggests that it would be wise for her to return to collinwood as soon as possible.

lo and behold maggie shows up at collinwood later on that same night!now i know one isn't supposed to focus on such mundane realities but come is it supposed to be plausible that maggie is able to book a flight,pack,get to the airport in new york,deal with all the boarding issues,fly to maine,deal with the airport situation there and get to collinwood all in the same night(probably much more difficult in 1970 than it would be today)???

once there this same night continues for several more hours.barnabas is present across these episodes so all of this occured after dark and before dawn the next day?

like i said one really can't focus on things like this but this was glaring for me in the way the writers sometimes felt that they didn't have to bother with normal storytelling techniques.

Current Talk '06 I / "new" characters after 1897
« on: March 14, 2006, 01:46:23 AM »
this odd thought crossed my mind today.

because 1897 was the show's highest rated storyline that means there were thousands of viewers who had never watched before this.thus they had never "met" victoria winters or burke devlin or joe haskell or most of the characters that populated the earlier part of the show.

but for that matter they actually knew very little about "present time" barnabas collins' situation either.or that quentin first appeared as a ghost.they had never "met" carolyn stoddard or roger collins or maggie evans either.

so when the storyline returned to the present these were essentially "new" characters to these viewers that they had to be "introduced" to.which is funny when you remember that most of them had been on the show for years.

these viewers experienced the show in reverse to the way most of us have.they might have recognized the actors who played roles in 1897 but had no idea who thier present time counterparts were.imagine the first time elizabeth stoddard walked into a room and saying "who's that?".long time viewers would patiently explain "that's liz.she owns the house.she's carolyn's mother" or "that's maggie evans.she used to be a waitress but now she's david's tutor".to them maggie evans was just some girl who looked like kitty hampshire.

that must have been i said...odd thought. ::)

Current Talk '06 I / victoria in parallel time?
« on: March 05, 2006, 08:52:05 PM »
o.k. i know i'm obsessing however...

i've been watching the the first several episodes of 1970 parallel has a very unique feel.

but i can't help thinking it would have been really cool to have gotten alexandra moltke back for this storyline.
since alexandra wanted to play a villinous role yet dan curtis vowed never to cast her as a character other than victoria it could have a perfect opportunity to write the character during this time band as more complex or perhaps even evil.if well done it would have been a win-win situation.

it would have been awsome to see a not-so-nice vicki go head-to-head with angelique...and can you imagine barnabas' reaction to finding her here?!

since alexandra's departure was abrupt and this was only a three month storyline it would have been a cool way to send the character off.perhaps even in this time band she might have found some peace rather than the unfortunate fate she suffered in 'real time'. :(

p.s. i absolutely love p.t. hoffman!i also think p.t. elizabeth,roger and carolyn are very interesting characters as's disappointing that they don't get more screen time.i guess they were mostly off filming the movie.

Current Talk '06 I / where the heck does quentin live?
« on: February 11, 2006, 07:03:32 PM »
i have been watching the 1970 leviathan episodes.

quentin's presence here continues to baffle me.there is just some very sloppy storytelling going on.

i realize that the character had become trememdously popular so they needed to work him into the storyline post-1897 but i don't think they gave him a compelling raison d' etre.when barnabas first arrived as a "lost cousin" they wrote him a plausable story about who he was and where he'd been and elizabeth offered him the old house as a place to live.

with quentin here they didn't really bother with any of that.they just plunked him down in the middle of this plot and had everyone accept him no questions asked.this doesn't make alot of sense.

so on to my question.unless i blinked and missed it i can't tell where this character is supposed to live.he strolls in and out of collinwood like he owns the place.he seems similarly at home at the old house.but i don't recall liz graciously offering him a room at collinwood.i haven't seen a bedroom set for the character yet.perhaps this gets resolved in a future episode but where the heck does quentin collins live? ???

Current Talk '06 I / sale at brewster's!
« on: February 01, 2006, 01:21:26 AM »
it always amuses me when something sort of comes out of nowhere and becomes a major plot-point on the show.

case in point.i've been watching the leviathan episodes and apart from everything else going on suddenly everyone is spending an awful lot of time shopping at BREWSTER'S.a hitherunto unmentioned department store.

maggie proudly holds up a new dress(a dull paisley affair in 'harvest gold' hues.sleeveless with a big,dumpy bow on the's just not kicky enough for mags)and tells carolyn of a "blue silk she would love".david comes across a newspaper ad that announces that BREWSTER'S is open nights till christmas(a very rare reference indeed)and then sneaks out to run an important errend.megan seems to stop by BREWSTER'S daily.elizabeth,suspicious of a BREWSTER'S box in the antique shop,is informed by carolyn that everyone in collinsport must have a box from BREWSTER'S and that hundreds of people shop there every day!even monstrous leviathan michael,jealous of a new sweater that david has,demands that megan go to BREWSTER'S and get him one.

i don't know why but it cracks me up that with all of the bizzare things going on here people have time to do something really ordinary like shop at a department store.

i was surprised several episodes later to see maggie's above mentioned dress on mrs.schuyler rumson.did ang hit the same sale at BREWSTER'S?
in general they outfitted angelique strangely in the present.she's about the same age as nancy and kathryn but while they were styled almost girlishly angelique can get kind of dowdy(and that's saying nothing of her garb during her stint as a vampire). ::)

Current Talk '06 I / adam and jeb
« on: January 22, 2006, 07:51:28 PM »
i recently completed dvd set 18 which takes us to about the mid-point of the leviathan episodes and introduces us to jebez hawkes.

i felt like this character's introduction was in many ways strikingly similar to the adam storyline.

obviously the surrounding situations were completely different but in many ways the two characters parallel one another.

both characters arrive in a "child-like" state(adam mentally and jeb physically)and rapidly achieve adulthood.
both characters are willful,impetuous and self-centered.they both develop intensely rivalrous relationships with barnabas who is in many ways responsible for their very existance.both are fixated on carolyn.both weild power by threatening people barnabas cares about.

in some ways this felt to me like a vastly different telling of the same basic story.

that said i like this storyline thus far more than i thought i would.i've always heard such negative things about it.
do i think that the plot is ridiculous?absolutely.but i'm enjoying it's telling.these episodes have a distict creepiness and tone that's all it's own.i love the antique shop set.i like that barnabas and julia are at odds again.i like frosty leviathan liz.

i hated those annoying leviathan brats.i think paul stoddard was something of a wasted opportunity.quentin seems adrift and without much purpose.

i'm only about half way through it so i'll save my final judgement(the later part of it does sound really dumb)but i enjoyed these episodes alot. :P

Current Talk '06 I / is liz a dish best served cold?
« on: January 01, 2006, 09:41:47 PM »
over the weekend i watched an episode featured in today's slide show(#917)where liz 'icily' asks paul what would ever have made him think she wanted him certainly ran through my veins(and i hit the rewind button 10 times).

leviathan liz is one cool customer!

in general liz can get quite frosty at times.

roger,burke,laura,jason,cassandra.they've all gotten the deep-freeze from liz.
i like liz's warm,maternal side too(carolyn,vicki and david all get it)but when she gets cool it's a wintry blast to watch. [cold-weather]

Current Talk '05 II / ohrbach's and old informal poll.
« on: December 27, 2005, 02:53:53 AM »
i just completed the 1897 storyline and are several episodes into the leviathan storyline.

i enjoyed 1897 but i'm always glad to see my favorite characters again after a time travel story.
it's comforting to see carolyn and maggie and matter how strange the plot.

but it was more than just seeing familiar faces that i found comforting.
it was the bizzare contrast of the "present day" fashions played against the dark gothic interiors.if anything the clothes got even brighter and the skirts got even shorter during the time that the show was set in the past.carolyn's outfit upon return to the present was dizzying.a brilliant poppy red blouse and a pastel polka dot print wraparound chiffon miniskirt!in one episode miss olivia correy gets a fox fur over paisley silk lounging eye-popping combination that will be burned onto my retina forever(please don't forget cassandra collins' blinding ensembles,julia's electric tweeds or vicki's any-dress-as-long-as-it's-sleeveless).

for me this sets up a visual dissonance that is one of the most striking things about the show.
the juxtaposition of the setting(ancient,heavy,somber)and the jauntiness of the clothes is the most visually arresting thing that speaks "dark shadows" to's one of the first things that caught my eye.while the historical costumes make more sense within the ancient setting during the time travel stories i always feel as if i'm watching a period the present it feels more like d.s. to me.

this combination of ohrbach's,gothic settings,robert cobert's soundtrack and of course our actors set the mood for me.perhaps because i wasn't yet born when the show originally aired these fashions have a novelty for me and that's why i find them so striking.

so on to the subject of this informal poll.what do you guys think?storyline aside what do you think visually represents the show better?the present day or the time travel episodes?

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / starting a new poll
« on: December 26, 2005, 10:46:23 PM »
i had an idea for a new poll in the current talk section but couldn't locate the 'start new poll' option.
i thought it used to be at the top of the page like the 'start new topic' i missing something?

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / alexandra party girl!
« on: December 13, 2005, 03:31:12 AM »
one never know what one will stumble across when perusing the internet...

if anyone is interested in a very recent photograph of our girl the '' covered an extremely swank party for writer dominick dunne held on october 25th.there among such swells as carolina herrera,judy peabody and wendy vanderbilt(!) is a photograph of the still quite lovely alexandra moltke isles.

who knew ms.isles moved among such rarified circles?i knew she came from some sort of 'old money' but apparently she's still a player.give it a look. [winkb]

Current Talk '05 II / nancy's neck
« on: December 08, 2005, 01:50:33 AM »
during the 1897 storyline barnabas makes quite a feast of charity trask.something about this gave me deja-vu.

more than any of the other actresses on the show barnabas seemed to have a real taste for the nancy barrett characters. carolyn.i wonder why?

i haven't seen the show all the way through but after the early maggie evans stuff i can't recall him ever biting any of kathryn leigh scott's other characters.was this guilt for the way josette suffered?since barnabas and whatever character nancy was playing at the time were often "related" doesn't this make his taking of her blood to be rather disturbing and a touch incestuous?

did he ever bite lara parker?joan bennett?grayson hall?

i wonder what it was about nancy barrett that made the writers think that her characters were so suitable for consumption? [spam1]

Current Talk '05 II / THE "BIG SIX"
« on: December 02, 2005, 03:10:30 AM »
i know i'm asking for trouble but i just can't resist.

recent talk of recasts made me think.were there characters on the show that simply could not have been effectively recast?ever?
characters that had become so defined by the actors that played them that there just wasn't anyone else who could have captured the character again in the same way?

in my opinion there were six such characters:


to me too much of the actors' persona actually shaped these characters and no one could effectively replicate that.any attempt would have been futile.

as much as i love(adore!)nancy barrett i find it conceivable that another actress,well chosen,could have been a would have made for a different carolyn stoddard but under the right circumstances it could have worked.the same for kathryn leigh scott.
but could anyone else play julia other than grayson hall?or liz other than joan bennett?and try and imagine a recast for barnabas.they might as well cancel the show on the spot.

early on i think that there were a few good recasts(sam evans,matthew morgan,willie loomis).later not so good(vicki).but the actors i mentioned brought too much of themselves to the roles and it defined some cases turning minor characters into stars.

so what do you guys think?could any of these actors be replaced?what characters not mentioned do you think could be added to the list?

Current Talk '05 II / Episode #366
« on: November 21, 2005, 01:57:45 AM »
it's interesting to note that on 'today's' episode in 1967(#366)the storyline travels back to the past and in 1969(#889)it returns to the present.

p.s. vicki's little mustard colored suit was a personal favorite.pitty abigail had it burned. :P

Current Talk '05 II / room 24...and the price a' drapes
« on: November 19, 2005, 06:58:45 PM »
i've been watching dvd collection 15(the 1897 storyline)and just when i thought 'room 24' couldn't reappear again it shows up as tim shaw's room at the collinsport inn.this room is sort of like the roger davis of sets.
here the door that used to lead to the kitchenette is now the entrance to the room so the number '24' is not visible but i'd know this set anywhere.the window treatments are always the same.loose weave taupe drapes backed by venetian blinds.

so the question is this.since they went through the time and expense to design the elaborate victorian interiors used throughout the 1897 storyline how expensive could it have been to simply hang period-specific drapes in this room?

speaking of the collinsport inn they also utilize the lobby set here.that certainly took me back.i half expected victoria winters to walk in with her plaid suitcase fresh off the train from new fact the early quentin storyline and the 1897 storyline both utilze sets not seen since the early black and white episodes.the collinsport inn.the police station.the caretakers cottage.what do you think they did with these sets when they weren't being used?were they sort of collapsable and could be folded up for storage and then easily set up when needed?the studio could only have been so large and in edition the the main sets always in use(collinwood.the old house)there must not have been space for the dozens of other sets occasionally used. :P

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