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If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #1204 (1841PT[-1967: Ep #210]) - Possessed Melanie - 'But it MUST go on. Don't they realize that? The lottery MUST happen again. ::laughs::'

From  "#1203/1204: Robservations 12/11/03: Naive Fiancee"
Melanie comes in, laughing uproariously.  Why aren't you ready for the funeral? Flora asks her daughter and she and Quentin stare at Melanie, shocked.  Melanie goes over to the coffin, puts her hands on it and says, giggling, "They don't pay any attention to you, do they?--you tell them what they must do, and then you die!--but they don't have that lottery, oh, no, they're much too smart for that!"  Melanie, please! begs Flora.  Melanie continues, "It must go on, don't they realize that, the lottery must happen again!"
She laughs, chillingly.

The Robservations references the quote nearly perfectly...

And this is the third quote from this ep. The first (Possessed Melanie - 'They don't pay any attention to you, do they?--you TELL them what they MUST do, and then you die!') was back on June 1st of 2020, and the second (Melanie - 'But after the funeral, you MUST set her free.') was back on April 15th.

Plus, I know I've said this before, but I LOVE this scene. This is what I wrote about it back in June of 2020:

No one played possessed better than Nancy Barrett, and the writers often imbued humor into those types of scenes for her. Perhaps no other scene is a better example of that than this one from Ep #1204. And it's quite obvious that NB had a field day playing it! And by contrast, the way Joan Bennett and David Selby played Flora and Quentin's horror at her behavior only makes what NB did as Possessed Melanie all the better...

And just a reminder, we've seen notations like "(1841PT[-1967])" before and know it means that an 1841PT quote has been substituted for what should have been a 1967 quote. But this time around "(1841PT[-1967: Ep #210])" means all that plus that the quote should have come from 1967's Ep #210 but that ep doesn't have any "must" lines to quote from. So, with that in mind, it means that Ep #210 now joins Eps #1, #5, #124, #136, #198, #478, #659 and #904 as ones without any "must" lines. More to come before too long...
Wrapping up with the differences when it comes to the subtitles/closed captioning for Scene 190 - and yet again it has parts that are very different from how it was scripted:


Picking up where we left off, after Quentin cuts off Alex, Alex continues with, "For chrissakes, Quentin, listen to me! Now she's at my place right now." - though the subtitles have -

- with "chrissake" rather than crissakes, and "Now" missing from the beginning of Alex' second line - however, the entire first line is missing in the closed captioning and all that appears is -

- also with the beginning "Now" missing - And after Alex basically tells Quentin as scripted, "Now you've got to get out of this house!" and "Quentin, all you have to do is come with me --" and "Tracy understands." - and after Quentin then asks Carlotta, "Where's Mrs. Collins?" - and after Carlotta replies, "Well, I'm sure she's in her room",  the closed captioning acknowledges a sound as -

- though the subtitles do not - and then Quentin goes running up the stairs calling to Tracy - though interestingly enough we do not see Alex start up after him...

And getting back to that sound that the closed captioning acknowledges as a door closing, it's interesting that a sort of snapping sound is heard after Alex says that Tracy understands - but that sound isn't acknowledged. And after Quentin whirls around and calls out to Tracy after the supposed door closing sound, are we to presume that sound is what makes Quentin whirl around? The script doesn't indicate that there was even supposed to be such a sound. And as I said, the subtitles don't even acknowledge it, though that may hardly be an indication of anything because, as I've said many times already, the subtitles are quite picky when it comes to which sounds are and are not acknowledged.

Perhaps it's up to audience members to make up their own minds:


Jason: Go ahead and hock a loogie on my face, but I know a police officer, constable, or meter maid that might want to hear how well you can swing your fire poker. 
 [easter_grin] Hehe

Mrs. Johnson:  You’re planning to build an outhouse there at the cliff’s edge?  What are you Wile E. Coyote? 
Drinking too much brandy and make fun of Miss Winters
Sam and Bill slowly come to the realization that The Blue Whale is not the best place to pick up chicks.

Interview With the Vampire
I Want You More Than Anything in the World

In Paris the coven questions Louis and Armand's special relationship and Claudia finds a new friend.

Interview with the Vampire
1 HR 13 MIN * 2024 * TV-MA
Drama / Horror / Interview / Entertainment / Paranormal * NEW
S2 E4 * "I Want You More Than Anything In The World"
Promises to delve deeper into the intricate dynamics of Louis’ relationships with Lestat and Claudia.
Mayor of Kingstown and The Chosen Return, Billy the Kid
Is Back and More
June 2, 2024

ETInterview With the Vampire
The coven questions Louis and Armand’s special relationship; Claudia finds a new friend.
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